A Survey of Vettius Valens
Mark Riley
California State University
Sacramento, CA 95819
The Anthologiae of Vettius Valens presents us with the longest, and at the
same time the most difficult, text surviving from the astrological literature of
antiquity. Valens’s exotic methods, many unparalleled in other astrological
works, and the vicissitudes of the text itself, which was written over a period of
many years and which was thereafter in constant use from late antiquity to the
Renaissance, make interpretation of this work difficult.1 The Anthologiae is,
however, important for the study of ancient astrology: it presents some 125
actual horoscopes whose interpretation illuminates ancient astrological doctrines
during the first centuries of our era. These horoscopes also give brief life
histories of the clients, from which some demographic information can be
derived. The Anthologiae also illustrates astronomical calculation of the prePtolemaic type and gives tables that predate the Almagest and the Handy
One hundred years of research into the methods of ancient astrology, the
fruits of which can be found in CCAG, and the labors of editors and
commentators, particularly Kroll, Neugebauer, Pingree, and Bara, have
illuminated many dark corners. This work has uncovered Valens’s century,
perhaps even his birthdate, and has gone far toward restoring his text to its state
in the fifth century AD, the date of the archetype of the extant tradition. This
paper will survey what can be learned of Valens’ biography, will compare his
methods and goals with those of the other surviving astrological writers,
particularly Ptolemy, whose Tetrabiblos became this art’s undisputed classic,
and will outline what can be gained from the text with further research:
information about astrologers whose works are lost but who are quoted in the
Anthologiae; pre-Ptolemaic mathematical and graphical methods for
astronomical calculations; and glimpses into the everyday world of the
practicing astrologer.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
The Anthologiae supplies our only accurate information about its author.3
Vettius Valens (Οὐέττιος Οὐάλης, medieval Latin Balens, Arabic Walis) of
Antioch was conceived on 13 May 119 AD and born nine months later on 8 Feb.
120 AD. His mother predeceased his father in the 140’s. At age 34 he “worked
abroad, was a friend of great men, was in mortal danger because of a woman,
and suffered cuts and bleeding.” At age 35 he took a sea voyage during which he
was in danger from pirates and from a storm. He moved to Egypt in search of
occult knowledge. There, according to his account, which matches other ancient
tales of religious quests, he “suffered much, endured much…and spent money
that seemed inexhaustible, because I was persuaded by mountebanks and greedy
men” (301.16K; 288.15P). His teachers were avaricious, and, although he paid
great sums, he did not attain the truth. He then withdrew into an ascetic life for
a time, but was later drawn back by the lure of astrology, particularly the lure of
determining which star rules a given period, i.e. the “chronocratorship” — see
the note in Appendix B on Book IV 1-5 (172.9K; 163.6P).4
His dedication to astrology was total. He was never attracted by horse
races, spectacles, art and music, or love (242.8-18K; 231.34-232.10P). He never
came to desire command, high rank, wealth or possessions (355.9-15K; 340.2227P). His astrology was a mystery and an ascetic art. Even kingship was
insignificant compared to the god-like knowledge granted man by
astrology/astronomy: “by means of it one can know the sun’s ordered paths…
and the varying paths of the moon… From all this we hope to understand
everything on earth, in the seas, in heaven, as well as the beginning and end of
all created things” (241.20-29K; 231.16-24P). Astrology enabled him to bear all
blows of Fortune:
Fate has decreed for each person the immutable working out of events,
surrounding him with many occasions for good or bad… Two self–
begotten gods, Hope and Fortune, the assistants of Fate, control man’s
life and make him bear Fate’s decrees by using their compulsion and
A Survey of Vettius Valens
deception… Fortune raises some high only to cast them down and
degrades others only to raise them to glory… Hope moves everywhere
in secret, smiling like a flatterer, and she displays many attractive
prospects which cannot be attained. By deceiving men, she controls
most of them… Those ignorant of the prognostic art are led away and
enslaved by these gods. They endure all blows and suffer punishments
with pleasure. Some partially attain what they hoped for; their
confidence begins to increase, and they await a permanently favorable
outcome—not realizing how precarious and slippery are these accidents
of Fortune. Others are disappointed in their expectations, not just once,
but always… But those who have trained themselves in the prognostic
art and in the truth keep their minds free and out of bondage. They
despise Fortune, do not persist in Hope, do not fear death, and live
undisturbed… They are alien to all pleasure or flattery and stand firm
as soldiers of Fate. (219.26-220.28K; 209.10-210.6P)5
Astrology taught him his duty: in a revealing passage he compares himself
to an intelligent slave of a harsh master (=life), a slave who does not contravene
his master’s orders and who thus avoids pain and suffering (355.15-21K;
340.27-33P). Astrology was his fortification against the inevitable fatalities of
life. Such doctrines are of course not confined to Valens: Ptolemy defends
astrology’s usefulness by first declaring that the prognostic art tames and calms
the soul and prepares it to meet whatever the future brings with steadfastness
(Tetr. I 3.5).6
In short, astrology was the anchor of Valens’ faith. The religious feelings
expressed in the Anthologiae become more striking when Valens’ phrases are
compared with those from an obviously religious text like the Hermetica. These
texts emphasize the need for secrecy, for maintaining the doctrine free from
defilement at the ears of the vulgar. In maintaining this secrecy, the adepts
separate themselves from the uninitiated. Just as Hermes tells Asclepius that his
discourse should not be profaned by the presence of the crowd, so Valens
A Survey of Vettius Valens
likewise urges his students to conceal this work “from the unworthy or
uninitiated” (359.24K; 344.27P).7 Valens exacts oaths of secrecy from his
I adjure them by the sacred circle of the sun, by the varied paths of the
moon, by the powers of the five other stars, and by the circle of the
twelve signs to keep these matters secret, never to share them with the
ignorant or the uninitiated, and to remember and to honor the one who
inducted them into this art. May it go well for those who keep this oath
and may the aforesaid gods grant them what they wish; may the
opposite happen to those who foreswear this oath. (263.19-24K;
Both texts emphasize the spiritual relationship between master and pupil,
with the master handing on his doctrines as one link in a chain of succession:
Valens’ student received (παραλαµβάνων - 294.1K; 281.14P) the doctrines and
will pass them on, just as Hermes received (παραλαβών - Poimandres 1.26 in
CH I, p. 19) doctrines from Poimandres and then becomes a guide to others who
are worthy. Both Hermes’ doctrines and Valens’ are presented as an intellectual
system (θεωρία, αἵρεσις; the philosophers and Hermes use γνῶσις) which
brings with it a way of life characterized by secret knowledge and status as the
elect of God. All this is popular Greco–Egyptian spirituality.
Also part of this popular spirituality is Valens’ emphasis on astrology’s
ancient traditions, which he claims to be developing further. Besides consulting
the astronomers Hipparchus and Apollonius, and the Babylonians, Soudines and
Kidenas, whose data for the sun and the moon he claims to have used, Valens
studied the “ancient astrologers,” particularly King Nechepso and the sage
Petosiris, legendary Egyptian astrologers, and Critodemus, who lived in the first
century AD.8 His comments on these earlier astrologers are of two types: he
lauds their dedication and skill; at the same time he criticizes their grudging and
stingy attitude towards other adepts or students. Nechepso is the divine King,
A Survey of Vettius Valens
who “made his explanations with mystic intelligence. His wisdom is shown by
his willingness to confess his earlier errors. He despised his kingship and his
power compared with the loftiness of mystic knowledge. No trickery caused by
greed and the necessity for making a living affected him” (329.7-14K; 316.715P). Valens envied the King because he had lived in a time which “saw such a
climate of free and ungrudging speech and inquiry,” a time when men “left the
earthy sphere and walked the heavens” (241.9-15K; 231.3-8P). The other
astrologer, Critodemus, laid the basis for Valens’ work (348.9K; 334.9P) and
was very wise (329.18K; 316.16P).
Nevertheless, the Ancients laid themselves open to criticism: the wise
Critodemus wrote in a “fantastical style, marvelous to the unlearned.” He
claimed that his work contained great powers and prodigious deeds, and he
exacted fearsome oaths from his students, but he locked up the truth of his
teachings in infinite verbiage and useless bombast. If Critodemus’ reader could
get through the bombast, the results were worthwhile (150.11-27K; 142.1227P). The same cannot be said of other astrologers. Some waste the time of
men and lead them astray, defrauding them (150.9-10K; 142.11P); they
propound their art in a recondite fashion (301.21K; 288.20P); they perform a
“concerto” of fine, enticing words and meter (260.27K; 249.18-19P). Even
worse, some were “driven by envy to hide this art because of their vainglory,” or
perhaps they “had not in fact grasped what Nature had created, prescribed, and
bestowed abundantly on mankind,” but wrote nevertheless (272.7-11K; 260.37P). These rivals of Valens “bastardize this science with fancy words and
complicated schemes and they lead the uninitiated astray.” They walk in the
paths of deceit, not of truth (238.21-30K; 228.24-31P). Envy might even
damage Valens’ own treatise, and to forestall the evil effects of this envy, he has
not shrunk from repeating and amplifying his earlier pages (242.26-32K;
As a corrective for these shortcomings of his predecessors and rivals,
Valens claims to have written in a simple manner, to have tested what he
propounded, and to have given worked-out examples, of which he was quite
A Survey of Vettius Valens
proud (301.30K; 288.27P). (Indeed, his examples make the Anthologiae unique
in ancient astrology.) Furthermore, he claimed to have revised his work in the
light of his later experience, and this claim can be supported. He had, for
example, described how to calculate by signs alone the distribution of the
chronocrators (in Book III). Later, in VI 1, he spoke of the “intervals and
contacts using the degree-positions, a method which I had treated obscurely
before” (243.6K; 232.27P). In the preface to Book VI, he says that when he
previously had read of some new method, in his enthusiasm he simply copied it
and appended it to his treatise—this statement certainly applies to the sections
from Critodemus in Book V. Later, however, he returned and reworked those
earlier appendices—and it is certainly true that the methods for critical periods
are elaborated in Books VI-VIII (242.27-30K; 232.18-20P). The Anthologiae
contain a record of his astrological researches.
Like any professional, Valens had students to carry on the tradition. One
special student, Marcus, is named as the heir to his glory (293.24K; 281.2P,
written in 163/4; cf. 359.13-20K; 344.16-22P). The death of a student
(Marcus?) brought him great grief (157.28-33K; 149.23-27P, written in 169).
His last horoscope is dated to 173. Presumably he died shortly thereafter in his
Valens was no creative genius; he was neither a systematizer like Ptolemy
nor a scientist like Hipparchus nor a widely influential guru like Apollonius of
Tyana—though he certainly would have liked to be all of these. Cumont’s low
opinion of him (“esprit borné, dépourvu de tout originalité” L’Egypt 18) has
been repeated by Bara (Anthologies 16). His energy, however, cannot be faulted:
he was able to write 300+ pages of astrological theory and practice over a period
of more than 20 years, in addition to his professional work, whatever that was.
Later astrologers had a more just appreciation of his talents. Salmasius in
particular, who has been studied by Bara, thought it worthwhile to rewrite the
Anthologiae. Moreover, even if we do not read him as a fellow professional,
Valens embodies the popular spirituality of his age and is thus a valuable
witness to his contemporaries and their concerns. He merits study for this
A Survey of Vettius Valens
reason, if for no other. But it is also for his mathematics, examples of which are
given below, and for his usefulness as a source of earlier astrology that his
works may be studied. No one can yet claim to have mined the Anthologiae for
all its gold; this survey is only preliminary.
Valens composed his Anthologiae over a period of at least 20 years. As
mentioned above, internal evidence shows that he published the text in several
sections or Books: VI 5 (252.3K; 240.29P) refers to a book,αἱ Ἐπικρατήσεις,
The Controlling Points, our present Book III 1-13. Book VII 3 (272.30-31K;
260.24P—one of the latest sections of the Anthologiae) and VII 5 (279.14K;
267.2P) refer to his book Περὶ χρόνων ζωῆς, On The Length of Life, the
fragments of which are found in the present Books VI to IX. The many
horoscopes cited as examples in the text, which make Valens’ work so valuable
to the historian of astrology, provide further information for dating. The dates
of death (or of some other significant crisis) of the persons whose horoscopes
are given allow us to give a terminus post quem for the chapters containing those
Appendix A lists the chapters which cite horoscopes containing the date of
birth and of death (or crisis) which is under investigation; horoscopes for adults
which give only birthdates are useless for determining a precise terminus post
quem. From this information the various sections of the Anthologiae can be
Books I-II – The early 150’s or before. (I 5 is a later insertion.)10
Book III 1-13 – early 150’s.
Book III 14-16 – 169/170 (an insertion).
Book IV 1-10 – 156; an introduction the theory of chronocrators and critical
Book IV 11-30 – slightly later than IV 1-10; a different system of chronocrators.
Book V – 158; a continuation of the discussion of chronocrators and critical
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Book VI – A late book (170?) with the majority of the extended similes and
poetic quotations found in the Anthologiae.
Book VII 1-4 – 173; one of the latest sections, with the remaining poetic
Book VII 5 – 164/5
Book VIII – 167
Book IX – Fragmentary, with sections of various dates assignable to earlier
The figures listed above and in Appendix A, and the purpose for which the
horoscopes are cited, divide the Anthologiae into two sections: 1) a general
introduction to astrological studies, Books I to III 13 from the early 150’s, and
2) length of life and critical year calculations, to which most of his text is
devoted; this is Book III 14 to VIII, compiled from 156 to the 170’s.
1) Much of Books I and II contain standard astrological doctrine: the nature and
influence of the stars, signs, and terms, the influence of the Places/Houses,
exaltations, and the standard aspects of opposition, trine, square, and sextile.
These doctrines are illustrated by horoscopes of living persons and can be
paralleled in Ptolemy and Hephaistion, as indicated in Appendix B. These same
books, along with Books VIII and IX, contain unique passages showing how the
astrologer calculated the positions of the planets and the Ascendant, and what
type of tables he had at his disposal (samples in Appendix B).
2) Valens, however, considered as his main contribution the doctrines and
methods of calculating critical periods and the length of life, and of determining
the planetary ruler of any given period (=the chronocrator). With some
digressions, these two topics fill Book III 1-13, which contains an early sketch
of the control (ἐπικράτησις) and of the influence of the days of the week. They
also fill Books IV, different methods of determining the chronocrator; Book V,
critical and “operative” (χρηµατιστικός) years; Book VI and VII, critical periods
and length of life calculations; and Books VIII and IX, in which various tables
are used to calculate the length of life. In this second section, specific numbers
had to be cited from specifically dated horoscopes of persons who had died or
A Survey of Vettius Valens
barely survived a crisis. These critical dates calculated from the horoscopes
show that our present text of Books I–VIII, though certainly disarranged here
and there, is roughly in the order of original composition. Book IX can be
viewed as a collection of notes or fragments.
The reader should skim Appendix B to get an idea of the contents of the
Anthologiae. The topic developed at greatest length and with the greatest
mathematical elaboration—including tables—is the length of life calculation.
