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Abstract—CAMTUAL: An interactive mobile app to research fundamental aspects of deep learning technologies to support Smartphones users a 2D-to-3D automatic converter using smartphones built-in cameras. The whole idea inspired by MagicToon... more
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      Computer VisionVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Motion estimationDepth of Focus
Sign language is a kind of language which is primary used for the deaf and hard of hearing and also used for those who are unable to physically speak. Sign language is only understood by a small percentage of the population. There is a... more
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      American Sign LanguageHand Gesture RecognitionConvolutional Neural Networks
Background In recent years, deep learning has gained remarkable attention in medical image analysis due to its capacity to provide results comparable to specialists and, in some cases, surpass them. Despite the emergence of deep learning... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningGastroenterologyComputational Intelligence
In computer networks, transmitted traffic between origin-destination nodes has been considered a crucial factor in traffic engineering applications. To date, measuring the traffic directly in high load networks is difficult due to high... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningDeep LearningTraffic Matrix
This article is under consideration at Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
This paper considers the problem of fine-grained image recognition with a growing vocabulary. Since in many real world applications we often have to add a new object category or visual concept with just a few images to learn from, it is... more
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      Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Incremental learningConvolutional Neural Networks
In recent years, impressive attention has been given for mining the publically available huge amount of data to gain situational awareness, which may help in preventing or decrease the effect of some disaster by taking the correct... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceData MiningTurkish LanguageText Classification
A series of recent findings strengthened the case for the preventive wearing of masks. Face masks are very important utility in eliminating spread of Covid-19 by blocking droplets. The prevailing logical sentiment says covers are... more
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      Deep LearningObject DetectionConvolutional Neural NetworksgoogLeNet
A quick and precise crop leaf disease detection is important to increasing agricultural yield in a sustainable manner. We present a comprehensive overview of recent research in the field of crop leaf disease prediction using image... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
One of the most important phase in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic is to effectively scanning people suspected of being infected. Radiology images of COVID-19 and other lung diseases like bacterial pneumonia, viral... more
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      X RaysDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networkscovid-19 detection
We are surrounded by sounds, we hear various types of sounds on a day to day basis whether it is music sound, different noises, etc. The urban life is filled with such sounds, which makes it important and highly useful for us to work on... more
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      MFCCArtificial Neural NetworksDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
There are numerous applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the management of civil infrastructure assets. A few examples include routine bridge inspections, disaster management, power line surveillance and traffic surveying. As... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceImagingObject Recognition (Computer Vision)
Contrary to common methods of authorship attribution, by implementing a multi convolutional layer structure, we are able to reduce training time drastically while maintaining relatively high accuracy. Despite all this, the training of the... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingMachine LearningAuthorship Attribution
In this paper, we present an investigation on technical details of the byte-level convolutional layer which replaces the conventional linear word projection layer in the neural language model. In particular, we discuss and compare the... more
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    • Convolutional Neural Networks
The aim of image (photo) based emotion recognition system emotion is to detect and classify the emotion from the human face from an image. The automatic system mainly has two components that is extraction of facial feature and... more
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      Emotion RecognitionFeature ExtractionConvolutional Neural Networks
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is an extensive research field in image processing and pattern recognition. Traditional character recognition methods cannot distinguish a character or a word from a scanned image. This paper proposes a... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingMachine Learning
The COVID-19 virus, exactly like in numerous other diseases, can be contaminated from person to person by inhalation. In order to prevent the spread of this virus, which led to a pandemic around the world, a series of rules have been set... more
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      Masks & FacesLSTMConvolutional Neural NetworksBiLSTM
Face recognition is one of the important biometric authentication research areas for security purposes in many fields such as pattern recognition and image processing. However, the human face recognitions have the major problem in machine... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyTechnology
In this paper, we present an approach based on convolutional neural networks to build an automatic speech recognition system for the Amazigh language. This system is built with TensorFlow and uses mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC)... more
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      Speech RecognitionDeep LearningSpectrogramMel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient
In a factory production line, different industry parts need to be quickly differentiated and sorted for further process. Parts can be of different colors and shapes. It is tedious for humans to differentiate and sort these objects in... more
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      Image ProcessingCNNFeature ExtractionEfficiency
In this paper, an initial work of a research is discussed which is to teach young autistic children recognizing human facial expression with the help of computer vision and image processing. This paper mostly discusses the initial work of... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersFacial expressionConvolutional Neural Networks
Prostate cancer is the second biggest cause of mortality in men, according to statistics. It's said to be a slow-growing malignancy that doesn't exhibit symptoms until it's advanced. Over the last few years, numerous studies on AI... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceProstate CancerDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
This paper presents the proposal for the identification of residential equipment in non-intrusive load monitoring systems. The system is based on a Convolutional Neural Network to classify residential equipment. As inputs to the system,... more
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      Non-intrusive Load MonitoringConvolutional Neural Networks
one of the most common malignant tumors in the world today is lung cancer, and it is the primary cause of death from cancer. With the continuous advancement of urbanization and industrialization, the problem of air pollution has become... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningMedical Image ProcessingTransfer Learning
The paper focuses on the problem of raw data fusion in neural networks based 3D object detection architectures. Here we consider the case of autonomous driving with data from camera and LiDAR sensors. Understanding the vehicle... more
