Papers by Nerea López-Bouzas
Drawing is an ideal technique to understand children’s responses to fictional narratives, includi... more Drawing is an ideal technique to understand children’s responses to fictional narratives, including digital ones. In this case, a gamified narrative with Augmented Reality (AR), based on a picturebook, was designed and used in an intervention in 8 Early Childhood Education classrooms (N=113), aimed at enhancing their literary competence. This paper analyses the visual responses of the participating students after the intervention, reflected in their drawings and complemented with individual interviews. The methodology is mixed: (a) qualitative, analysing the content of the drawings, and taking into account the narrativeinterpretive
and gamification dimensions, through an instrument designed ad hoc; (b) quantitative, through the statistical treatment of the collected data. The
results show the predominance of informative and emotional responses, which reveal the understanding of the narrative. Most of the children draw the characters that sparked their interest and recreate key scenes from the story. Drawings emphasise the narrative aspects, and to a lesser extent refer to the game mechanics (challenges and rewards). Finally, it is confirmed that the gamified narrative with AR has the capacity to generate emotional responses and promote the immersion of students in the story and the game.
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2024
This study examines the impact of an intervention using an Augmented Gamified Environment (AGE) t... more This study examines the impact of an intervention using an Augmented Gamified Environment (AGE) to stimulate socio-emotional skills in a sample of 54 subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) aged between 3 and 17 years old. The study used a quantitative, exploratory, analytical methodology. Socio-emotional skills were evaluated before and after intervention (pre-posttest) using the DiagnosticApp instrument, supported by a fun app. The study specifically analyzed their ability to identify primary and secondary emotions and emotional states, as well as the cause-effect relationship linked to a context. The results show that socio-emotional skills improved after the intervention, regardless of gender, age, degree of ASD, comorbidity, or type of language. Overall, the greatest improvement was in identifying both primary and secondary emotions through recognizing facial expressions. Additionally, as expected, older students, and those with less severe ASD and more functional language exhibited higher scores in their socio-emotional skills. In conclusion, the extrinsic motivation associated with the mix of game mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics, along with the augmented reality resources making up the AGE, are key contributing elements in improving these students' socio-emotional skills.
Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 2024
Transmedia skill, derived from the process of converting films into educational games using augme... more Transmedia skill, derived from the process of converting films into educational games using augmented reality and artificial intelligence, involves employing various languages and mediums to adapt an original narrative to another format. This transmedia practice presents an opportunity to cultivate diverse skills in teacher training by transforming film narratives into educational games with Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Moreover, these educational games enable student engagement in missions or challenges, enhancing their engagement with educational activities. Thus, this research stems from an Innovation project implemented in the Degree in Early Childhood Education (N=77) with two groups of university students who developed 24 educational games in physical and digital formats. The objectives are: 1) to compare the transmedia process adopted by both groups when converting children's animation films into games, some in digital format and others combining physical and digital resources; and 2) to analyze their transmedia skill reflected in the games developed. The methodology adopted is non-experimental empirical, with a descriptive and comparative nature. Two instruments were designed and validated, one to analyze the transmedia process followed in each case and another to ascertain the level of transmedia skill of the university students. The results reveal that both groups chose different creative approaches to gamify the films, expanding their stories by leveraging the potential of AR and AI to create interactive characters and settings. From this, their transmedia capability could be inferred. Thus, the use of digital applications to collaboratively design games-utilizing film narratives-represented an innovation in their training, holistically enhancing various skills. In conclusion, this experience presents an opportunity to increase the transmedia skills of future educators.
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 2024
Las escuelas rurales son clave en sus territorios, ya que dinamizan su comunidad y promueven acci... more Las escuelas rurales son clave en sus territorios, ya que dinamizan su comunidad y promueven acciones con impacto económico, social y cultural. Este estudio pretende conocer los proyectos realizados por escuelas rurales asturianas (España) (N = 44) en colaboración con entidades locales. La metodología utilizada es mixta: cuantitativa, pues se consultó a los equipos directivos con un cuestionario sobre la colaboración de sus escuelas con instituciones y entidades locales; y cualitativa, se describen los proyectos realizados en colaboración con entidades locales, identificando sus objetivos, temáticas priorizadas, fuente de financiación e impacto en el territorio. Los resultados muestran que las escuelas están inmersas en proyectos que abordan temas diversos (medioambiente, salud, diversidad, etc.) junto con ayuntamientos, centros culturales, bibliotecas, centros sanitarios, empresas, Organizaciones no Gubernamentales (ONG), etc. Los directores están satisfechos, valoran sus escuelas como dinamizadoras del territorio, afirman que los proyectos responden a necesidades compartidas: ofrecen servicios a la comunidad, fijan población, fomentan el sentimiento de pertenencia al territorio y ayudan a construir una identidad colectiva. Finalmente, se constata el papel activo de las escuelas rurales y la importancia del apoyo externo para desarrollar iniciativas que beneficien a la población.
