Archaeology of East Prussia
Recent papers in Archaeology of East Prussia
The paper provides an overview of the items identified as East European enamels from the collection of the Prussia Museum. The material is used as a basis for studying finds of different categories from the Baltic region. The data from... more
Over the years 1945-1965, the Masurian Museum (today: Museum of Warmia and Masuria in Olsztyn) received transfers from assorted sources, comprising multiple artefacts from past Malbork collections. The researched suite of archaeological... more
The unpublished Master thesis of the year 2003 focusses on the cemetery of Groß Ottenhagen/Berezovka in former East Prussia (today Kaliningrad, Russia). This graveyard of the Roman Iron Age (Phase B2 and B2/C1-C1a) and the Migration... more
The article introduces a bimetallic spur found at the Central Gnezdovo settlement in 2012. The spur consists of a bronze cast bow-shaped heel band with а steel prick riveted through a bronze biconical socket. Spurs have been previously... more
The article presents a research of the most significant find in the field of Prussian (Baltic) studies that has been made in the last 40 years. Reading of the Trace of Crete (or Colophon of Crete) is particularly difficult due to... more
The grave goods from Linkuhnen (Rževskoje/Linkūnai) indicate continuous usage of the cemetery from the Roman Iron Age and the Migration Period to the Viking Age (second to 11th century AD). A closer look at the fibulae from Linkuhnen... more
Das Gebiet des ehemaligen Ostpreußens ist eine der fundreichsten archäologischen Landschaften Mitteleuropas. Das Prussia-Museum in Königsberg beherbergte seit dem 19. Jahrhundert eine archäologische Sammlung von europäischem Rang. Seine... more
ul.Wóycickiego1/3,bud.23,01-938Warszawa SPIS TREŚCI ArchAeologIcA hereditas 19 5 Wstęp 9 rozdział1.ZaryshistoriiosadnictwanatereniePomezanii/górnychPrus wpóźnymśredniowieczuiokresiewczesnonowożytnym 23... more
This is a brief insight into the collection of radiocarbon samples and the preliminary results of the Wiskiauten/Mokhovoye settlement excavations 2005-2011.
The grave goods from Linkuhnen (Rževskoje/Linkūnai) indicate continuous usage of the cemetery from the Roman Iron Age and the Migration Period to the Viking Age (second to 11th century AD). A closer look at the fibulae from Linkuhnen... more
Sì, come si deve mai cominciare! Lo storico-e tanto più lo storico occasionale-è sempre esposto alla tentazione alla quale soggiacque Wagner in maniera assolutamente eccezionale quando, teso in verità soltanto a descrivere il declino del... more
SITE TOPOGRAPHY - SUMMARY Dariusz Wyczółkowski (Chapter 3, Some comments on the location and topography of the settlement in Tumiany) has discussed the issue of the geographic environment in which the group of people who had founded the... more
The article is dedicated to the application of AMS 14 C dating method of cremated bones and samples of related charcoal, which is rather new for the East Baltic region. The data of 3 Western Balts cemeteries from Lithuania are analysed.... more
Jahresbericht des Zentrums für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie - Bericht zum Dissertationsprojekt "Studien zur frühmittelalterlichen Siedlungslandschaft im Samland/ehemaligen Ostpreußen am Beispiel des Fundplatzes Wiskiauten... more
Роман Широухов в городе раньше был известен как археолог и один из самых молодых сотрудников историко-художественного музея. С 2014 года он, правда, свою музейную деятельность оставил и теперь по большей части занимается международными... more
«Пруссия» в Калининграде. Когда лопочут пушки и опускается железный занавес - музы замолкают. И в этом смысле, история музея «Пруссия» может быть для нас поучительна. "Prussia" in Kaliningrad. While the cannons roar, the Muses stay... more
Archaeological Archives and Collections of „Prussia” Museum. Key words: “Prussia” museum, archaeological collections, archival data, artefacts identification Former “Prussia” museum of Königsberg (Kaliningrad) archaeological... more