Papers by Magdalena Żurek
VI Pomorska Sesja Sprawozdawcza, 2024
Archaeology without borders. Papers in honour of Louis Daniel Nebelsick (Archaeologica Hereditas 23), 2024
Saeculum Christianum, 2024
Among the tombstones preserved in the territory of former East Prussia, two Renaissance effigies... more Among the tombstones preserved in the territory of former East Prussia, two Renaissance effigies deserve attention: the slab showing Johannes von Schönaich kept at Boreczno (Ducal Prussia) and the other one of Achatius von Zehmen from the church of Sztum (Royal Prussia). The deceased belonged to the local gentry and were depicted in similar poses. The authors discuss the appearance of both stone slabs, trying to compare the visible armour representations with surviving examples from
the period in question and, on this basis, identify one of the tombstones as belonging to Johannes von Schönaich (IV, died 1549), one of the six representatives of the family bearing that name who lived in the 15th and 16th centuries at Boreczno.

XXIII Sesja Pomorzoznawcza. Od epoki kamienia do czasów współczesnych, 2024
The post-Teutonic Order Castle in Przezmark (community: Stary Dzierzgoń, district: Sztum, Pomera... more The post-Teutonic Order Castle in Przezmark (community: Stary Dzierzgoń, district: Sztum, Pomeranian voivodship) was a vast bipartite complex located on a headland jutting into Lake Mołtawa Wielka, separated from the market village with a moat; furthermore, a dry moat separated the High Castle from the Middle Castle. Originally built as a seat
for lesser Teutonic Order officials, the Castle was proclaimed the seat of the Order’s Commandry upon its relocation from Dzierzgoń.
Archaeological works at the complex have been ongoing since 2017, extending to the east section of the High Castle’s south wing in 2021. Two excavations were established for purposes of confirming and authenticating the existing de velopment: excavation I (between the south wing walls) and excavation J (north of the wall closing the south wing off to the north). Both excavations were intended to provide data regarding the construction history and functioning of the east section of the High Castle’s south wing. A well outline 2.5 m in diameter framed with a brick support structure was uncovered in the north section of excavation I. The area between the well and south peripheral wall was paved. A massive
west-to-east brick foundation was uncovered in excavation J – evidence that development plans for the High Castle’s south section had been in the pipeline in the 14th century already.
Saeculum Christianum, 2023
Fragment of the early modern diptych sundial of Przezmark against the background of similar archa... more Fragment of the early modern diptych sundial of Przezmark against the background of similar archaeological findings Abstract A small bone plate, identified as a fragment of a pocket diptych sundial, was found during excavations at the post-Teutonic castle at Przezmark, Stary Dzierzgoń commune. The watch fragment of Przezmark is one of five diptych sundials found during excavations in Poland. Such sundials, produced between the end of the 15th century and the end of the 18th century, are found at many European and North American sites. To date, 110 specimens have been recorded, mainly from urban sites, but also from castles, manors, monasteries, and wrecks, sunk mainly off the North American and European coasts, but also beyond the northern Arctic Circle.

Ceramika i szkło jako źródło do badań nad przeszłością, 2023
The article presents the results of chemical analyses made on fragments of late medieval ceramic ... more The article presents the results of chemical analyses made on fragments of late medieval ceramic vessels found during archaeological excavations carried out in the Teutonic castle in Przezmark. Fragments
of cups with holes in the bottom were found in the latrine, the function and application constituted an interesting issue. We decided to use gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry to extract organic residues from the vessel walls. The method of chemical analysis allowed for the separation of fatty acids, which are preserved in the walls of the vessels. The comparison of the results with historical and ethnographic sources made it possible to formulate a thesis about the use of cups
for the production of cheese. On the other hand, the chemical research carried out, consisting of the analysis of food biomarkers, allowed us to conclude that the cups could be used in cheese making during
the production of rennet cheeses.

Archaeology of Conflicts II, 2023
During the excavations on the post-medieval manor house on a mound in Boreczno (Zalewo community,... more During the excavations on the post-medieval manor house on a mound in Boreczno (Zalewo community, Warmian-Mazurian voivodeship) two burial pits were found with burials dated back to the 2nd World War. In one of them, an older man was buried, in the other - two women and a younger man. All of them were killed during the January offensive, probably on the 22nd of January 1945 or a bit later. The older man was killed by shrapnel, the rest of them were shot by the Red Army soldiers. The Flash January offensive enabled many inhabitants of East Prussia to evacuate to the Reich. First-line troops quickly reached Elbląg and Tolkmicko, often bypassing longer defending points of resistance, and second-line units seized them, often carrying out several murders on civilians. The evacuation of parts of the German and indigenous populations and the subsequent resettlements have left the fate of many missing civilians in the last months of the Second World War unknown and the found graves of the civilian population are impersonal.
