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98: «ich will deinen Körper bewachen>> von «!Jwl(=i) l}r.wt=1>> ist in <<ich will deinen Körper beschützen>> zu ändern. 111: die Transkription «!HI(=I) r. wl= k r ?!J. t n. t p. t nb= I (?)» und Übersetzung «Ich will deine Arme hin zum... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyBiblical Studies
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      HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropologyJapanese Buddhism
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    • Philosophy
kulturtheologischer Arbeit, was Gorringe mit seinem auf die Liturgie hin zugespitzten Beitrag zur Kulturtheologie immerhin andeutet. Ohne solche Schritte werden die Versuche scheitern, politisch-moralisch mit Hilfe der Kulturtheologie... more
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This article recalls two of the most important insights of critical biblical scholarship: the Bible's historical relativity and its theological diversity. Focusing on the Old Testament, it shows what these insights entail, how they... more
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      Biblical criticismHistorical-Critical Method
Full version: 1972 publizierte der Rechtswissenschaftler Christopher Stone einen Artikel, der von vielen seiner Fachkolleginnen und -kollegen zunächst... more
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      Legal TheoryTheories of Legal SubjectivityAnthropocentrismLegal Subjects
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    • Art
a course to be taught at Tsinghua University, fall, 2023
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    • History of Animals
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      New TestamentEmotionsHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Die Zeitschrift promptus – Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik erscheint einmal jährlich und wird durch den gemeinnützigen Verein promptus e.V. herausgegeben. Sie richtet sich an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Bereich der romanistischen... more
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    • DDC
Presented by Dmitry Ermakov, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bön, UK, at the 5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash, Universitӓt Hamburg, 26th March 2022. Abstract: Probably everyone who has... more
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      BuddhismMythologyTibetan StudiesHimalayan culture
This article reviews three recent monographs by Jörg Jeremias, Konrad Schmid, and Michaela Banks on the theology of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
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      Altes TestamentOld Testament and New Testament theology and Biblical studies, with an in-depth focus on exegetical and critical issuesHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Este trabalho parte de questionamentos que acompanham as reflexões iniciais de minha pesquisa de mestrado, na qual investigo interfaces entre membros e grupos oficialmente ligados a ICAR (Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana) e filosofias e... more
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    • Philosophy
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What motivates Protestant Believers, in a postmodern Germany, to become Missionaries? Keywords of Research: Vocation: a callling into a purpose-driven profession; Missionary: a guy who goes overseas to spread the gospel; Pietism:... more
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      MissiologyAnthropology of ChristianityAnthropolgy of ReligionGerman Sociology
In the era of "after theory" it is always a heated scholarly issue to debate over the future of Western literary studies. Recently Rita Felski and Joseph North respectively advance their arguments as to how literary studies as a... more
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    • Critical Theory
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    • Archives de sciences sociales des religions
本文通過內容分析的方法,以 2011—2020 十年間總計 90本中英文新聞傳播學代表性期刊上刊登的共計 1.0083... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismComparative Study
VITAL DA CUNHA, Christina. Evangelikale in der brasilianischen Politik: Disput zwischen Konservativen und Progressiven. KoBRA - BRASILICUM. Kommunikation und Aktion in der Krise. Wertewandel in Brasilien. Ausgabe 258/259, Oktober, 2020,... more
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      Religion and PoliticsBrasilAnthropolgy of ReligionEvangélicos
La présence de l’islam dans la musique contemporaine est un phénomène global. Aussi, depuis une vingtaine d’années, des artistes musulmans européens mobilisent dans une partie de leurs productions une certaine affirmation de leur... more
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    • Art and Religion
This essay reconsiders the Actor-Network Theory (ANT)—alongside associated anthropological theories that study matters and materiality—and seeks relevance to the study of mosque. With the Islamic mosque under inspection lens, its material... more
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      RitualMaterial CultureActor-Network TheoryMosque
The essay reports a two-prong inquiry of the mosque-Muslim relation in anthropology, covering the relation’s social, psychological and ideational ambits. The first string of inquiry reviews the relation from a wider spectrum of the... more
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      PsychoanalysisAnthropology of IslamAnthropolgy of ReligionMosques
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l Edward Jones' novel The Known World is regarded as the works of classic contemporary slave narrative. Based on the theme of black slave owner it rewrites an unknown history of slavery by people at large with artistic strategy of mixing... more
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    • Historical Theory
RESUMO Pretendo analisar neste artigo alguns momentos de apropriação das tradições hindus pelo Ocidente, ressaltando o caráter contracultural por eles assumidos desde finais do século XVIII, quando se constituiu o movimento Romântico. No... more
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      New Religious MovementsYogaAmerican CountercultureAnthropolgy of Religion
Although James Carey's idea of journalism history has been neglected for a long time in Chinese scholarship, this paper attempts to contextualize Carey's proposals in journalism history with his crucial texts and the historical and social... more
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      Chinese Folk ReligionChinese Popular ReligionAnthropolgy of ReligionSociology of Journalism
Abstract submitted for presentation at the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) Conference, in Seattle, WA, August 7-12, 2016.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of ReligionJewish Studies
Zur Grundlegung alttestamentlicher Anthropologie - Orientierung und Zwischenruf, in: J. van Oorschot, M. Iff (Hg.), Der Mensch als Thema theologischer Anthropologie. Beiträge in interdisziplinärer Perspektive, BThSt 111, Neukirchen-Vluyn... more
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      Old Testament TheologyBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyAnthropolgy of Religion
(In French) About E. Barnavi's Les Religions meurtrières. On violence in sacred books.
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    • Old Testament Theology
In this article, the author introduces the new tendency of applying qualitative methods in journalism in the United States. The author discusses the challenge brought by qualitative methods especially ethnography, to the traditional news... more
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      AnthropologyDersim StudiesAnthropolgy of ReligionAntropoloji
Mit steter Regelmäßigkeit reden Theologen vom Menschen. Sie suchen gemeinsam mit ihren Zeitgenossen dessen Wesen zu verstehen -oder bescheidener: die Menschenkenntnis zu vermehren. Das "Vertrauteste der Lebewesen" 1 , wie noch Demokrit 2... more
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Cet article aborde l’identitaire et l’universel dans l’Islam contemporain par le biais de «la présentation de soi comme musulman». Le musulman apprend à construire son identité religieuse en fonction de ce qu’il reçoit de ses parents et... more
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    • Anthropolgy of Religion