Arts Based Research
Recent papers in Arts Based Research
Painting, like other areas of the visual arts, is a complex field that defies any single method or style. In the visual arts, we are taught and we learn that there is never a true answer to the problems that we face. Each of us must find... more
What happens when focus groups are conducted in challenging situations across languages, cultures, and educational settings? What adjustments might need to be made? How can adaptations be made while still maintaining the integrity of the... more
Arts-based methods are well-placed to enable disruptions to normative positioning of researcher, respondent and subject. This chapter draws on the author's reflections of opening the research processes to the possibilities of... more
Önmagunk, társaink megismerése, a körülöttünk zajló élet és élettelen megtapasztalása érzékelésünk összetettségén alapszik. A művészetek gyakorlása és fogadása teret ad az emberi lét és érzékelés sokféleségének megélésére. Ebből fakadóan... more
If sentience is defined as the capacity of living beings to experience sense, cognition and feelings, then the concept of sentient empathy can be described as the direct identification with, understanding of, and affection to another... more
Using the arts as integrative tools for knowledge generation and appraisal is nearly always viewed as standard practice within Canadian elementary schools and preferred practice within Canadian secondary schools. Research into curriculum... more
Children's literature has been analyzed through a number of different theoretical lenses, including critical literacy, feminism, and multiculturalism. Yet, given the prominence that image plays in such literature, little if any work in... more
The future of the arts in higher education--writ large--requires the examination, analysis, and synthesization of many central and peripheral issues if arts education is to be successfully sustained. Present-day and future leadership must... more
This article explores the author's experiences of serving 011 dissertation committees in wlzich a primary methodology is art-basrd. Experiences at two diffrrrnt universities, Olli' a state university in the United Stairs and one 1111... more
This autoethnographic duet is an artful inquiry about the tragedy of a beginning music teacher. A painful story about a music teacher and sexual allegations from an adolescent female, our composition blends music and story to transform... more
There are currently over 65 million displaced people across the world. Refugee women present a unique subset of those displaced. These women often struggle with “triple trauma,” but these complex issues can go unvoiced and unaddressed as... more
Leggo, C., Sinner, A., Irwin, R. L., Pantaleo, K., Gouzouasis, P., & Grauer, K. (2010). Lingering in liminal spaces: A/r/tography as living inquiry in a language arts class. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,... more
In recent years, researchers have increasingly adopted innovative techniques – such as slideshows, animation, and infographics – to present their work in meaningful and impressive ways. But one informational medium remains gallingly... more
An exoploration and investigation into possible Graduate Art and Design Degree plans.
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Uploaded: 04-15-2018 @ 11:27 AM, Mountain Time
In this paper, I blur the edges between quantitative and qualitative research through an arts-based investigation of pedagogy, praxis, and epistemological inquiries in a 200-student, undergraduate art and society class. The need for... more
Being and Becoming: A Photographic Inquiry with Bahá’í men into Cultures of Peace is doctoral research that asks how Bahá’í men know, experience and perform their own masculinities as told through their stories and photographs. Within the... more
The first recorded instance of whole-body-mapping for research purposes is a comparison of women's identity and the concept of the reproductive system in rural Jamaica and the UK. It was later developed in a structured workshop... more
¿Puede un artista ser investigador? Reflexiones en torno al proceso académico de un artista.
In this paper, we argue, that the issue of children in armed conflict ought not only to be recognized as a global issue but also moved to centre stage of curriculum thinking and development. Informed by a series of presentations to youth... more
The Aboriginal people of Australia have a rich connection to land, country and spirit. This comes through in their stories about the "Dreamtime", or period of creation. Dreamtime stories are popular in Australia today and are... more
The historic neighbourhood of Raval, in Barcelona presents a multicultural urban landscape. It contains a sense of both tangible and intangible identities influenced by a high level of social mobility arising from migration, tourism and... more
This short Commentary imagines law and humanities not as a “canon” per se, but as a “field without a canon”; or a canon that resists canonization. Arts-based practices utilized in legal research and teaching expose the law and humanities... more
This article seeks to contribute to an unfortunate decline in literature that explores the importance of the arts and humanities to social work practice, education and research through an exploration of the role of poetry in social work.... more
The author offers a reflexive recount of an ethnography conducted at a tourist heritage site. Inspired by critical writings on the aesthetics of (social) scientific practices and texts, the author examines ethnographic practices that take... more
Arts-based learning activities are gaining popularity and acceptance within leadership programmes around the globe. While dance as a learning method is still emerging as a practice within leadership education, we argue that dance-making... more
Culp, Edwin. “Directing Actors for Non-Directors: Creative Research Strategies for Fiction Films” in Maria Dora Mourão, Stanislav Semerdjiev, Cecília Mello and Alan Taylor (eds.) The 21st. Century Film, TV, and Media School. Vol. 2,... more
In diesem Beitrag leisten wir eine kollaborative Autoethnografie zweier tanzbasierter Forschungsprojekte. Wir verfolgten mit diesen Projekten zwei Ziele: 1. die Produktion von Erkenntnissen jenseits des dominanten westlichen... more
For use by the Visual Arts at Research-1/RUVH Universities when the need arises to present "Creative Activity" in terms more easily understood by other research scholars. I created this for a university art department at which I'm... more
This research aims to examine the effect of applying art-based learning model to the learning outcomes of effective teaching behavior of students in microteaching classes. The research design used a quasi-experimental design of... more
Big Paintings Club was an after school program designed for students to explore the act of large format painting unencumbered by the constraints and practices of traditional art room settings. Fifth graders engaged in the painting process... more
Do you remember boom-boxes with two decks so a personalized playlist could be recorded onto a cassette tape? Perhaps you received a playlist from a friend, family member, or lover? In this project, 14 colleagues first compiled and shared... more
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es mostrar las influencias que aporta un artista cuando realiza una residencia durante un curso en una escuela de educación primaria, en el proyecto Espacio C. En este programa el artista tiene... more
Arts-based approaches to research have emerged as an integral component of current scholarship in the social sciences, education, health research, and humanities. Integrating arts-based methods and methodologies with research generates... more
diorama they created to express empathy with victims and survivors of the Holocaust and outrage at the continued prevalence of anti-Semitism provoked by Holocaust deniers (see Figure 23.1). A large white box papered in "White Pride"... more