Buddhism & Hinduism
Recent papers in Buddhism & Hinduism
Dashahra and Diwali are two of the Hindu festivals in India, while during the same period, the Buddhists celebrate Vijayadashmi and Deepdan-utsava respectively on the same days.
Quintessential Guru Purnima reflections on the essence of being a teacher via the geometry of the rose and its relationship to the moon. Inscribed on 1 foot X 1 ½ feet poster on July 12, 1995, On Teachers Day, students at Rizvi College... more
https://www.einaudi.it/catalogo-libri/antropologia-e-religione/religione/karma-e-rinascita-nel-pensiero-indiano-wilhelm-halbfass-9788806249687/ Con questo libro, rivolto a un pubblico generale e non solo di specialisti, uno dei più... more
The terms "Yogi" and "Yogini" are used in both Buddhism and in Hinduism to refer to male and female experts on yoga, respectively1. However, over time, under the beliefs of Tantricism and Shaktism, it is only the female definition that... more
The concept of afterlife had always subject of fascination, if we are wise and kind we get the heaven or when we sin, we deserve punishment in hell; A concept that is deeply imbued into our mind. Hell in its cruelty and displaying its... more
Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is considered to be the oldest religion in the world (Fowler 1997, p1). This religion originated in India. Similarly, India is also the birthplace of Buddhism. Apart from trade, religion was one of the means of... more
Dalam pembahasan makalah kali ini, akan menyampaikan pembahasan tentang Hindu Dharma (Agama Hindu). Agama ini merupakan bisa dikatakan Agama tertua didunia yang masih berkembang di zaman sekarang. Hindu berkembang sejak ribuan tahun yang... more
This paper focuses on certain Hindu beliefs, traditions, and even gods and temples or shrines having their origin in the Adivasi beliefs with a focus on Sarna faith among the Santhal community. It has been argued that it might be possible... more
Born in the 16th-century, a time of religious orthodoxy and extensive feudalism, Mirabai was a poet who transcended the limits of gender, caste, marriage, faith, and her time to achieve a union with her God, her consort, and her lover-... more
Kerajaan Majapahit adalah sebuah kerajaan yang berpusat di Jawa Timur, Indonesia, yang pernah berdiri sekitar tahun 1293 hingga 1500 M. Kerajaan ini mencapai puncak kejayaannya menjadi kemaharajaan raya yang menguasai wilayah yang luas di... more
Sebagai salah satu kerajaan yang bersifat agraris, Majapahit berkembang tidak terlepas dari latar belakang agama Hindu-Buddha yang sangat dekat dengan kalangan istana. Konsep yang dianut oleh raja-raja pada masa jawa kuno ini yang... more
In this paper I trace the use of the term haṭhayoga from its Buddhist origins as a term for the restraint of ejaculation in Vajrayāna sexual ritual to its use in non-Buddhist Indic texts to refer to physical yoga practice broadly... more
Collection of Sir John Woodroffe ( Arthur Avalon)
This chapter will bring Smith’s insights on ritual to bear on scholarly discussions of the historical process in late ancient South Asia known as “Brahmanization.” In particular, I will discuss scholarly claims about how the political... more
Hinduism's Online Lexicon - A-Z Dictionary,
Hinduism, Dictionary, Subcontinent, India
Hinduism, Dictionary, Subcontinent, India
Hinduism, Buddhism and Haṭha Yoga [A Review of the book "THE AMṚTASIDDHI AND THE AMṚTASIDDHIMŪLA — The Earliest Texts of the Haṭhayoga Tradition" by James Mallinson and Péter-Dániel Szántó]. This book is published (2022) by the "Institut... more
Il libro prende in esame le correnti storiche della maggiori filosofie indiane: Indù, Buddista e Giainista attraverso i loro esponenti principali e le opere canoniche. Attraverso i i Veda, le Upanishad e il Bhagavad Gita - e i relativi... more
The premodern Sanskrit textual universe and the history of Hinduism—two partially overlapping things—cannot be understood without knowledge of caste, a hereditary system of social hierarchy and oppression. I appreciate this now, but I did... more
Published Journal of the American Academy of Religion, March 2018 Many textbooks for Introduction to Buddhism or World Religions courses treat Buddhism as a competitor of either “Hinduism” or “Brahmanism” by asserting that Buddhism... more
Recent review: Pratadpaditya Pal, 2016. A Mahabharata of a History of Ancient India. Review of D.K. Chakrabarti and M. Lal eds. History of Ancient India Vols I-IV, New Delhi, Vivekananda International Foundation / Aryan Books. Indian... more
In diesem Beitrag zum Themenbereich Ev. 10.3 "Buddhismus" im Ev. RU in Bayern werden Yoga und Zen als die beiden meistpraktizierten Meditationsformen behandelt. Yoga wird in dieses Themenfeld einbezogen, da er zum einen die Grundlage ist,... more
A widespread scholarly opinion has sanctioned the view that ‘Hinduism’ in Java and Bali was fundamentally syncretic in character, forming a blend of Śaiva and Bauddha elements. What has been generally termed the ‘religion of Śiva-Buddha’... more
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
मुझे यह सुझाव देने के लिए एक जुंगियन चर्चा से बाहर कर दिया गया और उसने मुझे अकादमिक-शिक्षा पर अवरुद्ध कर दिया। चर्चा में मैंने जो कुछ भी पोस्ट किया वह अधिकारियों और मनोवैज्ञानिकों के उद्धरण थे। वह कई साल पहले था - शायद 3 साल। मुझे इसे... more
The sages of India conceived a comprehensive picture of the reality of all forms of creation which are also manifestations of the Supreme Consciousness. They also understood that the almighty consciousness gave birth in the process of... more
A preview of our forthcoming edited volume, Beacons of Dharma.
Karl-Stéphan Bouthillette a consacré un mémoire de maîtrise à plusieurs livres de Lobsang Rampa (Le troisième œil, L’histoire de Rampa, etc.). Il situe brièvement ce qu’il appelle le mythe de Rampa dans le cadre des spiritualités... more
Theist religions argue for the pre-existence of self/Atman/ruh based on mentalistic idealism and/or interactive substance dualism frameworks; whereas Buddhism denies this; instead, this atheist religion (i) proposes Karmic theory... more
If, as John Locke stated, the uniqueness of Newar Buddhism ‘is related to the fact that it is embedded in a dominant Hindu society confined within a very small geographical area [as compared to India]’ and therefore is ‘very much a part... more
Ethnic activists in Nepal after the 1990 political change have used two types of mobilization strategy regarding culture and religion. The first set of strategy is related to the specific demands on the state. The Nepali state has partly... more
Muktinath falls in the Himalayan region of Nepal. The religious point of view of Lord Shri Vishnu's place of pilgrimage seems very important. Buddhists worship as lokeshwor and Hindus as Bishnu. There is some discussion about theTemple in... more
The word Emptiness has many various meanings. The experience of awareness becoming aware of its own self opens the experience of emptiness in a most direct manner. Experientially emptiness has many faces. Sometimes the face of emptiness... more
Public Presentations of The 14th Dalai Lama, Sallie B. King, Anantanand Rambachan and Samdhong Rinpoche
On the occasion of his passing, this wide-ranging essay surveys the spiritual pilgrimage and legacy of Huston Smith, teacher of the primordial tradition expressed in the worlds religions and of its timeless relevance.