Ancient Fortifications
Recent papers in Ancient Fortifications
Der Artikel beschreibt zwei kleine Festungen im Umland von Kianeai (Zentrallykien), die beim Survey des Jahres 1991 entdeckt wurden.
Ένα μεμονωμένο μνημείο στην περιοχή του Μεγάλου Βάλτου Κορινθίας, που αντανακλά την αμυντική οργάνωση της αρχαίας Σικυώνιας χώρας.
Trata sobre el tipo de fortificaciones que construyeron los mayas prehispánicos desde el Preclásico Tardío (400 a.C. - 100 d.C.) y como se fueron desarrollando a través del tiempo y el espacio, hasta la llegada de los españoles en el... more
This publication belongs to a series of planned books on Palestine emerging from the Lower Jordan River Basin Project, a collaborative effort between the universities of Birzeit and Bergen. This project has a resource management profile,... more
Die Tübinger Dissertation versucht die Befestigungsanlagen Italiens vom 8. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. zu klassifizieren und in eine historischen Zusammenhang zu bringen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Gesamtheit des... more
Μία οχυρή αρχαιοελληνική κώμη της σημερινής Δυτικής Αττικής.
My Master thesis on "Die Hafenfestung von Loryma" with the foreword by Winfried Held to the publication.
In 197 BC, proudly holding Chalcis along with Corinth and Demetrias, the Macedonian King Philip V claimed to be controlling the “fetters” of Greece. Indeed, the site of Chalcis, located at the narrowest point of the strait of the Euripos... more
This paper regards a general revaluation of the complex system of fortifications of Hatra. Published and unpublished data have been used to achieve the goal, the latter belonging to the Italian expedition at Hatra. This integrated... more
Fortifications occupy a relevant position in the analysis of urbanization phenomena. However, in the scholarship dealing with Mesopotamian urban realities, no systematic investigations have been so far produced with regards to this topic.... more
Zu den Befestigungen von Larisa im Kontext des griechischen Befestigungswesens der Archaik s. jetzt Hülden (s. vor. Anm.) 124-127. 376. 442f. 447f. 475.
With this drawing I would like to announce that after years of research, drawing and photo-editing in the evenings after work I have finally managed to complete my work on the hellenistic ruins respectively the fortified Seleucid palace... more
This paper provides a detailed overview of recent research and bibliography (since 1997) on the Roman Republican Army during the Second Punic War in the Iberian peninsula and the conquest of Hispania. In this part, the first of two, we... more
A norma della legge sul diritto d'autore e del codice civile è vietata la riproduzione di questo libro o di parte di esso con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico, meccanico, per mezzo di fotocopie, microfilm, registratori o altro. Le fotocopie... more
ΧΑιρεΤιΣΜΟι 9 Μ. Κόμβου, Έργα πολιτισμού στο Αιγαίο και συγχρηματοδοτούμενα προγράμματα 17 ΒΟρειΟ ΑιΓΑιΟ Χ. ρωμάνου, Στ. Μπονάτσος, εργασίες προστασίας, συντήρησης και ανάδειξης του οχυρωμένου προϊστορικού οικισμού στο παλαμάρι της ςκύρου... more
SUMMARY: Lecture-14 provides an overview of Canaanite religion (selected deities and their attributes), some LB Age material culture (e.g., pottery; foreign forms [trade]; metallurgy; art; sculpture; seals; ivory carving; clay/ceramic... more
some considerations about Eneolithic defensive system - the settlment of Varvata-Cetatuie, Suceava County, Romania
La disputa sulla pertinenza etnica dei centri fortificati sorti intorno alla metà del IV secolo a.C. nella Sibaritide meridionale (oppida italici o fortificazioni italiote?) è servita da stimolo per intraprendere un'accurata ricerca... more
This article deals with the chronology of the fortifi cations of the Akhtanizovskaya 4 settlement during the last period of its existence. The citadel was located on the cape in the north-western part of the Akhtanizovsky fi rth.... more
Η αρχαία Ακραιφία (ή Ακραίφνιον ή Ακραίφνια ή Ακραίφια) ήταν χτισμένη στην ανατολική όχθη της Κωπαΐδας και στα βορειοδυτικά της λίμνης Υλίκης. Με έκταση 47 τ.χλμ. και περίμετρο 34,6 χλμ. η Ακραιφία συγκαταλέγεται μεταξύ των μικρών πόλεων... more
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
This paper regards a general revaluation of the complex system of fortifications of Hatra. Published and unpublished data have been used to achieve the goal, the latter belonging to the Italian expedition at Hatra. This integrated... more
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This paper by Paolo Vitti and Ottavia Voza gives a broad analysis of the construction techniques and building phases of the Eastern sector of the fortification of Paestum.
Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78570-139-9