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Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio, 1552 – Londra, 1608), uno dei maggiori giuristi della prima Età Moderna, è ritenuto uno dei padri fondatori del diritto internazionale moderno. Perseguitato in patria per la sua adesione alle dottrine... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCanon LawTheology
A prominent early modern Italian legal theorist and practicing lawyer, Alberico Gentili is regarded, along with Francisco de Vitoria and Hugo Grotius, as one of the founders of the science of the modern law of nations (ius gentium) and a... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic History
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      Legal HistoryLaw and ReligionReformation StudiesHistory of International Law
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 - Londra 1608) studia presso l’Università di Perugia dove si laurea in diritto civile il 23 settembre 1572. Nel 1580 è costretto a fuggire dall’Italia, per motivi religiosi, per giungere a Londra in... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Based on a detailed analysis of Gentili’s use of sources in De iure belli, this article argues that Gentili’s famous treatise on the laws of war is an incongruous attempt at reconciling an absolutist conception of sovereignty and a strong... more
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      SovereigntyNatural LawAbsolutismLaws of War
Cosa si intende per nazione? Nell’epoca tumultuosa della frattura del Cristianesimo, delle guerre di religione e delle grandi scoperte geografiche, l’Inghilterra elisabettiana, posta alla periferia del continente europeo ma forte delle... more
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      Alberico GentiliWilliam ShakespeareShakespeare's History PlaysElizabethan and Jacobean England and Europe
Attuali temi di ricerca:-Lo studio delle fonti e del pensiero giuridico e politico italiano ed europeo nell'età medievale e moderna, e della coeva storia delle istituzioni politiche.-Proseguono le indagini sul pensiero di Alberico... more
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      Legal HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman LawMedieval Canon Law
Thucydides arrived late to the Renaissance. Once there, he principally spoke to fellow elites about urgent matters of politics and war. Only able to communicate through foreign interpreters, he was understood variously and even... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismHobbesReformation Studies
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Historians, literary scholars, and international lawyers interested in the early modern period have all grappled with the problem of anachronism, yet mostly independently of one another. This essay uses the question of war crime in... more
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      ShakespeareHistoriographyLaw and LiteratureEarly Modern Literature
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawSecurity StudiesPhilosophy Of Law
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      Alberico GentiliLying, Deception, Truthfulness
in The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture, 150 Books that made the Law in the Age of Printing, edd. S. Dauchy, G. Martyn, A. Musson, H. Pihlajamäki, A. Wijffels (Studies in the History of Law and Justice, 7; Springer ed.... more
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      Legal HistoryHistory of International LawLaws of WarEuropean Legal History
Riproduco, con alcune integrazioni e aggiungendo in apparato i riferimenti bibliografici essenziali, il testo della Relazione tenuta l’8 maggio 2019, in occasione della celebrazione del Convegno su: “L’uno e l’altro diritto: l’utrumque... more
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      Canon LawEarly Modern HistoryLegal HistoryLaw and Religion
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      Alberico GentiliLying, Deception, TruthfulnessItalian Reformation
EN: The author investigates the birth of modern diplomacy. Drawing on a wide-ranging body of various textual materials dealing with the ambassador from the 13th to the 17th century, he analyses how that figure was developed within a... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval History An unpublished speech of Alberico Gentili to the Oxford scholars in defence of jurisprudence. Several manuscripts of Alberico Gentili (S. Ginesio 1552 - London 1608) are conserved... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern England An unpublished speech of Alberico Gentili to the Oxford scholars in defence of jurisprudence. Several manuscripts of Alberico Gentili (S. Ginesio 1552 - London 1608) are conserved... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608). Giurista di fama, esule in Inghilterra nel 1580 per motivi religiosi e regius professor di civil law a Oxford dal 1587, il Gentili è noto alla letteratura specialistica soprattutto per... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Published for the first time in 1532, Niccolò Machiavelli’s Principe immediately triggered much controversy, in both Catholic countries (where the circulation of the book would soon be checked by the Index librorum prohibitorum) and... more
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      Niccolò MachiavelliAlberico Gentili
Sommario: 1. Premessa.- 2. Gentili e il diritto canonico.- 3. Gentili e il diritto civile.- 4. Da interpres iuris Iustiniani a simpliciter interpres iuris.- Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio, 1552 – Londra, 1608), uno dei maggiori giuristi... more
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      Cultural HistoryCanon LawSecular HumanismHistory of Ideas
The paper investigates a little-known event in the history of 19th-century International law. The monuments to which I allude in the title evoke two events linked to one another: the attempt, from 1875, to erect, using funds gathered... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesInternational LawLegal HistoryHistory of International Law
I diritti dei nemici TOMO II © Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore -Milano ALDO ANDREA CASSI LO IUS IN BELLO NELLA DOTTRINA GIUSINTERNAZIONALISTA MODERNA. ANNOTAZIONI DI METODO E ITINERARI D'INDAGINE 1. 'Quattro autori' per una 'nuova scienza' dello... more
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      Just WarHistory of International LawFrancisco de VitoriaFrancisco Suárez
