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      AramaicMagicAkkadianTime Perception
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      British Museum Research PublicationsEast Asian MoneyJapanese Numismatics
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      Flinders PetrieNaukratisBritish Museum Research PublicationsKolonizasyon
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      Art HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyPilgrimageIslamic Art
A percepção dos diálogos que o museu estabelece com o seu contexto, nos leva a afirmar que a curadoria inovadora do Museu da Acrópole se estabelece como uma poética capaz de atribuir novos sentidos e lançar novos olhares sobre a Acrópole... more
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      Visual CultureGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryMuseology
Until recently, Mandaic incantations were known only from lead rolls, earthenware bowls, or paper. The existence of an incantation incised on a gold sheet is a novelty. The amulet itself is a tiny sheet inscribed in a varying Mandaic... more
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      Semitic languagesAramaicMagicMandaeans
The hypocrisy of the BM unmasked with a damning example.
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      HistoryCollections ManagementNumismaticsCollecting and Collections
A large Mandaic magic bowl from the Yale Babylonian Collection is re-edited here, since the discovery of a parallel Mandaic formula on a lead amulet in the Department of Western Asiatic An-tiquities of the British Museum sheds new light... more
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      Semitic languagesAramaicIraqMandaeans
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      Scythian archaeologyBritish MuseumScythiansScythian History
From coin collector to numismatist " The British Museum and the future of UK numismatics " is an interesting read of the change in direction of the coin and medals department since its inception. It acknowledges that in the modern world... more
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      HistoryEthicsResearch EthicsNumismatics
We present a brief report of the Brazilian Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures (Comitê Brasileiro para Reunificação das Esculturas do Partenon), and then we would like to propose some actions in academic and... more
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      Cultural Heritage ManagementWorld Cultural HeritageAncient Greek and Roman ArtParthenon
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      History of MathematicsGreek PapyrologyGreek MathematicsBritish Museum Research Publications
Das British Museum beherbergt eine Sammlung von 143 Zauberschalen, die keineswegs zu den größten öffentlichen Sammlungen zählt. Das University of Pennsylvania Museum verzeichnet 260 Objekte, deren Schwestersammlung, die Frau Professor... more
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      AramaicMagicIraqGod, Gods, Goddesses
Generally incantation bowls are written in a formal standardized literary Eastern Aramaic or less frequently in a ”koiné” of Southern Babylonian Aramaic. The present article treats a magic bowl that is written in an idiom that is related... more
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Generally incantation bowls are written in a formal standardized literary Eastern Aramaic or less frequently in a ”koiné” of Southern Babylonian Aramaic. The present article treats a magic bowl that is written in an idiom that is related... more
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      Semitic languagesAramaicMagicIran
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      British MuseumBritish Museum Research PublicationsSir Aurel Stein
’The ivory trade’, in J. Lesley Fitton (ed.), Ivory in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period (British Museum Occasional Paper 85; London: British Museum 1992), 233-37.
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      Classical ArchaeologyBritish Museum Research PublicationsIvory CarvingMaritime Greek Trade