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Les civilisations émergent, disparaissent et d’autres leur succèdent : il en est de même pour les grandes cultures européennes de la fin du Paléolithique. Dans un contexte de bouleversement global des écosystèmes, l’apparition et le... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyMagdalenianAzilian
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A stratigraphic review of the Santimamiñe Cave strata was performed between 2004 and 2006 as part of an overall study, conservation and dissemination programme of this archaeological site. The stratigraphic survey conducted affected the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeological StratigraphyNeolithicMagdalenian
During the second half of the Upper Paleolithic, Europe seems to have been divided in two vast techno-cultural entities with their particular chronological sequence: the Western Europe “classical sequence” and the Epigravettian sequence... more
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      Climate ChangePalaeolithic ArchaeologyPaleoenvironmentLithic Technology
This paper, the last of four papers on Atlantis – Discovery, Sinking, Marduk and Destruction – examines the extent of the tsunami of 9,577 BC. It compares calculated flood levels with actual flood levels in Europe, Morocco, and the... more
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      Antarctica (Glaciology)TsunamiMass extinctionsBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentClimate Change Adaptation
The site of Chaloignes (Mozé-sur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire) was excavated in 1999 over surface of 9200 m2. This work led to the first description of a complex habitat of the Final Palaeolithic on the Armorican Massif and clarified our image... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyPrehistoric SettlementLithic Technology
This article synthesises recent zooarchaeological studies and techno-typological analyses of Azilian assemblages from southwestern France. This data, occasionally complemented by information from bone tools and mobiliary art, allows the... more
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      ZooarchaeologyLithic TechnologyPyreneesAzilian
Les années 1980 correspondent aux dernières études de synthèse sur l'Épipaléolithique dans les Landes et les Pyrénées occidentales. Depuis, de nouveaux sites ont été découverts tandis que nos conceptions sur la transition entre... more
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      Bone and AntlerPrehistoric ArtUpper PaleolithicBone Industry
Related individuals grouped under the name of Villabruna cluster (14 – 7 Kya) were found throughout Europe during the Bølling-Allerød warming period and are considered to be one of the main elements constituting the European... more
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      MythologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
Après le LGM, le recul des glaciers pyrénéens a libéré de nouveaux espaces désormais disponibles pour les populations végétales et animales. A travers les données de l'archéozoologie, cet article aborde la fréquentation du versant nord... more
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      ZooarchaeologyPaleolithic EuropeMagdalenianAzilian
El estudio del Aziliense en el Cantábrico, especialmente en Asturias, fue una de las líneas de investigación principales del profesor Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres. Tomando como excusa su colaboración en el diseño de la exposición... more
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      AsturiasCantabrian PalaeolithicPaleolithic ArchaeologyAzilian
Une enquête collective concernant les industries lithiques contemporaines du Tardiglaciaire permet de révéler soixante-huit sites (neuf sites majeurs, onze sites confirmés et quarante-huit indices) sur le Massif armoricain, inédits pour... more
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      Late PalaeolithicFinal PaleolithicAzilian
Les recherches consacrées au Magdalénien de la zone pyrénéo-cantabrique ont beaucoup progressé dans les vingt dernières années et se tournent désormais vers les secteurs de marges puisqu’ils recèlent des informations précieuses sur la... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMagdalenianAzilianArancou
Bulletin Préhistoire du Sud-Ouest -n° 22/2014-2 134 l'Etat (Musée d'Archéologie Nationale) par le propriétaire du site. La collection vient de rejoindre le Musée national de préhistoire (Les Eyzies-de-Tayac), après un long dépôt à... more
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      Mesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyUpper PaleolithicMagdalenianPaleolithic Art
En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta metodológica y la creación de un catálogo para el estudio completo de los cantos y placas decoradas, de cronologías de Final del Paleolítico y Aziliense. Los resultados marcan tendencias claras en... more
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      Prehistoric ArtAzilianFinal Upper Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Hunter-gatherers
