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The population of Abidjan is growing rapidly. This demographic mass creates a food needs. To answer this demand, transport service is essential to reach the production areas. The contribution explains an overview of the transport service... more
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      TransportationCote D'IvoireAbidjan
Akissi Béatrice Boutin et Jérémie Kouadio N’Guessan s’attachent à mettre en parallèle le triple développement de la ville d’Abidjan, du français, et des travaux linguistiques ayant pour objet le français à Abidjan. Abidjan, au long de son... more
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      FrancophonieLanguage VariationPlurilinguismeAbidjan
According to food hygiene standards in Côte d'Ivoire, the main components (tuna, attiéké, raw vegetables and oil) to produce "garba" would be outside these standards. However, this food is consumed by most of the population living in... more
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      AbidjanSocial RelationCôte D'IvoireHealth Risks
Introduction: The effective use of contraceptive depends on user's attitudes towards contraception. This paper focuses on determining the perceptions and practices of contraception in urban areas. Material and Methods: A mixed descriptive... more
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      Ivory CoastAbidjan
La musique ivoirienne a connu diverses époques, dont celles des précurseurs et des grandes figures, à l’instar de Mamadou Doumbia, Amédée Pierre, Fax Clark, Anouman Brou Félix, Ernesto Djédjé, Jeanne Agnimel, François Lougah, Aïcha Koné,... more
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      MusicAfrican MusicCote D'IvoireAbidjan
In 1951 and 1970, with the building of the port of Abidjan and San Pedro that the Cote d’Ivoire has acquired itself the modern infrastructures harbour. They have then managed by the State that was the main actor of their development.... more
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      Maritime TransportAbidjanSan Pedro
This study aims to highlight potentially floodable areas or areas at risk of flooding in the town of Bingerville (East of the district of Abidjan) in a context of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, for an integrated and sustainable... more
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Dans cette étude, nous avons choisi d’analyser trois ports; Abidjan et Dakar, du fait de leurs tonnages importants de marchandises en transit pour Bamako, et Conakry en raison de sa proximité d’avec la capitale malienne. La méthodologie... more
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      SenegalAbidjanPortsGuinea Conakry
With an annual production of 7 148 000 tons in 2017, yams are the leading food crop in Côte d'Ivoire. The cultivated species are Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata. From the latter, the Kponan variety is particularly... more
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      MarketingIvory CoastAbidjan
Cette étude vise à montrer l'importance du Statut socioéconomique(SSE) de la famille des élèves et des conditions de fréquentation dans la détermination du concept de soi en milieu Africain. Pour ce faire, elle propose d'analyser les... more
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      AbidjanSelf ConceptEnvironmental Factors
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      HIV/AIDSSTS (Anthropology)Public HealthAnthropology of Health and Illness
Between 1960 and 1980, Côte d'Ivoire set up its urban policy, in which the SICOGI (Ivorian construction and property management company) and SOGEFIHA (Society of financial management of habitat) condominiums were born. From 1986, these 02... more
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      Social HousingDegradationMaintenance of BuildingsAbidjan
The public and private green spaces of the communes of Cocody and Plateau of Abidjan city are deteriorating because of lack of financial means for their maintenance. The overall objective of this study is to demonstrate the importance of... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesPayment SystemsEcosystems ServicesCote D'Ivoire
First published as part of conference proceedings, in the form of a book: Opper, A. 2016. Derrière les panneaux publicitaires/Behind the Billboards. In L. Farber and C. Jorgensen (Eds). Critical Addresses. The Archive-in-Practice:... more
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      Urban GeographyArchival StudiesPhotographsFilm Studies
The urban mobility of Abidjan metropolis and Japanese investment in urban transportation in Africa
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentJapanUrban mobilityUrban Transportation
Quelles sont les valeurs africaines aujourd’hui ? Très présentes dans les discours publics et privés, l’évocation des valeurs suscitent louanges ou lamentations. Fin 2016, WATHI - laboratoire d’idées ouest-africain - a initié une large... more
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      African StudiesEthicsValues EducationAfrican History
The autonomous port of Abidjan, qualified as "lung of the Ivorian economy", is ranked first in West Africa and second in Africa, after the port of Durban in South Africa. It is a transhipment and container port, thanks to the Vridi... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics