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context of supporting individuals in care
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    • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
The Curious Incidents in the World, Since the Modern-time
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      AutismChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism and creativity
کتاب حاضر توسط دو نفراز متخصصین رشته روانشناسی و آموزش کودکان با ناتوانی های هوشی و اتیسم که تجربه های مستقیم درارتباط با آموزش خانواده ها درزمینه بلوغ و مسائل جنسی به کودکان با ناتوانی های هوشی داشته اند، نوشته شده است. کتاب حاضر بصورت... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutistic Spectrum Disorders
The article presents an analysis of the general characteristics of negative psychosocial experiences and their possible impact on the psychosexual sphere of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum... more
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      Intellectual DisabilityAdolescenceAutistic Spectrum DisordersSexual Development
Speech disorders, presented in terms of theoretical models in speech-therapy literature, may manifest themselves in clinical practice as diverse spectra of symptoms, far removed from model descriptions. In many cases, the speech therapist... more
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      Autistic Spectrum DisordersFrontotemporal DementiaAkinetic Mutism
The history of coming to grips with what autism is and its etiology has been tortuous ― if not tortured. By 1908 the word autism was defined as a schizophrenic who was withdrawn or self-absorbed. Some decades later Leo Kanner decided that... more
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      AutismAspergersAutistic Spectrum DisordersIntellectual & Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders
En Cataluña, el alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) escolarizado en escuelas inclusivas recibe apoyo por parte del servicio de apoyo intensivo para la escolarización inclusiva (SIEI), bien en las aulas ordinarias, o bien en... more
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      Inclusive EducationSpecial Education TeachersAutistic Spectrum DisordersTrastornos del espectro autista
Autizmus je celoţivotné ochorenie, ktoré postihuje jedinca a ovplyvňuje fungovanie celej rodiny. Neraz sa rodiny autistov musia stretávať s častými otázkami nevedomých ľudí.
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      Social WorkAutistic Spectrum DisordersProblems of Autistic ChildAutismus
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      GeriatricsDementiaDisaster risk managementPsychiatry of older age
Master's Thesis on Inner Speech O Αυτοδιάλογος, γνωστός επίσης και ως αυτό-ομιλία, εμπλέκεται στις θεωρίες της γλώσσας, των εκτελεστικών λειτουργιών του ατόμου, της ψυχοπαθολογίας και της γνωστικής ανάπτυξης. Παρά το γεγονός ότι οι... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyDepressionAphasia
Niniejsze opracowanie prezentuje specyfikę pracy i wsparcia w odniesieniu do uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami, o różnych potrzebach edukacyjnych. Choć każdy z rodzajów niepełnosprawności wymaga nieco innych oddziaływań... more
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      School BullyingSpecial Educational NeedsIntellectual DisabilityDisability
Continuing professional development (CPD) Those wishing to register for CPD with the Royal College of Psychiatrists should contact the CPD unit (tel: +44 (0)20 7235 2351, ext. 6108 or 6112). There is no charge for participation in the CPD... more
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      ServicesHuman Resource ManagementHealthCommunity
This paper troubles the concept of single autism spectrum. We discuss how the ideology from early medical theory has influenced the conceptualisation of autistic people, professional diagnostic practice and an aspiration to “cure” people... more
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      Counseling PsychologyAutismPsychotherapy and CounselingAutism Spectrum Disorders
This chapter summarizes findings of the morphological and functional brain changes in autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), demonstrated by a growing body of researches that employs diverse neuroimaging methods. We discuss major anatomical... more
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      SpectroscopyMagnetic Resonance ImagingDiffusion Tensor ImagingPositron Emission Tomography
‘Autism’ or ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’ is a neurological condition characterised by impairments in social interaction, difficulty in communication, and repetitive or stereotypic interest or behaviour patterns that interfere significantly... more
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      Behavior ModificationAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersRehabilitation Psychology
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      ServicesHuman Resource ManagementHealthCommunity
Los Entornos Gamificados Aumentados (EGA) se consideran escenarios inmersivos apoyados en realidad aumentada que integran actividades que adoptan las mecánicas y dinámicas del juego e invitan a los sujetos a interaccionar con recursos... more
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      Special EducationAugmented RealityAutistic Spectrum DisordersGamification in Education
An analysis from the transcursive logic. This paper investigates the existence of a probable link between assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the birth of autistic children. We... more
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      AutismPsychiatric DisordersAssisted Reproductive TechnologyAutistic Spectrum Disorders
The "Autistic-Led Innovation on Autism Communication Support Programs 5-year Report for 2014-2019" was received by California Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (AD-51) We projected an increase to an 85% employment rate within 5 years. The... more
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      CommunicationAutistic Spectrum DisordersAccessability
Background: The most common problems in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders are eye contact, being able to follow objects for a long time and lack of attention. Sports activities are known to prevent the negative symptoms of... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersBadmintonAutism (Education)
Leon Eisenberg, M.D., D.Sc. (August 8, 1922 – September 15, 2009) was an American child psychiatrist, social psychiatrist and medical educator who "transformed child psychiatry by advocating research into developmental problems" He is... more
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      PsychiatryPsychopharmacologyAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
Nous présentons le programme d'Entraînement aux Habiletés Sociales pour pré-ados et adolescents TND/TSA.... "Être Humainement Soi". We present the Social Skills Training program for pre-teens and teens with neurodevelopmental... more
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      Autistic Spectrum DisordersSocial Skills TrainingTroubles neurodéveloppementauxTroubles du Spectre Autistique
There has been no significant writing within personal construct psychology about autistic spectrum disorders, despite the fact that this approach provides promising models in a number of other specific areas of human difficulty. This... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyConstructivism
