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The paper critiques the role of political parties in representative democracies, arguing that they often distort the collective interests of the populace and serve the oligarchs' interests instead. It contrasts this with the concept of Emancipatory Democracy, which emphasizes a more direct engagement of citizens in political processes without the mediation of party structures. Additionally, it calls for the need to recognize and combat hegemonic forces that control societal narratives and limit public agency.

Oligarch by the Faction (How Marxism Analytics can Bright the People Ways from the Parties Competition of Interest) Gregorio Laulasta Sitepu -“Authomatically the economic goods, even before the total opening plan, completing the commodities with the value that directing human behavior”- (Max Horkheimer & T. Adorno (1972) Enlightment Dialectic. Translated by Ahmad Sahidah. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. IRCiSoD) Actually, people will search what they need automatically. People needs supporting system that could encourage them to seek what the human need basically. People also need the pattern they could use to gain what their need. Usually people choose the pattern that we could name as the state. State is the most easily way to make an order to symphonize all part of society to gain the collective interest together. So, in the society, we need distribution of the role to make the qualification of work to make the effort of achievement for the collective interest without ignoring some secular group interest. For those purposes, the equality of human recognition also encourage the state to approach for all interest that exist inside the nation. For the interest, people need to gather themselves into the group that struggling their interest with combine and accommodate varies of interest to be come one petition. Ideally, the state will accumulate all the group declare of the interest petition because that is the essence duty of the state to accommodate all the people need to secure its existence in nation structure. As Gramsci’s said about the assignment of the state as it implicate of their existence: “Ideology (Political Superstructure) need to be an collective consciousness that able to accommodate another group interest and make them (the another group) to join the hegemons group (the group that based on the ideology itself)” (Gramsci by Listyono Santoso, etc (2015) Left Epistemology. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. Ar-Ruzz Media. Page 87:4) It will support the essence arguement for the state importance, that the state would protect, distribute and accommodate chances to its people for its people development. But how the state would accept (and practically face) the people petition of interest? The interest group will offer to people its function of representative when they appear in the formal deliberate communication whatever its way. Some state in their parliamentary system, the interest group will accommodate people voices inside the congress of parliament. They can controlling the movements of state in the name of people that had choose them so they can establish their existence in the congress. They also will accommodate the constituent (their voter) interest to be declared in the governmental discussion (congress). They can appoint the executive player in the state, they also able to dismiss the power of the executive that remain to use their function. In the presidencial system, the interest group will only become the bureau that legalize, making control form, and declare the public interest that had a specific role in the state form. They, ordinary in the situation of the presidencial state, fills by the interest group that win the competition of voters gathering in the election. The presidency system will call it as the faction. And as the addition information, this interest group named as “Political Parties”. But are the political parties always accommodate what the people need, or they only able to declare the interest of some people that have the supreme rigid power in their structural system. Well, the facts said that the political parties also falsify the collective need with their own political ideology as the basic value of struggle and effort. It also bring the interest control of public that also we can said as the power of the faction to gain masses that will support them into the throne gaining in the state, we can said as the oligarch-majoring system, also. In the name of political group ideology, they will generating all interest that they had appoint as the “true interest of all”. This is the representative state system that will fall all varies interest of all people. The representative system is the living situation of single person in the name of another people effort, and actually it’s the parasite system. The Representative choice is different with the new way of the Marxism. It also appoint itself with the “Emancipatory Democracy”. Emancipatory Democracy recognize the people as the universal creature. Its system realize that the human is unpredictable, unmeasured, and infinity creature. Its logic is based on the mathematic-Marxist idea from Alain Badiou. That’s the real explain of human that they will fill the petition congress without the parties that secure their throne inside the people congress. They will declare what the people need in the rolling system. When the interest-less people halt their effort to declare their petition, they will be transformed with another person with the new issues that developed by the secular people. The oligarch will secure their own interest, but it also opposed the thinker of his mass and it will able to make the unstable condition of people. As the Emmanuel Kant said on his book: “We actually don’t know what opinion that we need to build about our species, that so proudly for his superiority about his assumption.” (E. Kant by H. Williams (1983) Political Philosophy of Kant. Translated by Muhammad Hardani. Surabaya. Indonesia. JP-Press) Imagine that the clumsy people controlled by an oligarch in the process of regulation-making to decide the future of their state. But actually, how these oligarch secure their control inside the society? They secure their control of power by using many distributions of idea about “How they become good saint for the public with their policy implementation”. They inform what policy had been done by them, but actually they never touch any essence thing for the public just like transparency, participations, equality, and the people liberty from the influence of the dominated mass media. They take, invisibly, the right for the people to know the situation of the state presently had been covered by the process of “democratization” by political parties that actually stand for their interest to take control of the social prosperity. Actually, they have no right for the communal/ social prosperity. What actually people need to do? We need the “progressive force”. Well, this force will invite people not to join them and support them, but invite you to realize that we’re in the control by some unconsciousness ‘blanket’ that make us encouraged to do something that profitable for them. It called people’s hegemony that without the awareness people do some profit for some persons that make the hegemony. The apparatus that support the hegemony from the un-institutional apparatus called as public apparatus. How we can break in the public hegemony? We need the wake-class. Don’t let our liberty been taken by some people for their own profit.