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This research on natural medicine producing SMES in the Amazon used an approach based on Schumpeter's ideas, done mainly by researchers from the Economics Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal University of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEnvironmental PsychologyIndustrial DesignManagement of Innovation
By including the context within which consumers' pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors are formed, this research provides a comprehensive delineation of the process that leads from context to behavior. This is the first study to... more
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      MarketingField TheoryPerceptionContextualism
Excess use of disposable to-go-cups constitutes a severe sustainability threat. Behavioral economics and economic psychology suggest various antidotes. In the present paper, we report two studies – a large-scale intervention field study... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionConsumer BehaviorSocial NormsSustainable Consumption
The evidence that we face a catalogue of environmental crises caused by human activities, which pose a threat to planetary, social and personal continuity, is communicated in increasingly sophisticated ways. Despite increased knowledge,... more
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      Social PsychologyEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangeSociology of Emotion
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    • Psychology of Pro Environmental Consumption
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      Environmental PsychologyEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable ArchitectureSustainable Design
Write an essay on the self-environment relationship based on concepts from the course that you would like to develop and/or critique.
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      Environmental PsychologyEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilityPsychology of Pro Environmental Consumption
The so-called “three Rs” – reduce, reuse, and recycle – have been the alleged holy grail of progressive waste experts, consultants and the environmental movement for three decades. They are three different aspect of waste management... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental LawEnvironmental PsychologyEnvironmental Studies
Kui riskikommunikatsiooni üks eesmärk on inimeste harjumuste muutmine, siis poolik kommunikatsioon võib kasu asemel hoopis kahju tuua. Järgnevalt vaatleme, kui hästi-halvasti toimis kommunikatsioon Ida-Virumaal asuva Kurtna... more
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      Environmental CommunicationEnvironmental Behaviour ChangeEnvironmental AttitudesPro-environmental behaviour
Purpose—To encourage sustainable consumer practices, public policy makers introduce new ecological measures, including mandatory programs that require companies to provide environmental information about their products, even if not... more
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      EcolabelPro-environmental behaviourEnvironmental ConcernBrand familiarity
Online re-use groups provide a network for its members to share un-used, idle or non-preferred possessions without expecting any gain in return. Members give and take items without an obligation of reciprocity. This exchange structure is... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEthical ConsumptionConsumption StudiesConsumer Resistance
International efforts for a more sustainable society have often resorted to formal agreements. But these commitments are more effective if people, communities and institutions integrate them as relevant behavioural standards, or social... more
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      EngineeringSociologySocial ChangeRecycling
This study investigated relations between consumers’ sustainable development self-efficacy, attitudes, norms and intentions to purchase sustainable groceries such as ecological and fair trade foods. Demographic variables were also... more
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      Social PsychologySustainable Production and ConsumptionEnvironmental PsychologySustainable Development
This article considers the potential contribution of critical social psychology to the study of the relationship between humans and nature, particularly in terms of the role of human activities in ecological degradation. That human... more
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      Social PsychologyClimate ChangeEnvironmental PsychologyCritical Psychology
Esse plano de trabalho é associado ao projeto de pesquisa “A ecomotricidade no estado de Sergipe”, iniciado no ano de 2014. Ecomotricidade é compreendida como a intencionalidade do ser em suas inter-ações com a natureza, desde que essa... more
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      Environmental ScienceEducational TechnologyEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Psychology
This thesis constitutes a sustained engagement with a substantial and pressing practical problem: the problem of providing reasons for consumers in rich countries to reduce their levels of personal consumption in order that the... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsEnvironmental PhilosophySustainable Production and Consumption
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      Environmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringSociologyEnvironmental Sociology




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      LawEnvironmental EconomicsIndian PhilosophySustainable Production and Consumption
Currently water chain services in the Netherlands are charged through separate bills from different institutions; these include levies and taxes for drinking water production and distribution, sewage and waste water treatment and... more
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      Environmental EconomicsIntegrated Water Resources ManagementWater and Energy Demand Side ManagementUrban water pricing
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental PsychologyEnvironmental Studies
We are offering an outstanding opportunity for an expert in Behaviour Change to grow and develop research in the unique context of an N8 Food consortium. Leading the 'Improved Nutrition and Consumer Behaviours' theme at Leeds, you will be... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral Therapy
In an effort to bridge research on political consumerism across disciplines, I have created a working 'database' of studies on political consumerism. To update this document to include your work and/or your colleagues' work, please go to... more
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      Political BehaviorPolitical PsychologyEthical ConsumptionGreen Consumer Behavior
The idea that the lived environment, physical and social, interacts with individual skills to produce adaptive (or maladaptive) behavior is not new. However a comprehensive account of how the environment affects cognitive changes with... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityPsychology of Pro Environmental Consumption
Resumen Este estudio explora la percepción de habitantes de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia) sobre el estado actual del medio ambiente a nivel local, nacional y global, y la prospectiva de cómo estará en el futuro, con el propósito de... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityEnviromental PsychologyPsychology of Pro Environmental Consumption
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      Environmental ScienceEducational TechnologyEnvironmental PsychologyEnvironmental Studies