This report presents the results of the ‘Time Detectives’ programme of archaeological excavation of 10 1m2 ‘test pits’ in the Cambridgeshire village of Swaffham Bulbeck in spring 2012. The programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)
Continuing professional development (CPD) Those wishing to register for CPD with the Royal College of Psychiatrists should contact the CPD unit (tel: +44 (0)20 7235 2351, ext. 6108 or 6112). There is no charge for participation in the CPD... more
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      ServicesHuman Resource ManagementHealthCommunity
Neurodevelopmental disorders appear in early childhood and cause serious impairment in several areas. These are characterized by damages or delays in development of functions closely associated with the biological aging of the central... more
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      Special EducationSpecial Educational Needs and TransitionsSpecial Educational NeedsEarly Childhood Special Education
Autistic Spectrum Disorder' is commonly known as 'autism' and a person suffering from this illness is referred to as 'autistic'. It is a behavioral disorder with a number of symptoms that may range from mild to severe. No two children... more
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      AutismHomeopathyAutism Spectrum DisordersAutistic Spectrum Disorders
This paper focuses on states of mind in which a psychic void predominates, characterized by a deep sense of meaninglessness and formlessness, and on the various survival strategies and protective shells employed in the attempt to "a-void"... more
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      Samuel BeckettHypochondriaTIMEAutistic Spectrum Disorders
Psychologists, therapists and other professionals that are concerned in the wellbeing of all creation are in the business of promoting and maintaining good health. The paper titled “Management of Autistic Children’’ discussed how Autistic... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
ABSRACT Although Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have been classified as two separate neuro-cognitive disorders and cannot be codiagnosed according to DSM IV, in the literature there... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderAutistic Spectrum Disorders
A theatre play inspired by Asperger Syndrome. The first draft was written in 2009 in Athens, it was then translated in English in 2011, when it was presented as a staged reading at Blue Elephant Theatre (Directed by Erica Miller). The... more
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It is possible to solve highly complicated mathematical problem using evolutionary nature inspired algorithms like Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA). Despite of their capability to solve mathematical problems, they can be seen or... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAutistic Spectrum DisordersEvolutionary AlgorithmImperialistic Competitive Algorithm (ICA)
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      DevelopmentAutistic Spectrum DisordersAetiologyDisease Prevention and Health Promotion
#Autism #AutismTreatment #AutismSurrogateHealing #IntentHealing #NonVerbalAutism What is Surrogate healing in Autism ? Surrogate healing in Autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with Autism by channeling Intent... more
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      Developmental PsychologySpecial EducationOccupational TherapyAutism
There has been no significant writing within personal construct psychology about autistic spectrum disorders, despite the fact that this approach provides promising models in a number of other specific areas of human difficulty. This... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryEducationDevelopment Studies
This report presents the results of the ‘Time Detectives’ programme of archaeological excavation of 10 1m2 ‘test pits’ in the Cambridgeshire village of Swaffham Bulbeck in spring 2012. The programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryAutism
RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é o de identificar contribuições do modelo social da deficiência para a compreensão do Transtorno do Espectro Autista, considerado, hoje, no Brasil, uma condição de deficiência. O estudo se caracterizou como... more
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      Disability StudiesAutistic Spectrum DisordersSocial Model of Disability
Se aborda de forma crítica la exposición del desorden del espectro autista llevada a cabo en la quinta y última edición del Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (dsm-5), herramienta principal de muchos psiquiatras para... more
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      PhenomenologyDSM-VAutistic Spectrum Disorders
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      CommunicationTeacher EducationAutistic Spectrum DisordersIntensive Interaction
Clinical knowledge of Asperger’s Syndrome and other Autistic Spectrum Disorders has developed enormously since Hans Asperger’s early definition of ‘autistic psychopathy’ in 1944, yet societal misunderstandings persist and recent research... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeDisability StudiesAutism Spectrum Disorders
A comfortable acoustical environment is imperative for the safety, well-being and recovery of patients receiving treatment in any type of healthcare service. Unfortunately, lack of satisfactory acoustical performance in most healthcare... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthAutistic Spectrum DisordersArchitectural AcousticsNoise Pollution
The purpose of this study was to conduct the first usability inquiry of a gamified, behavior change theory-guided mobile app PuzzleWalk for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior in adults with and without autism... more
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      Behavioral SciencesUsabilitySerious GamesPhysical Activity
For the Dutch publication "UP",  I wrote an article about autism & communication. An English translation is available via my weblog
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      CommunicationTeaching and LearningInterpersonal CommunicationAutism Spectrum Disorders
Se recogen estudios centrados en analizar el impacto de la realidad aumentada (RA) en intervenciones con sujetos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), orientados a estimular sus competencias social y comunicativa, favoreciendo su... more
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      EducationAugmented RealityInclusionAutistic Spectrum Disorders
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
Aim: The aim of this research is to investigate the effect to physical parameters of 24 weeks special movement training program which is applied to 8-16 aged autistic children with Eurofit tests. Method: 18 children (6 female + 12 male)... more
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      Exercise PhysiologySports & Exercise PychologyAutismResearch Methods in Physical Education and Sport
Autism is a lifelong developmental condition affecting around 700,000 people in the UK, which significantly affects how individuals interact and communicate with the world around them. (National Autistic Society, 2021). However, the... more
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      AutismMental HealthAutistic Spectrum Disorders
The purpose of this study was to conduct the first usability inquiry of a gamified, behavior change theory-guided mobile app PuzzleWalk for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior in adults with and without autism... more
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      Information SystemsBehavioral SciencesUsabilitySerious Games