Applied Theology
Recent papers in Applied Theology
In this dissertation, three lines of investigation were followed: (1) a review of the Biblical view of rural society and church health; (2) a review of works on church health and particularly reports from three mission fields: Korea,... more
An analysis of the theory-praxis relationship that avoids a strictly deductive (that leads to traditionalism or radicalism) or inductive (which leads to pragmatism or chaos) approach.
Before the death of Isaac, he bade his son Jacob to go to Padan Aram to take a wife from Laban's daughter, the brother of his mother. He met Leah and Rachel and eventually they became his wives. In this story we can differentiate these... more
In this short volume author, pastoral theologian John Douglas offers a set of summaries of Christian beliefs. The written text arises from a combination of two learning-experiences. The first over a definite time period; and the other his... more
The chapter surveys some of the challenges that confront Christian Families in Africa today. These challenges include the impact of migration, honor and shame culture ad media on families. It then proceeds to discuss the roles that... more
Sin, and forgiveness of it, is an essential component of the Gospel of Grace. This essay seeks to discern how well the doctrine of sin is being communicated in Aotearoa New Zealand. To this end, the first section offers a brief summary of... more
This dissertation investigates the dilemmas of race, identity, and reconciliation amidst whiteness and ongoing colonial racism within Christianity, particularly in the context of Pākehā identity and settler-indigenous relationships in... more
Though youth ministry has benefited from an increase in theological inquiry over the past decade, there remains disagreement as to how to conceptualize and implement modern understandings of practical theology. The issue of practical... more
Christian mission mandate is evidently linked to God’s fundamental initiative and commitment to reconcile sinful humanity to himself. Thus, the church today only continues in the mission of reconciling lost humanity to God. In doing... more
Christian mission mandate is evidently linked to God’s fundamental initiative and commitment to reconcile sinful humanity to himself. Thus, the church today only continues in the mission of reconciling lost humanity to God. In doing... more
from Daniel Keeran, MSW Doc says he will refer me to a blood specialist after another blood test. The light headedness has persisted. I may have a terminal illness, but I trust God, that He will "extend my years but only if it serves his... more
Engaging Theology is an introductory theology textbook that grounds a treatment of standard systematic topics in the wider context of life and practice and shows the relevance of each doctrine to the church. Many see aspects of orthodox... more
The purpose of this thesis was to determine how theology could be applied to philosophical practice. The study makes a significant contribution toward answering how philosophy might be informed by theology in a practical manner. The... more
- by Michael Philliber
- Practical theology, Systematic Theology, Applied Theology, Doctrine of God, Christology, Soteriology, Historical Theology, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Analytic Theology, Continental Theology, Biblical Theology, Thomas F. Torrance, Karl Barth, John Calvin, Systematic Theology
During the last two decades, I have observed that religious activity is increasingly manifest in different segments of Brazilian society. In this context, this paper seeks to build a picture of Christians’ promotion of the common good in... more
This article explores the relevance of Grenz's theolgical method, specifically as set out in Revisioning Evangelical Theology, for addressing the increasingly secularized context of Australia and New Zealand