Lithic Refitting
Recent papers in Lithic Refitting
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
Since the 1990s, Stone Age researchers have increasingly shown the great potential chipped stone technologies hold for the study of life in settlements. Based on the existence of culture- specific standards and rules for the production of... more
In this article, chipped stone raw materials from the Garrett Allen site are discussed, with emphasis on the stone tools. As indicated by Eckles (2013), who discussed the history of investigations and chronology, this is one of several... more
Das Duvenseer Moor gehört zu den wichtigsten mittelsteinzeitlichen Fundarealen. Neue Forschungen an den exzellent erhaltenen »Wohnplätzen« befassen sich mit der Entwicklung des Subsistenzverhaltens am Beginn unserer heutigen Warmzeit. Und... more
Dispersals of anatomically modern humans out of eastern Africa, are reflected in the fossil record of western and northern Africa and the Levant. These dispersals are supported by genetic studies, but difficult to detect in the... more
"L’analisi dell’arco e della freccia nelle componenti meccaniche, associata alla conoscenza delle attitudini venatorie dell’uomo contestualizzate all’ambiente e alla fauna, possono consentire all’archeologo una valutazione di alcuni... more
The so-called "Tor Faraj (Jordan) 2003 Book" on complex data of Late Levantine Mousterian, including Levallois point production technology based on refits, and methodology of refitting analysis by Demidenko & Usik
Few intact Middle Archaic sites have been investigated in Southwestern Ontario and attention has focused on large, multicomponent sites, which are difficult to interpret. This thesis focuses on recent work that has been conducted on an... more
Abstract: The Federmesser-Gruppen (FMG) (12,000–10,800 calBC; Riede et al. 2010, 298) is a less well-understood period of the Late Glacial. Few stratified sites are known, and surface finds constitute the largest contribution to the... more
Zusammenfassung -Studentlnnen des Instituts für Ur-und Frühgeschichte der Universität zu Köln führten zwischen 1984 und 1988 in den Sommersemesterferien im Abri "Unter den Seewänden" Ausgrabungen durch. Die Fundstelle liegt bei ca. 920 m... more
L’assemblage lithique des Maîtreaux (Bossay-sur-Claise, 37) est caractérisée par une surabondance de déchets de taille qui a orienté l’interprétation fonctionnelle du site (ou de l’aire fouillée du site) vers une dominance des opérations... more
A l’extrême fin du stade isotopique 3a, le Châtelperronien, dernière manifestation des néandertaliens en France et dans le nord de l’Espagne, est un technocomplexe défini comme de transition avec un monde nouveau, celui du Paléolithique... more
O trabalho que agora se apresenta não teria sido possível se, em meu redor, não tivesse existido um conjunto de pessoas que me ensinasse, me permitisse ter tido condições de trabalho e com quem tivesse podido trocar ideias. A todas elas... more
Trabajo de investigación de Tercer Ciclo. Universidad de Cantabria. Se presentan los resultados del análisis tecnológico de los niveles A, B, C y D del yacimiento Musteriense de Axlor (DIma, Bizkaia) y los resultados del análisis de... more
The intrasite mobility of lithic artifacts is one of the most relevant issues that can be approached from the spatial study of refitting. In many sites, it has been found that some artifacts were abandoned at considerable distance from... more
La fouille archéologique a été réalisée à l’emplacement de la future carrière de granulats exploitée par la Compagnie des Sablières de la Seine (CSS), aux lieuxdits «Les Diguets» et «La Noé» sur une superficie de 300 m². La problématique... more
Cette thèse est le fruit de la réunion de notre attrait pour deux domaines de recherche sur l'homme que sont la préhistoire et les sciences cognitives. Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie synthétique de l'évolution et cherche à... more
The Aurignacian V from Laugerie-Haute, France, has been one of the most problematic assemblages in Paleolithic research because of its typological characteristics and its apparent late chronology. Part of the problem related to the fact... more
Antes de comenzar con la presentación de la tesis de master me gustaría agradecer al director de la misma, Javier Baena, todo su apoyo y confianza depositada en mí durante todos estos años de trabajo, así como su formación y consejos que... more
Ce travail présente un schéma de production d'éclats courts et normalisés identifiés dans des séries lithiques attribués aux premières phases du Magdalénien et au Badegoulien. Cette production s'effectue au moyen de séquences simples qui... more
The early archaeological record of Beringia is complicated by the occurrence of several lithic industries. Site assemblages, dating from 14,000 to 12,800 years ago and located from the Yana-Indigirka Lowlands of Siberia to the upper... more
Der Artikel beinhaltet die Grabungsauswertung der Funde und Befunde des auf der sogenannten Gehmlitz gelegen Fundplatzes Golßen Fpl. 1. Auf dem im Jahre 1968 von Bernhard Gramsch ausgegrabenen Fundplatz auf der Talsandinsel Gehmlitz... more
Several recent refitting studies of Early Upper Paleolithic Ahmarian assemblages from the arid margins of the southern Levant have enabled the systematic investigation of their distinctive technology. The reconstruction of the Ahmarian... more