Recent papers in Braila
Η εργασία αναφέρεται στα ταφικά μνημεία στο κοιμητήριο του Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου στη Βραΐλα, παραδουνάβιο λιμάνι, όπου άνθισε μια από τις μεγαλύτερες ελληνικές κοινότητες της Ρουμανίας κατά το 19ο και το πρώτο μισό του 20ού αιώνα. Τα... more
This paper approaches and discusses to the right of visually impaired and situation. Artificial intelligence helps to improve the teaching-learning processes of science for visually impaired. The ways of AI describes understanding the... more
Publicată în septembrie 2020 la Editura Ratio et Revelatio din Oradea, cartea prezintă un istoric al Misiunii Scoțiene pentru Evreii din Iași, care a fost fondată ca rezultat direct al așa-numitei Mission of Inquiry, în urma vizitării... more
This article presents how different professions have evolved over the last 135 years of activity undertaken at "Panait Istrati" library. We can identify three fundamental time frames during which the public library has continuously... more .../REVISTA%207-8%20web.pdf
Georgios Bonanos (Kefalonia 1863-Athens 1940), one of the most important Greek sculptors, after his studies in Athens and in Rome, had established his workshop in Athens. His works are located in many cities in Greece, but also in Cyprus,... more
Table of Contents Introduction 2. The development of local governmental institutions in Romania 3. Leaders and laggards: a comparison of institutional performance 4. Explaining institutional performance: social capital - an... more
The Public Library from Brăila is an institution with more than 135 years of tradition. Established in August 1881 by Royal Decree, it grew year by year by keeping pace with the times, without changing the respect it always had for public... more