Arab nationalism
Recent papers in Arab nationalism
At the dawn of the 1950s, when the Arabian Gulf stood at the precipice of a period of great social, economic, and political upheaval, two small sheikhdoms embarked upon an enterprise that would have a profound impact on the development of... more
First published in Buzzle on 16th August 2006 Republished on the same day here: Republished on 23rd August 2006... more
The mere mention of Henri Lammens (SJ) provokes unease, notorious as this militant “priest-scholar” has become in postcolonial circles. Yet his human failings notwithstanding, Lammens has been a victim of the academic conceits and biases... more
This is a translation from Arabic of an obituary of the Lebanese Druze leader Amir Shakib Arslan written by Imam Kamil Avdich.
Once Nizar Qabbani, the most widely read contemporary Arab poet wrote in her poem "Are we Arabs one big lie?" To answer Qabbani’s rather provocative question or under-statement, it was necessary to look at the theorists’ theories of... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Getrieben von dem Gedanken, dass durch die europäische Kolonialherrschaft in der islamischen Welt historisch etwas schiefgelaufen sei, sahen sich Politiker, Geistliche und Intellektuelle Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts gedrängt, auf die neuen... more
Scholarly literature highlights the systematic actions taken in the modern Middle East to destroy the Kurdish language. With a primary focus on Turkey, scholars have described this process as a policy of linguicide, or language genocide,... more
Der Irak ist heute in vieler Hinsicht ein failed state. Die derzeit mit 37 Millionen bezifferte irakische Bevölkerung zeichnet sich durch eine große religiöse, kulturelle und ethnische Diversität aus. Gegenwärtige ethno-konfessionelle... more
In 1948, a war broke out that would result in Israeli independence and the erasure of Arab Palestine. Over twenty months, thousands of Jews and Arabs came from all over the world to join those already on the ground to fight in the ranks... more
Abstract : The beginnings of Arabism are to be found in the last decades of the Ottoman Empire. It was first an identity assertion against the Turks, before defining itself in the aftermath of the First World War, in the shadow of the... more
In the period immediately after the Suez Crisis, Harold Macmillan continued the Eden government’s previous efforts to bring down the Nasser regime in Egypt. This policy produced mixed reactions in Whitehall, although officials withheld... more
Dal 1516 fino alla fine della prima guerra mondiale, la regione del Vicino Oriente, con gradazioni, storie e assetti differenti, ricadeva sotto il dominio dell'Impero Ottomano 1 , costituendone il cuore delle province arabe; si estendeva,... more
This research argues that during the inter-war years in Palestine, British power was dependent upon intelligence. Intelligence was fundamental to the security of the country, since it varyingly augmented understrength force, or supported... more
Arab nationalism is not a monolithic construct. In the case of Algeria, the nationalist period undoubtedly played a significant role in determining the nature of its nationalist movement, its foundational principles and the nature of the... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Arap Sosyalizmi olarak da adlandırılan Baasçılık, Ortadoğu'da en çok Suriye ve Irak'ta egemn olmuştu. Mısır'da Hür Subaylar darbesi ile beraber gelen Nasır'ın izlediği Pan-Arabizm'den ayrı düşünülmemesi geren Baas'ın kökenleri daha eskiye... more
‘Abd al-Ḥamīd al-Zahrāwī, an Ottoman-Arab MP, has been studied exclusively from the perspective of Arab nationalism. In fact, he highly evaluated the imperial framework and deduced that the only possible way of resisting the Western... more
This paper aims to uncover what has become of the age-defining socio-political ideology of Arab Nationalism. What was once the rallying call of leaders around the Arab world seems to have changed its nature in becoming disassociated from... more
South Asia’s encounter with Western colonialism preceded that of the Arab world, arguably rendering it more sensitive to the intellectual challenges implicit in political subjugation. Consequently, scholars of South Asian Islam, such as... more
This chapter revisits the political phenomenon of “Nasserism,” acknowledging that it has multiple connotations and yet enduring significance across the Arab world. It discusses Nasserism under Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser... more
In reply to a recent article in Al-Ahram by Professor Emeritus Fawzi Mansour of Ain Shams University, Behar makes "uncommon sense" of the sociopolitical history of the Middle East's own Jews
French rule over Syria and Lebanon was premised on a vision of a special French protectorate established through centuries of cultural activity: archaeological, educational and charitable. Initial French methods of organising and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
During 1917-18, Sir Mark Sykes represented the cabinet's Middle Eastern policy, working with members of General Allenby's staff in Cairo, including his staff intelligence and the Arab Bureau, which handled political intelligence in the... more
Until the conclusion of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, there were roughly 750,000 Jews living in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria and Palestine/Israel. A comparative electronic survey of some 900 journals... more
Yemen is a typically non-Arab country. However, due to colonial presence dating back to 1830s, the Orientalist fallacy of Pan-Arabism has been gradually diffused and prevailed when the supposed “revolutionaries”, imitating the Middle... more
Title: Arab Nationalism: From Its Emergence until 1918. In the Ottoman Empire, by the introduction of modern schools with Tanzimat and by the influence of the missionary schools opened in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, Western... more
يقدم هذا الكتاب سيرةً شخصيةٍ كويتيةٍ مهمة لعبت دورا جوهريا في تطوير التعليم والإصلاح الإداري والسياسي والقانوني من خلال مجلس المعارف ومجلس الأمة التشريعي سنة ١٩٣٨م. وهو من رواد القومية العربية في الكويت. تميز بتفوقه في مجال التجارة... more
Last update 14102021 I - En Palestine, un peuple debout. Éditorial de Serge Halimi II- مقال البوم: حين ربح نتانياهو وخسرت إسرائيل.. وفازت حماس وخسر عباس III- HALTE À UNE NOUVELLE NAKBA! par Aicha Bouabaci IV- Here, Jerusalemites and... more
The British Empire adopted an array of contradictory policies towards Muslim subjects scattered throughout the world. As it managed its post-World War I goal of dominating the former Ottoman territories, London-based policies considered... more
Studies of the Arab-Zionist matrix are ordinarily written from what may be termed as a territorially Palestine-centric vantage-point; this -obviously -makes sense since the conflict"s sorrows, battles, deaths, expulsions and displacements... more
According to commonly held opinion, Arab officers of the Ottoman Army were instrumental in the initiation of the Arab Revolt and the Ottoman final defeat by throwing their lot in with the British and French. This article is an effort to... more
This chapter examines the relationship between British colonialism and Egypt’s largest foreign resident community, the Greeks. Drawing on postcolonial theory, the analysis argues that since 1882 British colonialism began to turn Egypt’s... more
The idea of a continued Turco-Arab coexistence under the Ottoman Sultanate might appear counterfactual or marginal-if not nostalgic-from the sober vantage of knowing "the end of history". The Ottoman Empire neither survived the Great War... more
Ancient Yemen was inhabited by a Semitic nation whose descendants are the modern Yemenites, and the modern Abyssinians, the ruling minority of the Tigray and Amhara tribes, whose ancestors had left Yemen and settled on the Red Sea African... more
This paper analyzes the transformation process of the Arab awakening emerged in the Arab provinces in the nineteenth century into Arab nationalism and Arabism over time. The administrative weakness, Napoleon's invasion of Egypt,... more
This paper works to analyze the national narratives of two political parties in the Middle East: The Arab Socialist Baath Party, and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. The founders and leaders of these two parties, Michel Aflaq and... more