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      Health PromotionHealth EconomicsHealth inequalityHealth Inequalities
Currently with medical technology continuing to advance, the use of organ transplantation and the worldwide shortage of organs are increasing with the need of more clinical procedures requiring the use of organ transplantation. There are... more
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      Organ DonationIslamic StudiesOrgan Donation and TransplantationOrgan Transplantation
Cerrahideki gelişmeler ve bağışıklık sistemini baskılayan ilaçların kullanıma girmesi, transplantasyon tıbbının önünü açmıştır. Günümüzde kalp, böbrek, karaciğer, akciğer, pankreas, kornea, kemik iliği ve yüz gibi doku ve organların... more
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      Organ Donation and TransplantationEthics in transplantationOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ Procurement
Advances in surgery and the introduction of drugs that suppress the immune system have paved the way for transplantation medicine. Today, the donation and transplantation of tissues and organs (including heart, kidney, liver, lung,... more
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      Organ Donation and TransplantationEthics in transplantationOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ Procurement
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      BioethicsInformed ConsentMedical EthicsOrgan Donation and Transplantation
Since 1997, execution in China has been increasingly performed by lethal injection. The current criteria for determination of death for execution by lethal injection (cessation of heartbeat, cessation of respiration, and dilated pupils)... more
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      DeathBrain DeathOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ Procurement
English intro: In 2020 I published a book on organ donation. It is published by Aarhus University Press. The book is in Danish and the website for the book can be found here: The book explores alternatives to the current danish opt-in... more
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      EthicsMedical EthicsOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ ProcurementOrgan Donation, Presumed Consent, Ethics
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      BioethicsOrgan Donation and TransplantationIslamic bioethicsOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ Procurement
This study explores the meanings of organ donation, with emphasis on donating eyes and hearts, comparing people across gender and across two ethnic groups. Four focus group interviews were conducted with people living in the North of... more
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      EngineeringReligionSociologyCultural Studies
Muslims in the UK face discord due to the clash of opinions on the ‘opt-out’ system to be introduced in April 2020. In this article, I share my opinion on how a careful re-examination of the fatawa that contribute to the prohibition of... more
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    • Organ Donation, Ethics, Organ Procurement
In America it is forbidden to sell one’s organs or tissues for profit. Public policy gives no provision for financial compensation for a life-saving service like organ donation, but has no legal or moral sanctions against monetary... more
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      NephrologyEconomicsEthicsApplied Ethics
Due to the shortage of organs, it has been proposed that the ban on organ sales is lifted and a market-based procurement system introduced. This paper assesses four prominent proposals for how such a market could be arranged: unregulated... more
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      Organ DonationOrgan Donation and TransplantationOrgan TransplantationLiving Organ Donation
Background: Identification of potential organ donor is blocked by mixed feelings of physicians, thus, negative experiences with death and the idea of “no objectification” of the human body become important. Objectives: a) to explore life... more
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      Brain DeathOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ ProcurementPhysician Attitudes
In December 2015, Wales became the first country in the United Kingdom to move away from an opt-in system in organ procurement. The new legislation introduces the concept of deemed consent whereby a person who neither opt in nor opt out,... more
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      Informed ConsentKidney transplantationOrgan DonationOrgan Donation and Transplantation
In the effort to address the persistent organ shortage it is sometimes suggested that we should incentivize people to sign up as organ donors. One way of doing so is to give priority in the allocation of organs to those who are themselves... more
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      Health InequalitiesEgalitarianismDistributive JusticeOrgan Donation
A reply to Jordan Parsons about organ donation in Wales
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      Medical EthicsOrgan DonationOrgan Donation and TransplantationMedical Ethics & Law
This paper will reflect on the related topics of biocapitalism and biocontrol as they are dramatized in Atwood’s The Heart Goes Last (2015), Holmqvist’s The Unit (2009) and Padmanabhan's Harvest (1997), works that share a number of... more
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      Margaret AtwoodOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ ProcurementManjula PadmanabhanBiosurveillance
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    • Organ Donation, Ethics, Organ Procurement
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      Organ Donation and TransplantationLiving Organ DonationOrgan Donation, Ethics, Organ ProcurementOrgan Donation and Transplantation Decisions