Social Network Analysis
Recent papers in Social Network Analysis
With the rapid growth of Internet and social networking websites, there are various services that provided in these platforms. For instance, Facebook focuses on social activities, Twitter and Plurk are both focus on the interaction of... more
This paper reports a 5-year design experiment on cumulative knowledge building as part of an international project. Through a longitudinal study and analysis of cumulative research data, we sought to answer the question, 'what happened... more
Previous qualitative studies show that when the formal organization of a school and patterns of informal interaction are aligned, faculty and leaders in a school are better able to coordinate instructional change. This article combines... more
Meerkat is a tool for visualization and community mining of social networks. It is being developed to offer novel algorithms and functionality that other tools do not possess. Meerkat's features include navigation through graphical... more
This study presents an initial computational model of shared situation awareness (SA) based upon data collected from a simulated training exercise, designed to mimic real life events in a military personnel recovery center. Situation... more
Inter-county flows of commuters have long been used by the Bureau of the Census to identify MSAs and by the BEA to identify its Economic Areas. This paper looks at U.S. interregional flows of commuters, population, and goods in an effort... more
Individuals in social groups interact with numerous other group members in a polyadic network. Interactions can depend on the individual's own attributes (age, sex, status etc.), on their partner's attributes, and the group's network of... more
Social Network Analysis (SNA) tries to understand and exploit the key features of social networks in order to manage their life cycle and predict their evolution. Increasingly popular web 2.0 sites are forming huge social network.... more
To examine the peer context of adolescent substance use, social network analysis was used to measure three domains of attributes of peer networks: social embeddedness, social status, and social proximity to substance users. The sample was... more
The paper presents an exploratory study of the intra-organizational learning network in the context of a Spanish high-tech company. It expands the generalization of the network perspective to intra-organizational learning. Based on an... more
In this case study we present an approach for using gamification elements to increase online student collaboration. In the study a gamified online discussion system was added to an introduction to programming course, with the aim of... more
Social capital is defined as the sum of interactions between both individuals and groups, which permit the development of rules, shared values, as well as cooperative and reciprocal links. This concept, developed by social science, can be... more
The Socio-Political Evaluation of Energy Deployment (SPEED) framework was proposed to improve understanding of energy technology deployment. It was intended to help energy policy-makers develop and implement more effective strategies to... more
We describe the design and evaluation of K-net, a social matching system to help people learn 'who knows what' in an organization by matching people with skills with those who need them. Transactive memory theory predicts that K-net will... more
The goal of this research is to facilitate the design of systems which will mine and use sociocentric social networks without infringing privacy. We describe an extensive experiment we conducted within our organization comparing social... more
Email is considered as one of the most widely accepted computer-mediated communication tools among university students. Evidence from the present literature shows that students make a significant amount of their course-related... more
Due to the continuous growth and spread of the internet using Web Mining to improve the quality of different services has become a necessity. Web Mining is nothing else than applying data mining techniques and algorithms on web data. In... more
Benchmarking graph-oriented database workloads and graph-oriented database systems are increasingly becoming relevant in analytical Big Data tasks, such as social network analysis. In graph data, structure is not mainly found inside the... more
Visualization techniques have proven to be invaluable in crime analysis. By interviewing and observing Criminal Intelligence Officers (CIO) and civilian crime analysts at the Tucson Police Department (TPD), we identified two crime... more
El interes del trabajo social y la intervencion social por el analisis de redes sociales aparece en los anos 70 con la fundacion de la INSNA. El analisis de redes sociales es una aproximacion con ciertas orientaciones teoricas singulares... more
A social network is a set of people (or organizations or other social entities) connected by a set of social relationships, such as friendship, co-working or information exchange. Social network analysis focuses on the analysis of... more
Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an... more
ABSTRACT The increasing achievement of the Web has led people to exploit collaborative technologies in order to encourage partnerships among different groups. The cooperation can be achieved by Virtual Social Networks that facilitate... more
Social Network Analysis (SNA) is now a commonly used tool in criminal investigations, but evidence gathering and analysis is often restricted by data privacy laws. We consider the case where multiple investigators want to collaborate but... more
Primate social systems are difficult to characterize, and existing classification schemes have been criticized for being overly simplifying, formulated only on a verbal level or partly inconsistent. Social network analysis comprises a... more
Recent years have witnessed the rapid proliferation and widespread adoption of a new class of information technologies, commonly known as social media. Researchers often rely on social network analysis (SNA) in attempting to understand... more
A number of empirical studies provide evidence for the importance of networks concerning innovation. Besides this, the relevance of the spatial component in this context is confirmed by the studies on localized knowledge spillovers, which... more
dom, as conceived here) may be why his acknowledgement that we draw life and meaning from our participation in institutions does not lead him to reconceptualize the individual. We draw individuality from a personal and unique... more
dom, as conceived here) may be why his acknowledgement that we draw life and meaning from our participation in institutions does not lead him to reconceptualize the individual. We draw individuality from a personal and unique... more
Abstract. In this project we compare the success of startup entrepreneurs and innovators with their social networking behavior. In particular, we analyze the LinkedIn, Facebook, and e-Mail network of swissnex, Switzerland’s science and... more
Social networks produce an enormous quantity of data. Facebook consists of over 400 million active users sharing over 5 billion pieces of information each month. Analyzing this vast quantity of unstructured data presents challenges for... more
Studies about the influence and impact of knowledge-producing organisations' (e.g., universities or R&D institutions) have been addressed by means of strict economic analysis, stressing their economic impact in a local, regional or... more