Albanian Nationalism
Recent papers in Albanian Nationalism
Le concept de nation chez M. Mauss comparé à la question actuelle des identités nationales et culturelles en Europe. À partir d'études de cas de l'histoire politique contemporaine, aussi différents l'un de l'autre que la formation des... more
Jugoszlávia dezintegrációját követően az újonnan függetlenedett államokban egyre gyakoribbá váltak az etnikai alapon szerveződő összetűzések. A Macedóniában kialakult két fegyveres konfliktus esetében a lakosság közel egyötödét alkotó... more
The Tribes of Albania: History, Society and Culture forms a remarkable, insightful and sorely needed addition to the field of ethnic studies in general and the oft-neglected field of Albanian studies particular. Indeed, it should help to... more
You will find chapters 1 and 2 to this book that focuses on the western Balkans in the period 1800-1912, in particular on the peoples and social groups that subsequent national histories would later identify as Albanians, providing a... more
20’nci yüzyılın başından günümüze Arnavutların Osmanlı, Türkiye ve Türk algısı mevcut literatür taranarak tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yazılı kaynaklar yanında yazarın Kosova’da 2007 yılında Türk Kıdemli Subayı ve 2009-2010 yıllarında... more
Lahuta e Malcís-epope e qëndresës shqiptare Kur studiojmë historinë e shkrimit shqip, shohim se veprimtaria e letrarëve para kohës së pavarësisë sillej rreth temave sentimentale, që preknin çështjen e identitetit dhe qenies abstrakte të... more
In the article I tried to select the most important issues and events related to the Albanian minority question in Macedonia. In the very beginning I explain the origin of the name Macedonia, the location of Macedonia and roughly... more
The strategic negotiation of one’s identity is a phenomenon which is also evident among the community of Kosovar students in Greece, as indicated by Drosopulos’ findings during extensive, interview-based field research, entitled ‘Kosovar... more
This paper lays out a new framework for thinking about Albania's participation in the First World War.
Because of its strategic position on the Eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, Albania played a key role in the Italian diplomatic strategy since the second half of 19th century. This paper aims at investigating all phases of Italy's foreign... more
ABSTRACT (Albanian) Ky punim ka si objektiv të identifikojë dhe të analizojë, qoftë edhe shkurtimisht, faktorët e origjinës së sjelljes në lidhje me Italinë fashiste nga ana e dy përfaqësuesve të politikës, Ahmet Zogolli e Fan Stilian... more
2. Megjithëse shumica e shqiptarëve (80-90 për qind e të gjthë shqiptarëve në Ballkan) janë muslimanë, brenda shtetit shqiptar mbizotërimi i Islamit përmendet pak ose është më pak i pranishëm, veçanërisht në qoftë se marrim parasysh... more
On the apocryphal "Privilegium Alexandri slavis datum" and its use by Albanian refugees in Venice after the Turkish conquest of Scutari. Drafts of the paper "Il mito di Alessandro Magno tra Slavi e Albanesi", published in "Ponti e... more
This is a Ph.D. dissertation in Albanian, presented at the University of Tirana, entitled "The Protestant Movement Among the Albanians, 1816–1908)." Evangelical Protestantism is one of five historic and recognized faith communities in... more
Shqipëria është vendi i parë rus dhe sërb i anëtarësuar në NATO. Flamuri i saj i ashtuquajtur kombëtar në realitet është bizantin ose greko-sllav, dhe shqiponja e zezë dykrenare me emrin sllav Kosovo që në shqip do të thotë Zogu i zi,... more
The musical representation of Scanderbeg can be examined in several musical works written by both Albanian and non Albanian composers and in different historical periods. This can be a good starting point for investigating the... more
The Çams are a little known Albanian Muslim group that lived in northwestern Greece until 1944and so is their history: their trajectory during the first half of the 20 th century remains to this day one of the least known subjects of... more
Upon the completion of this thesis, I would like to acknowledge the following people for their help and support. To my history Professors, who instilled me with a great love for this social science, and especially to Professor Gradeva,... more
Gjatë shekullit të fundit të sundimit osman, trojet shqiptare mbetën një vend agrar i prapambetur, me një stad të zhvillimit feudal, dhe nën një perandori gjysmë feudale, të shndërruar në një koloni të kalbur nga Fuqitë e Mëdha. Në... more
An article concerning the British involvement in Albania through the Anglo-Albanians Association, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and a mysterious spy, i.e. Morton Frederic Eden. Eden is a personality largely neglected by scholars working... more
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written consent... more
MA thesis defended at the Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies, Georgetown University, 2001.
Tesi triennale incentrata sulla nascita e l'evoluzione del Bektashismo, la figura di Ḥājjī Bektāš Velī e il ruolo che la ṭarīqa ha svolto nelle società post-ottomane. La seguente ricerca ha come scopo un'introduzione all'Islam europeo,... more
BSV'de Hatıralarla Yakın Tarih okumaları çerçevesinde kısa tanıtım yazısı
Η παρούσα συνοπτική ερευνητική επισκόπηση, έχει διττό στόχο. Αφενός να εισαγάγει τον αναγνώστη στους εθνοτικούς και ιστορικούς συσχετισμούς μεταξύ της Σλαβομακεδονικής πλειονότητας και της Αλβανικής μειονότητας στην Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική... more
Ioannis Armakolas has extensive experience as a consultant with USAID and DFID projects in the Western Balkans and has written numerous academic studies and policy reports.
The aim of this paper is to outline the evolution of the Greek and Albanian historiography in matters pertaining to Greek-Albanian relations in the course of the 2000s and how these are conditioned more by ideological proclivities than by... more
The issue of Albanian nationalism is among the most contentious topics which was studied by local and foreign researchers for years.In its discourse, the Albanian nationalism is traced back to the Illyrians as the predecessors of current... more
ÖZET Milliyetçilik, modern bir ideolojidir. Sosyolojik bir gelişmişliğin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkar ve bu nedenle de milli kimliklerin doğal ya da kendiliğinden değil, inşa edilmiş kurgular oldukları öne sürülür. Bu iddia, milliyetçilik... more