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Biosurveillance, a relatively young field, has recently increased in importance because of increasing emphasis on global health. Databases and tools describing particular subsets of disease are becoming increasingly common in the field.... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyCommunicable DiseasesClinical Sciences
Early intervention, effective management, and regulations are essential to mitigate the potential negative impacts of invasive forest insects. Biosurveillance provides the necessary knowledge to inform management, and regulatory... more
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      GenomicsBiological invasionsInvasive Alien SpeciesManagement of forest insects pests
Background The California Coastal Prairie has the highest biodiversity of North America's grasslands, but also has the highest percentage of urbanization. The most urbanized part of the California Coastal Prairie is its southernmost... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyEntomologyPhotography
The Tutte polynomial and the Aharonov-Arab-Ebal-Landau algorithm are applied to Social Network Analysis (SNA) for Epidemiology, Biosurveillance and Biosecurity. We use the methods of Algebraic Computational SNA and of Topological Quantum... more
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      Quantum ComputerTutte polynomialBasic Reproduction NumberSocial Network Analysis
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) BioSense system provides near-real time situational awareness for public health monitoring through analysis of electronic health data. Determination of anomalous spatial and... more
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      Human GeographySituation awarenessPublic HealthSeasonality
Résultats de l'étude.
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      Santé publiqueBiosurveillance
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      Public HealthVibrio parahaemolyticusBiosurveillance
Biosurveillance, a relatively young field, has recently increased in importance because of increasing emphasis on global health. Databases and tools describing particular subsets of disease are becoming increasingly common in the field.... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyCommunicable DiseasesClinical Sciences
Background: With advances in science and technology, biotechnology is becoming more accessible to people of all demographics. These advances inevitably hold the promise to improve personal and population well-being and welfare... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDisaster risk managementBiotechnologyDisaster Preparedness
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      Global HealthDisease OutbreaksTuberculosisBirds
To assess evaluations of electronic event-based biosurveillance systems (EEBS's) and define priorities for EEBS evaluations.
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      MultidisciplinaryPubmedPLoS onePublic Health Surveillance
Asian Freshwater clams (Corbicula fluminea) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), accidentally introduced into North America, became established in many freshwater habitats. Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, and Cyclospora... more
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      ParasitologyInfectious disease epidemiologyInfectious DiseasesEmerging Infectious Diseases
Although the prevalence of facial recognition-based COVID-19 surveillance tools and techniques, China does not have a facial recognition law to protect its residents’ facial data. Oftentimes, neither the public nor the government knows... more
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      Face RecognitionPublic Health PolicyBiometricsMedical Ethics & Law
Although the term biosurveillance is employed with increasing frequency there remain variances in way in which the concept is both understood and practiced in the US and the UK, respectively. In this paper I begin by exploring the... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyGovernmentPolitics
Researchers have studied many potential sources of data for biosurveillance but have tended to focus on ambulatory visits and over-the-counter pharmaceutical sales. Data from electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) systems in an ambulatory... more
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      Time SeriesOlder peopleIntelligence and security studiesCorrelation Analysis
Early intervention, effective management, and regulations are essential to mitigate the potential negative impacts of invasive forest insects. Biosurveillance provides the necessary knowledge to inform management, and regulatory... more
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      ZoologyGenomicsBiologyBiological invasions
The majority of statistical research on detecting disease outbreaks from prediagnostic data has focused on tools for modeling background behavior of such data, and for monitoring the data for anomaly detection. Because pre-diagnostic data... more
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      Anomaly DetectionSeasonalityDisease OutbreakControl chart
BioSense is a US national system that uses data from health information systems for automated disease surveillance. We studied 4 time-series algorithm modifi cations designed to improve sensitivity for detecting artifi cially added data.... more
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      AlgorithmsMedical MicrobiologyPublic Health InformaticsEmerging Infectious Diseases
Algorithms for identifying public health threats or disease outbreaks are vulnerable to false alarms arising from sudden shifts in health-care utilization or data participation. This paper describes a method of reducing false alerts in... more
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      AlgorithmsStatisticsInformation TheoryBiostatistics
Background: The 2008-09 influenza season was the time in which the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) utilized an electronic biosurveillance system for tracking and monitoring of influenza trends. The system, known as ESSENCE or... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthMultidisciplinaryInfluenza virus
Jefferson Distinguished Lecture
Kansas State University
20 April 2015
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      ParasitologyEntomologyEnvironmental ScienceGlobal Health
Molecular methods are useful for both to monitor anthropogenic viral, bacterial, and protozoan enteropathogens, and to track pathogen specific markers in a complex environment in order to reveal sources of these pathogens. Molecular... more
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      ParasitologyEnvironmental ScienceInfectious disease epidemiologyWater
Background: Internet-based biosurveillance systems have been developed to detect health threats using information available on the Internet, but system performance has not been assessed relative to end-user needs and perspectives. Method... more
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      Communicable DiseasesMedicineFranceMultidisciplinary
Inspired by the capability of exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA) charts to balance sensitivity and false alarm rates, we propose one for zero-truncated Poisson processes. We present a systematic design and analytic framework for... more
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    • Biosurveillance
Early intervention, effective management, and regulations are essential to mitigate the potential negative impacts of invasive forest insects. Biosurveillance provides the necessary knowledge to inform management, and regulatory... more
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      ZoologyGenomicsBiological invasionsInvasive Alien Species
The National Poison Data System (NPDS) is a national near-real-time surveillance system that improves situational awareness for chemical and poison exposures, according to data from US poison centers. NPDS is the successor to the Toxic... more
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      Disease OutbreaksUnited StatesPoisoningClinical Sciences
Zoonotic pathogens have caused the majority of emerging infectious disease events in the past 6 decades. With most emerging infectious diseases arising from animal origins, including many of the select agents identified as most likely... more
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      ZoonosesSystems IntegrationRussiaBiological Sciences
Background: The 2008-09 influenza season was the time in which the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) utilized an electronic biosurveillance system for tracking and monitoring of influenza trends. The system, known as ESSENCE or... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthMultidisciplinaryInfluenza virus
Background: The 2008-09 influenza season was the time in which the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) utilized an electronic biosurveillance system for tracking and monitoring of influenza trends. The system, known as ESSENCE or... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthMultidisciplinaryInfluenza virus
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      Global HealthDisease OutbreaksTuberculosisBirds
This paper will reflect on the related topics of biocapitalism and biocontrol as they are dramatized in Atwood’s The Heart Goes Last (2015), Holmqvist’s The Unit (2009) and Padmanabhan's Harvest (1997), works that share a number of... more
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      Margaret AtwoodOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ ProcurementManjula PadmanabhanBiosurveillance
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      Medical MicrobiologyEmerging Infectious DiseasesLyme diseaseBorrelia burgdorferi
Novel H1N1 influenza spread rapidly around the world in spring 2009. Few places were as widely affected as the New York metropolitan area. Emergency departments (EDs) in the region experienced daily visit increases in 2 distinct temporal... more
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      Health PlanningConsumer Health InformationDisease OutbreaksHealth Information Exchange
A significant proportion of human diseases, spanning the gamut from viral respiratory disease to arthropod-borne macroparasitic infections of the blood, exhibit distinct and stable seasonal patterns of incidence. Traditional statistical... more
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      Medical SciencesStatisticsEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
A significant proportion of human diseases, spanning the gamut from viral respiratory disease to arthropod-borne macroparasitic infections of the blood, exhibit distinct and stable seasonal patterns of incidence. Traditional statistical... more
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      Medical SciencesStatisticsEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
BioSense is a US national system that uses data from health information systems for automated disease surveillance. We studied 4 time-series algorithm modifi cations designed to improve sensitivity for detecting artifi cially added data.... more
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      AlgorithmsMedical MicrobiologyPublic Health InformaticsEmerging Infectious Diseases
Disease surveillance in animals remains inadequate to detect outbreaks resulting from novel pathogens and potential bioweapons. Mostly relying on confirmed diagnoses, another shortcoming of these systems is their ability to detect... more
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      BiosurveillanceLaboratory TestsFile Transfer ProtocolCumulant
APRS is an abbreviation for Automatic Packet Reporting System, and is a method of broadcasting GPS positioning information in real time from packet radio-equipped stations. It was designed in the early 90’s, but it has seen growth in the... more
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      Search and RescueReal TimeInternational space stationPositional information
A significant proportion of human diseases, spanning the gamut from viral respiratory disease to arthropod-borne macroparasitic infections of the blood, exhibit distinct and stable seasonal patterns of incidence. Traditional statistical... more
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      Medical SciencesStatisticsEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Background: The 2008-09 influenza season was the time in which the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) utilized an electronic biosurveillance system for tracking and monitoring of influenza trends. The system, known as ESSENCE or... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthMultidisciplinaryInfluenza virus
Background: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DoD) had more than 18 million healthcare beneficiaries in 2011. Both Departments conduct individual surveillance for disease events and health threats.
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryData Mining
Novel H1N1 influenza spread rapidly around the world in spring 2009. Few places were as widely affected as the New York metropolitan area. Emergency departments (EDs) in the region experienced daily visit increases in 2 distinct temporal... more
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    • Biosurveillance
Novel H1N1 influenza spread rapidly around the world in spring 2009. Few places were as widely affected as the New York metropolitan area. Emergency departments (EDs) in the region experienced daily visit increases in 2 distinct temporal... more
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      Health PlanningConsumer Health InformationDisease OutbreaksHealth Information Exchange
Background: Since 2001, the District of Columbia Department of Health has been using an emergency room syndromic surveillance system to identify possible disease outbreaks. Data are received from a number of local hospital emergency rooms... more
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      AlgorithmsMultivariate AnalysisSeasonalityDisease Outbreaks
Two epidemic waves of an avian influenza A (H7N9) virus have so far affected China. Most human cases have been attributable to poultry exposure at live-poultry markets, where most positive isolates were sampled. The potential geographic... more
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      GeographyRisk assessmentZoonosesMultidisciplinary