Revista Signos, 2024
Las apps creadoras de relatos digitales pueden ser idóneas para estimular y evaluar la competenci... more Las apps creadoras de relatos digitales pueden ser idóneas para estimular y evaluar la competencia comunicativa oral, explicada a partir de las competencias lingüística, socio-lingüística y pragmática. Así, tras evaluar el potencial inmersivo y la capacidad para potenciar la producción verbal en la Educación Infantil de la app Imagistory, esta investigación empírica —no experimental, descriptiva y observacional— se centra en: 1) evaluar la competencia comunicativa oral del alumnado de educación infantil (N=93) mediante el registro de sus producciones orales utilizando dicha app, y 2) identificar la relación entre el nivel competencial mostrado y el engagement suscitado por la tarea narrativa apoyada en la app. La metodología es mixta: ‘cualitativa’, adscrita al paradigma hermenéutico, pues los investigadores analizan el contenido de los relatos elaborados atendiendo a indicadores intrínsecos a la competencia comunicativa oral y, ‘cuantitativa’, ligada al tratamiento estadístico de los datos recabados con un instrumento diseñado y validado (α=0,805). Los resultados subrayan un nivel competencial del alumnado medio-alto, independientemente de la edad y género, detectándose la buena pronunciación y uso correcto de elementos morfológicos, tiempos verbales y vocabulario en sus producciones orales. Esta competencia se
correlaciona significativamente con el engagement suscitado por la app. La secuencia de ilustraciones que presenta ha incrementado su interés, curiosidad e inmersión en la historia, lo que contribuye a la construcción de un relato oral coherente y cohesionado. En conclusión, estas herramientas permiten evaluar el discurso oral en primeras edades, elaborar el diagnóstico inicial de esta competencia, detectar las limitaciones del alumnado y constatar su progreso.
Palabras clave: competencia comunicativa,
Revista de Educación Inclusiva, 2024
Esta investigación examina el impacto de una intervención que utiliza un Entorno Gamificado Aumen... more Esta investigación examina el impacto de una intervención que utiliza un Entorno Gamificado Aumentado (EGA) para estimular las habilidades socio-emocionales de una muestra de 54 sujetos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) de edades comprendidas entre 3 y 17 años. La metodología utilizada es cuantitativa, de carácter exploratorio y analítico. Se evalúan las habilidades socio-emocionales antes y después de la intervención (pre-postest) con el instrumento DiagnosticApp, apoyado en una app lúdica. Concretamente, se analiza su capacidad para identificar emociones y estados emocionales primarios y secundarios, y la relación causa-efecto ligada a un contexto. Los resultados muestran que las habilidades socio-emocionales se incrementan tras finalizar la intervención, independientemente del género, edad, grado de TEA, comorbilidad y tipo de lenguaje. En general, el mayor aumento se observa en la identificación de emociones tanto primarias como secundarias a partir del reconocimiento de expresiones faciales. Además, como era previsible, el alumnado con menor grado de TEA, de mayor edad y con un lenguaje más funcional presenta mayores valores en sus habilidades socio-emocionales. En conclusión, la motivación extrínseca asociada a la hibridación de las mecánicas, dinámicas y estéticas del juego, junto con los recursos de realidad aumentada que conforman el EGA constituyen elementos claves que favorecen el incremento de las habilidades socio-emocionales de este alumnado.
