Aristotle's Poetics
Recent papers in Aristotle's Poetics
This chapter examines Aristotle’s references to visual arts and argues that the revolutionary theory presented in his Poetics may have been influenced by prior discussions of painting. Aristotle uses the paradigm of painting in three... more
One hyperbolic way of reading Aristotle's Poetics is as sifting out all other forms of art and writing from a discussion which aims to understand tragedy (and then comedy which is the lost book). At the other extreme, and more plausible,... more
Il faut sauver la tragédie grecque de toute la gnose philosophique et tragique qui l'accable depuis près de trois siècles. Il faut la sauver de notre conception moderne de la littérature et du théâtre. Il faut la sauver de nous-mêmes pour... more
Civil disobedience has a tattered history in the American story. Described by Martin Luther King Jr. as both moral reflection and political act, the performance of civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws is also, Patrice Rankine... more
Several of the concepts describing the plot in Aristotle's Poetics is ambiguous, and several contradictions are unresolved in current popular interpretations. This is an attempt to solve these problems, by finding an interpretation where... more
From: The Blackwell Companion to Sophocles, ed. K. Ormand (Oxford 2012) 440–461
Si mettono a confronto il volgarizzamento della «Poetica» di Lodovico Castelvetro (Vienna, 1570) e i «Petri Victorii Commentarii in primum librum Arsitotelis De Arte Poetarum», un'opera di riferimento per chi traduceva o commentava il... more
Nessuno più di Aristotele ha studiato la democrazia ateniese. Di quella che è stata la forma storica più rilevante dell’idea democratica Aristotele ha voluto comprendere l’evoluzione, la storia: perciò ha pensato il confronto, in... more
This chapter looks at the development of the doctrine of 'poetic justice' from Plato to the late 17th century and the role it played in the transformation of Aristotle's notion of tragic catharsis in the Renaissance theory of tragedy and... more
The Poetics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Postmodern Literature revisits the great American post-WWII, postmodern literary texts, namely Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow (1973), Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-5 (1969), and Joseph... more
Between 2007 and 2012 more than 100 new books on screenwriting have been accessioned to the United States Library of Congress. The present work reviews 68 of these books and another 27 manuals on screenwriting published since 1979, the... more
According to Aristotle, tragedies induce three different kinds of pleasures. First, there is the cognitive pleasure of imitation, since it is pleasurable to recognize in the imitation an object one already knows. Second, there is the... more
Οι αναφορές στο κωμικό είδος και στα τεχνάσματα του γελοίου, που απαντούν στο ευρισκόμενο τμήμα του Περί ποιητικής και σε άλλα αριστοτελικά συγγράμματα, προσφέρουν ενδείξεις για τα πιθανά περιεχόμενα του χαμένου δευτέρου μέρους της... more
„Die Aufgabe eines Dichters ist es, etwas so darzustellen, wie es gemäß Wahrscheinlichkeit oder Notwendigkeit geschehen würde, d. h. was möglich ist.“ (Aristot. poet. 1451a37f.) Können wir tatsächlich auch unter dieser Voraussetzung... more Reviews: A. Kerkhecker, Museum Helveticum 62 (2005) 224f. (;... more
"Este artículo reflexiona sobre la noción de bondad y su contrario, referida a los personajes de un mundo de ficción. El estudio se hace desde una perspectiva humanista y tiene en cuenta la propuesta poética de Juan José García-Noblejas... more
The power of the aulos and its therapeutic effects on the soul are so emblematic for the Greeks that, on the one hand, they made this instrument and its sounds into a metaphor of persuasion and, on the other, they emphasized its upsetting... more
φαντασία is employed in postaristotelian poetics and rhetorics in relation to the author’s capacity to shape a mental image of those things he or she is speaking about. Although φαντασία is not attested in Aristotle’s Poetics, this... more
Είναι γνωστό ότι στην Ποιητική του Αριστοτέλη δεν γίνεται κάποια νύξη στο πρόβλημα του θεατρικού χώρου. Η πρώτη εξήγηση που δίνεται είναι ότι η έρευνα του χώρου, άμεσα συναρτημένη με τα εφήμερα δεδομένα της παράστασης δεν είναι συμβατή με... more
En el horizonte de una aproximación comparativa a los rendimientos trascendentales del poema –las formas poéticas como exploración de la representación y puesta en común de mundos posibles–, el seminario examinará cómo las figuraciones... more
There is a long way between the usual modern understandings of catharsis and the original meaning Aristotle gave to the term in his ‘Poetics’. According to Aristotle, the catharsis produced by tragedy is linked to the emotions of pity and... more
Explores a philosophy of Greek tragedy. Challenges the dominant sociological view that Greek tragedy affirms the community of Athens. That view, while often associated with political activism (I do not object to), derives from Hegel and... more
This paper has been superseded by ‘Aristotle on the best kind of tragic plot: re-reading Poetics 13-14’, in R. Polansky and W. Wians (ed.), Reading Aristotle: Exposition and Argument (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming). In chapters 13 and 14 of... more
ARTÍCULOS 1) Viviana Suñol (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata) La educación musical en Aristóteles: su correspondencia con la vida mejor en el mejor régimen Resumen... more
In Bakhtin's opinion, "the relation to meaning is always dialogic. Even understanding itself is dialogic." Particularly, the art of acting is such a dialogic relationship that fuses character and interpreter (performer) in the same unity... more
[email protected] § Il potere dell'aulos e i suoi effetti sull'animo erano così emblematici per i Greci da far loro trasformare lo strumento e le sue sonorità in una metafora di persuasione, come si riscontra in alcuni dialoghi... more
Aristotle's Poetics opens with an analysis that differentiates tragic drama from other species of poetry and music as distinct forms of mimēsis (mimesis), while leaving mimesis in the dark. Its meaning begins to emerge when Aristotle... more
Résumé Le théâtre d'Eugène Ionesco fait l'objet d'un paradoxe: son «avant-gardisme» spectaculaire se nourrit d'une vision essentiellement classique. Plus précisément, Ionesco envisage des «archétypes oubliés», et cherche à les... more
, Oct 2021) Camus' classic brings a vital perspective to the modern world, one which, presently, civilization cannot allow itself to think about-or so we imagine, since first it has to survive. Referencing Thomas Merton's claim that... more
Η διδασκαλία του Αριστοτέλη σε όλους τους τομείς της έρευνάς του (λογική, ηθική, πολιτική, μεταφυσική-θεολογία, βιολογία, ψυχολογία κ.ά.).
Precious repositories of ancient wisdom? Musty relics of outmoded culture? Timeless paragons of artistic achievement? Hegemonic tools of intellectual repression? Just what are the classics, anyway, and why do (or should) we still pay so... more
It is widely held that Aristotle presents two contradictory accounts of the best kind of tragic plot in chapters 13 and 14 of the Poetics. But an explicit cross-reference between the two chapters puts it beyond doubt that Aristotle... more
Na Poética, um dos elementos trágicos discutidos por Aristóteles é a cena de reconhecimento (anagnṓrisis), presente nas tragédias ditas complexas. Depois de caracterizar os diversos tipos de reconhecimento, o filósofo recorre a exemplos,... more
This paper revisits Plato's and Aristotle's views on mimesis with a special emphasis on mythos as an integral part of it. I argue that the Republic's notorious " mirror argument " is in fact ad hominem: first, Plato likely has in mind... more
One of the most striking literary female portrayals which we have inherited from the classical world is the character of Medea, whose dramatic story has been a source of inspiration for many literary authors, ancient and modern. Perhaps... more