Alan Badiou
Recent papers in Alan Badiou
En nuestro tiempo de vínculos debilitados y exacerbación del individualismo, el amor aparece, muchas veces, como una mercancía más, que se elige o deshecha con liviandad. Debiéramos recobrar una concepción del amor vinculada al aprecio... more
Este ensayo es una versión más acabada de notas desarrolladas en discusiones dentro de las redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter) así como en intercambios personales con participantes en torno al significado, posibilidades y alcance del... more
In his new book MÉTAPHYSIQUE DU BONHEUR RÉEL ("Metaphysics of Real Happiness", 2015 ), Alain Badiou asserts and attempts to elucidate the relation between real happiness and the philosophical life, between the cultivation of a happy life... more
The rising number of non-status migrants is one of the central political issues of our time. This essay argues that if we want to understand the political and philosophical importance of this phenomenon, the contributions of Alain Badiou,... more
The philosophical positions of Alain Badiou and Slavoj Zizek emerge in opposition to the deconstruction of the history of philosophy and to the corresponding rejection of the category of the subject. The subject becomes in their thought... more
Surveys and contextualizes recent New Zealand artists' cinema by genre including, Landscape, Psychodrama, Identity Politics, Visual Music, Installed & Expanded Cinemas, and Animation. Touches on aspects of Asian and Western philosophy... more
Vor dem Hintergrund der so oft missverstandenen Rede vom "Tod des Subjekts" zeichnet der Beitrag das "andere" Subjektverständnis nach, das auf unterschiedliche Weise mit und in den Ansätzen von Jacques Derrida und Alain Badiou grundgelegt... more
This publication presents unofficial (without authority) translations of the works of the Giorgio Agamben, as well as other philosophers (Jean-Luc Nancy, Panagiotis Sotiris, Slavoy Zizek, Alain Badiou, Paul B. Presiado) on the political... more
This article considers the conceptual significance of relationality in Sappho. It argues that Sappho's poetry reconstitutes systems of relation by making evident exceptions to their explanatory capacity. These exceptions can be profitably... more
Philosophy has always been in the search for the order of infinity. From its inception it had anticipated the Cantorian revolution. It is in the spirit of that anticipation that it has always interrogated into the relation of discrete... more
Modern kültürün sanat yapıtlarını ve sanatçıları kültür endüstrisinin birer parçası haline getirmesi sanatın bugün hâlâ sanat olup olmadığı sorusunu sormamıza neden olur. Günümüzde sanat ile gündelik yaşam arasındaki sınırların, çoğaltıla... more
RESUMEN El análisis crítico de la planificación urbanística de Brasilia llevada a cabo por Alain Badiou sirve en un primer momento como campo conceptual para examinar la propuesta del filósofo en torno al acontecimiento y dar cuenta de la... more
Proposal for experimental theatre project connected with Gerard de Nerval and his work. Submitted under old name.
This paper follows Francois Laruelle's non-philosophy and his non-religion and non-theology to suggest a non-philosophical approach to the sociology of religious pluralism. The entanglements of experiences of the religious end-user are... more
An article written for a Turkish book called Discourse and Ideology. This article looks at the role of discourse and ideology in the French sans-papiers, undocumented migrant movement.
Published in Logos, vol. 10, issue 3 (2011) and presented at a Badiou panel at the Left Forum, Pace University, New York, New York, March 20, 2011.
26. Mai 2018, 20h im ExZess, Leipziger Str. 91, Frankfurt/M.
– im Rahmen von: Erster Frankfurter Frühjahrsputz – Festival des Putzfilms, 25.–27. Mai 2018
– im Rahmen von: Erster Frankfurter Frühjahrsputz – Festival des Putzfilms, 25.–27. Mai 2018
A két idézet implicite két, politika és filozófia kapcsolatáról kialakított véleményt tartalmaz. Az első egy miniszterelnök – némileg apologetikus – visszatekintése, egy olyan miniszterelnöké, akit Montival együtt technokratának szokás... more
Сделана попытка осмысления философской категории «событие» на стыке онтологии и социальной философии. Рассмотрено событие в рамках психоанализа, который, в свою очередь, является и социальной практикой, и формой онтологии субъективности.... more
Este proyecto de investigación recurre a la Fenomenología Objetiva de Alain Badiou, propuesta en Lógicas de los Mundos, para estudiar los medios masivos de comunicación. Se pregunta, como caso de experimentación, por la relación... more
In this critical note on Badiou's interpretation of St. Paul I will argue that Badiou's attempt of using the structure of Paul's message as the structure of an argument against the present state of the world is without chance of... more
RESUMEN El análisis crítico de la planificación urbanística de Brasilia llevada a cabo por Alain Badiou sirve en un primer momento como campo conceptual para examinar la propuesta del filósofo en torno al acontecimiento y dar cuenta de la... more
Artist-run centres, globalization and criticality with a focus on Auckland's moving image culture.
El artículo aborda las implicancias teóricas del cambio social a través de la comprensión del presente. Este presente no es solo la carga temporal de la linealidad histórica sino su despliegue expansivo y coetáneo de los conflictos... more
The Baltimore riots are the latest of several challenges to the idea of the “end of history”, notably subsumed by the ending of the TV series “The Wire”, which is coincidentally set in the same city. The continuous spreading of discontent... more
RESUMO: Através de uma metodologia dedutiva, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica atinente ao tema, especialmente doutrinária e jurisprudencial em documentos e obras desenvolvidos no Brasil e internacionalmente, o presente artigo analisa os... more