The underlying principle is not difficult: the life of any individual is cast like a
dart on the rim of the zodiac, viewed as a wheel rotating with the universe. The
place where the dart hits, the point representing the birthdate, is the starting
point (τόπος ἀφετικός). The place where the dart is knocked off, the day of
death, is the destructive place (τόπος ἀναιρετικός). The starting point and the
destructive place are no more than one-fourth of the circumference of the circle
apart, usually the distance from the Ascendant to Midheaven. The number of
degrees which the dart traverses, converted into degrees of right ascension, gives
the length of life in years. Valens’ elaboration of this scheme can best be seen in
Books III 2-3 and VIII 1-7. (See the notes on these chapters in Appendix B.) 11
The differences between the Anthologiae and Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, the
best known ancient survey of astrology, are striking. Ptolemy’s text is
systematic, outlining first the stars’ and signs’ physical nature, which influences
the earth’s environment (Book I), then describing the effects of these influences
on the earth as a whole (Book II), on the birth and overall character of persons
(Book III), and on the separate events of an individual’s life, e.g. marriage,
occupations, personality (Book IV). All of these influences are derived from the
basic “astrophysical” nature of the stars and signs, e.g. Mars = heat, the moon =
moisture, Cancer (June/July) = heat, Capricorn (Dec/Jan) = cold, etc.
Nothing like this can be found in Valens, no physics, no systematic
discussion of the causes of astrological influences, no description of the overall
(καθόλου) influences on the earth’s environment. Valens concentrates on
individual men and their diseases, their rise and fall, their personalities, and their
A Survey of Vettius Valens
In the Tetrabiblos Ptolemy rarely uses numbers. As mentioned, his
doctrines are based on the physical nature of the stars and signs, and “physics”
for him and for his colleagues meant “qualitative description” with no numerical
values.12 Valens on the other hand was a mathematicus and used numbers
constantly: his procedures require the use of tables, calculations, and the
numerical distance in degrees from one star, sign, or critical point to another.
Finally, Ptolemy’s discussion is entirely theoretical—in this respect he is
unique among ancient astrologers. Ptolemy never mentions individuals, never
cites horoscopes, never describes what an astrologer really does in his everyday
business. Valens, on the contrary, cites some 125 horoscopes or birth dates of
real persons and takes pains to describe the procedures by which an astrologer
may cast and interpret horoscopes with accuracy, advise his clients, and raise his
standing in his profession. In short, Valens was writing for the practicing
astrologer, and his contributions, his length of life calculations and the
description of how to perform these calculations, are aimed at a professional
audience. One can imagined that the astrologer’s clients, the middle class of
urban Egypt, would have been wonderfully baffled by the astrologer’s
explanations of his forecasts.
Valens mentions and quotes from many earlier astrologers and astronomers,
many of whose works have been lost. Following is a list:13
Abraham (Ἄβραµος) is quoted in Book II 28 and 29 on the factors which cause
a nativity which is subject to travel—always an invitation to disaster. Valens
considered Abraham’s work to be an original contribution: ὁ δὲ θαυµασιώτατος
Ἁβραµος . . . δέδειχεν ἡµῖν ἄλλων δηλώσεις τε καὶ αὑτοῦ ἴδια - “The most
amazing Abraham has opened to us the explanations of others and his own
contributions” (96.9K; 91.27P). Book II 29 seems to be a summary of
Abraham. His terminology is different from that of Valens: Abraham wrote ὁ
κλῆρος ὁ περὶ. . . plus genitive case (δαίµονος, ἀποδηµίας) instead of Valens’
usual κλῆρος. . . plus genitive case; Abraham uses the unique word ἀφώτιστος
A Survey of Vettius Valens
– the Unlit Place (99.6K; 94.16P). Abraham used the system of
chronocratorships (χρόνοι) which are held by certain stars which then transmit
the year (ἐνιαυτός, ἔτος) to each other. Valens adopted this system in the
Apollinarios is mentioned in Books VI 11 and IX 12 as a compiler of
astronomical tables. He correlated earlier observations and periodic intervals,
but admitted that his tables were in error by 1° or 2° (250.26-29K; 239.24-27P).
Valens claims to have used his tables with a correction factor of 8° (339.22P).
An Apollinarios is cited for the length of the year (=365 8/45).15
Aristarchus is cited for the length of the year (353.11K; 339.7P).
Asklation, otherwise unknown, is mentioned as a bombastic writer. Cumont
identified this Asklation with the ‘Askletario’ mentioned in Suetonius Domitian
XV 3.16 Accused before the emperor of practicing magic, he did not deny the
charge, but boasted of his skillful predictions. When asked what his own end
would be, he answered that he would soon be torn by dogs. Domitian then
ordered him to be executed immediately and to be buried with care, in order to
refute the forecast. However, when a storm came up and extinguished the pyre,
the dogs did rend the body. The story disturbed Domitian, who was shortly
thereafter to die. The implication is that the astrologer had foreseen—and was
foolish enough to mention that he had foreseen—Domitian’s end, and was for
that reason denounced. The long sections in Valens describing the methods for
forecasting the length of life indicate that Asklation/Askletario was simply
practicing a well-known, if dangerous, art.
Asklepios is cited as a compiler of the system of the XII Places (334.13K;
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Critodemus is cited at least 10 times, and his work, the Ὅρασις (Vision) is
mentioned twice. His style is called obscure and fantastic. Critodemus is cited
for two doctrines: the determination of the starting point (ἀφέτης) of the vital
sector (ἄφεσις), i.e. the point at which the quadrant representing the lifespan
begins (III 7-8), and the determination of the length of life (χρόνοι ζωῆς) using
the method outlined in the note on VIII 6–7 in Appendix B—at least he began
the development of this method which Valens completed (348.10K; 334.9P).
His contemporary Balbillus employed the same methods (CCAG 8.4 235–9). In
addition, the “Forecasts of the Terms: from Critodemus” (CCAG 8.1 257–61), is
similar to I 3 “Concerning Terms,” and a partial table of contents of a book by
Critodemus (CCAG 8.3, 102) roughly corresponds to Anthologiae IV 17-24.
The frequency with which Critodemus is mentioned indicates his importance for
Valens, who may have taken more from Critodemus than he explicitly
acknowledges.18 Nevertheless is is difficult to see the differences between
Valens’ work and Critodemus’. Critodemus is mentioned as the author of the
Πίναξ in Hephaistion II 10.41.
Euctemon - see Meton.
Hermeias is cited in the title of IV 27 as an authority on the determination of the
ruler of the day, month, and year, or the operative (χρηµατιστικός) day, month or
year (IV 27–29).19 Hermeias is directly quoted: …ὡς παρετηρησάµην ἐγὼ
Ἑρµείας - “as I myself, Hermeias, observed” (205.13K; 195.14–15P) and thus it
appears that IV 27-29 are verbatim quotations from him. Hermeias had his own
terminology: περίπατον - “transmission” (205.10,15K) instead of ἄφεσις or
ἐπιδιαίρεσις; κατὰ πάροδον - “in transit” for a star’s position at the time of the
inquiry. (Its position at the nativity is κατὰ γένεσιν). In a closely parallel
passage in V 4 Valens uses the phrases ἀπὸ τοῦ παροδικοῦ Ἡλίου and ἡ κατ’
ἐκτροπὴν Σελήνη (214.4–5K; 203.20–21P). Hermeias’ methods are repeated in
different words in V 4, and a similar procedure can be found in a horoscope
from Rhetorius.20 (This citation may be due to the fifth-century redactor, in
A Survey of Vettius Valens
which case this Hermeias may be the commentator who mentions Hermes
Trismegistus—and thus may have dabbled in the occult—in his scholia on
Plato’s Phaedrus.21) An otherwise unknown Seuthes is mentioned in the title to
VI 27.
Hermippos in cited in the title to II 29 “Concerning Travel, From Hermippos.”
The chapter is actually from Abraham (see above).22
Hipparchus - Valens claims to have used Hipparchus’ figures for the sun
(354.4K; 339.20P). The important chapter concerning the methods for
calculating lunar positions is called a Hipparcheion (I 19K; I 17P). Does this
chapter represent Hipparchus’ methods—at least in his calculations of the five
Hypsicles, well-known as a geometrician, is cited for a table of erroneous rising
times (157.12K; 149.8P). An Anaphorikos, or Table of Rising Times, which
may be Hypsicles’ work, is cited 8 times.24
Kidenas the Babylonian - Valens claims to have used Kidenas, Soudines, and
Apollonius for the moon (354.5K; 339.21P).25
Meton the Athenian, Euctemon, and Philip are cited for the length of the year
(365 1/5 1/19) (353.10K; 339.6P).
Nechepso the King and Petosiris are frequently cited as the “Ancients” or as the
“King.” They were model astrologers: steeped in their art, they despised wealth
and power when compared to mystic knowledge; they were inventive
discoverers. Most of the fragments of their work, which dates to the late first
century B.C., comes from Valens, who cites Petosiris’ Ὅροι (Terms) and the
thirteenth book of Nechepso, the King.26 Thrasyllus (first century AD—see
below) is the first witness to their existence (CCAG 8.3, 100.19-20).
A Survey of Vettius Valens
An unknown Orion is cited in III 2 for the doctrine of the four angles: the
Ascendant, Midheaven (MC), the Descendant (D), and Lower Midheaven (IC;
see diagram B). One-third of the arc between, for example, the Ascendant and
IC will be powerful, two-thirds will be inoperative (ἀχρηµάτιστοι). Another
system: of the same arc, the first third will be beneficial, the middle third will be
of moderate influence, the final third will be harmful. This system is the origin
of the values attributed to each of the XII Places. Orion is said to have
published all this “in his book” (135.36K; 128.26P). An Orion is mentioned in
E. Maass, Comm. in Aratum 47, as writing on eclipses and the seven klimata.
Philip - see Meton.
Seuthes - see Hermeias.
Soudines - see Kidenas.
The Sphaerica (τὰ Σφαιρικά) is cited for the stars which rise at the same time
(συνανατέλλει) as a given point on the ecliptic. The work cannot be identified
with the treatises on the sphere written by Aratus, Eudoxus, or Hipparchus.27
Thrasyllos is cited as the discoverer of a method for forecasting the length of
life: determine the distance in rising times from the sun to the moon; adjust the
Ascendant of the nativity using this distance; then forecast the length of life
(352.7-27K; 338.3-20P). This method is similar to that used throughout Book
VIII (see note on VIII 6-7 above). Thrasyllus was Tiberius’ astrologer, and his
son predicted Nero’s rise to power.28
Timaios is cited as an obscure and fantastic writer, along with Critodemus and
Asklation (329.22K; 316.19P).29 He is quoted for the interpretation of
horoscopes relative to parents, a section which follows immediately upon the
A Survey of Vettius Valens
chapters on travel from Abram. Timaios’ vocabulary is distinctive:
ἐπιδεκατευόµενοι (102.27K; 97.23P) for καθυπερτηρούµενοι - “to be in
superior aspect;” the unique ἐπιδεκατείαν - “superior aspect” (102.33K;
97.27P); φθοροποίοι (102.31K;97.26P et al.) for κακοποίοι - “malefic stars;”
καταπονούµενος - “afflicted stars” (only at 103.6K; 97.34P); the unique
οἰκοδοχεύς (102.24K; 97.20P) for οἰκοδεσπότης - “houseruler.” Perhaps
φθείρεσθαι “to be depressed” instead of the usual ταπεινοῦσθαι is Timaios also
(119.13K; 113.24P), in which case most of II 37-38 would be from Timaios.
Zoroaster is cited as a riddling author of a method for finding the vital sector
(ἄφεσις) from the zones of the stars. He assigned periods of 9
(years/months/days/hours) to each star in the order of its distance from the earth:
first the moon, then Mercury, Venus, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (337.38K; 323.18-22P).
Valens cited none of the earlier astrologers whose works have survived
(Dorotheus, Manilius, Aratus, Eudoxus), nor does he cite his contemporary,
What can be learned about life in Greco-Roman antiquity from the
astrologers, particularly from Vettius Valens? Many investigators have been
optimistic in this regard. Franz Cumont, in L’Egypt des Astrologues, attempted
to sketch the government, society, occupations, and spiritual world of Ptolemaic
Egypt on the basis of the astrologers’ testimony. Even before Cumont,
Thorndike had used Firmicus Maternus as a historical source: “In trying to
predict the future the astrologers really depict their own civilization.”30 More
recently MacMullen has studied ancient society as reflected in astrology.31
Several considerations should forestall a naive view of the astrologers as
reflectors of their own society. 1) The astrologers all borrowed from each other;
their language is stereotyped and reflects an earlier period (see LANGUAGE
A Survey of Vettius Valens
AND STYLE below). The fact of this borrowing and the conservatism of the
astrological tradition is the basis of Cumont’s thesis that astrology reflects the
realities of Ptolemaic Egypt, not of the Roman Egypt from which our texts really
come. 2) On the other hand, the imaginative world of the astrologers has much
in common with that of the novelists, the dream interpreters, and the declaimers,
and while this world overlaps the real world, it is not identical to it.32 For
example, Although Egypt, the home of astrology, swarmed with peasants and
small farmers, these people are never mentioned in astrological forecasts. In
fact, references that can be localized in Egypt alone (metropolitan Greek office
titles, local gods, even the Nile and its floods) are rare, or (in Valens)
nonexistent. I would suggest that what might be references to Ptolemaic Egypt
are really references to the world common to the novelists and declaimers, a
world derived from the imaginative descriptions of Egypt written by Hecataeus,
Hellanicus, Manetho, Timotheus, Phylarchus, and others.33
These texts are full of kings and magnates by whom the client will be
benefited and raised to high status as the master of life and death or by whom he
will be condemned to prison, exile, or a miserable death. The client thus lives
his life subject to ἀνωµαλίαι, ups and downs, certainly not tied to a peasant’s
parcel of land. In this very point we can see the parallels between astrological
forecasts and the ancient novels, with their heroes and heroines falling from high
status to slavery, then back to nobility and happiness.34 I suppose this is natural
enough: people do not go to fortunetellers today in order to hear humdrum
predictions that they will continue working in the post office until retirement,
after which they will live 4.3 years, then die of a heart attack.
Nevertheless, many chapters of the Anthologiae present data from which to
sketch ancient life: those chapters which contain lists of horoscopes as examples
(see Appendix A; the horoscopes themselves are translated in GH 78-130) and
those which outline the influences of the stars and signs are most important.35
These two sources, the horoscopes and the theoretical chapters, were written for
different purposes and only vaguely resemble each other. Some horoscopes in
the Anthologiae were cast in order to make length of life predictions, and in
A Survey of Vettius Valens
these nothing is said about the events of the client’s life. Other horoscopes were
written to expose the factors which control the subject’s way of life, his fate, his
diseases, his misfortunes—and these horoscopes illuminate the astrologer’s
methods, if not his view of ancient life. Such horoscopes for the most part
simply state the salient fact about the client: of low birth, he attained high rank,
but fell into vicissitudes and trouble; afflicted with vice, he came to a bad end;
and so on (complete translations in GH). In this reticence Valens’ horoscopes
are like those found in the papyri, which simply give planetary positions, with
little interpretation or detail.36 One may presume that the astrologer gave verbal,
not written, forecasts. The details outlined in the theoretical passages (listed in
footnote 35 above) are much more complete, much more circumstantial, and
from them a sketch of the client’s life can be made, as follows.37
The client is a man of Greek culture, consulting Valens about what will
happen to him.38 He may be of average/mediocre (µέτριος) fortune: a small
landowner, a steward or supervisor of another’s property (37.16K; 36.24P), a
secretary who receives pay (39.15K; 38.21P), or someone involved in buying
and selling, a base occupation (40.8K; 39.20P). This person of moderate fortune
will be concerned about employment possibilities (πράξεις) or how he will make
a living (βίος). He may succeed through education, may become an accountant,
a secretary, a teacher (39.13-14K; 38.18-20P). He may become a scholar and an
initiate into the mystery religions (40.14K; 39.24-5P)—not that this promises
happiness, because he may go too far and become a devotee of magic and the
curious arts, a brazen and inquisitive person (42.32-34K; 42.9-11P). The most
commonly foreseen method of gaining a livelihood is by winning the favor of
the great. By these magnates he may be thought worthy of gifts and honors
(189.14K; 179.18P), jewelry and slaves (189.27K; 180.1P), and other
“unexpected” benefits (190.6K; 180.15P)—probably no one expected somebody
of his status to win them. This favor, however, will not last; success will be
fleeting (41.5K; 40.22P). The great have the nasty habit of elevating someone,
only to ruin him later (45.14K; 44.22P). Indeed, hostility from the great is a
constant worry (38.18K; 37.21P).
