Recent papers in Municipality
Anagnostopoulos, I.T. 2020. Employee’s motivation in Primary Local Government (municipality). Case study: Municipality of Florina. [Unpublished Masters Thesis] University of Western Macedonia (in Greek).... more
We live in times of changes. The credit-crunch has affected businesses and organisations all over the world, its consequences being layoffs, cutbacks in projects due to lack of funding amongst other things. The municipality of Reykjavik... more
Resumo: A pesquisa apresentada no presente artigo é classificada como exploratória, e apresenta a evolução da tecnologia de geoprocessamento dentro da gestão territorial municipal de Florianópolis. A estrutura está formatada em 5 sessões... more
Các đô thị ở Việt Nam đứng trước cơ hội thay đổi lớn về mặt thể chế với sự ra đời của một chính quyền phù hợp hơn với cuộc sống đô thì. Luận cứ để xây dựng chính quyền đô thị phù hợp có nhiều, xong những đặc trưng của một chính quyền đô... more
Following the end of World War II, local authorities were subjected to local representative bodies, which were an affiliated entity headed by a State National Council. Since 1 January 1973, local national council was empowered to act as... more
This paper investigated the practice of empowerment between male and female counterparts into top-management positions of the Capricorn District Municipality (CDM), South Africa from the years 2009 to 2012. In this study, the researcher... more
The presented book is devoted to local development and its governance by forming, on the strategic level, the relationships connecting municipalities with supralocal, i.e. regional, national and global milieu. It is divided into five... more
This study evaluates the implementation of the performance management system in the Ba-Phalaborwa municipality. This is pertinent because municipalities today have become focal points for service delivery. The key contribution of this... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the image of municipalities and also to determine the things that give the city a positive image of the territory. Methodology: The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the ideas and... more
The 1957 Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was the benchmark in the country’s history of democratic decentralization, which gave birth to the very basics of the Panchayati Raj system in India. Through this paper the author will try to find out... more
The right to food is “the right to have regular, permanent access, directly or by means of financial purchases, to quantitatively and qualitatively adequate and sufficient food corresponding to the cultural traditions of people”. How... more
The public sector must undergo radical changes in the years ahead to cope with demographic and financial challenges. The use of technology, building innovation capabilities and digitalization through digital transformation projects are... more
The past decades have demonstrated the failures of top-down approaches towards waste management especially in developing countries. This has not only been attributed to technical and financial challenges, but also the low involvement of... more
Yerleşim yerlerinin yönetimi tarih boyunca üzerine tartışılan konulardan biridir. Bu konudaki tartışmaların daha ziyade yerleşim yerlerinde görülmesi gerekli hizmetler ve buna dair sorumluluklarla başladığı bilinmektedir. Siyasî, sosyal... more
The Kerala High Court on Thursday, 30 July 2015 in a judgment titled ‘Havva T.P. Vs. Tirur Municipality‘ has opined that the Municipality is not at liberty to saddle the land owners by the proposed public purpose provided under a... more
The paper is aims empirically to demonstrate the role of public involvement in destination branding within a concrete sub-region in Bulgaria (selected municipality). It is considered that such surveys are vital for understanding the... more
- Öz - Büyükşehirlerin yönetilmesi geçmişten günümüze üzerinde tartışılan sorunlardan biridir. Bu tartışmalar daha çok ölçek sorunları, yerel hizmetlerin daha etkin, verimli ve ekonomik gerçekleştirilmesi, yerel katılımın sağlanması ve... more
Од суштинско значење за квалитетот на живот во секое населено место е постоењето на зелени површини. Проучвањето на урбанистичките и еколошките проблеми на зелениот систем на град Скопје даде основа да се направат изводи за состојбата на... more
The administrative management of Sobrarbe Geopark in the Spanish Pyrenees, which is comprised of only one municipality, is examined and compared with that of Japanese geoparks, most of which are overseen by municipalities. The results... more
Bài viết này trao đổi về những yếu tố chi phối đến việc lựa chọn các mô hình quản lý đô thị theo cách tiếp cận về chiều tác động và các điều kiện giới hạn. Những ý kiến trình bày có thể sử dụng làm cơ sở cơ sở lý luận, giải thích cho... more
The aim of paper is to detect a relative measure of financial autonomy Ilava district municipalities for the period 2010-2014. The necessary data derived from the Final accounts of municipalities and real implementation of their... more
Yol harcamalarına katılım payı başka bir deyişle asfalt parası. Belediye gelirleri kanununa göre alınması gereken bir vergi olmakla beraber uygulamada Belediyeler hukuka aykırı bir şekilde tahakkuk ettirmektedir.
The article defines the place of cultural policy for little municipalities in the times of crisis and the possibilities for their development, which it gives. There is a lot of potential in the field of cultural events, which have not... more
In this study, the tender method explained which is used while performing tasks and obligations of municipalities, and while providing services. Tender laws used throughout the history of Turkey, and final Public Procurement Law No 4734... more
-ÖZET- Yerküre üzerinde nüfusun artması, kent politikalarının değişmesi ve sürdürülebilirlik ve geri dönüşüm kavramlarının popülerlik kazanması ile artık akıllı kentler kavramı ön plana çıkmaktadır. Akıllı kentler yalnızca elektronik... more
Please see the later revised version, "Beyond the Limits of the City." This earlierversion was published in Andrew Light, ed., _Social Ecology After Bookchin_ (NewYork: Guilford Publications, 1998), pp. 137-190.
Türkiye coğrafyasına özgü merkezileşme / yerelleşme tartışmalarının önemli bir ayağı eksiktir. Başta merkez ve yerel olmak üzere kavramlar, mekan ve zaman bağlamına oturtulmadan aceleyle kullanılmaktadır. Oysa merkezileşme / yerelleşme,... more
Resultados del proyecto "De la protesta a la propuesta. Ayuntamientos ‘de cambio’, políticas urbanas y movimientos sociales" en la ciudad de Córdoba. Puedo enviar una copia del texto a quién esté interesado.
ÖZET Yöneten-yönetilen arasında yaşanan bir takım sorunlar uzun yıllar kendisini kamu yönetiminde göstermiştir. Yeni iletişim teknolojileri ve bu teknolojilerin sunduğu bir takım kolaylıklar bu sorunların çözümünde yeni fırsatlar... more
In our country, which is governed by representative democracy; Although the main purpose of supporting participatory democracy, transparency, accountability, citizenship that is sensitive and responsible for the life and the environment... more
The article discusses a conceptual approach to the modernization of socioeconomic programs in the region. A program-target approach is proposed as one of the methods of the management process, being a way to solve complex and major... more
This research focuses on two purposes : first, the historical change of Lampang Urban Planning, and, second, the power relations between the practice of town planning and the management of city area by policy and action in historical... more
Citizens and public organisations are increasingly engaging in the co-creation of public services. To be successful, such co-creation efforts require public organisations to engage in organisational learning about citizens' value-creation... more
Can a court order the disconnection of electricity supply if the tenant fails to pay for such services? Would it strengthen the landlord’s case if the landlord pays for electricity consumption for all the tenants through the rental and... more
Study on the “political communication” between the Portuguese monarchy and municipal councils of colonial Brazil. First, it addresses the Brazilian historiographical debate, and then analyzes quantitatively the letters and representations... more
This article measures the expectations of citizens against local government’s legislative mandate to deliver services to citizens within the context of the Molemole and Blouberg Municipalities in Limpopo. In doing so, it aims to... more