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The real risk posed by biological weapons was demonstrated with the distribution of anthrax spores via the USA postal service in 2001. This review outlines the central roles of physicians in optimizing biopreparedness in Australia,... more
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      AustraliaPublic HealthInternal MedicineInfection Control
Health has long been intertwined with the foreign policies of states. In recent years, however, global health issues have risen to the highest levels of international politics and have become accepted as legitimate issues in foreign... more
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      EpidemiologyPovertyGlobal HealthPolitics
In this paper we follow our earlier work on the mathematical and computational modeling of biological warfare and its potential extensions to nuclear terrorism. In particular we review Dr. Parnell’s earlier critique of the proper and... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismIntelligence StudiesWar Studies
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      Clinical ChemistryMedical BiotechnologyClinicalBioterrorism
More than four years after September 11, 2001, bioterrorism preparedness remains a high priority for federal, state, and local governments. With reasonably flexible federal funding, communities have strengthened their ability to respond... more
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      Public HealthApplied EconomicsPublic Health AdministrationUnited States
Communities will rely on open points of dispensing (PODs) for mass dispensing of medical countermeasures following a bioterrorism attack or a pandemic. US Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) open POD preparedness is assessed using the... more
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      Program EvaluationPerceptionCitiesUnited States
The use of disease-causing organisms and their toxins against the civilian population has defined bioterrorism and opened forensic science up to the challenges of processing contaminated evidence. This study sought to determine the use of... more
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      FORENSICDNADermatoglyphicsForensic Sciences
Background and Aim: In the course of our Indian Council of Medical Research project on coxiellosis in Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, 5.64% goat, 1.85% sheep, 1.06% buffaloes, and 0.97% cattle were positive for Coxiella burnetii antibodies by... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyZoonosesVeterinary public health
The 1918-1919 influenza pandemic (Spanish flu) had catastrophic effects upon urban populations in the United States. Large numbers of frightened, critically ill people overwhelmed health care providers. Mortuaries and cemeteries were... more
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      Public HealthBiological SciencesDisease OutbreaksInfectious Disease
Background and Aim: Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. Cattle, sheep, and goat are the main reservoir of C. burnetii. In Egypt, the epidemiological data about C. burnetii in camels are limited. Therefore, the... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyBiological WeaponsZoonoses
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      LawCivil RightsCapitalismPublic Health
Health has long been intertwined with the foreign policies of states. In recent years, however, global health issues have risen to the highest levels of international politics and have become accepted as legitimate issues in foreign... more
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      EpidemiologyPovertyGlobal HealthPolitics
The article discusses the threat of bioterrorism and the importance of biodefense in the wake of COVID-19. In other words, it questions if the U.S. biodefense system is ready for a potential bioterror attack by bringing up some of the... more
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      TerrorismSecurityHomeland SecuritySecurity Studies
This voluntary plan documents your measures to protect food and food production processes from intentional harm. Review of this plan and signing the cover sheet will result in a Food Defense Plan for your FSIS-regulated establishment.
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      Public HealthBioterrorism
According to most contemporary histories of Bioterrorism, the first successful bioterror attack to occur on US soil was perpetrated by members of a religious cult in 1984. These cultists - followers of the charismatic guru Bhagwan... more
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      Rhetoric of ScienceRisk communicationBioterrorism
Во академските кругови се повеќе се говори за “постомдерен тероризам” или “супер тероризам”, зад кој псевдоним се крие стравот од употребата на оружја за масовно уништување, како што се биолошкото, хемиското и нуклеарното. Покрај нивната... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionBiological WeaponsBioterrorismToxins
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      ProbabilityEmergency Medical ServicesContinuing Medical EducationUnited States
This all hazards project will explore “The Threat of Argoterrorism.” The project will define argoterrorism as an operational term for all levels of government services and the practical term relevant to the general population. The... more
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      Criminal JusticeTerrorismCritical Incident ManagementHomeland Security
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      Public HealthResearchAerosolsDisease Outbreaks
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      TerrorismHomeland SecurityDisaster ManagementAsymmetrical Warfare
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      ResearchAerosolsDisease OutbreaksInfection Control
This paper reviews recent progress in the development of syndromic surveillance systems for veterinary medicine. Peer-reviewed and grey literature were searched in order to identify surveillance systems that explicitly address outbreak... more
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      Veterinary MedicinePublic HealthPeer ReviewPreventive Veterinary Medicine
We live in an era of emerging infectious diseases and the threat of bioterrorism. Most of the infectious agents of modern concern, from plague to avian influenza H5N1, are zoonotic diseases: infectious agents that reside in quiet animal... more
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      Public HealthZoonosesBioterrorism
Abstract Although the civilized world finds it difficult to accept, the terrorism phenomenon has become a reality with global implications, which is hard to prevent and manage. Many historical events were characterized by the use, or... more
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Syndromic surveillance refers to methods relying on detection of individual and population health indicators that are discernible before confirmed diagnoses are made. In particular, prior to the laboratory confirmation of an infectious... more