A Survey of Vettius Valens
These men of moderate fortune may also make progress through legacies
(37.15K; 36.23P—a common source of gain, even though they usually bring
with them lawsuits—194.9K; 184.19P), from adoptions (37.15K; 36.23P), and
from treasure troves (39.16K; 38.22P). These men, however, always meet
obstacles and rebuffs (196.8K; 186.19P), setbacks and hostility from the great
(189.8K; 179.12P). They may fall into debt, resort to forgery, and have to flee
the law (40.30K; 40.12P).
Alternatively, Valens’ client may be of high rank, and his opportunities are
greater: he may become a tyrant, founding cities and sacking them, looting and
pillaging (63.25K; 62.10P). He may live with great spectacle and show
(φαντασία), even if he is in reduced circumstances (38.26K; 37.29P). His high
status is visible in his insignia of office (crowns and garlands) and in his
preeminence and dignity, his slaves and his jewelry (194.17K; 184.28P). He
becomes a governor or a high official in the royal court.
Do not be envious of this person’s high rank. Like the Dallas oilman’s, his
wealth and power is accompanied by public scandal (49.2K; 48.10P), by popular
envy and hatred (48.17K; 47.25P), and by upset in the family. In fact, high rank
and family happiness seem inversely related (39.24, 30K; 38.29, 39.5P). His
family is riven by quarrels (37.20K; 36.28P), divorce (38.11K; 37.14P), and
instability of all kinds (39.10, 23K; 38.14, 29P). Entanglements with base-born
women bring harm and scandal (38.4K; 37.9-10P). Indeed, women are a
constant source of trouble, disorder, and scandal to men, and men are trouble for
women (197.24-7K; 188.6-7P). In short, the client’s happiness consists of
wealth and the visible symbols of office and rank, but he is plagued by
annoyance, trouble, and mental and physical anguish.
The client is surrounded by villains; he may be robbed or swindled (200.1718K; 190.28-9P). He may suffer betrayal, an ever-present danger (45.21K;
44.28P). He also faces dangers arising from his own villainy: ambition may
lead him to abandon his own family and to consort with strangers (43.4K; 42.145P); he may become a poisoner (if he is not poisoned himself), a homosexual, a
fickle person (39.35K; 39.10P. 43.28K; 43.3P). He may repent (48.28-9K;
A Survey of Vettius Valens
47.34P), if he does not first commit suicide or go insane from his many troubles
(201.15-6K; 191.25-6P). His actions may lead him into lawsuits, trials, and
imprisonment (43.16K; 42.25P).
Sometimes the client must travel: he may fail at home but succeed abroad.
He may also fail abroad, be abused there, suffer shipwreck and typhoons (200.45K; 190.19P). Generally speaking, travel is to be avoided (see II 29 passim).
The gods are no consolation. A client may be a scholar devoted to the
mystery religions. He may also worship the gods with a bad conscience (37.289K; 37.4-5P). He may even curse the gods because of his miseries (44.4K;
43.9P), sometimes with justification, having fallen into debt because of religion
(43.31K; 43.6P).
Love is no consolation either. The client’s disturbed family life was
mentioned above. Women trouble him because of their jealousy and their
constant illnesses (196.21K; 186.30P. 197.9K; 186.23P), although they may be
of great help when they are of high rank. Indeed, many men are helped by highborn women (38.32K; 38.4P). They fall in love with the client, and their love
may even be reciprocated (201.28K; 192.5-6P). The astrologer, however, says
little about the client’s feelings. His reading of the chart concerns what happens
to the client, not what he does to others or what he feels about others. Rarely
does the astrologer mention that the client may accuse others of the villainy
which he has committed himself (200.19K; 190.31P).
The Anthologiae, rich in poetic terms, astrological vocabulary, and religiophilosophical bombast, combines utilitarian language—the literary koine—with
frequent purple patches. What follows is a small selection of examples; for
extended studies see Warning, De Sermone and Kroll, “Mantissa” 143-154.39
His language is the popular koine with variants and with the poetic touches
common in popular texts:
He writes ἀρσενικός and ἀρρενικός, θαρσελέος and θαρραλέαν, περισσότερος
and περιττός. For the earlier forms in -αρχος, Valens writes -αρχης: δεκαδάρχης,
A Survey of Vettius Valens
ἑκατοντάρχης, πολεµάρχης. For the earlier ὴ νίκη, he writes τὸ νῖκος, as in the
LXX and N.T.
Valens adds µᾶλλον to a comparative form: µᾶλλος φυσικοτέραν, µᾶλλον
ἀπρακτότερος (Rydbeck 80-85).
He uses many perfect participles as adverbs: πεφυλαγµένως, ἐφθονηµένως,
In verb forms, Valens often substitutes first aorist for second aorist endings, as is
common in the koine: εὕραµεν and εὕροµεν; προείπαµεν and προείποµεν;
ἀφείλαµεν. The older contract futures are rare: Valens usually writes
ἀποτελέσει, not ἀποτελεῖ; ἀπολέσει, not ἀπολεῖ. The four main -µι verbs
usually maintain their old forms, but ὄλλυµι, and δείκνυµι compounds have
become -ω verbs: ἀπολλύουσι, παραδεικνύει.
In syntax, Valens uses ἕως and ὅτε + subjunctive, as well as ὅς ἐάν, both
features of pre–atticist prose (Rydbeck 182–3).
However, the most striking feature of Valens’ style is his large vocabulary.
Even omitting the technical terms of astrology, his contribution to the Greek
lexicon is large. One reason for this is his listing of occupations, social
activities, and individual syndromes, much like those in the medical writers and
physiognomists. His lists of diseases and injuries also add new words. Warning,
De sermone, lists Valens’ unique words.
A number of Valens’ words and poetic phrases seem to be common to all
astrological writers:40
ἀνώµαλος, ἀνωµαλία, ἀνωµαλίζω - “(to be) subject to ups and downs” are
frequent in the Anthologiae (more than 60x) and occur in Manetho I 270 and
Firmicus Maternus, “inaequalitatem vitae” I 103.16, 119.2.
The phrase συνοχῶν καὶ καταιτιασµῶν πεῖραν λαµβάνοντες- “experiencing
prison and accusations” (43.16K; 42.25P) can be compared to Manetho II 283
(ἐν συνοχῇσι γένοντο), III 203, IV 486, and to Ptolemy Tetr. II 9.5.
Valens says men may be ἀλλοτρίων ἀγαθῶν ἐπιθυµηταί - “covetous of others’
A Survey of Vettius Valens
goods” (10.23K; 10.14-15P). Manetho says ὄλβου τε ποθήτορας ἀλλοτρίοιο
(IV 120); Firmicus “Alienas res…desiderabit” (I 115.32).
Valens’ clients encounter ἀπειλὰς µυστικῶν καὶ παλαιῶν πραγµάτων ἕνεκα “threats due to religious and old matters” (163.20K; 155.2P). Manetho says
Νείκεα καὶ κρισίας γραπτῶν χάριν ἠὲ παλαιῶν ἔργων ἴσχουσιν (III 161).
The client’s appetites may lead him astray: οἰ δὲ καὶ ταῖς τῶν ἀδελφῶν ἢ
ἐπιστατῶν ἢ ταῖς τῶν πατέρων ἢ καὶ µητρυιαῖς τὰς ἐπιµιξίας ποιοῦνται “Some lie with the wives of brothers, guardians, or fathers, or with their
stepmothers” (75.14K; 72.22P, also 115.18-29K; 109.29-30P). Manetho has ἢ
καὶ µητρυιῇσιν ἑαῖς ἢ παλλακίδεσσιν σφωιτέρου γενετῆρος ὁµὸν λέχος
εἰσανέβησαν (II 189); Firmicus “Aut enim cum sororibus aut filiabus aut
fratrum uxoribus coire coguntur” (I 153.8).
The noble client may experience ὄχλων ἐπαναστάσεις - “revolts of the masses”
(59.8K; 58.3P et al; cp. Tetr. II 9.11; Firmicus I 111.10) and ψύχεις or
καταψύχεις τῶν πράξεων - “chilling of activities” (42.17K; 41.26P; cp. Tetr. IV
4.12; Firmicus II 46.23 “tempus frigidum”).
These examples of common phrasing and matter, which could be multiplied at
length, show that many of the forecasts associated in all ancient astrologers with
given planetary configurations have been borrowed from earlier texts and
perhaps go back ultimately to the lost work of Nechepso and Petosiris.41
Like St. Paul, with his “Bad companions corrupt good morals,” Valens had
had the usual school education with its tags of poetry influencing his writing:42
ἀκάµατος - “untiring,” epic and tragic (331.21K; 318.18P)
ἀοίδοµος - “sung of,” Pindaric (3x)
ἄτη - “delusion,” epic (285.28K; 273.15K)
εὐσταθής - “tranquil,” epic (3x)
λυσσώδης - “raging,” epic and tragic (356.5K; 341.16P)
A Survey of Vettius Valens
ὀλετής - “a destroyer,” epic (303.17K; 290.11P)
τρυχηρός - “tormenting,” tragic (109.1K; 103.22P)
ὑφηγητής - “a guide,” Sophoclean (222.12K; 11.16P)
He also adds a poetic/literary color to his text with quotations from the
poets and philosophers, and with extended similes. Homer is quoted nine
times.43 Fragment 527 of Cleanthes is quoted several times, once wrongly
attributed to Euripides (VI 9; 250.14P). An anecdote about Euripides and a
youthful critic is related (276.25-30K; 264.18-23P). Orpheus is quoted on the
nature of the soul (330.24-30K; 317.19-26P). Valens confesses that he has a
collection of such passages (347.28-29K; 333.29-30P); indeed, Manetho V 18
quotes the same verse about Fate (Iliad 6.488). His extended similes are
perhaps more original and seem to have become more elaborate as his magnum
opus progressed. Two are particularly worthy of note because of their reference
to contemporary life. In VI 1 he compares man’s life and the stars’ influence on
that life to the game of latrunculi, a chess-like game played on a board with
black and white pieces.44
The [celestial] system might be compared to the game of white and
black pieces—for life is a game, a pilgrimage, and a fair. Competitive
men devise wicked traps for each other, move their pieces along the
many straight rows, and put their pieces down in certain places when
summoned to a skirmish. As long as the place happens to be
unguarded, the piece moves unchecked according to the will of the
player: it flees, stays, pursues, attacks, wins, and loses in turn. If it is
surrounded by the opposing pieces (as if caught in a net) and finds the
straight rows to be blocked, it is intercepted and captured. In this way,
of the two players, one finds momentary pleasure and enjoyment for
himself, the other momentary mockery and pain—momentary because
the one who had been in despair suddenly comes back into the game by
means of some stratagem and gives back the burden of despair to the
A Survey of Vettius Valens
[other player] who had just now laid it on him. The stars’ effects should
be viewed in the same way… (245.34-246.13K; 235.16-29P)
Immediately following the simile just quoted, he compares the quality and
influence of each star to the colors used by painters (VI 2; 237.21P). In V 9 he
compares the two types of astrology students, the diligent and the careless, to
two vintages of wine or to the fruit from different trees of the same species:
A distinction is made among those who encounter this art: some are
true, some insubstantial, some incomprehending. It is like this: several
earthenware amphoras receive a single crop of precious wine from one
farm. After a time, some of the amphoras give the wine back perfect,
filled with flavor and enjoyment for those who entrusted the wine to
their keeping. Other amphoras, however, allow the measure of the
wine’s volume to diminish, are not able to contain the new wine, and
allow it to foam over—these amphoras did not entirely alter the flavor
or cause the savor of the wine crop to disappear, but they do cheat the
vintner in both respects, for the taste does not last any time nor does it
keep its real nature, but immediately changes. (We can see the same
thing occur in other plant growths: from one tree the fruit is sweet and
ripe when it is gathered; the fruit from another tree is hard and wild; of
another the fruit is bitter and rotten or harmful to its consumers.) Just
so are the minds of those who encounter this art: one student does his
lessons to the end with eagerness and determination and has pleaure in
it. The unscientific and ignorant students get only a taste of the
introductory portions, spend no time on these studies because of their
lack of diligence, study with no legitimate teachers, and bring the
charge of ignorance on themselves and reproaches upon the instructors
of this art. (221.26-222.14K; 210.32-211.17P)45
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Other comparisons: Valens passes on his last words like a dying father
(257.11K; 246.9P); the searcher for truth is like a man who hikes through the
valley and up the mountain to come upon a temple adorned with gold and silver
and ivory, and he worships the gods in great splendor (263.13K; 251.12P); those
who expect a great future are sometimes disappointed, like the heirs of a
(supposedly) rich man, who find that his wealth is tied up in litigation (270.31K;
258.20P); the stars’ influence continues through the years like the echo from a
sounding gong (275.3K; 262.29P—these four comparisons come from the latest
sections of the Anthologiae); the searcher for truth is like a man walking
unknowing on the spot where treasure is buried (352.3K; 337.31P).
Valens offers some unusual mathematical expressions. Like all Greek
mathematical writers, he never uses formulas or equations, but describes his
operations, even the simplest, in words.46
ἀναλύω εἰς - “to transform into”: [τὸν χρόνον] εἰς ἡµέρας ἀνέλυσα - “I
transform [the remaining period of months] into days” (253.32K; 242.27-8P).
ταῦτα [ρπ΄] ἀναλύω ἕως τῶν ξ΄ - “I transform this [180] into sixtieths”
(296.24K; 283.22P). Compare P. Mich. 145 III v.2: ἀνάλυσον τὰς β΄ ἥµισυ εἰς
ἥµισυ, ε΄ - “Reduce 2 1/2 to halves, = 5.” A similar expression in Ptolemy’s
Handy Tables: ἐὰν…τὰς καιρικὰς ὥρας ἀναλύειν θέλοµεν εἰς ἰσηµερινάς - “If
we want to transform seasonal hours into equinoctial hours” (Ptolemy, Opera
Minora 161.20).
ἀνατρέχω - “to count back” (cp. ἐκβάλλω below): ἀναδραµῶν ἀπὸ τῆς
γεννητικῆς ἡµέρας - “counting this [amount] back from the date of birth…”
(51.36K; 51.9P).
