Bangladesh politics
Recent papers in Bangladesh politics
"There certainly is a lot of political pressure from businessmen for the state to adopt the new tax codes which are more favorable for the business environment, but there is no law that requires them to do so." John Barry; The Ambition... more
This article shows the heroic leadership and tragic demise of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, one of the leading political figures in the history of Bangladesh and depicts his contribution and scenario of his country after his assassination.
Submitted for a MA in Conflict Security and Development, University of Exeter, August 2015. Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT-BD), which has recently sentenced several prominent Islamist politicians for their... more
The 20th century witnessed a lot of nationalist movements, which gave the birth of many independent states. All these nationalist movements were led by some charismatic leaders who could convince, organize, and motivate people by their... more
This paper examines article 70 of Bangladesh constitution which prohibits floor crossing in the parliament. The constitution of Bangladesh declares that the Republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental rights and freedoms and... more
We started this journey, confused and overwhelmed by the mountain of a task that we had been set. We knew that the end product would be a fantastically inspiring collection of memoirs, yet we had no idea where to start. Knowing that this... more
The paper investigates the dynamics between madrasa education and party politics in Bangladesh using data gathered through in-depth field interviews with madrasa students and teachers, and it examines the nature of madrasas’ political... more
आरएसएस-भाजपा द्वारा पोषित और प्रायोजित उपद्रवी तत्वों ने जिन्नाह की तस्वीर को मुद्दा बना कर अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्वविद्यालय (अमुवि) पर बीते दिनों जो हमले किए, उनके बाद दो-क़ौम सिद्धांत या दो-राष्ट्र सिद्धांत (इस के अनुसार हिन्दू धर्म और... more
Abstract: The years 1975 and 1977 witnessed a wave of de facto military regimes in Bangladesh and Pakistan, respectively. In Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq operationalized the country’s preexisting Islamic identity from emblematic... more
This exploratory study starts with a simple question: does inequality in the distribution of political power shape resource distribution in Bangladesh? Using quantitative methods and various descriptive analytical tools, the paper... more
বাংলা কবিতার পটভূমিতে শামসুর রাহমানের অবদান মূল্যায়নের ভার এখন মহাকালের হাতে। বাংলাদেশের সর্বাপেক্ষা জননন্দিত কবি তিনি। কবিজীবনের শুরু থেকে মৃত্যু (১৭ আগস্ট ২০০৬) অবধি তিনি ভালোবাসায়-দ্রোহে-সংগ্রামে বাঙালিসত্তার মর্মমূলকে ধারণ করেছিলেন।... more
This paper looks at both elite and mass modes of politics. Unruliness -framed variously as informality, fragility etc -is the substantive governance issue in Bangladesh, and political unruliness is at its nucleus. That rule-breaking... more
জীবন ও শিল্পের বিচিত্র অভিজ্ঞতায় ঋদ্ধ হুমায়ুন আজাদ চেতনার গভীরে অন্য এক সত্তাকে লালন করেছেন । দ্রোহ , প্রতিবাদ , প্রথাবিরোধী চিন্তা ও সৃষ্টি তাকে খ্যাতির শীর্ষে নিয়ে গেছে। বিতর্কিতও কম ছিলেন না তিনি এ দেশে । স্পষ্টভাষণ তাঁর স্বভাবধর্ম ছিল... more
Published in "Economic and Political Weekly", Vol. 51, Issue No. 34, 20 Aug, 2016
The nature of identity formation is complex. The production of identity in South Asia, with its colonial past, has been largely dependent on the region's colonial history. In this article we chart the process of political identity... more
On November , the Bhola Cyclone swept across the southern districts of East Pakistan, killing over , people. Small islands were swept away and dead bodies of humans and cattle lay strewn across the devastated landscape.... more
শুরুতেই উল্লেখ করে নেয়া যায় যে ভাষা আন্দোলনে তাজউদ্দিন আহমদের অংশগ্রহন একেবারেই আচমকা কোন ঘটনা নয়। ১৯৪০ সালে বাংলার শেষ স্বাধীন নবাব সিরাজ উদ দৌলার চরিত্রে ব্রিটিশদের দেয়া কলঙ্কমোচনের লক্ষ্যে সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসুর আন্দোলন কিংবা এরও আগে... more
The years 1975 and 1977 witnessed a wave of de facto military regimes in Bangladesh and Pakistan, respectively. In Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq operationalized the country's preexisting Islamic identity from emblematic to... more
The nature of identity formation is complex. The production of identity in South Asia, with its colonial past, has been largely dependent on the region’s colonial history. In this article we chart the process of political identity... more
On 12 November 1970, the Bhola Cyclone swept across the southern districts of East Pakistan, killing over 300,000 people. Small islands were swept away and dead bodies of humans and cattle lay strewn across the devastated landscape.... more
This document highlights preliminary tendencies noted by a group of political scientists studying attitudes of climate-vulnerable respondents in different regions of Bangladesh. The study was conducted in August 2017 in Cox's Bazaar,... more
Introduction Since independence Bangladesh has been a victim of continual political turmoil. It got bogged down in the power struggle between three powerhouses — the army and the two dynastic political parties, Awami League (AL) and... more
Bangladesh one of the most populous Muslim countries in the world, has seen a resurgence of Islamic political forces since its independence from Pakistan which took a sharp upturn following the first military coup detat in August 1975.... more
In keeping with the topic of the volume, this chapter shall attempt at an elucidation of the future of nationalism in a non-Western nation. Nationalism is inherently a socio-political phenomenon and as such, ever-changing. This chapter... more