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      EngineeringPatient SafetyPopulation HealthQuality Improvement
While CRISPR-Cas genome editing technology has been heralded as a great ad- vancement for science, human health, bioengineering and medicine, there is a potential dark side of CRISPR genome editing that may be a greater danger to humanity... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)EthicsBiomedical EngineeringPeace and Conflict Studies
For centuries, poisons and other biological material have been considered as weapons. However, it has been merely 100 years that the use of biological toxins as weapons has been explored scientifically. Trichothecenes, ricin and botulinum... more
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      ToxicologyChemical Warfare AgentsBioterrorismPoisoning
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      DentistryImmunologyGlobal HealthMedical Microbiology
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      Biological SciencesBioterrorismNew YorkPost Disaster Planning
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    • Bioterrorism
The interdependence of humans, animals, and their environment has never been more important than now. The most prominent issues putting pressure on global health today include the dramatic emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases,... more
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      Veterinary MedicineLeadershipGlobal HealthAnimal Welfare
Introducere in problematica bioterorismului; Origini, manifestari, cauze, substrat economic si financiar. Daniela Georgiana GOLEA, doctorand in domeniul politicilor de securitate nationala si specialist in Managementul dezvoltarii,... more
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The method of fighting a war has changed over time. Especially, the rapid development of biological science, particularly biotechnology and synthetic biology, as well as the fast accessibility to networks, resources, and expertise in... more
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      Military ScienceTerrorismWar on TerrorMilitary
Synthetic biology, which is a new emerging technology aiming at re-writing existing biological systems and designing completely new parts and devices, brings several potential benefits, but at the same time it constitutes a new threat to... more
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      Synthetic BiologyBiosecurityBioterrorism
The objective of this article is to provide updated treatment options for bioterrorism agents. This updated synopsis includes recent clinical cases and treatment recommendations that have arisen in the last 5 years. The decontamination,... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionChemical and Biological EngineeringChemical Warfare AgentsBioterrorism
The government is engaged in a homeland security project to safeguard the population's health from potential terrorist attacks. This project is politically charged because it affords the state enhanced powers to restrict personal and... more
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      LawPhilosophyApplied EthicsTerrorism
Since the collapse of negotiations around a protocol to the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) in 2001, states parties have begun to discuss several novel issues linked to the broader implementation of the BWC as part of a... more
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The Occasional Papers series was established by the Center for Strategy and Technology as a forum for research on topics that reflect long-term strategic thinking about technology and its implications for US national security. Copies of... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceAir Force StudiesDeterrence
It is a privilege to share the second volume of “Good Practices in Counter Terrorism”, the results of the efforts of a group of highly respected researchers and practitioners. In order to address the current issues and the bourgeoning... more
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      TerrorismInternational SecurityGenderRadicalization
Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World is the first book to synthesize the new evidence and research methods that are providing fresh answers to crucial questions in the history of the Black Death. It was only in 2011, thanks to ancient... more
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      GeneticsJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryPaleopathology
The frequency of moderate to severe adverse reactions associated with smallpox vaccines currently stockpiled in the US, and the continued threat of bioterrorism have prompted the development of effective vaccines with improved safety... more
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      Biological SciencesUnited StatesBioterrorismSmallpox
African Swine Fever (ASF) is a viral infection which causes acute disease in domestic pigs and wild boar. Although the virus does not cause disease in humans, the impact it has on the economy, especially through trade and farming, is... more
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      BioterrorismAfrican swine fever virus
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      CanadaDisease OutbreaksBioterrorismSmallpox
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      United NationsLife SciencesInternational CooperationBioterrorism
This essay reviews major areas of ethical debate with regard to biodefense, focusing on cases in which biodefense presents ethical problems that diverge from those presented by naturally-occurring outbreaks of infectious disease. It... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsEpidemiologyPublishing
Melioidosis, an infectious disease caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei is an emerging disease with high impact on animals and man. In different animal species, the clinical course varies and delayed diagnosis poses risks for the... more
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      Veterinary MedicineBiological SciencesBioterrorismCaptive Wild Animals
A big challenge for veterinary educators is to stimulate interest in public health medicine and make the curriculum interesting, and relevant, to veterinary students. Veterinary public health encompasses many areas, including zoonosis... more
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary EducationAnimal WelfarePublic Health
Vaccination is highly effective in preventing various infectious diseases, whereas the constant threat of new emerging pathogens necessitates the development of innovative vaccination principles that also confer rapid protection in a case... more
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      MicrobiologyImmunologyMedical MicrobiologyMice
Afrykański pomór świń (ASF) jest zakaźną chorobą wirusową trzody chlewnej oraz dzików, która nie zagraża ludziom, jednak występowanie pomoru wiąże się z ogromnymi kosztami dla rynku trzody chlewne o znacznej wartości rynku (ok 20 mld PLN)... more
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      BioterrorismAfrican swine fever virus