Achaeological Setlement
Recent papers in Achaeological Setlement
Actes des 36 e Journées Internationales d'Archéologie Mérovingienne de l'AFAM, Montpellier -Musée archéologique de Lattes, 1 er -3 octobre 2015 sommaire . Jérôme HERNANDEZ, Laurent SCHNEIDER, Jean SOULAT, Avant-propos. L'habitat rural du... more
The ancient city of Attouda is located in the Hisar neighbourhood of Sarayköy district of Denizli province, on the border area of two ancient regions. The architectural fragments belonging to the city’s buildings can be seen in courtyard... more
În ultimii ani, cercetările de suprafață efectuate în zona submontană a Neamțului au contribuit la identificarea unor noi situri arheologice, iar în câteva cazuri au fost documentate și urme de locuire specifice neoliticului timpuriu 1.... more
Publication of the archaeological investigations of the Thracian city at Sboryanovo site neat Isperih, NW Bulgaria
Stratonikeia 2015 Yılı Kazı, araştırma ve restorasyon çalışmalarında yapılan yapılanların genel bir değerlendirmesidir.
In our country, ‘rescue excavation’ is a type of scientific excavation which is supposed to be carried out and documented within certain time limits in line with cultural assets that could reach the present day maintaining its property... more
Stratonikeia, located in Karia Region, has always come to the forefront with the Hellenistic Period and the time period after that until very recently. However, with the help of the later studies, it is understood that the city was a... more
Studie byla publikována roku 2004 v časopise Archeologické rozhledy / The study was published in 2004 in the journal Archaeological Perspectives.
BILAL SÖĞÜT * Öz: Denizli ili, Sarayköy ilçesi, Hisar mahallesinde bulunan Attouda antik kenti, iki bölge arasındaki geçiş noktasına kurulmuştur. Kentin yapıları ile ilgili olarak cami bahçesi ve mahalle meydanları ile evlerin önlerinde... more
Stratonikeia, a city in the interior of ancient Karia region, is located at Eskihisar, in the Yatağan district of the Muğla province. Stratonikeia is a rare site housing structures from a wide time span ranging from antiquity to the... more