Ryc. 5. Boreczno, st. 4. Zdjęcia poglądowe stanowiska: A) widok w kierunku północnym na wykop A (... more Ryc. 5. Boreczno, st. 4. Zdjęcia poglądowe stanowiska: A) widok w kierunku północnym na wykop A (fot. M. Żurek), B) sekwencja murów dworu z kolejnych faz jego użytkowania (fot. M. Żurek)

Pomorania Antiqua XXX , 2021
W artykule przedstawiono przebieg badań geofizycznych przeprowadzonych w obrębie kościoła św. Ja... more W artykule przedstawiono przebieg badań geofizycznych przeprowadzonych w obrębie kościoła św. Jana Chrzciciela w Malborku. Ich realizacja była możliwa ze względu na zaplanowane prace konserwatorsko-architektoniczne. Głównym celem badań georadarowych było rozpoznanie struktur znajdujących się poniżej posadzki. Pozwoliło to na wyznaczenie sfer w obrębie kościoła, gdzie posadzka mogła ulec zniszczeniu po wprowadzeniu zbyt ciężkich rusztowań1. Opisano pozyskanie i obróbkę danych oraz przedstawiono interpretację otrzymanych wyników, które porównano z informacjami historycznymi o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym kościoła. Przeprowadzone badania georadarowe miały na celu zebranie danych, które na kolejnym etapie prac posłużyły do zaplanowania przebiegu prac renowacyjnych i konserwatorskich bez uszczerbku dla obiektu zabytkowego.
The article presents the course of non-invasive geophysical recognition of the floors of the church of St John the Baptist in Malbork. The research was preceded by conservation and renovation works. The basic features of the GPR method used, as well as the method of data acquisition and interpretation, are described. The possibilities of using the method as pre-emptive and supplementary research for historical sources are presented.

Pomorania Antiqua 29, 2020
The authors present the application of the GPR method. The material for analysis was obtained dur... more The authors present the application of the GPR method. The material for analysis was obtained during GPR works carried out at the Teutonic castle in Przezmark. They have become an important supplement to the available historical knowledge and results of previous excavations. Due to the lack of accurate information about the buildings located in the castle area, an attempt was made to identify the area in a non-invasive
manner. For verification of architectural remains invisible in the modern landscape, the GPR device VIY-300i with a 300 MHz screen antenna from Transient Technologies LLC was used. After processing the data, an image of the examined area was obtained, in which GPR anomalies were observed. Due to the nature of the examined object, they were initially associated with architectural objects. After obtaining the results in the indicated place, a survey excavation was established to confirm the anomaly and to know its origin.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, Feb 28, 2016
Excavations of the Qusur complex in the center of Failaka Island in Kuwait commenced in 2011 and ... more Excavations of the Qusur complex in the center of Failaka Island in Kuwait commenced in 2011 and were continued in 2013, carried out by a team from the University of Warsaw. A magnetic prospection preceded the fieldwork. In the course of two seasons three of nine units in the northernmost part of the site were investigated. Stone enclosures and small houses with white mortar floors were discovered and dated provisionally to the late pre-Islamic and early Islamic period. The settlement was cleared of practically all finds save for some refuse pottery in the courtyards.
Archaeologia Historica Polona, Mar 1, 2019
The post-Teutonic Order's castle in Przezmark. Preliminary research results Zarys treści. W artyk... more The post-Teutonic Order's castle in Przezmark. Preliminary research results Zarys treści. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki pierwszego sezonu badań archeologicznych zamku pokrzyżackiego w Przezmarku. Pozwoliły one na wstępną weryfikację publikowanych wcześniej planów. Stwierdzono obecność wykusza ustępowego w północno-wschodniej części założenia, brak działalności budowlanej w jego północno-zachodniej części w okresie średniowiecza. Zakwestionowano obecność wieży na planie koła w północno-zachodniej części zamku średniego. Dokonano też wstępnego rozwarstwienia budowli.