ἀπολύω - “to count off,” usually with καταλήγω - “to end”: ταύτας [νη΄]
A Survey of Vettius Valens
ἀπέλυσα ἀπὸ Ἡλίου· κατέληξε Παρθένῳ - “I counted this amount [58] off
from the sun’s position; [the count] ended in Virgo” (19.25K; 18.30P).
ἀφαιρέω - see under ἐκκρούω.
γίνεται- “equals” followed by the answer, passim.
διεκβάλλω - “to begin, then continue, counting”: δεήσει ἀπὸ Ἡλίου καὶ
Σελήνης καὶ ὡροσκόπου διεκβάλλειν τοὺς ἐνιαυτούς - “It will be necessary
to count off the years from the sun, the moon, and the Ascendant” (174.23K;
165.14-15P). P. Ryl. 27.11 and Ptolemy (Op. Min. 165.17, 166.5 et al.) use
διεκβάλλω in the same sense.
εἰσέρχοµαι εἰς ὄργανον - “to consult the astronomical table”: εἰσῆλθον εἰς τὸ
προκείµενον ὄργανον εἰς τὰς ιδ΄ µοίρας τὰς ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ στίχῳ... – “I
consulted the attached table at 14° in the first column…” (20.12K; 19.17P).
ἐκβάλλω - “to count off”: τὰ καταλειφθέντα ἔκβαλλε ἀπὸ τῆς Σελήνης τὴς
κατὰ γενέσιν - “Count off the remainder from the moon’s position at the
nativity” (204.25–26K; 194.29–30P). The astrologer of P. Mich. 149 used
ἐνψηφίζω in the same sense: ἐνψήφιζε δὲ τὰς µοίρας ἕως ἔλθῃς… – “Count
off the degrees until you come to…” (vii 6–7). ἐκβάλλω and διεκβάλλω are
confused in the manuscripts; δεῖ ἐκβάλλειν is written for διεκβάλλειν several
times in Book IV 11.
ἐκκρούω ἀνά - his usual word for “divide by”: τὰ ἔτη πλήρη ἀναλαβὼν
ἔκκρουε ὁσάκις δύνῃ ἀνὰ λ΄- “taking the full years, divide them by 30,”
literally “cast out as many 30’s as you can” (33.31–2K; 33.4–5P). Occasionally
he uses ἀφαιρέω in the sense “to cast out”: ἀφαίρει τοὺς κύκλους ἀνὰ τξ΄ “Cast out/subtract 360° circles.” (28.27–8P) Note ἀνά meaning “at the rate of”
as in commercial language (P. Mich. 145 III iv.1) and ἆρον ἀνὰ κε΄ - “divide by
A Survey of Vettius Valens
25” (P. Ryl. 27.1).47
λοιπογραφέω - Two senses: “to discard the remainder” (i.e to use integer
division) and “to deduct.” µερίσεις εἰς τὸν γ΄, µὴ λοιπογραφῶν τὸν ἀριθµὸν
ἀλλὰ κατέχειν - “divide by 3; do not discard the remainder but keep it”
(31.16K; 30.16–17P; the remainder is the important factor for the succeeding
calculation). “This will happen…καὶ µηδεὶς τῶν ἀναιρετῶν… λοιπογραφήσῃ τὸ
πλῆθος τῶν ἐτῶν” - “if…none of the destructive stars deducts from the number
of years [in the client’s lifespan]” (136.19K; 129.9P).
ὅρος - “a factor,” “a coefficient”: τριῶν ὁρῶν ὑπαρχόντων - ἐλαχίστου τε καὶ
µέσου καὶ µεγίστου - “There are three factors: the minimum, the mean, and the
maximum…” (50.8K; 49.16P; the figures referred to here are the coefficients for
calculating the date of conception: 258, 273, 288.) For a similar use of this word,
see Ptolemy, Op. Min. 181.18.
πολυπλασιάζω (38x) and πολλαπλασιάζω (5x) – “to multiply” passim.
προσβάλλω - “to add a factor”: τὴν πρόθεσιν τῷ ζητουµένῳ ἔτει προσβάλλων “adding the addition–factor to the year in question” (31.15K; 30.16P).
προσλαµβάνω - once meaning “to assign for each month”: ἑκάτου µηνὸς
προσλαβὼν ἀνὰ β΄ ἥµισυ – “Assign 2 1/2 for each month” (33.19P; different
reading in K). For ἀνά see under ἐκκρούω above.
προστίθηµι - “to add” passim. Occasionally συντίθηµι is used in the sense “to
combine” = “to add together more than two numbers”: ἑκάστου µηνὸς
Αἰγυπτίου ἀνὰ µοῖραν α΄ λεπτὰ λε΄. ἑκάστης δὲ ἡµέρας λεπτὰ γ΄ συνθείς “having combined 1° 35' for each Egyptian month and 3' for each day [with the
previous number]” (28.26–7P)
A Survey of Vettius Valens
σύνδεσµος - in addition to the usual sense “lunar node,” σύνδεσµος also means
“a sequence” of planetary positions or of figures in a table: τὸν Ἥλιον
εὐρίσκοµεν ἀπὸ Κρίου τὴν ἀρχὴν ποιούµενον…καὶ…τὸ µέγεθος τῆς ἡµέρας
ἐπαύξοντα, ἐν δὲ τῷ διαµέτρῳ Ζυγῴ τὸν σύνδεσµον λύοντα καὶ εἰς τὸ
µειοτικὸν χωροῦντα - “We find the sun to be beginning in Aries and increasing
the length of the day [from that date], but in the opposite sign, Libra, breaking
the sequence and turning to a reduction [in daylength]” (163.5–9K; 154.22–
25P). In IV 5 συωδέσµου λύσυς “breaking the sequence” refers to the moment
when one chronocrator (a star which rules for a given period) passes the rule to
another star (163.28,31K; 155.9,12P). With reference to tables: Valens describes
a table (now found at the end of Book VIII) with the figure 2 entered at Libra 1°,
4 at Libra 2°, 6 at Libra 3°, 8 at Libra 4°, 10 at Libra 5°, and 12 at Libra 6°. He
continues: τουτέστι παραύξησις [µοιρῶν] β΄ · εἶτα ἀπὸ τῆς ζ΄ µοίρας
συνδέσµου λύσις. παραύξησις προσθέσεως [µοιρῶν] ιδ΄ - “i.e. a progressive
increase of 2; then [at Libra] 7° the sequence is broken and an additional factor
of 14 is added” (295.6–7K; 282.6–7P).48 Perhaps the same meaning in P. Ryl.
27.8: ἐπὶ τῶν συνδέσµων - “If a connection is made.”
The Anthologiae, like most astrological texts, was used and consulted by
later astrologers. Pingree has emphasized the importance of this fact for
establishing the history of our present text.49 As our study of the chronology of
the Anthologiae has shown, the text, with the exception of Book IX, is in its
approximate order of composition, but with many short insertions and glosses.
It also has several sections appended in antiquity, with horoscopes dating to 431
(365.3K; 350.9P) and 419 (365.29K; 351.4P). The fifth–century version of the
Anthologiae was the archetype of all later Greek mss, and it was used by
Rhetorius and the Byzantine astrologers of the tenth through the twelfth
centuries, who tried to make sense of Valens’ rules and procedures.50
Valens’ posthumous fame was great. To him was attributed the horoscope
for the city of Constantinople.51 He also had quite a vogue among Arab
A Survey of Vettius Valens
astrologers. Mash’allah (died ca. 815 AD) knew ten books of his (CCAG I 82).
The Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadim reports the titles of nine books of “Walis.” This
Walis has long been identified with Vettius Valens, and the supposition has been
that his Anthologiae were translated into Arabic, possibly from an intermediate
Persian translation, with additional stories about the author and additional works
ascribed to him.52 From this Arabic tradition anecdotes about Valens re-entered
the Greek tradition. At the request of the king of Persia, Valens interpreted a
horoscope: “This man will be exalted, will rule lands, and will be called blessed
by many men.” Little did Valens know that he was interpreting the horoscope of
the very man, Mohammed, who was then threatening Persia. The Persian king
became angry and threw Valens in jail, from which he was saved by God’s
The renaissance scholar Claude Saumaise (Salmasius) rewrote much of the
Anthologiae in his De annis climactericis (1648), but the first modern edition of
the complete text was by W. Kroll (1908), the second by D. Pingree (1986). An
edition with French translation and extensive commentary on Book I has been
published by Bara. This edition presents the best introduction to the topics,
terminology, and methods of the astrology of Book I; unfortunately Valens’
main interest, length of life calculations, is not discussed in that book. All
modern editions are based on very few manuscripts: Vaticanus graecus 191 (V,
written ca. 1300) and its copy, Arch. Selden B. 19 (S, ca. 1520), in the Bodleian
Library. S supplies the text for the quires lost from V after S was copied.
Another manuscript, Marcianus graecus 314 (M, ca. 1300) supples much of the
text for Anthologiae I and II. V and M are descended from a common Byzantine
Pingree’s text differs relatively little from Kroll’s: both are editions of the
Byzantine Greek manuscripts only. As mentioned in footnote 3 above, there
seems to be another tradition for Valens’ work, the traces of which can be found
in the Fihrist, in the Arab complers al-Qasrani and al-Saymari, and in several
late Greek texts. This Eastern tradition of the Anthologiae is kin to the mass of
Arabic texts derived from Dorotheus, Rhetorius, and Antiochus, and must be
A Survey of Vettius Valens
discussed in conjunction with them.55 This tradition, however, has not
significantly influenced the current text, although parts of it appear in the
lengthy appendices to Pingree’s edition (369–455P). Pingree’s improvements to
Kroll’s text are due to his detailed studies of the mss and to a half–century’s
work on the techniques of ancient astronomy carried out by O. Neugebauer and
his collaborators, the immediately relevant parts of which were published in GH.
Thanks to this work, the horoscopes of the Anthologiae can be dated and many
of Valens’ procedures can be explained.56
There is still much to do in reconstructing the text: the mss omit tables
which may be reconstructible;57 the text may be restored to its original order,
with the fragments of Book IX assigned to their proper places; many glosses and
lacunae remain to be identified. Particular techniques remain obscure,
especially the use of lunar and solar gnomons in Book VIII. The study of the
vocabulary and techniques of the different sections of the Anthologiae may
allow the recovery of fragments from other astrological writers.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Appendix A: chapters which contain horoscopes whose time of casting, as
opposed to time of birth, is dateable. All dates are AD.
Book I: no horoscopes are cited.
Books II-III: these early chapters are a general introduction to astrology. Valens
had not yet developed his special interest in the topic, length of life, and no dates
other than birth dates can be calculated. Some horoscopes were reused at later
dates which can be calculated.
Book II 21: this chapter cites examples of horoscopes for living people and
describes the astrological reason for their fortunes. No dates of death are
given—hence the date of casting cannot be determined; no date can be assigned
to this chapter. Later, however, three of the horoscopes were reinterpreted after
the subjects had died or had suffered a crisis. The years were 143/4, 152, and
153 for the later reuse. This chapter must antedate 143/4.
Book II 26: no final dates can be determined.
Book II 30: Valens’ own horoscope, interpreted to show why his mother had
predeceased his father. Valens was born (if the surmise is correct) in 120; this
passage must have been written or revised after his mother had died in 155.
Book II 37: these horoscopes concerning disease mention no deaths or critical
times. One (112.5K; 106.24P) is cited again in 287.22K; 256.16P, with a
critical date of 154. Presumably II 37 was written before that time.
Book II 41: all of this chapter’s horoscopes are for violent death, but no dates
can be calculated.
The following Books contain the horoscopes with dateable deaths or crises.
Date of Birth
Book III 6:
Book III 10:
Date of Death or Crisis
144 (134.9P)
161 (134.21P)
143 (139.22P)
A Survey: Appendix A
Book III 13:
Book III 14:
Book III 16:
139 (140.1P)
144 (146.1P)
147 (146.10P)
151 (148.1P)
169 (148.8P)
152 (149.11P)
169 (149.15P)
169 (149.19P) This chapter is to be
dated to 169/170. The horoscope of birth date 82 is cited from earlier records
(Book II 21).
Book IV 8:
Date of Birth
145 (154.19P)
Date of Death or Crisis
Book IV 10:
156 (161.13P)
Book IV 11:
155 (165.1P)
Book V 1:
156 (200.3P)
Book V 10:
154 (216.6P)
157 (216.16P)
157 (216.33P)
158 (217.15P)
157 (217.22P)
157 (217.29P)
157 (218.22P)
157 (218.26P)
154 (218.29P)
156 (218.33P)
157 (219.4P)
158 (219.13P)
155 (219.22P)
A Survey of Vettius Valens
133 (220.12P) This horoscope is
cited later for the date 161. This chapter was completed by 158.
Book V 11:
68 (222.15P) This horoscope is
cited from Critodemus, an astrologer of the first century. The date 11 June 68 is
being investigated for a client who was born 15 Dec 37.
Book V 12:
158 (227.25P)
Book VI 5:
184 (242.3P) The latest horoscope
in Anthologiae I-IX; ten years subsequent to any other investigation date, this
must have been misdated or added by a later investigator.
Book VII 2:
162 (255.17P)
153 (255.30P)
159 (256.4P)
138 (256.16P) From II 36; also in
157 (257.1P)
143 (257.29P)
173 (261.5P)
169 (261.16P)
173 (261.25P)
172 (261.34P)
166 (263.5P) This is one of the
Book VII 3:
Book VII 4:
latest sections of the Anthologiae, completed in 173.
Book VII 5:
159 (268.18P)
161 (269.8P)
A Survey: Appendix A
160 (269.22P)
164 (270.1P)
162 (270.12P)
159 (27024P)
142 (271.3P)
153 (271.23P)
161 (271.31P)
158 (272.26P)
155* (274.14P)
155* (274.22P)
155* (274.30P)
155* (275.3P)
155* (275.9P)
155* (275.14P)
165** (276.7P)
160 (277.28P) The single-starred
nativities were almost shipwrecked in 155. This is the critical date under
investigation. The double-starred nativity is interpreted in the text up to the
subject’s 23rd year (164/5), with a brief forecast for the future: “There will be
troubles and expenses, or there will be independence…” (277.17-18P). I judge
from these comments that this passage, and perhaps the whole chapter, was
written in 164/5.
Book VIII 7: this chapter and the one following explicitly gives the date of birth
and the length of life, from which the dates of death have been “calculated”:
127 (291.23P)
151 (292.14P)
156 (292.28P)
155 (293.12P)
154 (293.22P)
150 (293.32P)
A Survey of Vettius Valens
114 (294.10P)
145 (294.18P)
152/3 (294.27P)
158 (295.4P)
127 (295.13P)
156 (295.27P)
151 (296.11P)
153 (296.26P)
154 (297.7P)
154 (297.28P)
150 (298.6P)
157 (298.20P)
157 (299.1P)
153 (299.12P)
152 (300.1P) Several fragmentary,
undatable horoscopes follow.
