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Lawyers participating in legal malpractice litigation sometimes encounter evidence of serious disciplinary rule violations. Whether, and how soon, those lawyers are required to report this information to grievance authorities is a... more
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      Professional EthicsLegal EthicsConfidentialityProfessional Practice
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      Competition LawAntitrust LawDiritto CivileDiritto commerciale
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      Access to JusticeLegal AnthropologyWomen's RightsLegal Pluralism
The aim of this study is to investigate the image of municipalities and also to determine the things that give the city a positive image of the territory. Methodology: The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the ideas and... more
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      MunicipalitySocio-Economic DevelopmentAuthoritiesTerritorial Branding
I. AUTORIDADES EUROPEAS Europa actualmente es un continente en el cual la gran diferencia de economías entre unos y otros países hace que no todos se puedan desarrollar como ellos desearan en el ámbito aeronáutico. Sin embargo, cuenta con... more
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      European UnionAeronauticsAuthorities
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      AuthorityTraditional AuthorityAuthorities
The Reasons for the Creation of a Muslim Majority in Bethlehem since the 1948 War to the Present: After many centuries during which the majority of Bethlehem’s population was Christian, over the past sixty years a series of far-reaching... more
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      ChristianityDemographyStatisticsWar Studies
This UNUP-project analyzes the transformation of political geography through the case study of Catalonia. Catalonia was a periphery of the Carolingian Empire, which in the tenth century became an important political and cultural centre.... more
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      European HistoryArea StudiesEuropean StudiesPerception
Mâverâünnehir’in Hanefî hadis hâfızlarından sayılan Ebü’l-Abbas el-Müstağfirî (ö. 350/432) Nesef’te doğup ilmî gelişimini farklı bölgelere rihle yaparak çeşitli âlimlerden istifade etmekle tamamlamıştır. Bununla birlikte yaklaşık 20’ye... more
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Authority to legislate as embedded within 1945 National Constitution shall be performed by both government and senate, meanwhile regional senate ("DPD") which is also categorized as legislative body does not enjoy such authority, as it is... more
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The Personal Data Protection Authority which has administrative and financial autonomy and public legal personality was established in order to perform the duties stipulated by Law No. 6698 in February 2016. In this study, the power of... more
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      LawInternational LawOrganizational CultureInternational organizations
The Personal Data Protection Authority which has administrative and financial autonomy and public legal personality was established in order to perform the duties stipulated by Law No. 6698 in February 2016. In this study, the power of... more
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      LawInternational LawOrganizational CultureInternational organizations
The concept of institution in legislation. In legislative process it is important to ensure that the legislative text is unambiguous and comprehensible, so that the application of law would not leave ground for doubts or offer different... more
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      Political InstitutionsInstitutionsLocal authoritiesAuthorities
This paper will investigate the anti-Semitic stereotypes and prejudices of Salonika non Jewish society during the Nazi Occupation, through the relevant discourse. It will examine three different sources: the official documents of Greek... more
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      PressAnti SemitismPrejudicesAuthorities
Buena parte de la bibliografía etnográfica existente habla de las diferentes funciones que cumplen organizaciones y dirigentes en comunidades campesinas de costa y sierra. Sin embargo, es poco lo que se sabe acerca de la opinión que... more
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      PeruAndesOrganizationsLocal perceptions
Deseo que el presente documento pueda ser nutrido con otras experiencias comunitarias, que amplíen y allanen los caminos y veredas en la construcción de diálogos intercomunitarios. La esperanza es lograr una vida en las comunidades... more
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      Women's HistoryIndigenous CommunitiesCulture of PeaceAuthorities
El artículo estudia la doble glosa a los Proverbios o Centiloquio del Marqués de Santillana en función del tipo de comentario y la intención de cada uno de los comentaristas. Se analiza particularmente la glosa de Díaz de Toledo a la... more
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Estudio de la guarnición militar española en la Florida Oriental, fundamentalmente la ciudad de San Agustín y el castillo de San Marcos, a lo largo del S. XVIII, y durante los dos periodos, antes y después de 1763, cuando pasó a... more
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      FloridaDaily LifeVida CotidianaFamilies
This essay has been written in the course of the fieldwork for my PhD research with the title "Urban Borderlands: Spatial change in Amman and Tel Aviv-Jaffa", completed in 2017, at the Development Planning Unit at University College... more
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      Border StudiesGeopoliticsImmigrationBorders
Kamada Kwai algorithm. The findings identify the centres of greatest prestige from the standpoint of coauthorship of scientific papers.
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      Network AnalysisNetwork VisualizationHubsAuthorities
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      Legal PluralismPeruIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
This chapter analyses the Norwegian authorities’ presence on Twitter during the 22 July 2011 terrorist attacks. Twitter activity by two official institutions is analysed in particular, namely, the blood bank at Oslo University Hospital... more
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      Situation awarenessCrisis CommunicationSocial MediaTwitter