Theory & Practice in Rural Education (TPRE), 2024
Rural schools play an essentialrole in their local areas, helping stimulate the commu... more Rural schools play an essentialrole in their local areas, helping stimulate the community and promoting activities with economic, social, and cultural impact on the area. This study aimed to identify the projects undertaken by 44 rural schools in Asturias (Spain) in collaboration with local agents and organizations by consulting the school management teams. It also sought their opinions about the impact of these projects. The study used a mixed methodology: quantitative, analyzing the data collected from a semi-open questionnaire, qualitative, and listing and describing the projects. The questionnaire included questions about the organizations the schools collaborated with, the goals and subjects of the shared projects, and funding sources, and asked for opinions about their impact. The results indicate that rural schools in Asturias have undertaken projects covering various subjects in collaboration with local authorities, cultural centers, libraries, public health centers, small businesses, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The respondents were very satisfied with the activities. They viewed their schools as a stimulus for their areas, stating that the projects encouraged a sense of belonging to the area and helped construct a collective identity. They also felt that they responded to shared needs, offered services to the community, allowed people to settle or remain in the area, and, to a lesser extent, helped local businesses and the local economy. Finally, the study concludes that these schools play an active role in their local areas and highlight the importance of external support in implementing initiatives that benefit the rural population.
Educational and Information Technologies, 2023
Active methodologies such as gamification, combined with emerging technologies like augmented rea... more Active methodologies such as gamification, combined with emerging technologies like augmented reality, are enhancing learning environments that facilitate the development of essential competencies. Particularly, students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) require reinforcement of their Communicative Competence (CC) to activate their abilities to communicate effectively in different contexts, and interventions supported by this type of methodology and resources can contribute to this goal. The aim of this study is to analyse the contribution of an Augmented Gamified Environment to the development of CC in a sample of 54 subjects diagnosed in public Special Education centres. Correlational methodology is adopted with an exploratory and analytical approach. Individualized intervention sought to relate students' level of interaction and immersion in the environment's narrative to the increase in their CC. Their degree of autonomy when interacting with the tablet and immersion in the game was measured using observation-based instruments with categories that allowed for subsequent statistical analysis. Additionally, the influence of gender, age, severity of ASD, comorbidities, and type of language on the level of competence achieved was contrasted. The results show that engagement in mission execution favoured their CC. It was observed that the higher the immersion in the challenges, the higher the CC of the students. Specifically, older students with less severe ASD, functional oral language, and no comorbidity exhibited higher levels of CC. In conclusion, intervention for optimal results must be tailored to individual characteristics, present engaging narratives, and integrate playful activities that require communicative strategies.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 2023
Esta investigación analiza el potencial de un Entorno Gamificado Aumentado (EGA) para estimular l... more Esta investigación analiza el potencial de un Entorno Gamificado Aumentado (EGA) para estimular la Competencia
Comunicativa (CC) en personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) de entre 3 y 17 años. La metodología es cuantitativa,
empírica no experimental (N=54), de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, con carácter exploratorio y analítico. Cuyos objetivos son:
1) analizar si el EGA estimula la CC; 2) estudiar la relación entre el nivel competencial y el grado de inmersión e interacción del
alumnado con la tablet; y 3) inferir la relación entre la CC y el género, edad, grado de TEA y tipo de lenguaje. Los resultados
resaltan que la experiencia gamificada con realidad aumentada estimula notablemente la CC en este alumnado. Además, se
constata que, a mayor inmersión en el entorno gamificado, el alumnado alcanza mayor CC, y viceversa. Se observa la polarización
de los resultados según la singularidad del alumnado: cerca de la mitad demuestra tener un nivel competencial alto, y otra gran
parte presenta un nivel bajo o muy bajo. Concretamente, los sujetos mayores, con grado de TEA ligero, lenguaje oral funcional y
sin comorbilidad presentan un nivel competencial más alto. La interacción con recursos digitales y de realidad aumentada en un
entorno gamificado se constituye en una herramienta idónea para la estimulación del alumnado con TEA.
Observatorio, 2023
This research, derived from the interuniversity project Go Green!, aims to understand the level o... more This research, derived from the interuniversity project Go Green!, aims to understand the level of
environmental awareness among Spanish university students majoring in Education and Communication
(N=296) and their opinions on the most effective audiovisual strategies to increase awareness. The
objective is to infer the key factors for designing more persuasive campaigns. The methodology used
is empirical, non-experimental, with intentional sampling, descriptive, exploratory, and analytical in
nature. Data was collected using the Audiovisual Strategies for Environmental Awareness (ASEA)
questionnaire, specifically designed and validated (α=0.900) for this study. The results highlight that,
despite 90.6% of the respondents considering themselves fairly environmentally conscious, they do not
always engage in sustainable actions such as waste separation, water conservation, proper disposal of
toxic products, or energy conservation. Therefore, these young individuals become the potential target
audience for pro-environmental campaigns. Additionally, when asked about the most effective
audiovisual strategies to increase their environmental awareness, the respondents prioritize the use of
real images accompanied by informative and testimonial narratives that convey hopeful and mobilizing
messages to prevent catastrophic situations. The presence of nature as the protagonist in these
narratives is also favored to appeal to their emotional involvement. The optimal channel to reach this
audience is through media and social networks, and campaign designs should align with their forms of
expression and communication to ensure impact and promote eco-sustainable actions. Ultimately, these
findings provide insights for various organizations, advertising agencies, and NGOs to design more
persuasive pro-environmental campaigns targeting young audiences, contributing to the reversal of
planetary deterioration. Similarly, the data indicates specific messages that should be emphasized, such
as the reduction of water consumption, waste separation, and energy conservation.