A slightly later section of Book VIII 7 continues:
Book IX 19
167 (303.17P)
144 (304.9P)
168 (304.24P)
163/4 (305.3P)
(not cited here)
A Survey: Appendix B
I append notes describing Valens’ own procedures when these have no
obvious parallel in Ptolemy or Hephaistion, as well as sample translations.58
Books I and II present a general introduction to astrological forecasting:
I 1: The influence of each star.59 A sample passage:
Saturn makes those born under him petty, malignant, care-worn, selfdepreciating, solitary, deceitful, secretive in their trickery, strict,
downcast, with a hypocritical air, squalid, black-clad, importunate, sadlooking, miserable, with a nautical bent, plying waterside trades.
Saturn also causes humblings, sluggishness, unemployment, obstacles
in business, interminable lawsuits, subversion of business, secrets,
imprisonment, chains, griefs, accusations, tears, bereavement, capture,
exposures [of children]. Saturn makes serfs and farmers because of its
rule over the land, and it causes men to be renters of property, tax
farmers, and violent in action. It puts into one’s hands great ranks and
distinguished positions, supervisions, management of others’ property,
and the fathership of others’ children. Of materials, it rules lead, wood,
and stone. Of the parts of the body, it rules the legs, the knees, the
tendons, the lymph, the phlegm, the bladder, the kidneys, and the
internal, hidden organs. Saturn is indicative of diseases and injuries
arising from cold and moisture, such as dropsy, neuralgia, gout, cough,
dysentery, hernia, spasms. Of syndromes, it rules possession,
homosexuality, and depravity. Saturn makes bachelors and widows,
bereavements, and childlessness. It causes violent deaths by water,
strangulation, imprisonment, or dysentery. It also causes falling on the
face. It is the star of Nemesis; it is of the day sect. It is like castor in
color and astringent in taste. (1.24-2.20P)
The parallel chapters of the Tetrabiblos specify the physical nature of the
stars: Saturn is cool and dry, Mars hot and dry, etc. In these chapters Ptolemy
mentions none of the stars’ influences on occupations, character, and fate.60
A Survey of Vettius Valens
I 2: The nature of the 12 signs, the fixed stars to be found in each sign, and the
geographical areas ruled by each sign (this is the science of chorography -cp.
Tetr. II 2–4). Close parallels in Hephaistion I 1.61
I 3: The terms, the degrees in a sign ruled by each planet. Compare Tetr. I 2021.62
The first 6° of Gemini belong to Mercury: temperate, with fine
weather, intelligent, versatile, skilled, effective in his work, poetic,
prolific. The next 6° belong to Jupiter: competitive, temperate, with
fine weather, prolific, luxuriant, beneficent. The third term, 5°, belongs
to Venus: blossoming, artistic, addicted to plays and mimes, poetic,
much-honored, popular, cheerful, prolific. The fourth term, 7°, belongs
to Mars: much-burdened, with no brothers, having few children, a
wanderer, with a good income, destructive, bloody, inquisitive. The
last 6° belong to Saturn: temperate, a procurator, having possessions,
intellectual, with a wide knowledge, distinguished, noted for
intelligence, an arranger of great matters, most famous. (14.15-23P)
I 4-20 covers various methods for calculating important zodiacal or planetary
positions: the Ascendant (I 4),63 Midheaven (I 5), rising times (I 7), new and full
moons (I 9), the week (I 10), the moon’s phases and its astrologically significant
positions on the third, seventh, and fortieth days after the birth (I 13-15), the
nodes (I 16-18), and the planetary positions on any given date (I 19-20).
Valens’ procedures for calculating Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are translated here:
Saturn is to be calculated as follows: take the full years since Augustus
and cast out as many 30’s as possible [=divide by 30]. Multiply the
remainder of the division by 12°. Multiply the result of the division by
30 (=cycles of Saturn) by 5°. For each month from Thoth to the date of
birth add 1°, and for each day 1/30°. Having totaled all this, count
A Survey: Appendix B
from Cancer in the direction of diurnal motion, giving 30° to each sign.
The star will be wherever the count stops.
Jupiter as follows: divide the full years since Caesar by 12. Multiply
the remainder by 12° and add this number to the result of the previous
division by 12, one for each cycle of Jupiter plus 1° for each month and
2' for each day. Add them together and count the sum from Taurus,
giving 12 to each sign.
Mars as follows: take the number of years from Augustus to the year in
question, divide by 30, and note whether the remainder is odd or even.
If it is even, start counting from Aries; if it is odd, start from Libra.
Having found this number, double it and add to it 2 1/2 for each month
after Thoth. If the result is more than 60, count off the amount over 60
from Libra or Aries, giving 5 to each sign. Wherever the count stops,
make note of the sign and examine which sign the sun is in. If the sun
is found to be west of the star, the star will be behind [=to the west] its
calculated sign; if the sun is found to be east of the star, the star will be
ahead [=to the east] of its calculated sign. In other words, in each case,
place the star nearer the sun than the sign in which you have calculated
it to be. The rest of the stars, especially Venus, show the same
peculiarity when they are moving near the mean position of the sun.
(33.31-34.25K; 33.4-27P)64
I 21-22: The astrological influence of the stars in combination, first by two’s,
then by three’s, e.g. Saturn, Jupiter, and the sun together:65
Saturn, Jupiter, and the sun are unsteady and insecure with respect to
possessions, friendships, and other business enterprises. They cause
loss of possessions. They cause some to fall into invidious accusations.
These stars, having indicated help from unexpected sources or from the
deceased, and having increased someone’s reputation, bring ruin and
accusation, along with sudden danger and plots. They do cause
preeminence, guardianship of others’ business, tribute, and salaries, for
A Survey of Vettius Valens
the sake of which men endure disturbance and crises, but these stars
make the basis [of the preeminence] insecure and worrisome. (41.816K; 40.26-41.6P)
The information in these chapters can be used to sketch a client’s career.
See the section of this paper THE ASTROLOGER’S CLIENTS .
I 23-24: Determining the date of conception and the length of the gestation
period. Compare Hephaistion II 1.
Book II describes the system of the XII Places (“Houses” in modern
terminology) and of the Lots, astrologically significant points on the zodiac.66
II 1-2: The four triangles (Aries Leo Sagittarius; Taurus Virgo Capricorn;
Gemini Libra Aquarius; Cancer Scorpio Pisces) and their influence. Cp. Tetr. I
18, Hephaistion I 6.
II 3-4, 17, 19, 20, 27: the Lot of Fortune. It is found by determining the distance
from the sun to the moon, then measuring an equal distance from the Ascendant
(see diagram B) and is mentioned in most horoscopes. The other Lots are found
by measuring to and from the other stars in much the same fashion. See Tetr. III
II 5-15: The system of the XII Places. Each chapter describes the influence of
each Place. (The I Place is the 30° arc beginning at the Ascendant, the II Place
is the next 30° arc, and so on; see diagram B.) Ptolemy, for whom the Places are
not important, mentions only five of them (Tetr. III 11.3-4).68 Valens also uses a
scheme of Places relative to the Lot of Fortune: the 1st Place is the 30° arc
beginning at the Lot, and so on. (The 8th Place from the Lot is the Place of
Death.) This scheme is not used outside Book II.
A Survey: Appendix B
II 16: The influence of the geometric configurations of opposition, trine, square,
and sextile; a long section transcribed from earlier astrologers, with sources
common to Firmicus Maternus. See Tetr. I 13.
II 18: The Lot of Fortune and its astrological significance. See Tetr. I 19.69
II 23-25: Other Lots: of Debt, Deceit, Rank.
II 29-41: Standard methods of answering traditional astrological questions:
travel (29), parents (30-33), free or slave nativities (34), injuries and diseases
(36; this long chapter includes a melothesia, the assignment of the parts of the
body to the signs and planets with illustrative horoscopes70), marriage (37-38),
childlessness (39), brothers (40), violent death (41). Similar interrogations are
covered in Hephaistion II 1–25 and Tetr. III–IV.71
Book III begins the elaboration of Valens’ specialty, the determination of the
critical periods (κλιµακτῆρες), years during which the client will suffer a crisis,
and the determination of the client’s length of life (χρόνοι ζωῆς):
III 1: the Control (ἐπικράτησις), the point of the zodiac which controls the
length of life. Various configurations at the nativity change the Control. This
chapter contains an early discussion of a method as yet undeveloped.
III 2-3: The vital sector (ἄφεσις), the arc of the zodiac which determines the
length of life. One point is fixed as the “starter“ (ἀφέτης), usually the sun, the
moon, or the Ascendant; another is fixed as the “destroyer” (ἀναιρέτης), and the
distance between them (not more than 90°) represents the length of life. In the
following sample passage, the destroyer is the point 90° from the starter:
Therefore in casting a nativity, it will be necessary to determine if it
does or does not have a houseruler, and if the sun, the moon, or the
Ascendant is the ἀφέτης. If the sun or moon are in the aphetic place,
then it will be necessary to figure the total rising times (in the klima of
the nativity) from the position of the apheta to the point square with it.
Having found the total time, you can forecast that the native will live as
many years. This forecast will be accurate if the houseruler is in its
own terms or is configured appropriately, has contact or is in aspect
A Survey of Vettius Valens
with the apheta, and if no ἀναιρέτης applies its rays and deducts from
the number of years. If the houseruler is not in aspect with the
controller, but is otherwise found to be favorably configured (i.e. in the
Ascendant, at MC while rising), it will allot the full span of years. If it
is not at one of the other angles, it will deduct a segment of the arc
proportional to its relationship with the rest of the horoscope, but will
allot the remainder as the length of life. (129.1-14P)
A similar passage in Book V 11:
The aphetic points of the years are operative when starting from any
star, but the following aphetic points are most effective: for day births
the sun, for night births the moon, especially when they are at the
angles. Next in effectiveness is the Ascendant. If the vital sector
beginning at the Ascendant, the moon, or the sun passes to one of the
stars in the nativity, then use it for forecasting. (220.21-26P)
This procedure is also described in Tetr. III 11.72 Valens went on to develop
more complex methods.
III 4-5: The exaltations, depressions, and sects of the stars. Cp. Tetr. I 12, 19.
III 7, 10: The vital sector and length of life. (See note on III 2–3 above.)
III 8-9: The terms, an interpolation. (See note on I 3 above.)
III 11: The critical periods determined according to the day of the week and the
ruler of the day. This chapter uses a 7-day week and 9-day week. The purpose
of these weeks is to enable the astrologer to determine the planetary ruler of the
day, and hence the particular influences operative on that day (explanatory
matter in [ ]):
Saturn will be the beginning of the 7-day-week because of the sun and
moon; Mars will be the beginning of the 9-day-week because Capricorn
and Aquarius (which are Saturn’s houses) are in opposition, in the
seventh place, to Cancer and Leo [houses of the sun and moon], and
A Survey: Appendix B
Aries [Mars’ house] is the ninth sign from Leo [=sun], and Cancer
[=moon] is the ninth sign from Scorpio [Mars’ house]. But it would be
more scientific to derive these from the exaltation of the moon in
Taurus: the beginning of the 7-day-week would be Mars, because of
Scorpio; the beginning of the 9-day-week would be Saturn, because of
An example: the nativity was in Hadrian year 3, Athyr 27 in the
Alexandrian calendar [23 Nov. 118]. I wish to investigate the
subsequent date Antoninus year 17, Phamenoth 11 [7 March 154]. I
take the full years, 35, plus the 3 remaining days in the birth month
[Athyr 27 to 30], plus 2 days for each month from Choiak to Mechir, [3
months. The total is 44.] With the 5 whole weeks [=35 days]
subtracted, the remainder is 9. Now add the 11 days of Phamenoth
(total 20), plus the 8 intercalary days. The grand total is 28. Therefore
Phamenoth 11 will be a critical day in the 7-day-week system.
[4x7=28, so Phamenoth 11 begins a week.] According to the sequence
of days, Phamenoth falls in Scorpio [a sign of Mars, the ruler of the
first day of the week]. Examine which stars are in aspect with this sign
and with the moon.
The 9-day-week is found as follows: I multiply the full years by 5 1/4,
since each year contains forty 9-day-weeks with 5 1/4 days left over.
For each month I add 3, since each month has three 9-day-weeks with 3
days left over. Then I divide the number of days remaining until the
day in question by as many 9’s as possible [=divide by 9]. I make sure
that the remainder is less than 9. Now the result will be the number of
the critical day, just as in the 7-day-week system. (141.11-31P)
These periods of seven and nine are also mentioned in Firmicus Maternus
as the “ebdomaticis et enneaticis annis” (II 41.18).73
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Book III 12-14: The length of life with methods for determining the Ascendant
(see note on VI 9 below). III 14, with an introduction claiming independent
discovery, was written several years after III 13.
Book III 15: Critical years. (See note on V 2 below.)
Book III 16: The period of each star. In standard astrology each star had a
certain period associated with it: Saturn 30, Jupiter 12, Mars 15, Venus 8,
Mercury 20, Sun 19, Moon 25.74 Valens uses these figures as well as several
others. Various schemes for adding these figures to the rising times of the signs
yield the length of life for the client. Two sample horoscopes:
Another example: sun in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus, moon in Pisces,
Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter, Mars, Venus in Aries, Ascendant in Gemini.
The rising time [of Gemini] in the second klima is 28. Mercury in
Taurus adds its [Taurus’] rising time, 24, plus Mars in Aries, 15. He
died in his 67th year.
Another example: the same configuration of stars [as in the preceding
horoscope] for a different nativity, except that the Ascendant was in
Capricorn, the Lot of Fortune in Pisces. The rising time [of Pisces] in
the second klima is 20, plus the period of Jupiter, 12. Since Jupiter is
in Aries, we add its rising time, 20, plus the period of Mars, 15. The
total is 67. He lived that long. (149.15-22P)75
Rising times are added to rising times, periods to periods, periods to rising
times, anything required to derive the correct length of life.
From Book IV to Book IX the exposition is not systematic. These books were
written over a period of 20 years and deal with a variety of topics centered on
the determination of the length of life, with some attention to the related topic of
critical periods.
