Babylonian Exile
Most downloaded papers in Babylonian Exile
In Judeans in Babylonia, Tero Alstola presents a comprehensive investigation of deportees in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. By using cuneiform documents as his sources, he offers the first book-length social historical study of the... more
This paper investigates the many and varied attitudes towards the Babylonian exile in Persian period biblical literature, in particular, in Third Isaiah, the books of Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra and Nehemiah, 1 and 2 Chronicles and Esther.... more
This article argues that Isa xlvi 1-2 represents a prophecy given on the occasion of the Babylonian New Year's festival. It is based on the condition and "behaviour" of the Babylonian cult statues carried in procession. This prophecy is... more
Revista Vox Scripturae, v. 25, n. 1, 2017. Resumo Na década de 1990, o estudioso Hans Barstad desenvolveu a ideia, proposta inicialmente por Robert P. Carroll, do “Mito da... more
This paper studies several hitherto unpublished or unedited Late Babylonian documents which shed light on the ethno-linguistic composition of the population of the countryside in southern Babylonia in the sixth century BCE. The new... more
In Jer 29:5-7 the Prophet Jeremiah calls his deported compatriots to: “Build houses and inhabit [them], plant gardens and eat their fruit. Take wives and bear sons and daughters, take wives for your sons and give your daughters husbands,... more
docente di Antico Testamento allo Studio Teologico Sant'Antonio (Bologna) e all'ISSR (Bologna, aula di Imola)
This chapter is aimed at examining the literary evidence within the book of Ezekiel and in Neo-Babylonian sources that may shed light on the temporal, geographical, and cultural aspects of this prophetic book—information that scholars... more
The paper examines the cuneiform evidence from sixth-century Babylonia (and beyond) for information on the form and aims of Neo-Babylonian imperial rule over its western provinces. While new texts, which hitherto have not been considered... more
The Babylonian exile of the Jews is a Romantic iconography frequently depicted by German and French artists, that assumes in the context of Italian Risorgimento the value of a metaphor of the national movement’s conditions after the... more
An Examination of the Reasons Why God Exiled His People to Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar
Yahweh’s journey from local warrior god assigned to weather and storms to his installation as the universal deity -- and the people who put him there.
This study will revisit the archaeological work made at lachish, emphasizing the iron age, specifically the period B and C. And will consider, at its end, the relevance of the site.
A bible-exegetic study with geopolitical implications. Table of contents: A. Reason for the investigation. B. Topicality of the investigation. C. Methodology of the investigation. D. Preliminary remarks. Part I: A retelling of the... more
Een onderzoek naar de historische achtergronden van de Babylonische ballingschap en het theologische perspectief daarop in het boek Jeremia; met nadrukkelijk aandacht voor de recent gepubliceerde Babylonische teksten m.b.t. de ballingen... more
Esta tese tem como objeto de estudo o tema da esperança nos oráculos de salvação de Dêutero-Isaías (Is 41.8-13; 14-16; 43.1-7; 44.1-5). O exílio babilônico tornou-se um divisor de águas na história de Israel. Ao mesmo tempo que foi um... more
This paper is an attempt to offer new insight into the development of Judaism and the forces that helped shape it. It focuses on the conflict that erupted in Judea when the Babylonian exiles returned. My argument is that the Biblical... more
The Dculschc Nalionalhiblinlhck lists lhiš puhlicallon in lhc Dculschc anionnlbiblivgrufic:dcmilcd biblii-graphic dala are available in the lmcmcl al hllp://dnb.dnb.dc. ISBN 978-3-643»9l330-2 (pb) ISBN 97H-3-543-96330-7 (PDF) A mlnlngue... more
1-2 Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah express a different approach to the future of Israel to that provided in the Earlier Prophets. Firstly, the nature and the dating of this part of the Hebrew Bible are discussed, suggesting the end of the... more