African Masks
Most downloaded papers in African Masks
As custodians of an important section of Africa’s past and advocates for the value of the past in the present/future, archaeologists working in universities, museums and heritage agencies or as commercial consultants are in positions of... more
This paper examines the rock art of the nyau secret society of eastern Zambia and central Malaŵi. The art dates principally from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It has been known to researchers since the 1970s but has given... more
In his December 2018 letter, MSU Museum Director Mark Auslander refects on the Museum’s collections as he considers the curious symbolism of masks used during the holiday season, from Halloween masks, to the masked fgure of Santa Claus,... more
The mukanda was once an essential institution in Central Africa, comprising a men’s fraternity with boys’ puberty initiation. Thanks to the charisma of its masquerading, the initiation is still going strong among the Eastern Pende... more
Parler de la représentation de l'objet au sein de la littérature subsaharienne c'est reconnaître non seulement les dimensions de perception que les personnages se font de celui-ci mais aussi l'ancrage socio-culturel et le travail de... more
The apparent visual simplicity of Hazoumè’s masks belies their true complexity. Made from plastic jerry cans—gasoline or petrol cans—they are not casually recycled art. Hazoumè’s masks are objects that are plastics re-formed, re-made by... more
This essay was an assignment for an Arts of Africa course offered in the Department of Art and Art History at my university by Dr. Kathryn Floyd. The class notes cited throughout refer to class lectures and discussions, and the other... more
Depicted Sign Language was used to translate the signs used to create the Form and Imagery of the Songye culture's masks from the Congo River basin in Africa.
E aku nei, e aku rahi, e aku rau rangatira, tēnā koutou katoa. Ko tēnei taku mihi ki te rohe nei. Ahumairangi, tēnā koe. He mihi ki te marae, ki Te Herenga Waka, ki ngā rangatira o tēnei whare wānanga. E ngā kaihautu i whakarite i tēnei... more
Tom R. Chambers used an African Traditional mask from the Dan Tribe in Eastern Liberia (a piece from the National Gallery of Zimbabwe Permanent Collection: PC-6400-0147) as the object for the photogram, then manipulated the non-exposed... more
In his own words, Gael Froget (born 1986, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius) is an artist "sitting on the fence between pop art and primitivism: he explores the trends, paints and vandalises to create unique, grotesque and sarcastic artworks that... more
[English text below] Maska afrykańska jako przedmiot sztuki stała się już klasycznym, nie wymagającym uzasadnień elementem, na trwale wpisanym w historię sztuki światowej. Choć fakt ten nie budzi sprzeciwu, zauważalna jest jednak pewna... more
in Adam Pendleton: Who We Are. Galerie Max Hetzler, 2019.