A Survey: Appendix B
Book IV 1-5: This section, written at one time, describes how each star rules for
a given period, then transmits (παραδίδωσι) its control, or chronocratorship
(χρόνοι = years), to another.76 As a result each period of time will show the
predominant influence of the star which is its chronocrator and the influence of
the various transmissions from and to other stars. The Lots may be considered
as transmitters also. Sample passages:77
For new-moon nativities, the star located immediately after the new
moon begins the vital sector [=is the first chronocrator], then the other
stars as they come in order. For full-moon nativities, the star following
the full moon serves in the the same capacity. It is necessary to
examine how the star is configured and which stars are in aspect. Also
determine if the other stars that receive the chronocratorship are at
angles or precede angles, or are rising or setting. Determine the
sequence of their transits and their sympathies and antipathies. After
the 32 year 3 month period is completed, the second cycle is begun
starting with the next aphetic star [=chronocrator] of the one-fourth
Make the distribution of days as follows: if Saturn is found to be the
overall éf°thw [=the first chronocrator], it assigns 7 1/2 years. Now
since it is necessary to include all the stars in this 7 1/2 year period, we
will make the allotment as follows: multiply the 85 days of Saturn by 7
1/2 to get a total of 637 1/2. This is the amount Saturn will allot to
itself from its 7 1/2 years. Now let us find Jupiter: since it governs 34
days, multiply this 34 by 7 1/2 (since Saturn is the ἀφέτης), for a total
of 255. Jupiter will have this number [of days] after Saturn’s
chronocratorship. Next in order Venus receives the chronocratorship:
since it controls 22 2/3 days, we will multiply this amount by 7 1/2, and
we will find the total to be 170. Venus will control this amount after
Saturn’s chronocratorship. And so on with each star; if we multiply its
days by 7 1/2, we will find its allotment. If the moon, on the other
A Survey of Vettius Valens
hand, controls the vital sector, we multiply each star’s days by 6 1/4 to
find its distribution. Similarly for the rest. (150.18-151.15P)
Valens then suggests another method in which the vital sector is counted from
the Lots of Fortune or Daimon:
Let’s say that the Lot of Fortune or Daimon is located in Aries. The
overall houseruler of Aries is Mars. Let Mars’ successors be
determined, then see if they are or are not configured properly. Mars
itself allots 15 years first, and from this period it assigns itself 15
months. Next (because of Taurus [the next sign—see diagram A]) it
assigns 8 months to Venus, next (because of Gemini) 20 months to
Mercury, next (because of Leo) 19 months to the sun, next 20 months
to Mercury, next 8 months to Venus, next (because of Scorpio) Mars
assigns itself [again] 15, next (because of Sagittarius) 12 to Jupiter,
next (because of Capricorn) 2 years 3 months to Saturn. Next it assigns
to Aquarius the remaining 11 months to fill out the 15 years. Now
Venus receives from Mars the overall chronocratorship for 8 years and
assigns years to each signs as already illustrated. Because of Gemini,
Mercury receives 20 years after Venus and assigns the years to each
sign. Next is the moon with its 25 years, then the sun with its 19. It is
necessary to assign the years in the order [of the stars] to whatever date
the nativity extends [i.e. to the date of the casting of the horoscope or to
the date of death]. (153.8-22P)
IV 6-10: The same topic with examples.
IV 11-25: A new section with an autobiographical introduction. In IV 11, after
the introduction, a new method is described for determining which star is
chronocrator: given a year (e.g. age 35), divide by 12 and note the remainder
(35/12=2, remainder 11). The stars which are 11 signs apart will be transmitting
A Survey: Appendix B
the chronocratorship to each other. For this nativity, the same results will occur
at age 23, 47, 59, and 71. In general, similar things will happen in a 12-year
rotation: “The same transmissions are indicated every 12 years, but they will not
have the same causative influences” (168.1-2P).
IV 12-25: Various transmissions: in the XII Places (12), in the exaltations (13),
at phases (14), in the III or the IX Place (15), to or from each star and Lot (1625). A sample will give the tone of these chapters (for the Places see diagram
An example: if Saturn or Mars is in the Ascendant and is either
transmitting or receiving, we can say that during this year there will be
bodily troubles, danger, or bleeding. If these stars are in the VII Place
from the Ascendant, there will be a turn to the worse because of a wife,
or danger to a wife, or an upsetting crisis because of marriage. If they
are in the IX Place from the Ascendant, there will be hazardous travel,
trouble abroad, or betrayal at the hands of foreigners. If they are in the
XII Place, there will be grief because of slaves or enemy revolts. In
other words, the star will activate those matters which each Place
influences. (170.24-171.1P)
IV 26-30: Miscellaneous methods quoted from other astrologers, including
Critodemus and Hermes.
Book V continues the topics of chronocrators and critical times:
V 1: The Crisis-Producing Lot.
V 2: The critical years (κλιµακτῆρες). These are dangerous periods, in later
astrology at 7- and 9-year intervals, with the sixty-third year (=7 x 9) being
particularly fatal. Such intervals are not important in the Anthologiae.
The critical year is found from the transmission or reception of malefics
in relation to the luminaries, the Ascendant, and each other—in general
it is found thus. In specific cases, it is necessary to count off the years
from the sign in the Ascendant. If the current year is found to be in the
A Survey of Vettius Valens
sign of the new or full moon, or in the sign in square or opposition
[unfavorable aspects] to the new or full moon sign, the year will be
critical and troublesome, especially if (under these circumstances)
Saturn [a malefic planet] is found to be passing through the four places
which just preceded the angles at the nativity, and if the basis of the
nativity is in accord: death will follow, bodily weakness, bleeding,
dangerous diseases, hidden troubles, falls, sudden dangers. Sometimes
the critical point affects matters of livelihood and rank, if the bodily
state is helped by an aspect of benefics.
In addition, determine the distance from Saturn’s position at the
nativity to the ruler of the new or full moon, then count that distance
from the Ascendant. When Saturn is at that position, or in opposition
or square with that position, death will occur, or a grave crisis to health
or business. Likewise the critical year will occur if Saturn is at the
ascending or the descending node, or the points square with these. If
someone takes to his bed ill while the sun is passing through the
ascending or descending node, or through the points square with them,
and if a malefic beholds the sun, then the bout of disease will be
dangerous and hazardous. (200.14-201.3P)
V 3: Initiatives (κατάρχαι), whether to begin an action or activity.78 Valens has
only a brief discussion of this topic to which Hephaistion devoted Book III, Περὶ
καταρχῶν, of his Apotelesmatica. Of course Valens’ methods for determining
the critical periods would apply to Initiatives as well.
V 4-7: The operative (χρηµατιστικός) day, month, and year; “operative” seems
to be equivalent to “critical.”
V 8: The inclinations (πρόσνευσις) of the moon, i.e. the sign of the zodiac to
which the moon “inclines” at its phases. The significance of the inclination is
A Survey: Appendix B
not discussed here. The inclination of the moon at eclipses is part of Ptolemaic
theory (Alm. VI 11, the Handy Tables in Op. Min. 178.24-181.9), but I see little
similarity between Valens’ doctrine and Ptolemy’s. See HAMA 141-144, 997.
V 9-10: Reflections on the value of astrology. A review of the method for the
chronocratorship described in IV 11, with examples. The following chapters
outline similar, purely numerological, methods.
V 11: A review of the vital sector, the transmission of the chronocrators.
V 12: Another method for the vital sector, using the distance (in signs) between
stars. If, for example, the astrologer is investigating the client’s twentieth year,
he factors 20, for a result of 4 and 5. He investigates the stars that are 4 or 5
signs from the moon, and he interprets the events of that year in light of that
transmission. This method is similar to the method of IV 11 and can also be
found in the Liber Hermetis (ed. Gundel, 1935).
Book VI begins a new section with an introduction describing Valens’ personal
devotion to astrology. The topics covered in this book are again the critical
periods and the length of life.
VI 1, 4-6: Propitious and impropitious periods and the distribution
(=transmissions) of the chronocrators. Valens claims to be simply refining his
earlier methods, transforming them from a sign-basis to a degree-basis. Book
VI 6 includes a table of factors for each star.
VI 2-3: The qualities (=colors) of the stars.
VI 7: The ruler of the current day.
VI 8: A new section begins with reflections on the necessity for combining
different astrological systems. Valens prided himself on his eclecticism: “Every
method (ἀγωγή), when combined and critically compared with every other,
brings forth the scientific (φυσικήν), precise system (θεωρίαν)” (257.23-25K;
246.19-21P). A review of the vital sector follows.
VI 9: How to determine the Ascendant and the moon’s position retroactively
after birth. This was necessary in order to fix the beginning of the vital sector.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
The Ascendants reported in the horoscopes were calculated, not observed, and
several methods for such calculations are described in the Anthologiae:
After we calculate precisely the positions of the stars on the birth date
in the current year, we will find the Ascendant as follows: while the sun
is still in the natal sign, we examine when, at what hour, the [moon]
will come to the exact same degree where it was at the nativity, and we
call that point the Ascendant. (213.23-28K; 203.10-14P)
The sign in the Ascendant is found (for day births) by counting the
number of the sun's degree-position from the sun's sign, giving 1° to
each sign. The sign where the count stops is in the Ascendant. (340.1820K; 326.31-327.2P)
The appended table [not extant] is constructed so as to give the sign in
the Ascendant and the required, scientific time of day. It resembles the
roughly accurate table which was constructed (in a puzzling manner)
by the King, and used by him starting with the sun at conception. I
have constructed a precise table, starting with the month Thoth (which
is odd because it is month #1), then with Phaophi (which is even
because it is month #2), then Athyr (likewise odd), then Choiak (even).
Then in sequence you must examine the remaining months one by one.
Enter the appended table at the day or night in question and at the
operative month, and we will find for day or night births the hour of the
nativity on that line. (361.9-18K; 346.9-19P)
As is clear from this last example, the astrologer had tables at his disposal to
make his task easier. For these methods of calculating the Ascendant, see Tetr.
III 3.
A Survey: Appendix B
Book VII starts a new section devoted to the same topics: critical periods and
length of life.
VII 1-5: Propitious and impropitious times using the periods of the stars and the
rising times of the signs, or a fraction (1/2, 1/3, 2/3) thereof:
Now if, as we have already said, the chronocratorship of a
configuration coincides with the time under investigation, when
calculated from the total of the rising time of the sign and period of the
star, then use the preceeding rules. Then, because these combined
chronocratorships coincide to produce what will be predicted, attend to
and determine the outcome using the positions of the angles and the
stars preceding or following the angles, the positions of the Lots, and
the new and full moons, considering all of these according to the proper
aspects or oppositions of the stars. If the chronocratorships of the
aspects are combined, the results will come to pass in one-half, onethird, or two-thirds of the time, provided each one does not hold the
chronocratorship alone. (267.25-268.6P)
A sample horoscope as an illustration:
Another example: sun, Mercury in Capricorn, moon, Mars, Ascendant
in Taurus, Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Pisces, klima
6. In his thirtieth year he escaped slavery, committed many robberies,
avoided capture for a short time, but was caught in the same year. Both
sets of signs in opposition were operative [Taurus/Scorpio,
Cancer/Capricorn]: they both total 60, one-half of which is 30. Also 28
for Capricorn, 20 for Mercury, plus 12 for Jupiter total 60, one-half of
which is 30. Also 30 for Saturn plus 15 for Mars, two-thirds of which
is 30. Also 25 for Cancer [=moon], 12 for Jupiter, plus 8 for Venus
(which is trine) total 45, two-thirds of which is 30. Because of the
benefics, he seemed destined to escape danger for a short time and to
live comfortably from the takings of his robberies, but because of the
malefics, he fell. (270.24-271.2P).
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Book VIII starts a new section which uses two tables found at the end of Book
VIII to find the length of life.
A Survey: Appendix B
VIII 1: The construction of table 1. Following is the column for Libra:79
Months Days
A Survey of Vettius Valens
VIII 2: The construction of table 2.
VIII 3-4: How to determine the Ascendant retroactively after birth. (See the
note on VI 9 above.)
VIII 5: How to use tables 1 and 2 (this translation refers to the portion of the
table printed above):
For example: the number 2 is entered next to Libra 1°. Two is onethirtieth of 60. One-thirtieth of 180, the magnitude of Libra 1° [=total
rising time of the arc beginning with Libra 1°], is 6. Now Libra
comprises 30°. If we calculate with this many years, the 30° [of Libra]
will allot 180 years, an impossible length of life for a person. So if we
take one-sixtieth of 180, we will get 3 as the amount which 1° of Libra
will allot. Three times 30° is 90: we can say that Libra allots a
maximum of 90 years, according to the applicable degree of its
Likewise for the rest of the signs: we multiply the magnitude entered
next to each degree by 12, then take 1/60 [=one-half of the original
factor] of it to find the minimum or the maximum years. Each degree
of each sign has a different time in the table’s progressive increase, and
for this reason the seconds and the minutes of the hours and the rotation
of the degrees have great effect. (300.25-301.2K; 287.23-288.3P)
VIII 6-7: The calculation of the lunar and solar gnomons and their use in
forecasting the length of life. In these chapters Valens used the rising times of
the signs. If, for example, Aries (rising time 20) is in the Ascendant, the
astrologer assigns 0;40 (=2/3, or 20 rising times allotted to 30°) to each degree
of Aries. The number of degrees in Aries is the first factor. The second factor is
in Taurus, the next sign. Taurus rises in 24, so each degree of Taurus will have
0;48 (=48/60, or 24 rising times allotted to 30°), and the number of degrees in
A Survey: Appendix B
Taurus will be added to the 20 of Aries. If the vital sector extends from Aries 1°
to Taurus 1°, the length of life would be 20;48 years (=20 years 8 months). If
the vital sector extends to Taurus 30°, the length of life would be 20 in Aries
plus 24 in Taurus = 44 years. If the vital sector extends into the third sign, then
the astrologer calculates a third factor, in Gemini. Gemini rises in 28, so each
degree has 0;56. If the vital sector extends from Aries 1° to Gemini 1°, the
length of life would be 44;56 years; if to Gemini 30°, 72 years, the maximum,
since the vital sector extends over no more than 3 signs (290.28-291.11P).
As a corollary to this, a native born in signs of long rising time (e.g. Leo,
Virgo, Libra) will theoretically live longer than one born in signs of short rising
time (e.g. Aquarius, Pisces, Aries), although Valens admits this is rarely possible
(315.28K; 302.21P).80
In the cited horoscopes, Valens used either the “first factor” (=one sign), or
the “second factor” (=all of one sign plus part of another), or the “third factor”
(=all of two signs plus part of a third). Occasionally he adds two of the factors to
arrive at the length of life, which—it must be remembered—he already knew;
these are retrospective calculations.
In order to use this method the Ascendant must be known to the degree,
which cannot be done from observation alone. To determine the Ascendant, the
astrologer consults a table (not extant) of sign equivalents. If, for example, the
sun is in Scorpio 10°, the moon in Aquarius 30°, and the Ascendant in
Sagittarius (no degree-position), the astrologer searches for some equivalent of
Scorpio 10° and finds it in Libra. He finds Libra entered in his table at
Sagittarius 14°/15°. These degrees will be the solar gnomon. He carries out the
same procedure for the moon, and finds that Sagittarius 1°/2°/3° is the lunar
gnomon. In his table there are four rows between Sagittarius 1°/2°/3° and
Sagittarius 14°/15°, and so he adds 4° to the solar gnomon, for a result of
Sagittarius 18° as the Ascendant to the degree (305.3-20K; 291.23-292.8P).
Having determined the Ascendant, he then looks at the table of apogonia for
Sagittarius 18°, and for the third factor he finds a total of 73 years. The subject
of this horoscope died at age 73 (305.20-22K; 292.9-11P).81 This method of
A Survey of Vettius Valens
gnomons and factors fills most of Book VIII and seems to be the culmination of
Valens’ ingenuity. A similar method is used in the fifth–century addition
(365.29K; 351.4P).82
VIII 8: The terms. The end of Book VIII is fragmentary. VIII 6-8 is the latest
section of the Anthologiae (see Appendix A); VIII 7 is the utmost elaboration of
Valens’ pet scheme.
Book IX begins a new section. This Book is fragmentary; many sections belong
with earlier chapters. The chief topic is again the length of life calculations.
IX 1: A general review of astrological forecasting.
IX 2: A review of the XII Places.
IX 3: Propitious and impropitious periods.
IX 4. The critical years derived from the factors of numbers. For example,
Jupiter’s period is 12 years. The factors of 12 are 3 plus 4 plus 5. A period
controlled by Jupiter will come every 3 years: “Jupiter acts as a benefic and
brings high rank every 3 years: 3 plus 4 plus 5 total 12” (338.28K; 325.10-11P).
