Heinrich Schliemann
Recent papers in Heinrich Schliemann
Discusses the scholarly frauds of which Schliemann has been accused.
This paper was written for the UC Davis Art History graduate seminar "Cosmopolitanism and the Avant-Garde." Outside of archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann's excavations at Troy and Mycenae, little attention has been paid to his role in... more
Über Heinrich Schliemanns Ausgrabungen in Troia seit 1870 wurde bereits viel geschrieben. Zwei Hauptrichtungen lassen sich erkennen: Über Schliemanns Arbeit wird von außen in Kommentaren oder Erinnerungen berichtet. Zudem gibt eine... more
Heinrich Schliemann es una de las personalidades más fascinantes de la historia de la arqueología. Y no sólo por ser uno de los pioneros de la arqueología griega -más concretamente de la arqueología de la Edad del Bronce en el Egeo-,... more
Simpson, E., ed. The Spoils of War—World War II and Its Aftermath: The Loss, Reappearance, and Recovery of Cultural Property. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997.
Schliemann's Smuggling Treasures of Troy According to Ottoman Sources Schliemann's discovery of Troy in 1873 was an important milestone in the history of archaeology and not surprisingly created a sensation. The story of his excavation... more
ECHOES OF AEMILIAN TERRAMARE IN THE RESEARCHES OF HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN AT TROY. In 1868 H. Schliemann, before starting the exploration at Hissarlik/Troia, was a rich businessman who visited Italy for reasons related to his job. When he... more
Heinrich Schliemann, el legendario descubridor de Troya, Micenas o Tirinto, constituye una de las personalidades más fascinantes de la historia de la Arqueología. Su vida, digna de la de cualquier aventurero, y su carácter, una mezcla de... more
Πηγή: Φιλολογική Πρωτοχρονιά 1981.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 4022 nach (!) Christus: Der Selfmade-Archäologe Howard Carson spürt auf dem nordamerikanischen Kontinent rätselhafte Relikte der Yankee-Kultur auf, die durch die Katastrophe des Jahres 2019 urplötzlich zugrunde... more
Krallar Kralı Agamemnon'a Ne Oldu?
Über Schliemanns Ausgrabungen in Hisarlık wurde sowohl während seiner Lebenszeit als auch nach seinen plötzlichen Tod im Jahre 1890 im Neapel viel geschrieben und diskutiert. Besonders über den ›Schatz des Priamos‹ folgte nach Schliemanns... more
La légende du philhellénisme, sentiment né à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, mais qui s'épanouit véritablement à partir de la guerre d'Indépendance grecque (1821-1827), a occulté les manifestations hostiles à la Grèce moderne dès lors que la... more
Era diventato ricchissimo aveva girato il mondo scoperto Troia e Micene: ora voleva una casa a sua immagine dove riassumere il senso e raccogliere i simboli della fama che si era conquistato Umberto Pappalardo ha visitato per noi quel suo... more
Diese Version beruht nicht mehr vornehmlich auf den Daten von Schliemanns selbst/seiner Briefe, sondern auch auf Sekundärliteratur, primär Traill 1995, 310-315 sowie Meyer 1969.
Homer and the Trojan War" investigates the history of Troy through two lenses: the Iliad of Homer and the archaeological excavations of Heinrich Schliemann (c. 1870s). We will alternate weekly between evaluating Homeric epic as a primary... more
A Gry Tosi, auec rnA reconndissance Si prega di scusare la redazione in francese del seguente intervento, dovuta non alla cattiva volontà dell'autrice ma piuttosto alla natura dell'argomento: mi è sembrato più. armonioso di commentare gli... more
Conference presentation on the acquisition of the metope depicting Helios in his chariot, found by Henry Schliemann in 1872 at Troy.
Katalog der Ausstellung aus den Sammlungen des Museums für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Berlin /// Katalog wystawy ze zbiorów Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte w Berlinie.
The issue of smuggling ancient treasures from Turkey and their restoration has been subject to intense discussion for the last 150 years. Since the middle of the 19th century western archaeologists and antiquarians have worked in places... more
This paper aims at reconstructing the relationships between Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) and Italy, focusing on some private and public archives stored in Italy and still unpublished. The author explores the troubled history of the... more
Gerardo BIANCO, Presentazione. – ATTI e MEMORIE: Angelo BOTTINI, Martine DENOYELLE, Francesca SILVESTRELLI, Un cratere a figure rosse da Irsina: proposte di lettura; Bianca FERRARA, Noto antica: la ripresa delle indagini archeologiche... more
An analysis of what Schliemann discovered in 1870-1873, based on his excavation notebooks, and of how it affects our understanding of the site and its chronology. Note that this study predates the Korfmann excavations.
“(…) be in good health. Heinrich Schliemann”. THE DISCOVERY OF THE MYCENAEAN CIVILIZATION AND THE RISE OF THE 'MYCENAEAN MUSEUM' THROUGH THE DOCUMENTS OF THE PROTAGONISTS. Heinrich and Sophia Schliemann excavated Mycenae in November... more
il mestiere di storico Rivista della Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea XI / 2, 2019 viella SOCIETÀ ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO DELLA STORIA CONTEMPORANEA sede operativa c/o Dip. Studi Umanistici, Università di Napoli... more
(The full text in English) Unraveling the secrets of Shaft Grave V at Mycenae Heinrich Schliemann’s pioneering excavation of Grave Circle A (Graves I–V) at Mycenae in 1876 was conducted under the auspices of the Archaeological Society... more
«In order to unearth the world of Homer». Gaetano Chierici and Heinrich Schliemann The close relationship between Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) and the wider Italian scientific comunity is still scarcely investigated, despite the rapid... more
This paper tells the extraordinary story of the ‘Schliemann collection’, an unpublished collection of 177 artefacts excavated in Troy in the nineteenth century and bequeathed in 1893 to the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of... more