Ancient ceramics
Most downloaded papers in Ancient ceramics
Catalogo de los materiales arqueologicos recuperados del fardo 290, exhumado por Julio C. Tello a principios del siglo XX en la peninsula de Paracas, Ica. Este fardo correspondio a un individuo de alta jerarquia de la sociedad Paracas... more
In this paper, the author discuses about the challenges and perspectives of archaeometric analysis on the Hellenistic ware on the East Adriatic based on hitherto published analysis. Diversity of Hellenistic types of ware – in shapes,... more
One of the most debated issues in the Archaeology of the Palestinian Iron Age is the relationship between the cultural traditions known as “Midianite” and “Edomite”, which existed in the Negev and Southern Jordan through all the Iron Age.... more
Min er al ogy of the ce ramic slags from the Bronze Age fu ner ary site at Lãpuº (NW Ro ma nia) Volker HOECK, Corina IONESCU, Carola METZNER-NEBELSICK and Louis D. NEBELSICK Hoeck V., Ionescu C., Metzner-Nebelsick C. and Nebelsick L.D.... more
Middle Kingdom Studies 9 280 pages, including 8 colour plates. ISBN 9781906137656 This volume serves as a catalogue and handbook for the description for Pan-Grave ceramics , and that considers the Pan-Grave tradition and its ceramic... more
This article deals with the chronology of the fortifi cations of the Akhtanizovskaya 4 settlement during the last period of its existence. The citadel was located on the cape in the north-western part of the Akhtanizovsky fi rth.... more
A look at the future of ceramic studies in archaeology.
Na području antičke luke u Zatonu kraj Nina pronađena je pri hidroarheološkim istraživanjima velika količina keramičkoga materijala, među kojim autor izdvaja i obrađuje dva zoomorfna reci-pijenta. Interdisciplinarnim radom autor nastoji... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1965 v časopise ,,Časopis Moravského muzea" / The study was published in 1965 in the journal ,,The journal Moravian Museum."
A study of decorated Neolithic pottery samples from the excavation site Pločnik, Serbia, was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. The investigated... more
Bowls, cooking pots, and other seemingly common vessels tell a long story of ethnic boundaries, social hierarchies, and class camaraderie, but they also reveal shared ritual values across different ethnic communities in ancient Edom (and... more
The Achaea and Corinth regions of the northern Peloponnese are renowned for their rich archaeological record. Achaea is part of mainland Greece in the NorthWestern Peloponnese, whereas Corinth is in the NorthEastern Peloponnese. Since... more
Present research exploits the benefits of the non-invasive and non-destructive spectroscopic methods in order to characterize the pigments which constitute the colorants found on ancient ceramic pieces. A red colorant, which occurs on the... more
The article presents some preliminary research results of typological and technical- technological specifics of the Early Bronze Age ceramics from Tsaghkasar-1, located in Talin, Aragatsotn marz of Armenia. Main morphological types of... more
This Mayan mixture of realistic imagery and gesture signs created a beautiful ceramic figurine. A great deal of information was compressed through the ancient depicted signing system. In order to avoid a lengthy and dry explanation of the... more
It is rather difficult for a modern-day researcher to understand the rationale behind the molding or incorporation of two crustaceans into a rather odd-shaped ceramic vessel. We can gain some insight into the meaning of such compositions... more
Thе paper is dеvotеd to thе rеstoratiоn of arсhaеologiсal сеramiсs from thе еxcavations of thе Nеolithiс sеttlemеnt of Mеntеsh-Tеpе in thе wеst of Azеrbaijan. Thе sеttlеmеnt of Меntеs-tеpе is a unique plaсе сovеring thе pеriоds from... more
Twenty-one glazed red stoneware objects, with gilded or gold-painted decor from different collections (Cité de la Céramique, Sèvres, France; Art Institute of Chicago, USA; a private collection) attributed to 18 th century Böttger, Meissen... more
A study of decorated Neolithic pottery samples from excavation site Plocnik, Serbia, was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. Investigated samples... more
The structural features of ancient ceramic fragments dating from various historical ages of ancient cultural groups inhabiting the territory of modern Kazakhstan were studied using optical microscopy, neutron diffraction, neutron... more