IX 5: Initiatives. (See note on V 3.)
IX 6, 10, 18: How to determine the Ascendant retroactively. (See note on VI 9.)
IX 7: Miscellaneous topics: malformed births, determining the Ascendant.
IX 8: A new section begins with an introduction on the value of astrology. The
use of a table of apogonia (see note on VIII 6-7) to make forecasts. The method
is similar to that in VIII 6-7.
IX 9, 13, 15, 17: Fragmentary methods for the length of life using the sun and
the moon.
IX 11: The source of Valens’ astronomical knowledge. He “used Hipparchus
for the sun, Soudines, Kidenas, and Apollonius for the moon” (354.4-5K;
339.20-21P). Astrology makes men submissive to Fate.
IX 14: Conception (a fragment).
A Survey: Appendix B
IX 19: How to determine the moon’s exact position using two appended tables,
now lost. Valens describes a graphical method for finding the moon’s longitude
and phase:83
Both tables indicate the longitude of the moon and its phase. If we
want to know the moon’s longitude at a nativity with reference to its
hourly motion, we calculate in this way: first it is necessary to enter the
table of klimata, holding the compass with legs apart. Having
determined the length of the hours in the night hemisphere (at the
current longitude of the sun), we place one leg of the compass right
there. Then we open the compass until the other leg reaches the hour in
question. The 12 hours of the night are so arranged as to allow this. If
the nativity was during the day, note the extension of the compass legs
in the night hemisphere and extend it to the hour in question of the day.
Now, having measured out the total number of hours in the way
described, move the compass [viz. without changing the extension of
the legs] to the lunar table. Set one leg of the compass at the number in
the chart approximately equal to its daily motion, then see what
longitude the other leg touches. The degrees will be evident from the
chart of its motion, and these must be added (if the nativity is after
sunset) to the degrees previously determined for the moon; add the
difference due to klima as well. Having done so, consider this to be the
moon’s longitude. (362.13-31K; 347.16-33P)
The fifth–century addition to the Anthologiae gives examples of critical period
and length of life calculations, using the methods and tables of Book VIII.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
AG - A. Bouché–Leclercq, L'astrologie Grecque (Paris 1899)
CCAG - Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum (Brussels 1898-1953).
CH - A.D. Nock and A.–J. Festugière, Corpus Hermeticum (Paris 1983).
DSB - Dictionary of Scientific Biography
EAT - O. Neugebauer and R. A. Parker, Egyptian Astronomical Texts I-III
(Providence R.I. 1960-69)
GH - O. Neugebauer and H.B.Van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes (Philadelphia
HAMA - O. Neugebauer, History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy (Berlin
and New York 1975)
RE - Pauly–Wissowa, Realencyclopädie der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft.
The Anthologiae is cited either by the book and chapter number of Kroll’s
edition, followed by the page number in Pingree’s edition—e.g. Book III.5
(133.31P), or by the page number in Kroll’s edition followed by the page
number in Pingree’s edition—e.g. 141.17K; 133.31P. All chapter and page
references in the scholarly work on Valens since 1906 refer to Kroll’s edition.
Several passages contain fractions expressed in sexagesimal notation: 0;30 =
1/2, 0;40 = 2/3, 0;50 = 5/6, 2;30 = 2 1/2, etc.
Joëlle-Frédérique Bara, “Apotélesmatique et Initiatives,” in Documents pour
L’histoire du vocabulaire scientifique 1 (Publications de l’institut de la
langue française 1980) 49-90.
A Survey: Abbreviations and Bibliography
Joëlle-Frédérique Bara, Vettius Valens d’Antioche Anthologies, Livre I (Études
Préliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans L’Empire Romain vol. 111),
(Brill: Leiden 1989).
Franz Boll, Sphaera (Leipzig 1903).
Franz Cumont, L’Egypt des Astrologues (Brussels 1937).
G. Daressy, “La statue d’un astronome,” Annales du Service des antiquités de
l’Égypte 16 (1916) 1-5.
Karl Darmstadt, De Nechepsonis-Petosiridis Isagoge Quaestiones Selectae
(Leipzig: Teubner 1916).
A.J. Festugière, L’idéal religieux des grecs et L‘Evangile (reprint Paris 1981).
Firmicus Maternus, Mathesis edd. Kroll-Skutsch-Ziegler, (Leipzig 1896, 1913.
repr. Stuttgart 1968).
Garth Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes (Cambridge 1986).
J. G. Griffiths, Plutarch’s De Iside et Osiride (University of Wales Press 1970).
Wilhelm Gundel, Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos
(Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Munich 1936).
Wilhelm and Hans Georg Gundel, Astrologoumena (Wiesbaden 1966).
Brian Hillyard, Plutarch:De Audiendo. (New York: Arno 1981).
Wolfgang Hübner, Die Eigenschafter der Tierkreiszeichen in der Antike
(Wiesbaden 1982).
Wolfgang Hübner, “Eine unbeachtete Zodiakale Melothesie bei Vettius Valens”
Rheinisches Museum 120(1977) 247–254..
Alexander Jones, “The Development and Transmission of 248–Day Schemes for
Lunar Motion in Ancient Astronomy” Archive for History of Exact Sciences
29 (1983-4) 1-36.
Alexander Jones, “Ptolemy’s First Commentator” Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society 80.7 (1990).
Gustave Lefebvre, Le Tombeau de Petosiris (Cairo: L'Institute français
d'archéologie orientale 1924).
N. Lewis, Life in Egypt Under Roman Rule (Oxford 1983)
Georg Luck, Arcana Mundi. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins 1985).
A Survey of Vettius Valens
David King, “Some Arabic copies of Vettius Valens’ Table for Finding the
Length of Life” Symposium Graeco-Arabicum II/Akten des Zweiten
Symposium Graeco-Arabicum ed. Gerhard Endress (1989) 25-28.
Wilhelm Kroll, “Kulturhistoriches aus astrologischen Texten.” Klio 18.3/4
(1923) 213-225.
Wilhelm Kroll, “Mantissa Observationum Vettianarum” in CCAG 5.2 (1906)
Ramsay MacMullen, “Social History in Astrology” Ancient Society 2 (1971)
Manetho, Apotelesmatica ed. Koechly (Leipzig 1883).
E. Maass, Commentaria in Aratum (Berlin 1958).
Ibn al-Nadim, The Fihrist of al-Nadim, trans. B. Dodge (New York 1970).
O. Neugebauer, “The Chronology of Vettius Valens’ Anthologiae” Harvard
Theological Review 47(1954) 65-67.
O. Neugebauer and R. A. Parker, Egyptian Astronomical Texts I-III (Providence
R.I. 1960-69).
O. Neugebauer, “Astronomical Papyri and Ostraca” Proc. Am. Philos. Soc.
106(1962) 383-391.
O. Neugebauer, “On Some Astronomical Papyri and Related Problems of
Ancient Geography,” Trans. Am. Phil. Assoc. 32(1942) 251-263.
A.D. Nock and A.-J. Festugière, Corpus Hermeticum I–IV (Paris 1983).
Papyri in the University of Michigan Collection, vol. 3 Miscellaneous Papyri.
ed. J. G. Winter and others (Ann Arbor 1936).
David Pingree, “The Indian Iconography of the Decans and Horas” Journal of
the Warburg and Courtald Institute 26 (1963) 227.
David Pingree, “The Byzantine Tradition of Vettius Valens’s Anthologies”
Harvard Ukranian Studies 7 (1983) 532-541.
A Survey: Abbreviations and Bibliography
David Pingree, “Antiochus and Rhetorius” Classical Philology 72 (1977) 203223.
Porphyry, Εἰσαγωγὴ εἰς τὴν Ἀποτελεσµατικὴν τοῦ Πτολεµαίου in CCAG 5.4
(1940) 190-228.
Ernst Riess, “Nechepsonis et Petosiridis Fragmenta Magica” Philologus Suppl. 6
(1892) 325-394.
Mark Riley, “Science and Tradition in the Tetrabiblos.” Proc. Am. Philos.
Assoc. 132.1(1988) 67-84.
Mark Riley, “Theoretical and Practical Astrology.” TAPA 117 (1987) 235-256.
D. A. Russell, Greek Declamation (Cambridge 1983).
L. Rydbeck, Fachprose, vermeintliche volksprache und Neues Testament. Zur
Beurteilung der spr. Niveauunterschiede im nachklassischen Griechisch.
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 5 (Uppsala 1967).
Cl. Salmasius (Claude Saumaise), De Annis Climactericis (Leiden 1648).
Fuat Sezgin, Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums: Band VII, Astrologie
(Leiden: Brill 1979).
Lynn Thorndike, “A Roman Astrologer as a Historical Source: Julius Firmicus
Maternus” Classical Philology 8 (1913) 415-435.
Anne Tihon, “Le calcul de la longitude de Vénus d’après un texte anonyme du
Vat. gr. 184” Bull. Inst. Hist. Belge de Rome 39 (1968) 51-82.
Anne Tihon, “Le calcul de la longitude des planètes d’après un text anonyme du
Vat. gr. 184” Bull. Inst. Hist. Belge de Rome 52 (1982) 5-30.
Wilhelm Warning, De Vettii Valentis sermone. diss. Münster, 1909.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
The writing took place in the middle decades of the second century (see
below); the table of kings in I 19 was extended into the fourth century; several
long chapters were appended in the fifth century; titles and marginal notes were
added at various times; in 1648 Claude Saumaise rewrote parts of the
Anthologiae in his De Annis Climacteris (1648). For the use of the text in the
thirteenth century see Pingree, “Byzantine Tradition,” 540.
Although Valens and Ptolemy were near contemporaries, Valens shows no
signs of familiarity with Ptolemaic astronomical methods, which were based on
precise calculations of arcs and radii and on the theorems of plane and spherical
trigonometry. Valens’ methods (illustrated in the note on I 20 below) were
purely arithmetical, like those of their Babylonian predecessors. Ptolemy
recognized the difference between his methods and those exemplified in the
Anthologiae (Alm. IX 2; Heiberg I 2, p. 211).
There appear to be two distinct traditions about Valens: one consists of the
Anthologiae; the other consists of stories and references to Walis al-Rumi (as he
is called in the Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadim), who wrote treatises called The Sultan,
Rains, The Revolution of the Years of the World, among others, and who had
various colorful adventures, one of which is related in the section
MANUSCRIPTS AND EDITIONS below. This paper is devoted solely to the
author of the Anthologiae; a scholar at home in the Arabic tradition must sketch
the career of this (other?) Walis.
His name and home are given in the mss ascriptions. For the conjectured date
of birth see Pingree in the introduction to his edition, p. v. The predecease of his
A Survey: Footnotes
mother is mentioned in the horoscope quoted at 101.32K; 96.28P (a passage
written in the early 150’s—see Appendix A), the work abroad at 227.21-7K;
216.10-12P, the adventure at sea in 287.35-288.3K; 274.22-29P, the move to
Egypt at 172.4K; 163.1P. The horoscope for Hadrian year 4, Mechir 13 = 8 Feb.
120 is cited at least 21 times, 12 times in Book I alone. The date of conception
(Hadrian year 3, Pachon 11 = 13 May 119) is cited at 51.32K; 51.5P. The
gestation period, 278 days, is used as an example in the text. This birth on 8 Feb.
120 was an important date and his stock example; hence probably his own. The
Anthologiae was completed around 175 AD; the birthdate of 13 May 120 would
give Valens a lifespan of about 55 years. His disappointment with his teachers is
parallel with that of Plotinus (Porphyry, Vita Plot. 3) and the unhappy student of
P. Oxy. 2190, quoted in N. Lewis, Life in Egypt 63-4: “…my prayers would be
answered if I could find some worthwhile tutors and never have to lay eyes on
Didymos [his former tutor] even from a distance.” Like Valens, Plotinus and
the unhappy student lived in Egypt.
A translation of this passage in G. Luck, Arcana Mundi 349-350. Similar
expressions of faith throughout V 9. See Bara, Anthologies 14ff.
Ptolemy’s second argument for astrology’s utility is that foreknowledge can
allow us to prepare such defenses as cures for diseases and remedies for evils
(Tetr. I 3.10). Valens never uses this second argument.
A.D. Nock and A.-J. Festugière, CH II 297. Many parallel examples could be
cited from the Hermetica. Valens was steeped in Greco-Egyptian mysticism.
See Garth Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes (Cambridge 1986) 155-195, for a
description of the Hermetic milieu which presents many parallels to Valens’
attitudes, if not doctrines. A.J. Festugière, L’idéal religieux 120–127
emphasizes Valens’ view of astrology as a mystery, transmitted by tradition,
through which the soul is raised to heaven, and becomes a participant in
A Survey of Vettius Valens
immortality. (Valens never mentions Hermes, a fact which would argue for a
post second-century date for most of the Hermetica.)
For these astrologers, see below in the section “Quotations.”
Statistics are cited in GH 176-179.
The horoscope dated in GH 130-1 to 188 AD has been redated by Pingree to
70 AD (93.13K; 89.8P).
The clearest description of this scheme in ancient texts is Tetrabiblos III 11;
see AG 411.
The Tetrabiblos is physics; the Almagest, which simply describes the positions
of the planets, not their physical nature, is mathematics, but even there the
structure of the Ptolemaic system is based on geometry, not on arithmetic. For
the distinction between physics and mathematics see Simplicius in his
commentary on Aristotle’s Physics: In Aris. Physicorum Comm. ed. Diels
(Berlin 1882) 291.23–292.26; also Aristotle, Physics 193b23ff, and M. Riley,
“Theoretical and Practical Astrology.”
I have mentioned some of the special vocabulary used in the quotations, but
more work is needed to demarcate one quotation from another and from Valens’
own words. Astrological terminology was not fixed, as a cursory comparison
between Valens and, for example, the nearly contemporary P. Mich. 145 will
The book from which Valens quoted had been attributed to the patriarch, who
was (according to Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica IX 16-17) the inventor of
astronomy, who had studied in Phoenicia and in Egypt, and who had learned the
A Survey: Footnotes
science from Enoch (called Atlas by the Greeks). See AG 578; Gundel,
Astrologoumena 52-4.
See Gundel, Astrologoumena 159 and A. Jones, “248–Day Schemes” 30ff for
Apollinarios. Jones suggests that Apollinarios developed pre-Ptolemaic lunar
tables. Also see Jones Ptolemy’s First Commentator 12ff. Apollinarios’
distribution of the terms (see note on I 3 above) is mentioned in Porphyry’s
Isagoge, CCAG 5.4 (1940), 212 and in E. Maass, Comm. in Aratum 47.
Cumont in CCAG V.1, 205; Gundel, Astrologoumena 158-9.
A De Horoscopo of an Asklepius is known; DSB 11.245. P. Mich. 149 ix. 20
attributes a system of Places to Asclepius; this system matches Valens’. The
name might be taken as a generic reference to Hermetic astrology, rather than to
a specific individual; an Hermetic tractate Asclepius survives in Latin
For Critodemus, see Boll, RE 11.2 (1922) 1928–1930 and Cumont’s notes at
CCAG 8.1, 257 and CCAG 8.3, 102; GH 185-186, which dates Critodemus to
the first century AD, using the horoscopes in Valens’ quotations; Gundel,
Astrologoumena 106-7 dates him in error to the third century BC. A section
from Critodemus begins at 117.21P.
