British Foreign Office
Recent papers in British Foreign Office
Основываясь на новых документах из Национального архива Великобритании, автор анализирует представления британского Кабинета министров и Форин Офиса в 1944–1945 гг. по вопросам основных направлений политики Соединенного Королевства после... more
Великобритания излиза победителка от двете световни войни и неотклонно следва своите геополитически интереси за недопускане ревизия на договорените граници. Постепенно тя губи водещата си роля, която е поета от СССР и САЩ. Великобритания... more
След излизането на |България от войната през есента на 1918 г. до възстановяване на нормалните българо-британски дипломатически отношения през есента на 1920 г., главен представител на британската официална власт се явява върховен... more
Настоящият анализ разглежда отношението на Великобритания по Македонския въпрос в самото начало на Втората световна война. Времевата рамка обхваща периода от лятото на 1938 г., когато се сменят ръководителите на Форин офис и на британски... more
The focus of this article is an analysis of the Greek junta’s relations with the Wilson and Heath governments in the United Kingdom from 1967 to 1974. Emphasis is placed on diplomatic relations between the two traditional allies. The... more
During the past year, the UK Government has become the lead advocate for a perhaps surprising foreign policy goal: ending sexual violence in conflict. The participation of government representatives from more than 120 countries in a... more
The establishment of an ethno-communist type of macedonism after World War II in Yugoslavia create a lot of tension among the allies. The balance that was reached at the Yalta conference, and was upheld by the United Kingdom and USA,... more
Bu yazı İngiltere/Londra'da bulunan Britanya Milli Arşivleri'nde (The National Archives-TNA) 1910-1919 yılları arası İngiliz Dışişleri Bakanlığı (Foreign Office-FO) kayıtları hakkında çalışma yürütecek araştırmacıların çalışmalarını... more
Subject of the study is a little-known aspect of Chamberlain’s appeasement policy, namely, the propaganda campaign towards the German public from September 1938 until May 1940. Although there is a vast literature about appeasement,... more
The subject is the development of the Macedonian question in the frames of the British interests in Southeastern Europe after the First World War till outbreak of the Second World War. The current work aims to analyze Foreign office... more
La injerencia del Reino Unido en la guerra civil española era, y lo sigue siendo en algunos aspectos, un tema poco estudiado y que necesita ser investigado en profundidad. La visita de Franco a Gibraltar en marzo de 1935 fue determinante... more
Between the 1935-1936 Abyssinian crisis and the 1938 Munich conference, Britain's interests in the Balkans and its relationship with other Great Powers limited British policy towards Yugoslavia. This analysis points to a higher level of... more
Abstract: The legacy of the ancient Greece, in idealized form, became a model for the perfect society in 19th century. Educational system and the predominating social values of the 19th cent. Europe, would send a message to the... more
British foreign policy in the Middle East has been well researched. However, there are still aspects of Britain’s approach towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) that have yet to be researched. One such aspect is Britain’s... more
Μία από τας σημαντικοτέρας και πλέον δραστήριους μορφάς της νεωτέρας εκκλησιαστικής ιστορίας αποτελεί η ρωμαλέα περίπτωσις του Μελετίου Μεταξάκη, ο οποίος άφησεν ανεξίτηλον το στίγμα του από τας διαφόρους εκκλησιαστικός επάλξεις όπου... more
The article presents a complex picture of the psychological tension between the two allies fighting against the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria and Greece. The pressure was developed in Salonica - a highly coveted by both sides city. Salonica is... more
This modern history of Gibraltar updates and enhances scholarship on the Rock's history by bringing together the authors' extensive archival research and developments in the secondary literature surrounding British Gibraltar. Central to... more
Competing Knowledges – Wissen im Widerstreit. Hg. v. Anna Margaretha Horatschek
В настоящата статия се разглеждат първите месеци от дипломатическата дейност на Сидни Уотърлоу (1878-1944) като пълномощен министър на Великобритания в България. Престоят му в България може да бъде считан като връх в неговата... more
Bulgars, Bulgarophonic, Slavophonic, South Slavs, Macedonian Slavs... These are some of the labels that the British Foreign office is trying to establish and use in its diplomatic correspondence in the interwar period for the population... more
Η ηγετική φυσιογνωμία του κρητικής καταγωγής Μελετίου Μεταξάκη αποτελεί εξέχουσαν φυσιογνωμίαν του 20ού αιώνος εις τον χώρον της ελληνοφώνου Ορθοδοξίας, κατορθώσασα να συνταυτίση το όνομά της με την περίοδον κατά την οποίαν... more
Εισαγωγή Τον Δεκέμβριο 1942, μεσούντος του δεύτερου παγκόσμιου πολέμου, οι τρείς μεγάλες Συμμαχικές χώρες, ΗΠΑ, Μεγάλη Βρετανία και Σοβιετική Ένωση, έκαναν και οι τρείς συντονισμένες δηλώσεις που αφορούσαν την Αλβανία. Η δήλωση της... more
In the article were discovered reasons, course and results of unofficial negotiations about separate peace between Ottoman Empire and Great Britain in Switzerland in July 1917. As meetings of British captain Aubrey Herbert with Porte... more
A policy vision backed up by energetic leadership and greater investment will do more to strengthen the institutions of UK foreign policy than hastily introduced institutional changes.
In 1918 Great Britain, along with the rest of Europe, was in an uncertain state, and many questions arose about government and society that were catalysed by the effect of war. During and after the conflict, the failings of the 'old... more
В настоящата статия са приложените два документа на британската дипломация при мирното уреждане на гръцко-българският конфликт от есента на 1925 г. Те са от Националният архив на Великобритания, и са част от дипломатическата... more
Spanish translation of chapter 4 of Informal Empire
The article sheds light on British policy of bringing Greece into the First World War on Entente's side. Interests of mutual cooperation between Greek political circles and Foreign Office, the course of negotiations about terms of Greek... more
British foreign policy in the Middle East has been well researched. However, there are still aspects of Britain's approach towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) that have yet to be researched. One such aspect is Britain's... more
Please contact me if you would like to read the full article.
This thesis considers the role of the Information Research Department (IRD) in countering Arab nationalist and Communist propaganda directed at British interests in the Middle East and Africa between 1954 and 1963. It argues that the... more
"Several large Ships, loaded with coffee and Rice from Egypt arrived in the Canal, and some others in this Harbour": the English ambassador in Istanbul was, however, worried. This was in June 1781 , when what would normally have been... more
During the nineteenth century the British consular service was often dismissed as an organisation with purely commercial responsibilities. A succession of governments and diplomats insisted upon this notion, despite the fact that at... more