Les informations recueillies dans la cuvette sédimentaire des Chaloignes (Mozé-sur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire) lors d’une fouille préventive menée en 1999 permettent de recréer un espace d’habitat azilien, en cherchant des indicateurs... more
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      ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithic Refitting
Le Tardiglaciaire du Grand-Ouest de la France fait l'objet de nouvelles recherches depuis quelques années. La situation de cette région à la fin du Pléistocène était en effet totalement méconnue il y a encore vingt ans ce qui a valu au... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyPaleolithic EuropeUpper Paleolithic
The development of the Azilian in Western Europe 14,000 years ago is considered a " revolution " in Upper Paleolithic Archaeology. One of the main elements of this rapid social restructuring is the abandonment of naturalistic... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
The stratigraphic review programme of the archaeological deposits of Santimamiñe (2004-2006) has brought to light a 6 metre deep sequence with 27 stratigraphic units hosting seven phases of human occupation between the second part of the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPaleoenvironmentNeolithic ArchaeologyPaleoenvironment (Archaeology)
A stratigraphic review of the Santimamiñe Cave strata was performed between 2004 and 2006 as part of an overall study, conservation and dissemination programme of this archaeological site. The stratigraphic survey conducted affected the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeological StratigraphyPaleoenvironment (Archaeology)Neolithic
Dans le cadre du projet Magdatis, nous avons pu réévaluer la série emblématique de l'abri Morin (Gironde). Ce gisement, fouillé dans les années 1950 par R. Deffarge, est célèbre pour sa richesse en oeuvres d'art mais aussi pour ses... more
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      StratigraphyZooarchaeologyLithic TechnologyMagdalenian
A critic review of the archaeological record from Cueva Oscura de Ania has allowed us explain the nature of her Azilian levles. This cave can be included in the group of sites where it is found a transitional period from Upper... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAsturiasMagdalenianCantabrian Palaeolithic
O faseamento do Magdalenense definido no Sudoeste francês, estabelecido com base na tipologia da indústria em osso, tem vindo a ser adotado em Portugal (Zilhão 1997, Bicho 1997, Gameiro 2012). Relativamente à transição do Pleistoceno para... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLate Pleistocene to Early HolocenePaleolithic ArtAzilian
Desde finales del Pleistoceno, y especialmente durante los primeros milenios del Holoceno, parece observarse a lo largo de toda la Región Cantábrica una ocupación de las zonas de interior y de altura, posiblemente relacionada con el fin... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyArchaeological GISMobility (Archaeology)Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene
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      Funerary ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyChinaFunerary Practices
At the Final Palaeolithic (Federmessergruppen) sites of Niederbieber (Area I & IV), Andernach-Martinsberg 3 and Berlin-Tegel IX, a combination of different methods of spatial analysis reveals indica tions for the presence of dwelling... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologySpatial analysis (Archaeology)Late PalaeolithicTents
Les dix derniers millénaires d’occupation humaine paléolithique ont laissé d’abondants témoignages le long du versant nord-pyrénéen. Si les fluctuations climatiques et leurs conséquences environnementales ont pu conditionner... more
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      Lithic TechnologyUpper PaleolithicBone Technology (Archaeology)Magdalenian
Lovitura de stat de la 11 septembrie 1973 a pus capăt idilei care se înfiripa între regimurile de la Bucureşti şi Santiago de Chile. Generalul Augusto Pinochet şi ceilalţi membri ai juntei militare au acţionat rapid împotriva posibililor... more
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      History of ChileAzilianHistoria de ChileHistoria Contemporánea de Chile
DES SOCIÉTÉS EN MOUVEMENT : nouvelles données sur l'évolution des comportements techno-économiques des sociétés magdaléniennes et aziliennes des Alpes du nord françaises (14 000 -11000 BP)
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      Lithic TechnologyMagdalenianAzilian
This paper introduces a preliminary report of the Oscura de Ania Cave with Azilian lithic industry (Levels 1 and 2). Level 2 (Layers Oc and Ob) it is characterized for: (1) a high percentage of bladelet tools group, (2) more endscrappers... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyLithic Technology (Archaeology)Asturias
