Recent papers in Obituaries
This is a translation from Arabic of an obituary of the Lebanese Druze leader Amir Shakib Arslan written by Imam Kamil Avdich.
Ce mémoire a pour but d'examiner une sélection de chroniques nécrologiques montréalaises afin de déceler les changements dans les manières d'évoquer – ou d'omettre de le faire – le corps et son exposition. Pour ce faire, quelques milliers... more
This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the names of almost 1,700 diocesan priests, bishops, deacons, and seminarians who have died since the founding of the diocese to this day (1804 -... more
Obituary, Evelien Gans, 1951-2018
A rthur J. Jelinek, a remarkable scholar and world-renowned Paleolithic archaeologist, passed away on January 10, 2022, at the age of 93. As teacher, field archaeologist, and researcher, he touched the lives of a great many people,... more
The year 2016 observes the 90th anniversary of the death of Dr. Menahem Hodara, an internationally recognized Ottoman dermatologist who holds great significance in the history of medicine. However, our knowledge about his life and... more
We have just learned of the untimely death of Martin F. Andic, the son of the late SVU Secretary-General Vojtech E. Andic. As reported in the papers, a year into his retirement, he died of pancreatic cancer on March 15, 2005, at a... more
Until a year before his death, Munk and his wife used to hike the trails on Mout Hood together. The man who had adapted to a new homeland learned to adapt to technology later in life. He learned to use computers when he was in his early... more
On rem arquera que les notices bibliographiques ont été précédées d 'une désignation abrégée (généralement nom de l'auteur suivi des prem iers m ots du titre ou titre de la source et nom de son éditeur). Ces abréviations, réservées aux... more
We ar4e saddened by the passing of our SVU Member Vratislav Pěchota, who died in NYC on June 12, 2005.
Un codice di fattura trecentesca, utilizzato ancora fino alla metà del '600, è la Matricula maioris ecclesie Rubensis 1 . Il manoscritto, accanto al Quaternus della confraternita dell'episcopio di Giovinazzo (XIV sec.), studiato e... more
Thèse téléchargeable sur HAL : Au Moyen Âge, les réseaux de confraternité ont favorisé la circulation des hommes entre les communautés religieuses. La reconstitution du réseau de... more
This is to report of the passing of our SVU member Lubor Karlík, who died in Vienna on October 15, 2012, at the age of 84.