AGER: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural , 2023
La sostenibilidad de las escuelas rurales depende de factores internos y externos que condicionan... more La sostenibilidad de las escuelas rurales depende de factores internos y externos que condicionan su supervivencia. Esta investigación pretende identificar las problemáticas denunciadas por la dirección de los centros rurales asturianos y sus demandas. Complementariamente, se analiza el eco que hace ellas la prensa escrita local. La metodología es mixta: a) cuantitativa, apoyada en el análisis de la opinión de los equipos directivos mediante un cuestionario (α=0,798), con un nivel de respuesta del 77,2 %; y b) cualitativa de tipo documental, centrada en el estudio del tratamiento que hace la prensa local de esas mismas problemáticas y demandas. Los resultados reflejan que los equipos directivos subrayan las problemáticas internas a la propia escuela, como la necesidad de recursos digitales, su actualización y mantenimiento, la necesidad de conexión a internet estable, medios de transporte y servicio de comedor. Mientras tanto, la prensa local enfatiza las problemáticas externas que rodean al sector educativo, como la baja fecundidad y baja natalidad, y el consiguiente cierre de escuelas. Se visibiliza especialmente la escuela rural cuando se ve abocada al cierre, evidenciando el lamento de la comunidad educativa, consciente de lo que esto implica en el territorio. Finalmente, las distintas entidades administrativas deben responder a las necesidades y demandas de las escuelas rurales para favorecer su sostenibilidad.
Rural Society, 2023
The online press is a platform that helps to communicate the advantages of rural schools and to h... more The online press is a platform that helps to communicate the advantages of rural schools and to highlight the needs and grievances of the educational community. The aim of this article is to analyse the treatment of information about rural schools in 100 articles (2020–2021) published in the online Spanish press. A mixed methodology was employed to combine qualitative documentary analysis (source, approach, topic and the emotions and/or feelings expressed) and quantitative statistical analysis. Predominantly, the articles give a voice to the educational community, revealing the image of rural schools presented is positive. The Spanish press highlights rural schools’ advantages, as well as demand more support for the institutional representatives in order to guarantee the existence of rural schools. Overall, findings contribute to global research investigating the role of the online press related to rural schools and education.
Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 2023
Tras la pandemia, la visibilidad de la escuela rural se ha hecho más patente por considerarla un ... more Tras la pandemia, la visibilidad de la escuela rural se ha hecho más patente por considerarla un elemento vertebrador del territorio y garante del asentamiento de población. Algunos medios de comunicación dan cobertura a sus demandas, subrayando las ventajas de este modelo educativo y denunciando problemáticas como la despoblación en las zonas rurales, que las aboca a la extinción. Este estudio identifica los hitos relevantes, el enfoque y las temáticas priorizadas en torno a las que giran 100 artículos publicados durante 2020-2021 en la prensa digital de las Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) españolas con mayor población escolarizada en zonas rurales (15-25%). La metodología es mixta, centrada en elanálisis de contenido y posterior tratamiento estadístico de los datos. Los resultados demuestran el interés que despierta la escuela rural en los diarios de las CCAA estudiadas, especialmente en el ámbito local. Priman testimonios de miembros de la comunidad educativa y local, visibilizando mayoritariamente hechos que la empoderan metodologías y proyectos innovadores, ratios envidiables e implicación familiar, aludiendo a las ventajas de su enclave natural privilegiado. También denuncian cierres de escuelas y limitaciones: brecha digital, poca conectividad, falta de profesorado o transporte, erigiéndose en altavoz de estas demandas, y exigiendo medidas a los responsables políticos para solventarlas.
IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2023
The objective of this study was to design and validate an Augmented Gamified Environment (AGE) fo... more The objective of this study was to design and validate an Augmented Gamified Environment (AGE) for improving communicative skills in students with ASD. The study used a mixed methodology: a) qualitative, focused on a single case to describe the AGE design process. The environment uses a pirate adventure story which includes gamified activities supported by augmented reality. It promotes immersive learning through activities that encourage social, linguistic, and cognitive skills linked to symbolic play; and b) quantitative, based on the Delphi method in which experts (N=12) evaluated the environment using 14 indicators in four dimensions: adaptability to the pace of learning, suitability of the base and code for presenting the content, didactic potential for developing competence, and the suitability of the gamification process for students with ASD. The expert assessment helped to improve the adaptability, flexibility, and functionality of the AGE, which incorporated versatile and augmented reality activities and applications to provide the student with playful linguistic and socio-emotional development in an immersive environment.
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2023
The aim of this study is to review the available research (N = 70) derived from the use of Gamifi... more The aim of this study is to review the available research (N = 70) derived from the use of Gamified Environments and Serious Games with people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), identifying: authorship, nationality, publication period, topic, and design of the investigation. After that, the advantages and limitations observed are identified. Results indicate that most of them are focused on the design and testing of prototypes, (mostly) linked to the increase of social and emotional skills. The revision highlights that the game's mechanics and dynamics (feedback, rewards, missions, etc.) involve students from motivation. There is unanimous agreement to emphasize the positive impact of these resources to increment self-control, self-conscience, autonomy, and empathy.
Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar De Estudios De Comunicación Y Ciencias Sociales, 2023
The storytelling of the UN environmental campaign seeks to raise
awareness among young people. Th... more The storytelling of the UN environmental campaign seeks to raise
awareness among young people. This research (Fragmento eliminado
para anonimizar el artículo) aims to: 1) find out how storytelling
impacts, identifying their affective-emotional responses and detecting
the degree of environmental involvement –sensitization, awareness
and mobilization– generated; and 2) identify their opinions about
the persuasive capacity of the narrative. The methodology is mixed:
quantitative, as an empirical non-experimental descriptive and
correlational study, with an exploratory and analytical nature of data
collected with a questionnaire. And, qualitative, after analyzing the
opinions expressed in focus groups. The results underline that the
storytelling message generates a lot of interest and empathy with the
protagonist. Its pro-environmental impact is high and is related to the
level of ecological awareness of the students. The narrative is highly
valued as it promotes a great environmental implication. It raises
awareness and raises awareness to reduce the consumption of plastics
and, to a lesser extent, mobilizes, since not everyone changes their
attitude. Finally, this strategy manages to transform an informative
message into a persuasive story, activating the interest of young
people. However, it is necessary to design campaigns that invite to
carry out concrete actions and propose eco-sustainable behaviors that
facilitate their emulation.
Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar De Estudios De Comunicación Y Ciencias Sociales, 2023
Se utiliza la campaña medioambiental de la ONU “Rompe con el plástico” dentro del Proyecto Go Gre... more Se utiliza la campaña medioambiental de la ONU “Rompe con el plástico” dentro del Proyecto Go Green! para sensibilizar a los universitarios sobre el consumo de plásticos. La investigación se propone: 1) conocer las respuestas afectivo-emocionales y nivel de implicación proambiental de estudiantes de grados de Educación tras visionarla; y 2) identificar sus opiniones sobre la pertinencia de su narrativa, mensaje y protagonista. La metodología es mixta: cuantitativa, en tanto estudio empírico no experimental, con muestreo no probabilístico -participantes del proyecto (N=296)-, con carácter descriptivo y correlacional apoyándose en datos recabados con un cuestionario. Y, cualitativa, mediante grupos focales. Los resultados subrayan que el mensaje de la campaña apoyada en la técnica del storytelling genera mucho interés y empatía con la protagonista. La narrativa está muy bien valorada y propicia gran implicación medioambiental. Su impacto proambiental es alto, relacionado con el nivel de conciencia ecológica de los estudiantes. Sensibiliza y conciencia para reducir el consumo de plásticos, aunque no todos cambian su actitud. Concluyendo, la campaña transforma un mensaje informativo en relato persuasivo, activando el interés de la audiencia. Sin embargo, es preciso diseñar campañas más explícitas que inviten a realizar acciones concretas y propongan comportamientos eco-sostenibles emulables.
