3d Printer
Recent papers in 3d Printer
"Technical progress in the open-source self replicating rapid prototyper (RepRap) community has enabled a distributed form of additive manufacturing to expand rapidly using polymer-based materials. However, the lack of an open-source... more
In order to assist researchers explore the full potential of distributed recycling of post-consumer polymer waste, this article describes a recyclebot, which is a waste plastic extruder capable of making commercial quality 3-D printing... more
Each printing method and the materials used for prototype construction have distinct advantages and drawbacks. A large part of the 3D printer producers indicates high printing accuracy (positioning accuracies from 100 µm up to 1 µm and... more
El principal objetivo del presente trabajo será proporcionar al traductor una herramienta que le ayude a cubrir sus necesidades terminológicas cuando tenga que hacer frente a una traducción técnica, en particular, de fichas técnicas de... more
A prototipagem rápida pode auxiliar na redução do tempo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Entretanto, estudos comparativos entre diferentes tecnologias existentes ainda estão escassos na literatura. Na tentativa de sanar esta lacuna,... more
Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing is used for demanding applications in industries such as aerospace. However, machine-specific, optimized process conditions and parameters are required to assure consistent part quality. In... more
Las áreas de tecnología ofrecen de manera inalámbrica y eficiente, un sistema de comunicación Li-Fi (que es la transmisión de datos a través de la iluminación) mediante sistemas ópticos para el envío de datos a través de una lámpara LED... more
Additive manufacturing has spread widely over the past decade, especially with the availability of home 3D printers. In the future, many items may be manufactured at home, which raises two ethical issues. First, there are questions of... more
Automation is the key in reducing the repetitive and banal tasks of everyday life', the oft-quoted aphorism best portrays our effort at making a humanoid hand for tasks that require dexterity of fingers in situations where time and effort... more
This paper focuses on to convert photographs into embossed 3D models and then bring them to life using a 3D printer. A Lithophane is a 3-dimensional generation of a 2-dimensional image and 3D representation of a photo can be seen only... more
A non-equiatomic AlCoCr0.75Cu0.5FeNi alloy has been identified as a potential high strength alloy, whose microstructure and consequently properties can be widely varied. In this research, the phase structure, hardness, and magnetic... more
This paper investigates 3D printing technology in a broad perspective by having a close look at its evolution, current and potential applications, and possible implications in both micro and macro levels. It also discusses existing and... more
Canon printer lbp2900b driver download full for the following operating system like windows 7, windows 8, windows 10, windows 10 32 bit, windows 10 64 bit, windows XP, macOS, Mac & Linux. These description written by driver-canon.net
A remarkable developing world of three-dimensional printing in recent years and this is due to the human needs of it in many areas of life, it is used in industry, medicine, electronics, entertainment ... etc. Compared to other fields... more
How to install the Printer will not take a long time. Just enter the Driver CD, install the program, follow the instructions and connect the Printer to the computer, after connecting the Printer is ready for use. Very easy right? This... more
The combination of open-source software and hardware provide technically feasible methods to create low-cost, highly-customized scientific research equipment. Open-source 3-D printers have proven useful for fabricating scientific tools.... more
Özet Gerçekleştrilen çalışmada, bir yazıcı tasarımı yapmak ve tasarlanan üç boyutlu yazıcıda doluluk oranının mekanik özellikler üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç kapsamında kartezyen tipi açık kaynaklı bir üç boyutlu... more
ÖZ İnsanoğlu varoluşundan itibaren yaşamını sürdürmek için çeşitli ürünler tasarlamış ve üretmiştir. Bu üretimler her disiplin için kendi geleneksel süreci içerisinde, zamanla geliştirilerek bugünkü haline ulaşmıştır. 3 Boyutlu Baskı... more
This poster shows the steps of how to reverse engineer and objet using laser scanner till a solid model is generated
Making low cost 3D printer less than 15% of market price.and also make portable and user friendly 3D printer
Now a day, the 3D printing is an increasingly commercially used technology. A crucial section of 3D printing is for providing the printer with printable content if possible, which is achieved by using reels of plastic filament, the most... more
La Realtà aumentata in spazi pubblici Il presente manuale è rivolto ad appassionati e sperimentatori in campo visivo che inten- dano acquisire le competenze per la realizzazione di performance di video mapping. Lo si è fatto rientrare... more
Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия гуманитарного образования с инженерно-техническим. Раскрываются особенности взаимовлияния и взаимозависимости предметов гуманитарного цикла (истории) в основной общей школе с математическими... more
"Open-Source Lab: How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Scientific Research Costs details the development of the free and open-source hardware revolution. The combination of open-source 3D printing and open-source microcontrollers... more
3D Printing, which is an automated production process that allows for layer by layer control, has surged in popularity in recent years. For decades, the technology has been utilized in the manufacturing industry, and it is currently being... more
The recent development of the RepRap, an open-source self-replicating rapid prototyper, has made 3-D polymer-based printers readily available to the public at low costs (<$500). The resultant uptake of 3-D printing technology enables for... more
The open source introduction of fused filament fabrication (FFF) enables distributed manufacturing of consumer products. However, with a wide range of low-cost FFF 3-D printers and settings possible, there is a lack of information on the... more
This study analyzes a low-cost reliable real-time optimal monitoring platform for fused filament fabrication-based open source 3-D printing. An algorithm for reconstructing 3-D images from overlapping 2-D intensity measurements with... more
3D printing has been admired as a cutting-edge technology, which will change manufacturing [1]. Recent advances in bioprinting technologies have enabled rapid manufacturing of medical models in many fields and areas. Recently in the... more
Arduino open-source microcontrollers are well known in sensor applications for scientific equipment and for controlling RepRap 3D printers. Recently low-cost open-source gas metal arc weld (GMAW) RepRap 3D printers have been developed.... more
Syringe pumps are widely used in a multitude of tasks where precise volumes of an extru-date need to be delivered at a specific flow rate. In the past decade various open source syringe pump designs have accelerated scientific research... more
To overcome the challenge of upcycling plastic waste into 3D printing filament in the distributed recycling and additive manufacturing systems, this study designs, builds, tests and validates an open source filament diameter sensor for... more
Pressure vessels are widely used in industries for processing and storing fluids which are at different temperature and pressure in analogous to ambient. The design of these pressure vessels become the most paramount factor as any... more
UC Berkeley Architecture Thesis
The open-source release of self-replicating rapid prototypers (RepRaps) has created a rich opportunity for low-cost distributed digital fabrication of complex 3-D objects such as scientific equipment. For example, 3-D printable... more
Open source 3d printing technology opens the door for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as freelancers to take on industry challenges so far reserved for large companies. Production on demand is economically viable thanks to this... more
Slot die coating is growing in popularity because it is a low operational cost and easily scaled processing technique for depositing thin and uniform films rapidly, while minimizing material waste. The complex inner geometry of... more
As facilitators of 3D printer workshops, the authors developed a survey to gage how the printers are actually being used and whether they support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) requirements, especially in regard to... more
Research project about 3D printers
Purpose – A low-cost, open source, self-replicating rapid prototyper (RepRap) has been developed, which greatly expands the potential user base of rapid prototypers. The operating cost of the RepRap can be further reduced using waste... more