Due furono sostanzialmente le linee di pensiero in relazione al valore giuridico da attribuire al Decreto di Graziano: considerare come autentiche solo le disposizioni dell'autorità legislativa canonica ivi conservate o annoverare fra... more
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      Modern HistoryCanon LawMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Translation from italian to portuguese
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      International LawHistory of International LawAlberico Gentili
International lawyers have gotten used to the idea that the historical origins of their discipline are implicated with imperialism and indebted to attempts to justify the exercise of unconstrained raison d'état. In this article I seek to... more
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      ClassicsPolitical TheoryLegal HistoryHobbes
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      Renaissance HistoryItalian (European History)Italian StudiesRenaissance Studies
Storici e storici: Bruno Figliuolo, Di una storia a lungo rimossa:. il Mezzogiorno peninsulare e la Sicilia dall'Alto Medioevo all'istituzione della monarchia nella storiografia italiana;-Il più basso dei Sommario iv medievisti, il più... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryLegal HistoryEuropean Legal History
luigi nuzzo una sceneggiatura di Graham Green, il quale, l'anno successivo, pubblicò un omonimo e fortunato romanzo. Un cast stellare -Orson Welles, Alida Valli e Joseph Cotten sono i tre protagonisti -e una storia avvincente in cui il... more
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      Legal HistoryHistory of International LawAlberico GentiliJus Post Bellum
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      International LawHistory of International LawDiritto InternazionaleAlberico Gentili
Jean Hotman, Alberico Gentili, e i circoli umanistici inglesi alla fine del XVI secolo ... Non sunt multi Itali Gentili nostro similes, id est non sunt simplici et aperti, sed vafri et versipelles... SoMMarIo: 1. Premessa.-2. I Gentili in... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesCanon LawEarly Modern History
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      Legal HistoryReformation StudiesEuropean Legal HistoryAlberico Gentili
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      Legal HistoryHistory of UniversitiesHistory of Political ThoughtEuropean Legal History
La triste attualita del tema della guerra, specialmente in ragione delle tante vittime innocenti che essa ha causato e continua a causare in diversi angoli del mondo, porta coloro che si occupano di diritto internazionale e, a maggior... more
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      Canon LawInternational LawHistory of International LawFrancisco de Vitoria
Atti della Giornata Gentiliana in occasione del IV centenario della morte di Scipione Gentili (1563-1616)
San Ginesio, 16-17 settembre 2016
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      Modern HistoryAlberico Gentili
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storiche su diversi argomenti tra cui Ultramar. L'invenzione europea del Nuovo Mondo (Roma-Bari 2007), e La Giustizia in S. Agostino. Itinerari agostiniani del 'quartus fluvius' dell'Eden (Milano 2013).
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      Just War TheoryHans KelsenCarl Schmitt (Political Science)Kant's Political Philosophy
Il "De papatu Romano Antichristo" di Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608) è conservato nella Bodleian Library di Oxford (D’Orville 607, ff. 1r-95v) e rappresenta il più noto degli inediti del giurista di San Ginesio al quale,... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
The article deals with Alberico Gentili and the juridical culture in his birthland, the "Marca" in the papal states during the second half of the sixteenth century. The article illustrates the historical and cultural context considering... more
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      Legal HistoryAlberico GentiliSixteenth Century HistoryCinquecento
With a foreword by Diego Quaglioni This book attempts to determine the degree to which the modern fate of the Western legal tradition depends on one of the most long-standing debates of the Middle Ages, the distinction between 'potentia... more
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      American StudiesPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyTheology
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      Renaissance HumanismIntellectual History of the RenaissanceLaws of WarEpic poetry
Alberico Gentili, an Italian jurist refugee religionis causain England, playeda pivotal role in the making of the jus publicum europaeum. After his death in1608, his name felt in a sort of oblivion. Gentili’s fortune is the essay’s main... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawHistory of International RelationsJust War Theory
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      Modern HistoryCanon LawEarly Modern HistoryLegal History
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      International LawHistory of International LawDiritto InternazionaleAlberico Gentili
Alberico Gentili (1552-1608) arrives from Italy in England in 1580. In 1587 he becomes Regius professor of civil law at Oxford. Some years later (15931594), he is involved in an epistolary controversy with the Puritan theologian John... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern HistoryLegal HistoryLaw and Religion
Atti del convegno della XVI Giornata Gentiliana
San Ginesio, 19-20 settembre 2014
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      International LawAlberico GentiliResponsability to Protect
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      International LawAlberico Gentili
Il Lectionis Virgilianae Variae Liber ad Robertum filium di Alberico Gentili (Hanau, 1603) è un commento pedagogico e giuridico alle Bucoliche di Virgilio scritto da Gentili per suo figlio Robert. Quest'opera, finora mai tradotta né in... more
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      Reception StudiesLaw and LiteratureHumanismCommentary Traditions
Impaginazione: Carla Moreschini I volumi della collana "Studi gentiliani" sono sottoposti a peer review secondo i criteri di scientificità previsti dal Regolamento delle eum (art. 8) e dal Protocollo UPI (Coordinamento delle University... more
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      SovereigntyHistory of Political ThoughtAlberico Gentili