Papers by Magdalena Żurek
the period in question and, on this basis, identify one of the tombstones as belonging to Johannes von Schönaich (IV, died 1549), one of the six representatives of the family bearing that name who lived in the 15th and 16th centuries at Boreczno.
for lesser Teutonic Order officials, the Castle was proclaimed the seat of the Order’s Commandry upon its relocation from Dzierzgoń.
Archaeological works at the complex have been ongoing since 2017, extending to the east section of the High Castle’s south wing in 2021. Two excavations were established for purposes of confirming and authenticating the existing de velopment: excavation I (between the south wing walls) and excavation J (north of the wall closing the south wing off to the north). Both excavations were intended to provide data regarding the construction history and functioning of the east section of the High Castle’s south wing. A well outline 2.5 m in diameter framed with a brick support structure was uncovered in the north section of excavation I. The area between the well and south peripheral wall was paved. A massive
west-to-east brick foundation was uncovered in excavation J – evidence that development plans for the High Castle’s south section had been in the pipeline in the 14th century already.
of cups with holes in the bottom were found in the latrine, the function and application constituted an interesting issue. We decided to use gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry to extract organic residues from the vessel walls. The method of chemical analysis allowed for the separation of fatty acids, which are preserved in the walls of the vessels. The comparison of the results with historical and ethnographic sources made it possible to formulate a thesis about the use of cups
for the production of cheese. On the other hand, the chemical research carried out, consisting of the analysis of food biomarkers, allowed us to conclude that the cups could be used in cheese making during
the production of rennet cheeses.
The article presents the course of non-invasive geophysical recognition of the floors of the church of St John the Baptist in Malbork. The research was preceded by conservation and renovation works. The basic features of the GPR method used, as well as the method of data acquisition and interpretation, are described. The possibilities of using the method as pre-emptive and supplementary research for historical sources are presented.
manner. For verification of architectural remains invisible in the modern landscape, the GPR device VIY-300i with a 300 MHz screen antenna from Transient Technologies LLC was used. After processing the data, an image of the examined area was obtained, in which GPR anomalies were observed. Due to the nature of the examined object, they were initially associated with architectural objects. After obtaining the results in the indicated place, a survey excavation was established to confirm the anomaly and to know its origin.
the period in question and, on this basis, identify one of the tombstones as belonging to Johannes von Schönaich (IV, died 1549), one of the six representatives of the family bearing that name who lived in the 15th and 16th centuries at Boreczno.
for lesser Teutonic Order officials, the Castle was proclaimed the seat of the Order’s Commandry upon its relocation from Dzierzgoń.
Archaeological works at the complex have been ongoing since 2017, extending to the east section of the High Castle’s south wing in 2021. Two excavations were established for purposes of confirming and authenticating the existing de velopment: excavation I (between the south wing walls) and excavation J (north of the wall closing the south wing off to the north). Both excavations were intended to provide data regarding the construction history and functioning of the east section of the High Castle’s south wing. A well outline 2.5 m in diameter framed with a brick support structure was uncovered in the north section of excavation I. The area between the well and south peripheral wall was paved. A massive
west-to-east brick foundation was uncovered in excavation J – evidence that development plans for the High Castle’s south section had been in the pipeline in the 14th century already.
of cups with holes in the bottom were found in the latrine, the function and application constituted an interesting issue. We decided to use gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry to extract organic residues from the vessel walls. The method of chemical analysis allowed for the separation of fatty acids, which are preserved in the walls of the vessels. The comparison of the results with historical and ethnographic sources made it possible to formulate a thesis about the use of cups
for the production of cheese. On the other hand, the chemical research carried out, consisting of the analysis of food biomarkers, allowed us to conclude that the cups could be used in cheese making during
the production of rennet cheeses.
The article presents the course of non-invasive geophysical recognition of the floors of the church of St John the Baptist in Malbork. The research was preceded by conservation and renovation works. The basic features of the GPR method used, as well as the method of data acquisition and interpretation, are described. The possibilities of using the method as pre-emptive and supplementary research for historical sources are presented.
manner. For verification of architectural remains invisible in the modern landscape, the GPR device VIY-300i with a 300 MHz screen antenna from Transient Technologies LLC was used. After processing the data, an image of the examined area was obtained, in which GPR anomalies were observed. Due to the nature of the examined object, they were initially associated with architectural objects. After obtaining the results in the indicated place, a survey excavation was established to confirm the anomaly and to know its origin.
Marek Derwich, Préface, pp. 5–7; Przedmowa, ss. 9–11
Albert D'Haenens, Actualiser l' histoire de la vie quotidienne: Cléricalité; régularité et conventualité: trois concepts sociogénétiques pour une tyologie de la quotidienneté scribale, pp. 15–30
Florent Cygler, Règles, coutumiers et status (Ve-XIIIe siècles): Brèves considérations historico-typologiques, pp. 31–49
Marek Derwich, Lesław Spychała, Marek L. Wójcik in cooperation with Agata Tarnas-Tomczyk and Adam Żurek, State of Research on Daily Life of Monks and Canons Regular in East-Central Europe During Middle and Modern Ages, pp. 51–98
Marek Starowieyski, Évolution des structures monastiques: des ascètes aux ordes religieux, pp. 99–109
Jean Heuclin, La vie quotidienne des eremites en Gaule du Nord durant le Haut Moyen Âge, pp. 111–127
Giulia Barone, La vie quotidienne dans une grande abbaye réformée: Gorze au Xe siècle, pp. 131–140
Philippe Racinet, La vie quotidienne dans les petits prieurés bénédictins (XIe-XVe siècles), pp. 141–16
Élisabeth Magnou-Nortier, Les moines de La Grasse et la gestion du quotidien d' après le recueil des chartes de l' abbaye (IXe-XIIe siècles), pp. 161–171
Michael Aubrun, Le travail manuel dans les monastères et les communautés religieuses au XIIe siècle: l' exemple du Limousin, pp. 173–178
Chanoines réguliertes au Moyen Âge
Kaspar Elm, Die Vita Canonica der regulierten Chorherren vom Hlg. Grab in Jerusalem, pp. 181–192
Jarosław Wenta, Studium, Arbeit, Intrige – die Karierte in Deutschenorden in Preußen, pp. 193–202
Anna Pobóg-Lenartowicz, Attending the Stick in Augustian Monasteries in Silesia in the Middle Ages, pp. 203–213
Stanisław Kobielus, Les moyens de rétablir lù harmonie paradisiaque dans la vie monastique au Moyen Âge, pp. 217–226;
Marco Mostert, La clôture briseé. Les laïcs dans la vie quotidienne des moines dans les Pays Bas septentrionax (Xe-XIIe siècles): le cas d’ Egmond, pp. 227–241
Thomas Füser, ... lis in capitulo dissolutio etiam in choro… Mönchische Devianz als Alltagsphänomen der cluniazesischen Kontrollinstanzen im 13. und Beginnenden 14. Jahrhundert, pp. 243–261
Anna Petitova-Bénoliel, La pratiaque de la clôture chez les religieuses cisterciennes en Boheme et en Moravie au Moyen Âge, pp. 263–273
Wojciech Mrozowicz, Difficilis restitutio disciplinae. Die Reform des inneren Lebens im Kloster der Regulierten Chorherren (Augustieren) in Glatz im 15. Jahrhundert, pp. 287–298
Temps moderns
Marie-Élisabeth Henneau, La vie des moniales contemplatives dans les Pays-Bas, la principauté de Liège et le Nord de la France XVe-XVIIIe siècles, pp. 301–317
Isabelle Brian, Du monastère à la cure. Les activités des chanoines réguliers en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, pp. 319–329
Bernard Dompnier, Les principes de la vie communautaire chez les Visitandines. Tradition et nouveauté dans un ordre féminin de la Réforme catholique, pp. 331–348
Maurycy Lucjan Niedziela OP, Alltagsleben im Dominikanerkloster in Borek Stary als Beispiel der Fortdauer und Alternative der Ideen von Mönchs- und Kanonikerorden, pp. 349–357
Ondřej Bastil, Die materielle und geistige Lage der böhmischen Klöster am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts (in der Josephinismus-Zeit), pp. 359–366
Daniel-Odon Hurel, La vie monastique dans la Congregation de Saint-Maur: uniformité constitutionelle et diversité de la réalité (apport de la correspondance), pp. 367–386
Aidan Bellenger OSB, Monastic Life at St. Gregory’s, Douai, in 17th -18 th Centuries: an English Monastery in Continental Europe, pp. 387–398
Geofrrey Scott OSB, English Benedictine Monks in Eighteenth-Century France: Comparisons and Contrasts, pp. 399–411