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2023
This study aims to discuss the design of the scale Oral Narrative Competence Evaluation with Tell... more This study aims to discuss the design of the scale Oral Narrative Competence Evaluation with TellingApp (ONCE), and to validate it. ONCE was designed to evaluate oral narrative competence in preschool children (N = 93) aged 4 to 6 through oral storytelling, using a digital application. Exploratory and confirmatory analysis were performed to confirm the starting theoretical model, giving good reliability (α = .842) and adequate indices of fit, justifying the validity of the scale. oral narrative competence is defined by 16 variables making up narrative competences (originality, coherence, cohesion, and conclusion of the story), communicative competences (pronunciation, intonation, gestures, vocabulary, tenses used, correct use of tenses, morphology and syntax), and engagement provided by the app (interest, curiosity, immersion, and enjoyment). Weighting was proportional to the level of precision, highlighting that engagement with the narrative task supported by the app was what most affected children's levels of oral narrative competence. In addition, multiple linear regression analysis confirmed the high predictive capacity of the ONCE scale. The scale contributes to the evaluation of preschool children's levels of oral narrative competence as a theoretical construct due to its reliability and validity.
Index.comunicación, 2023
The aim of this study is to know the opinion of undergraduate students (N=296) on the most impact... more The aim of this study is to know the opinion of undergraduate students (N=296) on the most impactful advertising strategies to design future environmental awareness campaigns. The methodology is empirical, non-experimental, descriptive, exploratory, and analytical. It focuses on examining the opinion of respondents about the preferred communication channels used to transmit pro-environmental messages, the audiovisual formats that draw their attention, the most persuasive narrative, the most impactful messages, and the people they find most credible for pro-environmental campaigning. The findings show that young audiences prioritize social media; real images; informative and testimonial narratives; catastrophic, hopeful, and inspirational messages; and nature is the main protagonist of stories. In conclusion, these campaigns should take advantage of the potential of social networks and select the most suitable advertising strategies to ensure their impact and encourage change towards eco-sustainable actions.
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2022
Esta investigación se deriva de un Proyecto de Innovación financiado centrado en el diseño Relato... more Esta investigación se deriva de un Proyecto de Innovación financiado centrado en el diseño Relatos Gamificados con Realidad Aumentada para impulsar las competencias del alumnado de Grado y Máster en Educación. Se adopta una metodología de carácter cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional e inferencial, orientada a la evaluación del nivel competencial de los participantes (N=62), plasmado en sus relatos gamificados con realidad aumentada. El instrumento diseñado ad hoc (α=0,971) consta de 32 indicadores que evalúan sus competencias digital, didáctica, creativa y socio-colaborativa, así como sus habilidades para gamificar. A partir de los relatos gamificados que han diseñado los universitarios se puede inferir que poseen un nivel competencial medio-alto. La competencia didáctica, junto a la digital, alcanzan los niveles más altos, asociados al uso adecuado de la tecnología y su correcta integración curricular. Estas elaboraciones evidencian sus habilidades para conjugar las tramas narrativas con las mecánicas, dinámicas y estéticas propias del juego, y demuestran una competencia creativa alta. Se observa una elevada correlación entre las competencias implicadas en el diseño de los relatos gamificados con realidad aumentada. El análisis de regresión lineal múltiple ha constatado que las competencias didáctica y creativa predicen los resultados de la digital de forma significativa. Asimismo, gran parte de los indicadores de las competencias explican las habilidades de los universitarios para gamificar (R2=0,974). Concluyendo, este proyecto constituye una oportunidad para la formación competencial de futuros docentes al utilizar metodologías activas, recursos digitales, y realidad aumentada en la elaboración de relatos lúdicos.
Papers by Nerea López-Bouzas
and gamification dimensions, through an instrument designed ad hoc; (b) quantitative, through the statistical treatment of the collected data. The
results show the predominance of informative and emotional responses, which reveal the understanding of the narrative. Most of the children draw the characters that sparked their interest and recreate key scenes from the story. Drawings emphasise the narrative aspects, and to a lesser extent refer to the game mechanics (challenges and rewards). Finally, it is confirmed that the gamified narrative with AR has the capacity to generate emotional responses and promote the immersion of students in the story and the game.
correlaciona significativamente con el engagement suscitado por la app. La secuencia de ilustraciones que presenta ha incrementado su interés, curiosidad e inmersión en la historia, lo que contribuye a la construcción de un relato oral coherente y cohesionado. En conclusión, estas herramientas permiten evaluar el discurso oral en primeras edades, elaborar el diagnóstico inicial de esta competencia, detectar las limitaciones del alumnado y constatar su progreso.
