Recent papers in Breweries
SABMiller plc (, publicly listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE:SAB) and Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE:SAB), and available via the US OTC market (OTC:SBMRF), is a global brewing and bottling group. Founded in South... more
Summary This paper is an English translation of a master’s thesis originally written in Danish in 2016 with the title” Ondsigt, Ondvittighed og Uoverbevisning - Bryggerfejden og den struenseeske trykkefrihed” It deals with brewer... more
A Miskolcon 2009-ben és 2010-ben rendezett konferenciákon elhangzott előadások írott változata Miskolc, 2014 FELNI SÖRBISZTRÓ -Budapest Jókai utca 1. Egész évben sörfesztivál -közel 70 fajta magyar és nemzetközi kézműves sörrel, házi... more
Project paper, Executive Master of Management, Norway Business School (BI), spring 2014: The craft beer trend discussed from three perspectives: customer segmentation, rhetorical approach and credibility. One of the conclusions is that... more
This chapter explores the re-emergence and evolution of independent, craft brewing in Australia from 1979. While craft brewing is currently booming in Australia, the path to this boom was slow and punctuated. Extensive data are introduced... more
The last 30 years of brewing history in Slovakia were the most turbulent ones. They were influenced by the liquidation of some beer production as well as privatization, integration and acquisitions of global beer producers. As a reaction... more
Příspěvek se věnuje obsahu a možnostem využití plánové sbírky Fürst Thurn und Taxis Zentralarchivu vztahující se k českým panstvím na příkladu méně probádaných částí areálu zámku Litomyšl - pivovaru, zahrad a dalších hospodářských budov.
V: Belokranjec, št. 1/XVII, januar 2014, str. 35.
The numismatic collection of the Banat Museum in Timişoara includes two rare bronze medals dedicated to members of the well known Weifert family from Pančevo (Serbia). One is a medal dedicated to Ignaz Weifert on his 64th anniversary by... more
T. H. Marshall in his famous tract Citizenship and Social Class wrote briefly about what he called ‘industrial citizenship’, a type of belonging rooted in the workplace. Here Marshall’s ideas are developed alongside a consideration of... more
A second volume of The Persistence of Type newspaper was created especially for the seventh edition of Glasgow International.
Agriculture is the largest freshwater consumer, accounting for 70% of the world's water withdrawal. Water footprints (WFs) are being increasingly used to... more
Die unterirdischen Mühlsteinbrüche von Niedermendig/Deutschland. Historische Kartographie und Detailinventarisierung Die Niedermendiger Basaltlava wird seit dem frühen Mittelalter zur Mühlsteinherstellung genutzt. Ab dem 16. Jahrhundert... more
Die Idee der Verstärkung regionaler Wirtschaftskreisläufe hat in der Diskussion um die Entwicklung ländlicher Räume einen hohen Stellenwert erlangt. Doch welche Ziele sollen damit erreicht werden? Welche Theorien stehen hinter diesem... more
Jhfklsdahfdsa gfklsadhgljsdakf dsgfjkdhaskjhglasdg sdajkghlksadhguirwg rghuriqwtypwidbvskaclv rigp9rwytigrhbwlf rwuityputywrhegoif tuyw3rpytuwrheif euirypuiwgb rwg9puriwyhpurwhgibhf v rhgr4ihupr fgrguhrbkl girq
The case was originally drafted and developed by a group of scholars in their monumental book " Business Policy: Managing Strategic Processes ". In that book, Bower, Bartlett, Uyterhoeven, and Richard highlight many cases that are worth... more
In medieval times water was often undrinkable, hence beer was a daily drink. Remnants of medieval breweries are scarce. One of the few completely preserved examples is the 16th century brewery of the monastery of Windesheim (prov. of... more