Marian Kanior OSB, The Polish Benedictines at the 18 th Century. Some Aspects of the Monastic Life, pp. 413–422
Françoise Hiraux, Les vitae des évangelisateurs, schema de projets et de quotidiennetés, pp. 425–438
Jean-Claude Schmitt, La memoire des Prémontrés. Á propos de l’ “autogaphie” du prémontré Hermann de Juif, pp. 439–452
Marie Bláhová, Die Gründung des Klosters in der böhmischen mittelalterlichen Geschichtsschreibung, pp. 453–465
Wojciech Iwańczak, Les abbes de l’ abbaye de Sázava (Bohême, XIe-XIIe siècles), pp. 467–475
Paulette L’ Hermite-Leclercq, L’ image des monales dans les exempla, pp. 477–498
Andreas Rüther, Geistliche Prosa aus Frauenklöstern in schlesischen Bibliotheken, pp. 499–502
Walentyna Węgrzyn-Klisowska, Mittelalterisches europäisches Musik-Reportoir in schlesischen Klöstern, pp. 503–510
Jean-Marie Le Gall, Les lectures des moines du prieuré de Saint-Martin-des-Champs au début de XVIe siècles, pp. 511–522
Tomáš Krejčík, Siegel im klösterlichen Leben des Mittelalters, pp. 523–532
Françoise Pierrot, Les vitraux disparus de l’ abbaye de Cerfroid et l’ Ordre des Trinitaires, pp. 533–537
Roman Stelmach, The Sources to the History of Spirituality in Monastic and Canonic Orders from the Archives of the State Record Office of Wrocław, pp. 539–553
La mort dans la vie monastique
Patrick Henriet, Mort sainte et temps sacré d’après l’hagiographie monastique des XIe-XIIe siècles, pp. 557–571
Wojciech Mruk, The Death-Rolls and the Monks – their Bearers in the Medieval Europe. (Some Introductory Remarks), pp. 573–590
Ivan Hlaváček, Die spätmittelalterischen böhmischen Nekrologien als Quelle des klösterlichen Totenbücher, pp. 591–595
Maria Starnawska, Die Gebäude und die Ausrüstung der Klöster des Heiligen Grabes im Mittelalter, pp. 602–613
Krystyna Białoskórska, Le caractère et les idées du décor sculpté architectonique des monastères cisterciens polonais du XIIIe siècle et sa position en regard des traditions et la spiritualité de l’Ordre, pp. 615–649, 801–809
Aleksander Andrzejewski, Leszek Kajzer, Janusz Pietrzak, From Researches on Material Culture of the Rudy Cistercians in the Upper Silesia, pp. 651–664
Jerzy Augustyniak, Das Warmluftheizsystem aus dem 13. Jahrundert im Zisterzienserkloster in Sulejów, pp. 665–670, 810–812
Alicja Szymczakowa, Jerzy Szymczak, Die Grabinskriptionen der Zisterzienser in Rudy vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrundert, pp. 671–676
Monachisme orthodoxe
Magdalena Żurek, Daily Life in the Monastery of Naglun (Egypt) in the 6th-10th Centuries on the Basis of the Documents and Archeological Findings, pp. 679–690, 814–816
Kasimir Popkonstantinov, Das altbulgarische Kloster bei Ravna – das Schreifttums- und Kulturzentrum, pp. 691–699
Rossina Kostova, Some aspects of the Daily Life of Monks in an Early Medieval Bulgarian Monastery, pp. 701–720
Wasilij Pucko, Bogosłużebnyj I bytwoj układ sredniewiekowogo russkogo monastyra, pp. 721–729
Wolodimir Rytschka, Powsiakdenne żittia monastyriw Kyjiws’ Koj Rusi, pp. 731–739
Aleksandr Mocja, Drewnierusskije monastyri średniego podnieprowja (X-XIII ww.), pp. 741–752
Marta Boianivs’ka, Preparation and Preservation of Books by Monks of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (15 th - the First Half of the 17 th Centuries), pp. 753–757
Kaspar Elm, Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man Alltagsgeschichte der Mönche und Kanoniker? Der Versuch einer Zusammenfassung und Begriffsbestimung, pp. 761–768;
Bernard Dompnier, Eléments de conclusion pour l’ époque moderne, pp. 769–781;
Tables des matières, pp. 793–799