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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyLearning and the BrainLeadership
Open defecation (OD), an age-old practice in India, impacts the health of individuals as well as their communities. To tackle the problem, the Government of India launched the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in 2014, aimed at making the... more
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      Health Behaviour ChangeBehaviour Change CommunicationIndiaCommunity-Based Participatory Research
Privatizations of health care have changed the functioning and demand of health care system. As today's competitive environment leaves no scope for error, we need to delight our patients, look for new ways to exceed their expectations on... more
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      Behaviour Change CommunicationHospital Management
acknowledged as being sourced from other researchers. Where other written sources have been quoted, then: a. Their words have been re-written but the general information attributed to them has been referenced b. Where their exact words... more
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      Social MarketingBehaviour Change Communication
The study was aimed to obtain baseline data on KABP of the community related to water, sanitation and hygiene. The survey population was chosen from four GPs and six municipal wards of Kandi block of Murshidabad (WB). The study was taken... more
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      WaterBehaviour Change CommunicationMedia Influence on SocietyWater, Sanitation, and Hygiene
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      ICT4DCommunication for DevelopmentBehaviour Change Communication
Uganda’s ABC approach to the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS has gained prominence and garnered controversy in recent years. Several studies have praised the approach for its remarkable feat in reducing HIV prevalence rates, while... more
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      Health CommunicationHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSCommunication for Development
1. Submetido a 3 de outubro de 2013 e aprovado a 15 de novembro de 2013.
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      CommunicationIntercultural CommunicationDevelopment StudiesDevelopment communication
A B S T R A C T At the core of the knowledge inquiry about behavioural differences is the nature versus nurture debate which has been central to the development of various theories of human personality. The metaphor of a pendulum,... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesDevelopment communicationBehaviour Change CommunicationCCI - Cultural and Creative Industry
In the Nigerian population, youths bear the highest burden of unplanned pregnancies, new sexually transmitted infections, and maternal morbidity resultant of unsafe abortions; all of which explicate a risky sexual culture. This is despite... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesYouth Studies
ILO under its Towards Gender Parity awarded us to operationalize an innovative concept that involved conducting baseline of attitudes, designing behavior change training and communication intervention, and an end-line of control versus... more
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      Program EvaluationWomen's StudiesMonitoring And EvaluationImpact Evaluation
Abstract In the context of increasing focus on sustainability and climate change issues, we provide a critical analysis of policy assumptions regarding information provision and its links to behaviour change. We identify a number of... more
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      Climate ChangeBehaviour Change CommunicationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Behaviour Change
High rates of maternal death from unsafe abortion persist in India despite passage of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act in 1971. 1 This relatively liberal law permits a woman to obtain abortion services from a registered... more
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      Behaviour Change CommunicationAboriginal Studies
Location: Vietnam What we know: A quarter of children under five years old are stunted in Vietnam; prevalence is higher amongst ethnic minority groups. What this article adds: Community-based infant and young child feeding (IYCF)... more
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      VietnamBehaviour Change CommunicationMaternal and infant young child nutritionSocial and Behaviour Change Communication
Introduction: This study examined the effects of Coronavirus pandemic on remote learning in the Eastern and Northern Regions, Ghana. It also focused on the challenges junior high school students face on remote learning during the lockdown... more
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      Educational PsychologyEducational ResearchPublic Health PolicyBehaviour Change Communication
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      Social MovementsCommunity PsychologyCommunicationSocial Marketing
A good night’s sleep and the habit of net use:
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      MalariaBehaviour Change CommunicationTanzaniaRisk Perception
Theatre Arts is a course that many would like to study. It seems as the burden of unemployment weighs more on theatre artistes more than other professionals. But the truth is that while our schools provide us with the requisite skills in... more
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    • Behaviour Change Communication
Increase in ownership and use of radios and mobile phones in Uganda may present opportunities for interactive and efficient agricultural extension services. Yet the impact of interactive radio on rural development has rarely been... more
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      International DevelopmentConservationRadioICT4D
In the context of increasing focus on sustainability and climate change issues, we provide a critical analysis of policy assumptions regarding information provision and its links to behaviour change. We identify a number of barriers to... more
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      Climate ChangeBehaviour Change CommunicationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Behaviour Change
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      Traditional MedicineBehaviour Change CommunicationHealth seeking behavioursSomalia