The titles of each chapter are not necessarily Valens’ own: the title to III 10 is
ἐκ τῶν Βάλεντος περὶ ἀριθµίου κλήρου καὶ χρόνων ζωῆς… Other titles, hence
other citations and indeed whole chapters, could have been added by later
redactors, although the evidence for this is not strong. Hermeias then might be a
later astrologer.
CCAG 8.1, 232-234; GH 132-134. A geometrician Hermeias is a participant in
Plutarch’s Quaes. convivialium 9.2, 738, discussing the reasons for the number
and order of the letters of the alphabet.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
Hermeias of Alexandria, In Platonis Phaedrum scholia. ed. P. Couvreur (Paris
1901), quoted in G. Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes. 184.
Gundel, Astrologoumena 108-9 hypothesizes that this Hermippos is the
student of Callimachus and librarian at Alexandria. I consider this unlikely.
The name may be a book title, not a person: a dialogue Ἕρµιππος ἢ Περὶ
ἀστρολογίας defends astrology from a Christian standpoint. See Kroll, RE 8.1
Ptolemy describes Hipparchus’ methods for the sun and moon (Alm. IX.2; H
2.210), but states that Hipparchus had not begun to describe the motions of the
five planets by means of uniform circular motions, i.e. by the means used in the
Almagest. Hence the arithmetical methods of Anthologiae may indeed represent
Hipparchus’ approach.
See DSB 6.616-7; Hypsicles’ treatise is available: V. de Falco and M. Krause,
Hypsicles. Die Aufgangszeiten der Gestirne (Göttingen 1966), with an
introduction by Neugebauer.
Kidenas is Kidennu in cuneiform texts; see DSB 15.678.
Edition of the fragments in E. Riess, “Nechepsonis et Petosiridis Fragmenta
Magica.” Additional fragments can be collected from CCAG. The best study of
Petosiris (and Nechepso by association) is Pingree’s in DSB 10.547-9; a long
discussion in Gundel, Astrologoumena 27-36. The fourth century BC tomb of a
Petosiris (“gift of Osiris”) is described in G. Lefebvre, Le Tombeau de Petosiris.
Lefebvre reports the attractive conjecture that this tomb is that of the original
Petosiris: the tomb’s inmate is called a sage (Lefebvre 9), the inscriptions of the
tomb present a series of philosophical/religious texts with parallels in the
A Survey: Footnotes
Proverbs and Psalms of the Old Testament (Lefebvre 37-41), and the tomb was
a place of pilgrimage for Greek-speaking Egyptians (Lefebvre 21-27). EAT
3.216 rightly doubts a direct connection between this Petosiris and the first
century BC astrologer. I might suggest however that the astrologer owed his
name to the earlier sage. Astronomers were known in fourth-century BC Egypt;
see the inscription on the statue of an astronomer and snake-charmer reported in
G. Daressy, “La statue d’un astronome,” and EAT III 214.
For details see F. Boll, Sphaera 59-72: “nach ihm (the writer of the Sphaerica)
zu forschen würde keinen Sinn haben: es muß einer jener zahlreichen
Schriftsteller gewesen sein die… populäre Traktate verfaßt haben.”
Gundel, RE 2er Ser. 6:1 581-4.
Timaios wrote about “interrogations” (see note on II 29-41 in Appendix B)
concerning runaway slaves and thieves; see Kroll in RE 2er Ser. 6:1 1228 and
CCAG I 97; Gundel, Astrologoumena 111.
L. Thordike, “A Roman Astrologer” 416.
R. MacMullen, “Social History in Astrology” 105–116. Cumont was
preceeded by W. Kroll, “Kulturhistorisches aus astrologischen Texten.” Kroll
dated Nechepso/Petosiris to the second century BC and Hermetic astrology to
the Ptolemaic period, as did Cumont. These conclusions have been revised by
later work. The Liber Hermetis (ed. Gundel) in particular has been dated to the
ninth or tenth century AD by Pingree “Indian Iconography” 227.
MacMullen, “Social History” 105 recognized this problem.
J. G. Griffiths, Plutarch’s De Iside et Osiride 84-5 makes the point that even
Plutarch’s treatise seems to reflect early Ptolemaic Egypt, not the Roman Egypt
of its composition date (second century AD).
Chariton is an ideal example—and from the same milieu as the astrological
forecasts! For a similar world of adventure, see the portrait of “Sophistopolis,”
A Survey of Vettius Valens
the city envisioned in ancient rhetorical exercises, in D. A. Russell, Greek
Declamation (Cambridge 1983) 22-39. For an early astrological forecast
involving pirates, adultery, ransom, and triumphant vengeance, see P. Mich.
148, from the first century AD.
The latter include:
I 1 - the stars (1.4-5.8P)
I 2 - the signs (5.21-13.26P)
I 3 - the terms, the degrees in each sign which are ruled by the individual stars
I 21 - combinations of two stars (36.22-40.23P)
I 22- combinations of three stars (40.26-48.29P)
II 2 - the triangles (55.14-58.12P)
II 22 - the Lots of Fortune and Daimon (83.12-86.14P)
II 36 - diseases and injuries (103.30-106.15P)
IV 17-25 - the transmissions of the stars to each other (179.10-192.34P).
Needless to say, other chapters contain theoretical data about the stars’ and
signs’ influences.
GH 162.
The following sketch is derived from I 21, with some references to IV 17ff.
Women are only occasionally the subject of forecasts: “When forecasting for
women, daughters, or female individuals, start from Venus...” (205.16K;
195.19P); other forecasts for women at 71.5K; 68.24P (a queen) and 197.27K;
188.8P. Only two horoscopes are those of women (281.24K; 269.8P. 282.16K;
A Survey: Footnotes
270.1P). A section on marriage prospects for women begins on 121.9K;
Indices verborum can be found in both Kroll’s and Pingree’s editions, the
latter of which is very comprehensive. On levels of style see L. Rydbeck,
Fachprose. For an extensive treatment of Valens’ astrological vocabulary see
Bara, “Apotélesmatique et intitiatives.”
See W. Kroll, “Mantissa” in CCAG 5.2 143-146. Firmicus Maternus is cited
according to the volume (I, II) and page number in the edition by Kroll-SkutschZiegler; Manetho from Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum ed. Koechly.
For these astrologers see “Quotations” above.
Many (all?) of the earliest astrological works are in verse: Dorotheus,
Nechepso/Petosiris (?), Manetho’s Apotelesmatica, Anubion (in P. Oxy. 464 and
P. Berlin 7508), and the original text from which the Ars Eudoxi was derived
(HAMA 686). Poetic words may derive from this tradition. Note, for example,
βαστάζει (10.1K; 9.24P) in the Homeric sense “carry,” not used in Attic prose;
Valens elsewhere uses διαβαστάζει (2x). The passage containing βαστάζει must
come from a poetic text.
Iliad 6.488 (272.4K; 259.27P), 8.19 (347.9K; 333.12P), 13.730-3 (221.15-
18K; 210.23-26P), 15.605 (347.18K; 333.20P), 19.128 (272.2K; 259.25P), and
22.213 (347.21K; 333.23P). Odyssey 4.73 (263.15K; 251.15P), 4.379 (257.17K;
246.24P), and 24.1-2 (346.22-23K; 332.28-29P).
See RE, 23er Halbband (1924) 980-984 for the few details known of this
game. It may have been played on a 9 x 9 board.
The comparison of the mind to a jar is a commonplace in popular philosophy:
Cic. Tusc. I 61, Plato, Phaedrus 235C, Plutarch de Aud. 39A, 48C. See Hillyard,
Plutarch: De Audiendo 259.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
For interesting parallels to Valens’ mathematical vocabulary, see F. E.
Robbin’s commentary to P. Mich. 145 in Papyri in the University of Michigan
Collection, vol. 3 Miscellaneous Papyri.
Valens rarely uses the customary word for “divide by” - µερίζω εἰς/παρά;
ἐµέρισα εἰς τὸν γ΄ - “I divided by 3” (32.7K; 31.8P). µερίζω usually has the
sense “allot”: ὁ τοιοῦτος εὐδαιµονήσει περὶ τῆς ὑπὸ Κρόνου µεριζοµένης
πράξεως - “This type of native will be fortunate in the occupation[s] allotted by
Saturn” (60.8K; 58.28P).
µοιρῶν is an error in the text; these figures are not degrees but factors
(ἀριθµοί) used in length of life calculations. See GH 174-5 for the construction
of the table on 321-324K; 308-311P. Part of this table is reproduced on p. 38
below. Σύνδεσµος once refers to the star α Piscium, the “link” between the two
fish in Pisces (14.9K; 13.24P).
Pingree “Antiochus and Rhetorius” 203.
Pingree “Byzantine Tradition” 537-540.
Details in CCAG 5.1, 118. See RE VIII A,2 1872.
See F. Sezgin 38-41, and the references there to earlier studies. The Fihrist is
available in English in The Fihrist of al-Nadim. ed. B. Dodge; Walis is on p.
641. Apomasar attributed to Valens a work on the paranatellonta
(simultaneously rising stars) for each degree of the zodiac (CCAG I 84). An
example of Valens in Arabic in King (1989).
The anecdote is in CCAG 5.3, 110, dated in Pingree “Byzantine Tradition”
537 to 939 AD, a date which does not fit the story.
A Survey: Footnotes
For details of the fairly simple manuscript tradition see Kroll’s preface ix-xii,
Pingree’s preface vii-xiii, and Pingree “Byzantine Tradition” 532-541.
Pingree “The Indian Iconography” 227 and his review in Gnomon 40(1968)
276-280 of Wilhelm and Hans Georg Gundel, Astrologoumena.
See especially HAMA 793-801 on the planetary calculations in I 20 and GH
174-5 on Valens’ astronomical tables.
Tables omitted in III 6 (145.22K), V 7 (233.23K), V 11 (restored by Pingree
at 222.1-13P), VIII 5 (303.32K).
A useful table of contents in Kroll’s edition. In the following translations,
brackets surround explanatory additions to the text; the parentheses are in
Valens. The chapter numbers are those of Kroll’s edition. The Tetrabiblos is
cited from the edition by Boll-Boer (Leipzig 1940). A complete translation of
Book I is found in Bara, Anthologies.
AG 124-157; French translation in Bara, Anthologies, 27-29.
AG 88-123. M. Riley, “Science and Tradition.”
AG 124-157. The most thorough description of the values attributed to the
signs is in W. Hübner, Die Eigenschaften.
AG 180-240, GH 12; translation in Bara, Anthologies, 79. A completely
different system of terms in P. Mich. 149 vii 28-40. Valens never mentions the
See A. Jones, “248–Day Schemes” 28–29 for a discussion of this chapter. For
Ascendant and Descendant see Diagram B.
Translation in Bara, Anthologies, 169-171. Valens’ methods in this chapter
have been explained in HAMA 793-801 and in A. Tihon “la longitude de Vénus”
71-81 and A. Tihon “la longitude des planètes” 16-22. Their purely arithmetic
character differentiates Valens, the older Babylonian texts, and even Hipparchus
(in his description of the motions of the five planets) from Ptolemy’s system,
A Survey of Vettius Valens
which was based on trigonometry and mean motions. For a discussion of
Valens’ procedures for the moon see Jones “248–Day Schemes” 27-30.
Translation in Bara, Anthologies, 197. A similar description organized in
groups of two and three stars is found in Anonymi de Planetis (CCAG 2.159180), a section derived from Valens, who is named there.
AG 276-288.
AG 288-310, GH 8.
AG 256-287, GH 7-8.
AG 193-199, GH 7
W. Hübner, “Eine unbeachtete Zodiakale Melothesia;” AG 319-326.
AG 458-486, GH 7.
See Robbins’ note in his Loeb edition of the Tetrabiblos (Cambridge, MA,
1940) 286-289, and AG 404-422.
For the astrological week see AG 476-486 and Boll, “Hebdomas” RE 7.2
(1912) 2556–2578, especially 2557–8 and 2572. Claude Saumaise devoted
many pages of his De annis climactericis to the value of the numbers 7 and 9 for
determining critical points. The 63rd year (= 7 x 9) is especially dangerous.
For the origin and use of these periods, which have little astronomical
meaning, see AG 408-410 and GH 10-11.
For these two horoscopes see GH 100.
AG 491-506
In this section ἄφεσις - “vital sector” means the series of transmissions from
the first star (the ἀφέτης) to the others in their order in the natal chart, i.e the
sequence of chronocrators. In II 2-4, ἄφεσις had quite a different meaning: it
A Survey: Footnotes
was the quadrant of the zodiac which represents the length of life. The figures 7
1/2 and 6 1/4 are taken from a table in IV 1 (150.4-16P).
AG 458-486.
For the structure of these two tables, see GH 136-138, 174-5. The factors
(ἀριθµοί) increment by 2, with a jump of 14 every 6 degrees, returning to 1
when 30 is reached (e.g. 28 + 6 = 4). The years/months/days increment by 6
years 1 month 15 days, with a jump every 6 degrees. The degree calculated to
be the Ascendant (using the method described below in the note on VIII 6-7) is
associated with the length of life given in the years/months/days columns
according to the following scheme: the years/months/days figure, when divided
by the factor in the same row, yield the length of daylight at the solar longitude
in the same row. For example, Libra 8° is the autumn equinox in this system; 84
(the figure in the years column) divided by 0;28 (from the factors column)
=180°, the length of daylight at the autumn equinox, when the day and night are
equal. (In decimal notation this is 84 divided by 0.466 = 180°. A similar
calculation yields the same result for Aries 8°, the spring equinox.) Several
obscurities remain: the significance of the star column and the accuracy of the
figures in the months column, which could easily be corrected, but which might
then not be what Valens wrote.
The text has δυνατὸν in error for ἀδυνατὸν. The calculation of lifespans
from the rising times in different klimas is found elsewhere. Pliny (N. H. 7.160)
reports that Nechepso and Petosiris fixed the maximum length of life at 124
years in the latitude of Italy (in Italiae tractu), Epigenes at 112, Berossus at 116.
These figures are the rising times of Leo, Virgo, and Libra (the signs of long
rising time) in Italy, Alexandria, and Babylon respectively. See O. Neugebauer,
“On Some Astronomical Papyri” 260.
A Survey of Vettius Valens
The lost table of apogonia contained the three factors for each degree, but they
can readily be calculated: take the rising time for all of Sagittarius (34;10) plus
all of Capricorn (25;50) plus 18° of Aquarius (12;54 = 21;40 rising time x
18/30), which totals 72;54, or very nearly 73. The rising times are for klima 6,
as specified in this example.
For a discussion see GH 136-138.
For roughly similar graphical (γραµµικῶς – the mathematical procedures are
ἀριθµητικῶς) procedures in Ptolemy’s Handy Tables (Op. Min. 165.13-166.18,
167.23-169.5) see HAMA 990 and A. Jones “248–Day Schemes” 29-30.
Ptolemy was using an instrument like an equatory. Valens’ two grids, lined out
with red ink (361.31K; 347.1P), must have been drawn to a common scale in
order for his procedure to work. A papyrus in the Brooklyn museum is also lined
in red; see O. Neugebauer,“Astronomical Papyri and Ostraca” 385.