Recent papers in Tardigravettian
Abstract in English on pages 76-77
The Rouet stratified site, located on the coast of Marseille (Carry-le-Rouet, Bouches-du-Rhône), provide a pleni-tardiglacial tardigravettian sequence well radiocarbon dated, beginning with two shouldered (cran) blades and points levels.... more
Après un bref exposé de l'historique des travaux consacrés à l'abri n° 1 de Chinchon (Saumanes, Vaucluse), la position chronologique du niveau C est discutée. Il apparaît être plus ancien que l'interstade de Bôlling. Il ne peut donc... more
Le Mas des Taillades à Fontvieille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Sériation des complexes industriels tardigravettiens évolués dans la basse vallée du Rhône SUMMARY-LE MAS DES TAILLADES À FONTVIEILLE (BOUCHES-DU-RHÔNE). SÉRIATION DES COMPLEXES... more
The lithic industry with shouldered points and truncated backed bladelets from the rockshelter of Chinchon 1 in the Vaucluse has been variously interpreted over the past few decades: some authors clearly see it as belonging to an... more
After the gravettian period, the evolutionary pathway of the lower Rhône valley (Provence and oriental Languedoc) pleni and tardiglacial lithic industries are quite different. In Provence, backed tools industries carry on with the... more
The mOY]Jho-technological analysis of six late würmian lithic industries [rom the eastern part of Provence, of eleven industries from Vaucluse area and also of two industries [rom the Bouches-du-Rhône area allows to describe, between... more