Recent papers in 1453
Το κυρίως άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε στο http://www.corfu-museum.gr/index.php/el/58-historic-notes/265-t Περισσότερα άρθρα για την ιστορία της Κέρκυρας http://www.corfu-museum.gr/index.php/el/
Description of the life and action of Genoese military captain Giovanni Giustiniani Longo, who defended -as protostrator of the Byzantine army- Constantinople in 1453 against the Ottomans of Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror (detailed... more
Siliceous mesoporous materials with pores of ordered 2-D hexagonal structure were successfully prepared without hydrothermal treatment from condensation-polymerization of various concentration of quaternary ammonium salt as structure... more
Chronicle on the siege and conquest of Constantinople.
Erdogan's attempt to please the extremists would, in turn, create more and more Alpine Trumps
This talk presents some aspects of a larger research now in "Dante, il Profeta e il Libro" (L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), now in Dante, the Bull and the Holy Book of Islam. Vizualising the Qu'ran for a new interpretation of Filippino... more
The effect of cold isostatic pressing (CIP) on the sinterability of a laboratory synthesized hydroxyapatite (HA) powder was investigated. The starting powder was initially uniaxially diepressed at about 6 kN force to form disk and... more
Bu patent PVA, PEG, PPG gibi polimer malzemeyi ve tercihan borik asit vb bir bor bileşiği belirli oranlarda karıştırıp reaksiyon ürünü hibrit polimeri 400-700 oC kalsinasyon ve 1000-1600 oC sinterleme işlemine tabi tutarak bor karbür... more
A new framework type LixNi2(MoO4) 3 [0 ≤ x ≤ 4] polyanion compound was synthesized via a glycine-nitrate soft-combustion process at low temperature. The annealed powders were characterized by XRD to confirm the phase formation of the... more
"La Flagellazione di Piero della Francesca è uno dei quadri più straordinari della pittura occidentale. È anche un enigma, che molti hanno tentato invano di risolvere. Oggi, dopo anni di ricerche, Silvia Ronchey propone una tesi... more
The objective of this work is to utilize a low-grade synthetic rutile to produce high-grade titania nanoparticles. Due to the nature of the precursor, the hydrothermal method needs modification in order to accommodate the precursors and... more
"Mesoporous silica is an important material which has various industrial applications. Currently, it is produced from precursors that are costly. In this paper, the successful preparation of siliceous mesoporous materials MCM-41 with... more
The effect of sintering temperature on the sinterability of synthesized nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (HA) was investigated. The starting powder was synthesized via a novel wet chemical route. HA green compacts were prepared and sintered... more
One-dimensional CuO nanocrystals with spindly structure were successfully synthesized using pulsed wire explosion technique in deionized water. By modulating the exploding medium temperature spherical Cu nanoparticles and one-dimensional... more
A new framework type LixNi2(MoO4) 3 [0 ≤ x ≤ 4] polyanion compound was synthesized via a glycine-nitrate soft-combustion process at low temperature. The annealed powders were characterized by XRD to confirm the phase formation of the... more