Nationalism and Archaeology
Recent papers in Nationalism and Archaeology
Quest'articolo discute il rapporto tra nazionalismi ed archeologia, con una particolare attenzione al ruolo dei musei nella promozione di narrative nazionali. Dopo una breve definizione della questione, e alcuni esempi europei del XIX... more
The search of historians and archaeologists for the historic "reric" in the 1930th - an important trading place mentioned in carolingian sources at the coast of the southern baltic sea- gives an example of national-socialistic view on... more
This study aims to understand the borders in the light of theoretical discussions. Since the basic theoretical orientation related to borders constitutes nationalism, the study focuses on borders through nationalism theories. The main... more
Il lavoro prende le mosse da un articolo, uscito nel 1938 sulla rivista “La difesa della razza”, dal titolo “Sardegna ariana”. Lo spunto porta ad analizzare il rapporto tra ricerca la ricerca archeologica del passato della Sardegna e le... more
2008. Visions d'une civilisation engloutie : La représentation des villages lacustres, de 1854 à nos jours / Ansichten einer versunkenen Welt : Die Darstellung der Pfahlbaudörfer seit 1854. Hauterive, Laténium / Zürich, Schweizerisches... more
The Vandals is a Germanic tribe that not only migrated across Europe and the Roman empire during the first half of the first millenium AD but also played a part in Early 20th century geopolitics - besides become a word of shame. This... more
Bisher gibt es zu dem verhältnismäßig spät gegründe-ten Lehrstuhl und Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn lediglich eine kurze Zusammenstellung anhand der Akten aus der... more
Il volume ha come tema centrale l’uso che è stato fatto, nel corso dei secoli, delle antichità della Calabria ai fini della costruzione di una identità regionale. Partendo dall’epoca romana si cerca di fare luce sulla percezione che, per... more
Die Ausgrabung auf der Erdenburg bei Bensbergs ist die erste SS-Grabung die in das Ahnenerbe aufgenommen wurde und unter dem Protektorat Heinrich Himmlers stand. Vor der Grabung sollte auf dem Areal der spätlatènezeitlichen Wall-Anlage... more
In this (2003) paper I seek to challenge the dominant modes of conceiving the relationship between memory and national identity, and in so doing offer analysts of nationalism an improved understanding of the dynamics of national identity... more
В книге анализируются некоторые негативные тенденции, существующие в современной историографии Северного Кавказа и характеризующиеся этноцентристским искажением и вульгаризацией процессов этногенеза, древней и средневековой истории... more
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-78297-675-2 Digital ISBN: 978-1-78297-676-9
The selection of (world) heritage is the selection of history; it is where people come from and what they are. Although it is a highly political matter, the outcome of this process is supposed to be a reflection of the history of all the... more
Zusammenfassung in Deutsch Im ehemaligen Michaeliskloster von Hildesheim war bis 1943 eine Nervenheilanstalt eingerichtet. Nach der Verschleppung und Ermordung vieler der dort untergebrachten psychisch kranken und körperlich... more
The paper approaches the topic of nationalism in relation to the Late Iron Age archaeology of Romania. It is argued that nationalist agendas have played a significant role in the development of Late Iron Age scholarly work since the... more
noastră despre neştiinţă. Sursa principală a neştiinţei noastre se află în faptul că ştiinţa noastră nu poate fi decât limitată, în timp ce neştiinţa noastră este în mod necesar nemărginită." K.R. Popper R e z u m a t : Activitatea lui... more
The paper analyses the role of the German archaeologist Gustaf Kossinna in the formation of the idea of archaeological culture. Often this concept is taken as an unquestionable given and Kossinna’s life and work have been presented as... more
An awareness of a national historical trajectory from the past to the present is an essential component of identity in the modern nationstate system. However, historical knowledge based on this consciousness can sometimes present a... more
■ This article considers the relationship between identity politics and archaeological interpretations of ethnicity in postwar Japan. Although race and ethnicity were important concepts in early Japanese archaeology, from the 1930s a new... more
Archaeology in National-Communism. The Dacians and “Commemorative History” We are all influenced by the contexts in which we find ourselves and write. Every context, from social to political or even ideological, leave their marks to a... more
The relation between the archaology of the three Scandinavian countries with German archaeology during the 1930'es and WWII is briefly reviewed and the case of the Danish researcher Gudmund Hatt who after the war was found guilty of... more
Paper presented at the Art/Money/Crisis conference at the University of Cambridge (29-30 April 2016). The talk focuses on the German occupations in Western Europe during WWII. It argues that material culture - and above all Numismatics... more
Zusammenfassung: Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Entwicklung von Forschungszielen, Fragestellungen und Interpretationsansätzen der Prähistorischen Archäologie in Deutschland. Vom frühen 19. Jahrhundert... more
Tras su independencia de España, los descendientes de los colonizadores europeos construyeron la identidad de sus nuevos estados-nación a partir del pasado prehispánico, aunque en esa misma construcción rechazaron la incorporación del... more
Η παρούσα μελέτη αναζητά τα παράλληλα νήματα που συνδέουν αποικιοκρατία, εθνικισμό και αρχαιολογία στην Κρητική Πολιτεία (1898 - 1913), ένα ημιαυτόνομο καθεστώς που επιβλήθηκε στο νησί της Κρήτης από τις “Μεγάλες Δυνάμεις” της εποχής... more
En este trabajo se exponen las carencias e insuficiencias que la aplicación de perspectivas histórico-culturales en la definición y estudio de la Edad del Hierro en el Noroeste peninsular y cornisa cantábrica, donde con la etiqueta... more
This thesis deals with the history of gender discussions in Turkish archeology and ancient history in order to evaluate the current state on this issue. Benefitting from sociolinguistic approaches, it also questions which gendered... more