We present in this work the integral study of the portable art of Fariseu (Côa Valley). Eighty-five engraved pieces and four painted ones form the studied collection. The chronological attribution to the Late Dryas/ beginning of the... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyUpper PaleolithicAzilianPalaeolithic Art
During the LGM, Europe starts being split in two main large cultural entities: the Epigravettian complex and the Western Europe sequence. In this paper, we focus on the end of the Upper Palaeolithic and more precisely on the period... more
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      Upper PaleolithicMagdalenianEpigravettianAzilian
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyPaleolithic Europe
Après un bref exposé de l'historique des travaux consacrés à l'abri n° 1 de Chinchon (Saumanes, Vaucluse), la position chronologique du niveau C est discutée. Il apparaît être plus ancien que l'interstade de Bôlling. Il ne peut donc... more
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      MagdalenianAzilianTipología AnalíticaTardigravettian
Lower Azilian at Cueva Oscura de Ania (Las Regueras, Asturias, Spain) Recent definition of the Cantabrian Lower Azilian has turned the Late Upper Magdalenian/Azilian transition into one of the most interesting archaeological ages in the... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAsturiasCantabrian PalaeolithicCantabrian Region
El Cierro Cave possesses one of the few sequences in SW Europe in which archaeological levels cover the transition from the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene. Information contributed by the palynological and anthracological studies... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic EuropeClimate Change and Environmental ArchaeologyAzilian
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyBone and AntlerAsturias
Le gisement du Closeau (Rueil-Malmaison, Hauts-de-Seine) est le gisement de référence pour la fin du Tardiglaciaire du nord de la France. La répartition, au sein de plusieurs horizons stratigraphiques, de 79 concentrations de vestiges... more
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      Lithic TechnologyFinal PaleolithicAzilianFedermesser-Gruppen
Nur aus der Anfangsphase des untersuchten Beobachtungszeitraums, der sich von 15000 v. Chr. bis 5000 v. Chr. erstreckt, sind Behausungen anhand direkter Funde erkennbar. Bei anderen Fundstellen können nur die Fundkonzentrationen... more
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      Spatial AnalysisMesolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyBehaviour (Human Evolution)
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      TraceologyAzilianUse WearProjectile
Key words: Azilian, Economy, Final Paleolithic, Late glacial, Lithic technology, North Western France, Pleistocene-Holocene transition, Prehistory, Raw material Between the XIIIth and Xth millenniums BC, human societies of Western... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyLithic TechnologyPrehistory
Ce travail s’inscrit dans ce contexte de renouveau des recherches pour les sites de France centrale attribués au Paléolithique final. Il est mené par l’un d’entre nous (AG) dans le cadre d’un doctorat au Service d’archéologie préventive... more
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      Lithic TechnologyMobility (Archaeology)PrehistoryHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
Rietberg 5 ist Teil des frühen Federmessenfundplatzes Riteberg-Große Höppe in der Westfälischen Bucht, der um ca. 13,800 cal BP datiert. Das lithische Inventar von Rietberg 5 wurde mithilfe von Zusammensetzungen und Attributsanalysen... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyPaleolithic EuropeLate PalaeolithicPalaeolithic
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyAzilianLate Glacial Archaeology
Present paper details the results of the study of the Azilian bone and antler assemblage from Cueva Oscura de Ania. Critic review of Cueva Oscura de Ania record has allowed us to give full details of the Lower Azilian archaeological... more
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      Upper PaleolithicAsturiasCantabrian PalaeolithicCantabrian Region
La transición desde el Paleolítico al Mesolítico no es sino una etapa más dentro del constante proceso de cambio que experimentan las sociedades humanas. Esta transformación de los grupos paleolíticos se enclava, cronológicamente, entre... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyMagdalenianAzilianEpipaleolithic-Neolithic transition
Auf einem spätpaläolithischen Lagerplatz in Boppard wurde ein aus der plantaren Seite eines Metatarsus vom Rothirsch (Cervus elaphus) gefertigter Glätter gefunden. Auf seinen Schmalseiten weist das Gerät zahlreiche parallele Kerben auf,... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyBone and AntlerLate PalaeolithicAzilian
We present in this work the integral study of the portable art of Fariseu (Côa Valley). Eighty-five engraved pieces and four painted ones form the studied collection. The chronological attribution to the Late Dryas/ beginning of the... more
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      GeographyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyUpper PaleolithicAzilian