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Om handvatten te geven voor het inzetten van natuurlijke vijanden tegen de belangrijkste plagen in de Zundertse boomteelt is via literatuurstudie, enquêtes en interviews de volgende trits beschreven: plaag → natuurlijke vijand →... more
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    • Agro-biodiversity
India’s Garhwal Himalaya is an agrobiodiversity hotspot. The traditional system of cultivating ‘Barahnaja’ (literally, '12 seeds') together in cropped land is a centuries-old practice: a cropping pattern involving 12 or more food crops... more
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    • Agro-biodiversity
Nepal l/D; g] kfn g] kfn r] kfª ;+ 3 r] kfª vfB ;+ :s[ lt / s[ lif h} ljs ljljwtf ;Dkfbg Clif/fd a:tfsf] 6L nLnfgfy zdf{ r] kfª vfB ;+ :s[ lt / s[ lif h} ljs ljljwtf r] kfª vfB ;+ :s[ lt / s[ lif h} ljs ljljwtf r] kfª vfB ;+ :s[ lt / s[... more
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      ConservationAgro-biodiversityWild ediblesChepang
Due to the strong human pressure on the natural environment, agroforestry systems in the world today present themselves both as a biodiversity conservation technique and satisfaction of socio-economic needs of people. In tropical areas,... more
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      Intellectual PropertyFood Security and InsecurityAgricultureAgro-biodiversity
Since 2000s, Africa and India severally rejected the notion that UPOV's 1991 standard of Plant Breeders Rights (PBRs) is the only route to fulfill their obligations under Article 27 of the TRIPs Agreement. Objecting to the exclusive focus... more
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      AfricaAgro-biodiversityFood SecurityIndia
El presente documento da a conocer los resultados de la «Elaboración de las Bases Técnicas para el Reconocimiento Oficial de las Áreas de Manejo Especial para la Conservación de la Agrobiodiversidad AMECAs». Resultados que contienen. * Un... more
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      Agro-biodiversityIndigenous Peoples RightsPlant breeding and geneticsNatural protected areas
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    • Agro-biodiversity
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      Agro-biodiversityWomen's EmpowermentAgro Ecologies
Despite the fact that policy makers and governments are promoting the development of diverse agro-bio food systems to push and promote sustainability, they are challenging to implement because of a series of obstacles that hinder a... more
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      Agro-biodiversityAgroecological transitionCerealsAlternative Food Networks
Native chilies (Capsicum spp.) are currently underutilized in Bolivia, one of this crop’s centers of diversity. Fewer local farmers cultivate native chilies annually due to low market demand. Increasing its private use value can lead to... more
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      MarketingBoliviaAgro-biodiversityMarketing Research
Sub-Saharan Africa is richly endowed with natural agro biodiversity that is being threatened by the impacts of climate change, deforestation, flooding, water and air pollution, genetic erosion, incessant hunting and collection of wild... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangeConservation Biology
The Lao uplands have long been recognized for their rich agro-biodiversity. Home to globally important species of animals, plants, and micro-organisms, this agro-biodiversity is the legacy of the upland farmers’ agricultural knowledge and... more
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      ComplexityCollaborative DesignAgro-biodiversityLand-use planning
Conference paper:
Congreso Internaciona de la Quinua
Iquique, Chile.
Universidad Pratt, 2007

La gestión legal del recurso fitogenético quinua en el ambito internacional, regional andino, en Bolivia y en el Perú-
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      Agro-biodiversityIndigenous Peoples RightsIntellectual Property RightsPlant Variety Protection
In Bob Brac de la Perriere 2020. "Privatización de la materia viva: Del rechazo a las propuestas" Fundación Charles Leopold Mayer para el Progreso del Hombre (FPH) Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos Bartolomé de Las Casas (CBC)... more
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      Agro-biodiversityIndigenous Peoples RightsIntellectual Property RightsPlant Genetic Resources
Conference paper: "XI Congreso Internacional sobre Cultivos Andinos" - PROINPA Cochabamba, Bolivia, 2002- SISTEMAS LEGALES DE GESTIÓN DE LOS RECURSOS FITOGENÉTICOS ÚTILES A LA ALIMENTACIÓN Y A LA AGRICULTURA - RFAA Los procesos de... more
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      Agro-biodiversityIntellectual Property RightsPlant Genetic ResourcesPolitical ecology, NGOs, sustainable development, biodiversity, agroecology, amazonia, brazil, global change, environmental actors, protect areas, nature conservation.
Desert oases as genetic refugia of heritage crops: Persistence of forgotten fruits in the mission orchards
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      Agro-biodiversityIsland BiogeographyMexicoKey words
Unscathed agrobiodiversity remaining in-situ today is found on the small-scale farms and homestead gardens of poorer and developing countries . The indigenous traditional farming of Muthuvan tribe as the case of Finger millet or Ragi... more
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      Environmental EconomicsClimate ChangeOrganic agricultureAgro-biodiversity
In this presentation, I explore the interactions between the right to food, the right to enjoy the scientific progress and the right to cultural manifestations, with concrete examples such as the agro-biodiversity, plant genetic... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsCommonsSustainable agriculture
The maintenance and utilization of crop genetic diversity is important to ensure food security. The rela-tive importance of yam and cowpea varieties and the influence of the socio-cultural and local economy context on the diversity... more
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      GeographyAgro-biodiversityFood SecurityGenetic Diversity
En este trabajo expongo y analizo el conflicto social desatado en torno al actual sistema de patentes relacionado con los productos y las prácticas de la nueva ingeniería genética. Más en concreto, esta discusión económica, política y... more
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      Intellectual PropertyFood SafetyKnowledge ManagementExpertise
Unscathed agrobiodiversity remaining in-situ today is found on the small-scale farms and homestead gardens of poorer and developing countries (Brookfield, 2001). The indigenous traditional farming of Muthuvan tribe as the case of Finger... more
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      Environmental EconomicsAgro-biodiversityPayment for biodiversity