Hasan Hanafi
Recent papers in Hasan Hanafi
Oleh: Rastiyani Nur Faridatul Khasanah (16040411) Rifqotul Mardhiyah (16040414) Siti Suryani Fatmasari (16040436) Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtida'iyah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sunan Pandanaran Pendahuluan Ilmu kalam... more
The aim of this paper is to research the etymology and different definitions of the term of Occidentalism. Occidentalism, in its broadest meaning, is the reverse of Orientalism; just as Orientalism is a Western reading of the East,... more
Doğu ile Batı arasındaki ontolojik ve epistemolojik ayırıma dayalı düşünme biçimi olarak tanımlanan oryantalizm terimi ile kendisini oryantalizm üzerinden konumlandırıp Doğulular’ın Batı’yla ilgili incelemelerini karşılayan oksidentalizm... more
ABSTRAK E-commerce merupakan salah satu dari perkembangan teknologi dan internet. Yaitu sebuah layanan internet yang dimanfaatkan untuk jual-beli secara online. E-commerce atau Perdagangan elektronik adalah penyebaran, pembelian,... more
Hasan Hanafī is often described as leading and original reformer of Arab thought, renovator of the Islamic cultural heritage (turāth) and advocate of political freedom. But these categorizations are based on insufficient analyses of his... more
Die Krise der Identität gehört zu dem Kernstück der westlichen sowie islamischen Philosophie. Das heißt, dass „Es als logisches und metaphysisch-ontologisches Problem älter als der Identitätsbegriff selbst sei.“ Platons These zur... more
In this illustrated presentation, Dr. Tamara Albertini (University of Hawai ‘i at Manoa) explores contemporary Arab philosophy. She focuses on Hasan Hanafi, Egypt’s premier philosopher, and his notion of the “Arab City” that she... more
Bold Transmutations: Rereading Hasan Hana on Fiqh CAROOL KERSTEN study of religion by relying on other scholarly specializations such as Translation Studies, this article attempts to apply the achievements made in that relatively new eld... more
Recibido: enero 2012 Aceptado: marzo 2012 RESUMEN Traducción comentada de tres artículos de opinión escritos por el destacado filósofo egipcio Hasan Hánafi. Fueron publicados en el periódico cairota independiente Al-Masry al-Youm,... more
Dramatic political events involving Muslims across the world have put Islam under increased scrutiny. However, the focus of this attention is generally limited to the political realm and often even further confined by constrictive views... more