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      PerceptionVerification and ValidationDeep LearningMulti Sensor Data Fusion
The investigation of applying Deep Learning algorithm in order to validate the astronomers' first step which is looking for interesting objects in a binary classification problem of determining what is real and what is not in the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingArtificial Neural NetworksAstroinformatics
—The current document blur/quality estimation algorithms rely on the OCR accuracy to measure their success. A sharp document image, however, at times may yield lower OCR accuracy owing to factors independent of blur or quality of capture.... more
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      Computer VisionDocument Image AnalysisConvolutional Neural Networks
The current Document Image Quality Assessment (DIQA) algorithms directly relate the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) accuracies with the quality of the document to build supervised learning frameworks. This direct correlation has two... more
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      Computer VisionDocument Image AnalysisSpatial FrequencyConvolutional Neural Networks
Hand gestures are a natural way for human-robot interaction. Vision based dynamic hand gesture recognition has become a hot research topic due to its various applications. This paper presents a novel deep learning network for hand gesture... more
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      Transfer LearningHand Gesture RecognitionConvolutional Neural Networkslong short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks
The face mask is an essential sanitaryware in daily lives growing during the pandemic period and is a big threat to current face recognition systems. The masks destroy a lot of details in a large area of face, and it makes it difficult to... more
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      Face Recognition (Engineering)CNNDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
The E-Commerce industry is a new way of shopping. Most manufacturers prefer to sell their products on E-commerce websites because of low maintenance and high returns. This paper highlights the application of data science and deep learning... more
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      Reinforcement LearningDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
This paper describes the implementation of CNN (Convolution Neural Network) based Optical Character Recognition System for Nepali Language, a commonlyspoken language in Nepal. The system has beendeveloped in python using Keras[1] library... more
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      Deep LearningOptical Character RecognitionConvolutional Neural Networks
Face recognition technologiesstate of play & technological frontiers Nowadays a simple image of our face could reveal a lot more about us than we would like people to know. This is possible thanks to facial recognition technologies (FRT)... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputer VisionFacial RecognitionMachine Learning
Dog breed identification problem has many inter-class similarities and makes it difficult to classify or identify dogs which have similarities, we have about 130 different dog breeds and they are identified by convolutional neural network... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
Adding to the literature on the data-driven detection of bid-rigging cartels, we propose a novel approach based on deep learning (a subfield of artificial intelligence) that flags cartel participants based on their pairwise bidding... more
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      Machine LearningDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
— In this paper, we propose a multi-modal search engine for interior design that combines visual and textual queries. The goal of our engine is to retrieve interior objects, e.g. furniture or wall clocks, that share visual and aesthetic... more
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningMultimedia Indexing and SearchingVisual Search
Alzheimer’s Disease is a severe neurological brain disorder. It destroys brain cells causing people to lose their memory, mental functions and ability to continue daily activities. Alzheimer’s Disease is not curable, but earlier detection... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedical ImagingMachine LearningMedical Image Processing
In general, agriculture is the backbone of India and also plays an important role in Indian economy by providing a certain percentage of domestic product to ensure the food security. But now-a-days, food production and prediction is... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningSupervised machine learningCrop Yield Prediction
At the conclusion of Our Undemocratic Constitution, Sanford Levinson asks the American people to call a new constitutional convention. Levinson's critics dismissed this call as fanciful, not least because of the assumption that the... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingMachine Learning
COVID-19 epidemic has affected our daily life disturbing the world trade and transport. Wearing a face mask has become a new necessity for safety. In the near future, many institutions will ask the customers to wear masks to avail of... more
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      Convolutional Neural NetworksConvolutional Neural Network [CNN]Tensorflow
In the last decade, market financial forecasting has attracted high interests amongst the researchers in pattern recognition. Usually, the data used for analysing the market, and then gamble on its future trend, are provided as time... more
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      Financial ForecastingConvolutional Neural Networksensemble of CNNs
Natural Language Processing with a combination of Neural Network methods such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that is included in the Deep Learning method and carries out a repetitive learning process to get the best representation... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningTwitterText Classification
Nowadays, advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in machine and deep learning, present new opportunities to build tools that support the work of specialists in areas apparently far from the information technology field. One... more
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      EgyptologyArtificial IntelligenceEgyptian LinguisticsEgyptian Hieroglyphs
This survey paper encapsulates the various deep learning algorithms employed on video data. Scarce of research has been conducted for classification, clustering and tagging the videos in social networks such as YouTube, Facebook. Instead... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnology
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
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      MedicineDeep LearningDiabetic RetinopathyRetinal Image processing
In recent years, handwritten digits recognition has been an important area due to its applications in several fields. This work is focus-ing on the recognition part of handwritten Arabic digits recognition that face several challenges,... more
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      Handwriting Recognition (Computer Vision)Deep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
Convolution Neural Network is a deep learning method that is broadly used for image classification, image recognition, object detection, etc. •In this project, we will see how CNN’s can be used for image classification. For this, the... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningCNNDeep Learning
3D convolution neural networks (CNNs) have shown excellent predictive performance on tasks such as action recognition from videos. Since 3D CNNs have unique characteristics and extremely high compute/memory-overheads, executing them on... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Networks
In each and every field there is a need of maintaining attendance management system. The system will maintain a log details of each and every in their respective field. From past few years Automatic Face Recognition (AFR) technologies... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyComputer Science EducationImage Processing