Palabras clave: competencia comunicativa,
Comunicativa (CC) en personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) de entre 3 y 17 años. La metodología es cuantitativa,
empírica no experimental (N=54), de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, con carácter exploratorio y analítico. Cuyos objetivos son:
1) analizar si el EGA estimula la CC; 2) estudiar la relación entre el nivel competencial y el grado de inmersión e interacción del
alumnado con la tablet; y 3) inferir la relación entre la CC y el género, edad, grado de TEA y tipo de lenguaje. Los resultados
resaltan que la experiencia gamificada con realidad aumentada estimula notablemente la CC en este alumnado. Además, se
constata que, a mayor inmersión en el entorno gamificado, el alumnado alcanza mayor CC, y viceversa. Se observa la polarización
de los resultados según la singularidad del alumnado: cerca de la mitad demuestra tener un nivel competencial alto, y otra gran
parte presenta un nivel bajo o muy bajo. Concretamente, los sujetos mayores, con grado de TEA ligero, lenguaje oral funcional y
sin comorbilidad presentan un nivel competencial más alto. La interacción con recursos digitales y de realidad aumentada en un
entorno gamificado se constituye en una herramienta idónea para la estimulación del alumnado con TEA.
environmental awareness among Spanish university students majoring in Education and Communication
(N=296) and their opinions on the most effective audiovisual strategies to increase awareness. The
objective is to infer the key factors for designing more persuasive campaigns. The methodology used
is empirical, non-experimental, with intentional sampling, descriptive, exploratory, and analytical in
nature. Data was collected using the Audiovisual Strategies for Environmental Awareness (ASEA)
questionnaire, specifically designed and validated (α=0.900) for this study. The results highlight that,
despite 90.6% of the respondents considering themselves fairly environmentally conscious, they do not
always engage in sustainable actions such as waste separation, water conservation, proper disposal of
toxic products, or energy conservation. Therefore, these young individuals become the potential target
audience for pro-environmental campaigns. Additionally, when asked about the most effective
audiovisual strategies to increase their environmental awareness, the respondents prioritize the use of
real images accompanied by informative and testimonial narratives that convey hopeful and mobilizing
messages to prevent catastrophic situations. The presence of nature as the protagonist in these
narratives is also favored to appeal to their emotional involvement. The optimal channel to reach this
audience is through media and social networks, and campaign designs should align with their forms of
expression and communication to ensure impact and promote eco-sustainable actions. Ultimately, these
findings provide insights for various organizations, advertising agencies, and NGOs to design more
persuasive pro-environmental campaigns targeting young audiences, contributing to the reversal of
planetary deterioration. Similarly, the data indicates specific messages that should be emphasized, such
as the reduction of water consumption, waste separation, and energy conservation.
awareness among young people. This research (Fragmento eliminado
para anonimizar el artículo) aims to: 1) find out how storytelling
impacts, identifying their affective-emotional responses and detecting
the degree of environmental involvement –sensitization, awareness
and mobilization– generated; and 2) identify their opinions about
the persuasive capacity of the narrative. The methodology is mixed:
quantitative, as an empirical non-experimental descriptive and
correlational study, with an exploratory and analytical nature of data
collected with a questionnaire. And, qualitative, after analyzing the
opinions expressed in focus groups. The results underline that the
storytelling message generates a lot of interest and empathy with the
protagonist. Its pro-environmental impact is high and is related to the
level of ecological awareness of the students. The narrative is highly
valued as it promotes a great environmental implication. It raises
awareness and raises awareness to reduce the consumption of plastics
and, to a lesser extent, mobilizes, since not everyone changes their
attitude. Finally, this strategy manages to transform an informative
message into a persuasive story, activating the interest of young
people. However, it is necessary to design campaigns that invite to
carry out concrete actions and propose eco-sustainable behaviors that
facilitate their emulation.
and gamification dimensions, through an instrument designed ad hoc; (b) quantitative, through the statistical treatment of the collected data. The
results show the predominance of informative and emotional responses, which reveal the understanding of the narrative. Most of the children draw the characters that sparked their interest and recreate key scenes from the story. Drawings emphasise the narrative aspects, and to a lesser extent refer to the game mechanics (challenges and rewards). Finally, it is confirmed that the gamified narrative with AR has the capacity to generate emotional responses and promote the immersion of students in the story and the game.
correlaciona significativamente con el engagement suscitado por la app. La secuencia de ilustraciones que presenta ha incrementado su interés, curiosidad e inmersión en la historia, lo que contribuye a la construcción de un relato oral coherente y cohesionado. En conclusión, estas herramientas permiten evaluar el discurso oral en primeras edades, elaborar el diagnóstico inicial de esta competencia, detectar las limitaciones del alumnado y constatar su progreso.
