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      Art HistorySocial IdentityCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Књига је настала као резултат вишегодишњег истраживања и сагледавања потребe одржавања архитектонских објеката, инсталационих система и опреме. Разматрани су процес одржавања, значај одржавања за изграђени простор, као и утицаји примене... more
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      ArchitectureMaintenance of Buildings
The topic presented herein is prepared keeping in mind the common causes of cracks in buildings and how one can prevent such cracks to occur or to repair those cracks. The causes discussed are most common causes and there exists other... more
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      Building ConstructionBuilding and Construction MaterialsMaintenance of BuildingsConcrete cracks
This study established factors affecting port infrastructure asset maintenance management at the port of Dar es Salaam. The specific objectives of the study are to, identify current infrastructure maintenance management practices of the... more
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      Construction ManagementEngineering ManagementConstruction Project ManagementBuilding and Infrastructure Maintenance Management
Population in India is increasing rapidly and reached approximately 127 crores with average growth of 1.6% every year. Traffic Congestion is one of the major problems that India is facing and it has a massive impact on the quality of air,... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction MaterialsMaintenance of Buildings
The public buildings such as high schools, kindergartens, nurseries, universities, dormitories and buildings in their service used by the general public are valuable assets, normally built with substantial investment in a long period of... more
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      Maintenance of BuildingsPublic BuildingsBuilding Rehabilitation
Questo testo è dedicato a quanti (con studi, ricerche, interventi su singoli beni e, soprattutto, sulle condizioni ambientali), hanno operato e operano per dare continuità e fondatezza culturale e scientifica ai processi della... more
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      ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationArt Conservation
Maintenance is defined as the combination of all technical and associated administrative actions intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Whereas Sustainability is considered... more
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      Repair and MaintenanceMaintenance of Buildings
This review presents the existing state-of-the-art practices of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in naturally ventilated school buildings and is mainly focused on the components of IEQ like thermal comfort, indoor air quality with... more
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      Civil EngineeringAcousticsArchitectureIndoor Air Quality
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      ConservationHistoric PreservationCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryCultural PolicySocial Identity
Between 1960 and 1980, Côte d'Ivoire set up its urban policy, in which the SICOGI (Ivorian construction and property management company) and SOGEFIHA (Society of financial management of habitat) condominiums were born. From 1986, these 02... more
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      Social HousingDegradationMaintenance of BuildingsAbidjan
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationBuilding PathologyMedieval ArchitectureBuilding Maintenance Management
Since the end of the 20th century Spain has been making considerable investments on the valorisation of its archaeological Heritage. This essay describes the project carried out in 2008 at the Roman Forum of Empúries, a Catalan... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationBuilding Maintenance ManagementCultural Heritage Management
Maintenance is defined as the combination of all technical and associated administrative actions intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Whereas Sustainability is considered... more
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      Repair and MaintenanceMaintenance of Buildings
In buildings, maintenance management is usually one step behind what we have in the industry (Brazil data). In gyms, the figure of a "handyman" responsible for maintaining the building's structures is common. In these organizations,... more
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      Maintenance of BuildingsMechanical EnginneringMaintenance Planning
The Process of Building’s maintenance is very crucial. It can profoundly affect the time life of any building. In which, following regular maintenance procedures for any building will lead to broaden its efficient lifetime. Currently,... more
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      Building Maintenance ManagementMaintenance of BuildingsMaintenance Management
In Indian manufacturing environment today total productive maintenance (TPM) is popular philosophy; already has been adopted by many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) particularly in automobile sector. For vendors of these OEMs... more
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      DesignManufacturingCBRMaintenance of Buildings
For safety, buildings' structural conditions should be monitored regularly. If we can find abnormal signs, damage can be minimized. To know the normal condition of a building affected by weather, an inclination angle measurement system... more
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      Machine LearningEarly WarningSensor networksMaintenance of Buildings
Maintenance cleaning services in Nigerian Public hospital have failed to performed efficiently over the years. The performance of maintenance cleaning services have been poor and ineffective interms of main parametres of cost, time and... more
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    • Maintenance of Buildings
El modelo que se presenta ha sido construido, probado y validado en el caso de del primer bimestre de avance en las obras de rehabilitación de seis clinicas de atención primaria a la salud en la ciudad de tamaño intermedio de Chetumal,... more
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      Health PromotionHealth EconomicsPrimary Health CareHealth Care Administration