Bulgars, Bulgarophonic, Slavophonic, South Slavs, Macedonian Slavs -

Bulgars, Bulgarophonic, Slavophonic, South Slavs, Macedonian Slavs... These are some of the labels that the British Foreign office is trying to establish and use in its diplomatic correspondence in the interwar period for the population in Vardar and Aegean Macedonia. The process and the progress of entitling as well as the British politics show their desire of subsiding the Macedonian question.

Bulgars, Bulgarophonic, Slavophonic, South Slavs, Macedonian Slavs... - 18 1919 ., . .1 4 1919 . , , .2 , , , 1914 . , .3 , 1914 ., , .4 И , , и я. 1920 . , , 1 , , .5 Dockrill, Michael L. and Goold, J. Douglas, Peace without promise. Britain and the Peace Conferences, 1919-23. Hamden, Connecticut, 1981, p. 93. 2 ІІІ..., . І, . 15. (FO 371/3588, pp. 234-237). , : Т я я , ( ), 20% ( , (Bulgarian speaking Macedonias) , , , . 3 , . К 80ь ..., . 54; ..., . 177. 4 DoМФrТХХ КnН GooХН…, p. 97. 5 Macedonia. London: Published by H.M. Stationery Office, 1920. . 1 500 000 000 , 400 000 , 100 000 1912 . , 120 000 10 000 , 300 000 , 200 .6 . . . И ъ . ци .7 , - . И , - , , я , .8 , , .9 , , , : Bulgars, Bulgarian speaking Macedonias, Bulgarophonic, Slavophonic, South Slavs, Macedonian Slavs... 10 1920 ., , : 6 , , Macedonia. London: Published by H.M. Stationery Office, 1920, p. 17. FO 371/14316, pp. 174-215: Foreign Office Memorandum: The Macedonian Question, May 10, 1930; Published: July 1, 1930 ~ FO 371/14317, pp. 70-77. 8 FO 371/15172, p. 93: 19.01.1931 :... „ ” „ ” . 9 , ь . . , 1999, . 205. 7 , .10 , , , , , .11 100 000 , , . , .12 , , 12 .13 , 6 , : , И 1923 . Ю , , ... , , , . Б я , я, , .14 1923 ., , . 15 10 FO 371/12086, pp. 61-64: Memorandum. Graeco-Bulgarian Minorities in Macedonia. Oliver Harvey, Foreign Office, March 1, 1927. 10 1920 . . 11 FO 371/7377, p. 179: Lindley to Curzon. Athens, March 25, 1922. 12 FO 371/7377, pp. 179-180: Lindley to Curzon. Athens, March 25, 1922. Enclosure, Colonel Corfe. 13 FO 371/7377, p. 191: Curzon to Lord Hardinge (Paris). Foreign Office, April 12, 1922. 14 FO 371/8562, pp. 151-153: Bentinck to Curzon. Athens, July 6, 1923. FO 286/841. 15 FO 371/8566, pp. 44-50: Notes on a tour made by the mixed commission on Greco-Bulgarian emigration in Western and Central Macedonia. Colonel A. C. Corfe, August 20, 1923, p. 45: , - , . , , .16 - . , , . : , . И … .17 . , , 29 1924 . П Г я Б я. . Г – я, . К 1927 . - я , , , 16 FO 371/8566, p. 48. 17 FO 371/8566, p. 48. , , , . - . ... , .18 . 1925 . , , . , : Щ - .19 , – pКr ОбellenМО . , И . Ю , , , . , .20 1926 . , , Ю 18 .21 FO 371/10667, pp. 216-219: The Macedonian Question and Komitaji Activity, memorandum by the Central Department of Foreign Office, 26 November 1925. 19 FO 371/10793, pp. 100-104: Footman to Kennard, June 30, 1925: Ю , , . . , , , , , . 20 FO 434/3, pp. 417-419: R. Cambell to Eden. Belgrade, May 25, 1935. 21 FO 371/11405, pp. 91-95: Kennard to Chamberlain. Belgrade, April 21, 1926. Situation in Serbian Macedonia. Enclosure by R.A. Gallop, April 19; FO 371/11337, pp. 31-34: Kennard to Howard Smith. Belgrade, April 28, 1926. Enclosure, R.A. Gallop, April 23; FO 371/11405, pp. 129-130: Kennard to Chamberlain. Belgrade, May 26, 1926. . Г я - 22 . 1927 . , - Гъ ция.23 , , .24 , 1928 . , Ю , , , .25 , , . Ю - , .26 Ч Ю .27 , , , , 22 FO 286/952: Memorandum of Foreign Office, by Oliver Harvey. November 22, 1926: К , . FO 371/12086, pp. 61-64: Memorandum of Foreign Office, by Oliver Harvey. March 1, 1927. 24 FO 371/12086, pp. 180-181: ErsФТnО to CСКmЛОrХКТn. SoПТК, NovОmЛОr 25, 1927: 1 070 000 11 . 2 015 000 20 . 25 FO 371/12856, pp. 228-230: Memorandum by Bateman. Foreign Office, October 18, 1928. 26 FO 371/12856, pp. 244-248: Sargent to Sperling. Foreign Office, October 22, 1928. , ..., . 39: К , 23 27 , FO 371/12857, pp. 36-49: Dodd to Chamberlain. Sofia, December 5, 1928. . . , , - Ю , – Ю .28 . , , Ю .29 , , , Ч , , Ю - .30 , 1930, , , .31 , , ь , , Ю , . , , . . , 1 1930 . я , , . 32 , 28 FO 371/12857, pp. 28-29: Memo by Sargent. Foreign Office, December 18, 1928. FO 371/12864, p. 74: Sperling to Chamberlain. Sofia, January 24, 1929. 30 FO 371/12864, p. 72: Memo by Howard Smith, January 31; Memo by Chamberlain, February 2, 1929; , . , . 165. 31 FO 371/14316, pp. 152-160: Waterlow to Vansittart. Sofia, May 21, 1930. 32 FO 371/14316, pp. 174-215: Foreign Office Memorandum: The Macedonian Question, May 10, 1930; Published: July 1, 1930 ~ FO 371/14317, pp. 70-77. 29 , . . .33 , , 1928 . и я – ,и Ю я и и .34 , . , . 35 1930 . 33 , FO 371/14316, p. 214: 1. . . 2. , , . 3. И , :-К , , , , , .- Ю .- Ю , , . , . - ( . ; 1. 2. . ., , И , Ю . - Ю , , , ), status quo, III..., . I, . 276. (FO 371/16657, pp. 143-150.): – . ! , , , . . ( ), . 35 FO 371/10667, pp. 216-219: The Macedonian Question and Komitaji Activity, memorandum by the Central Department of Foreign Office, November 26, 1925. 34 1 : 1. , , . 2. , Ю . , 3. . 4. , . 5. . 1 1939 ., Ю , . , .36 .37 Ю .38 1940 . , , И , , , 1934 . . . И . , . 36 37 38 ІІІ..., . ІІ, . 319. FO 371/24878, p. 116-117. , . . 1933-1939, , . . 140: 11 1938 . Rendel, G. The Sword and the Olive: Recollection of Diplomacy and the Foreign Service 1913-1954. London, 1957, pp. 171. . : .39 6 1940 . , 1934 . : .40 , я .41 . , , , – . - Bulgarophonic, Slavophonic, South Slavs. , . , , . , ( , ) - , . , Ю . 39 FO 371/24880, pp. 110-114. Rendel to Halifax. Sofia, January 5, 1940. FO 371/29785, pp. 4-7. 41 FO 371/29785, pp. 1-8: R. Cambell to Halifax. Belgrade, November 6, 1940. Enclosure Report on the General Situation in Southern Serbia by Mr. Thomas, British Vice-Consul at Skopje. 20, , – . 40