Palabras clave: competencia comunicativa,
Comunicativa (CC) en personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) de entre 3 y 17 años. La metodología es cuantitativa,
empírica no experimental (N=54), de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, con carácter exploratorio y analítico. Cuyos objetivos son:
1) analizar si el EGA estimula la CC; 2) estudiar la relación entre el nivel competencial y el grado de inmersión e interacción del
alumnado con la tablet; y 3) inferir la relación entre la CC y el género, edad, grado de TEA y tipo de lenguaje. Los resultados
resaltan que la experiencia gamificada con realidad aumentada estimula notablemente la CC en este alumnado. Además, se
constata que, a mayor inmersión en el entorno gamificado, el alumnado alcanza mayor CC, y viceversa. Se observa la polarización
de los resultados según la singularidad del alumnado: cerca de la mitad demuestra tener un nivel competencial alto, y otra gran
parte presenta un nivel bajo o muy bajo. Concretamente, los sujetos mayores, con grado de TEA ligero, lenguaje oral funcional y
sin comorbilidad presentan un nivel competencial más alto. La interacción con recursos digitales y de realidad aumentada en un
entorno gamificado se constituye en una herramienta idónea para la estimulación del alumnado con TEA.
environmental awareness among Spanish university students majoring in Education and Communication
(N=296) and their opinions on the most effective audiovisual strategies to increase awareness. The
objective is to infer the key factors for designing more persuasive campaigns. The methodology used
is empirical, non-experimental, with intentional sampling, descriptive, exploratory, and analytical in
nature. Data was collected using the Audiovisual Strategies for Environmental Awareness (ASEA)
questionnaire, specifically designed and validated (α=0.900) for this study. The results highlight that,
despite 90.6% of the respondents considering themselves fairly environmentally conscious, they do not
always engage in sustainable actions such as waste separation, water conservation, proper disposal of
toxic products, or energy conservation. Therefore, these young individuals become the potential target
audience for pro-environmental campaigns. Additionally, when asked about the most effective
audiovisual strategies to increase their environmental awareness, the respondents prioritize the use of
real images accompanied by informative and testimonial narratives that convey hopeful and mobilizing
messages to prevent catastrophic situations. The presence of nature as the protagonist in these
narratives is also favored to appeal to their emotional involvement. The optimal channel to reach this
audience is through media and social networks, and campaign designs should align with their forms of
expression and communication to ensure impact and promote eco-sustainable actions. Ultimately, these
findings provide insights for various organizations, advertising agencies, and NGOs to design more
persuasive pro-environmental campaigns targeting young audiences, contributing to the reversal of
planetary deterioration. Similarly, the data indicates specific messages that should be emphasized, such
as the reduction of water consumption, waste separation, and energy conservation.
awareness among young people. This research (Fragmento eliminado
para anonimizar el artículo) aims to: 1) find out how storytelling
impacts, identifying their affective-emotional responses and detecting
the degree of environmental involvement –sensitization, awareness
and mobilization– generated; and 2) identify their opinions about
the persuasive capacity of the narrative. The methodology is mixed:
quantitative, as an empirical non-experimental descriptive and
correlational study, with an exploratory and analytical nature of data
collected with a questionnaire. And, qualitative, after analyzing the
opinions expressed in focus groups. The results underline that the
storytelling message generates a lot of interest and empathy with the
protagonist. Its pro-environmental impact is high and is related to the
level of ecological awareness of the students. The narrative is highly
valued as it promotes a great environmental implication. It raises
awareness and raises awareness to reduce the consumption of plastics
and, to a lesser extent, mobilizes, since not everyone changes their
attitude. Finally, this strategy manages to transform an informative
message into a persuasive story, activating the interest of young
people. However, it is necessary to design campaigns that invite to
carry out concrete actions and propose eco-sustainable behaviors that
facilitate their emulation.