Behaviour Change Communication
Recent papers in Behaviour Change Communication
ABSTRACT Access to adequate sanitation and hygiene remains a significant challenge in Kenya’s coastal marginalized regions, where poverty, cultural practices, and inadequate infrastructure hinder the adoption of sustainable hygiene... more
This study attempted to determine the factors affecting employees’ readiness for change in the context of private commercial banks in a developing country context (Ethiopia). The researchers examined factors that affect employee’s... more
The spread of the COVID-19 virus required all governments (states and central) around the world to switch from offline mode (face-to-face) to online mode and online testing. This is a historical mess of learning. The movement raises many... more
Brief sexuality-related communication (BSC) aims to identify current and potential sexual concerns and motivate those at risk to change their sexual behaviour or maintain safe sexual behaviour. BSC in primary health care can range from 5... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
Swachh Bharat Mission, a national level campaign, launched by the Government of India is a foremost step towards the protection of degrading environment. The objectives of the campaign include elimination of open defection, conversion of... more
Issues surrounding experiences of widows across most third-world countries have fluctuated around care, either as an issue of human right or as privilege of culture. The issue urgently requires attention in areas of education as well as... more
- by james olayi
Background Across developing countries poor sanitation is associated with disease often found widespread in rural populations. Objectives This objective of this study was to conduct a formative research and feasibility evaluation of the... more
The study was intended to assess the applications of social marketing campaign in promotion of social ideas in Nigeria with focus on tax payment campaign. To advance this, the study looked at theoretical frameworks that best explain... more
Background: Young women in Kenya experience a higher risk of mistimed and unwanted pregnancy compared to older women. However, contraceptive use among youth remains low. Known barriers to uptake include side effects, access to commodities... more
My sincerest appreciation goes to my supervisors, Dr. Lawrence Ikamari and Mr. Andrew Mutuku for their patience, positive criticism, motivation and the guidance provided towards the completion of this project. My heartfelt thanks are due... more
Background In some areas of Uganda, village health workers (VHW) deliver Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) care, providing initial assessment of children under 5 years of age as well as protocol-based treatment of malaria,... more
The present research uses a collective case study analysis to compare the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS public policy and culturally sensitive communication campaigns in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The first author conducted in-depth... more
At the core of the knowledge inquiry about behavioural differences is the nature versus nurture debate which has been central to the development of various theories of human personality. The metaphor of a pendulum, swinging back and forth... more
The present research uses a collective case study analysis to compare the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS public policy and culturally sensitive communication campaigns in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The first author conducted in-depth... more
Safe water is one of the most important felt needs in public health in 1 developing countries in the twenty first century. The year 2005 marked the beginning of the "International Decade for Action: Water for Life" and renewed effort to... more
The present research uses a collective case study analysis to compare the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS public policy and culturally sensitive communication campaigns in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The first author conducted in-depth... more
1. Introduction Health care associated infections persist as a major problem in young children. Hand hygiene has been singled out as the most important measure in preventing school-acquired infection. However, hand hygiene compliance... more
The issue of domestic violence against women has gained traction among women, legislators, mass communication scholars, the United Nations Organization; non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Civil Society Organization (CSO), feminist... more
Brief sexuality-related communication (BSC) aims to identify current and potential sexual concerns and motivate those at risk to change their sexual behaviour or maintain safe sexual behaviour. BSC in primary health care can range from 5... more
In 2014, the Indian Government embarked on a major programme to end open defecation. The government allocated significant public funds to ensure that the goal is reached by the year 2019. The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) programme for... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
Introduction A person's behaviour is how they act or carry themselves, particularly about other people (Lexico, 2020). Another way of defining a person's behaviour is what they do to either create an event, alter an existing situation, or... more
In addition to an overview of the background and history, this article will consider Timor-Leste's progress through public laws, its judicial independence and the role of customary law. We conclude that access to justice through effective... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This paper focuses on an Immersive Research Approach designed by Praxis, IDS and WaterAid whereby researchers lived in villages in recently declared open defecation free districts, to gain an in-depth understanding of ground realities and... more
Although the benefits of breastfeeding are well-documented, little is known about how best to encourage fathers to support breastfeeding. A quasi-experimental study of a community-based intervention was designed to examine whether health... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
Assessing the Organic Image of Potential Tourists towards NorthEastern Nigeria as a Tourism Destination 1. Introduction Image has for long been an important topic and has been seen in different perspectives, for example, Etchner and... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
Background: Seasonal variation affects food availability. However, it is not clear if it affects dietary intake and nutritional status of children in Vietnam. Objectives: This paper aims at examining the seasonal variation in nutrition... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
This study is aimed at investigating the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the Nigerian Construction Industry; determine the prospects with respect to benefits, costs, risks and research and development... more
The importance of visuals in communication has positively transformed the pattern of information dissemination to the media audience. In behaviour change communication, visuals have a greater percentage of relevancy in persuading,... more
The intention of Behavior Change Communication is to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions that positively affect their lives. This can be achieved by providing them with information about the benefits of a... more
The intention of Behavior Change Communication is to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions that positively affect their lives. This can be achieved by providing them with information about the benefits of a... more
These pages discuss the behavioral issues and a range of key determinants for major audiences in each child survival area. They attempt to share some of what has already been learned and published about "what works," innovations that have... more