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2011, Procedia Engineering
7 pages
1 file
Hydrodynamics plays an important role in swimming. Recently, swimsuits have been aggressively marketed, principally as a means for reducing the skin friction component of the total drag, thereby conferring a competitive advantage over other swimmers. Currently a range of swimsuits are available in the market however their aerodynamic data is hardly available in the public domain. Additionally, there is no standard methodology for the evaluation of hydrodynamic performance of swimsuits. The primary purpose of this work is to evaluate the hydrodynamic properties of a series of swimsuits at a macroscopic level. A standard cylindrical methodology has been developed in wind tunnel measurement of aero/hydrodynamic properties (drag and lift). Current production swimsuits including Diana and Spalding have been tested. All tests were conducted at a range of speeds. The findings indicate that there is a notable variation in aerodynamic properties among swimsuits.
Procedia Engineering, 2011
In competitive swimming, every moment is important and counted. Professional swimmers attempt to utilize every possible legal means to enhance their performance. Using modern swimsuits, swimmers endeavor to reduce hydrodynamic drag thereby get competitive advantage. However, the hydrodynamic contribution of the swimsuits is not well studied and fully understood. The primary objective of this work is to the study aero/hydrodynamic behavior of a range of commercial swimsuits. Both aero/hydrodynamic and microscopic measurements were undertaken. The analyzed data indicate that the swimsuit surface structure has significant effect on aero/hydrodynamic properties especially on drag.
Procedia Engineering, 2010
Swimsuit is believed to play an important role in swimmer's performance. In competitive swimming (national, world and Olympic events) it is usually a very short winning time margins that often requires the help of advanced technology to determine the time difference between the winner and loser. Almost over 90% of swimmer's energy is spent to overcome hydrodynamic resistance during forward motion. Hence, the swimsuits might play an important role in reducing the hydrodynamic resistance and its associated energy loss during the swimming and can contribute positively to the final outcome. Development of efficient swimsuits is an on going process and the performance of swimsuit is believed to be getting better progressively. Currently, swimsuit manufacturers spend huge resources to design swimsuits using new materials and techniques. Very often swimsuit manufacturers claim and counterclaim about the performance of the swimsuits. However, there is no independent study that can verify these claims and counter claims. This paper describes a hydrodynamics comparative evaluation of two commercially available swimsuits and their role that might be played in swimsuit aerodynamics.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2012
The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of wearing a swimsuit on swimmer's passive drag. A computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried out to determine the hydrodynamic drag of a female swimmer's model (i) wearing a standard swimsuit; (ii) wearing a last generation swimsuit and; (iii) with no swimsuit, wearing light underwear. The three-dimensional surface geometry of a female swimmer's model with different swimsuit/underwear was acquired through standard commercial laser scanner. Passive drag force and drag coefficient were computed with the swimmer in a prone position. Higher hydrodynamic drag values were determined when the swimmer was with no swimsuit in comparison with the situation when the swimmer was wearing a swimsuit. The last generation swimsuit presented lower hydrodynamic drag values, although very similar to standard swimsuit. In conclusion, wearing a swimsuit could positively influence the swimmer's hydrodynamics, especially reducing the pressure drag component.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2002
Comparison of buoyancy, passive and net active drag forces between Fastskin TM and standard swimsuits. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 5 (2): 115-123.
Anatolia Antiqua, 2023
Bobou, O., Healey, J. & Raja, R. (2023). "Revisiting Edessa’s Funerary Portrait Habit", Anatolia Antiqua XXXI, 1-52.
L'hagiographe et l'histoire Lectures d'un passage des Actes de lyasus Mo'a ..
Zaman cepat berubah. Setidaknya sejak lima tahun terakhir, kita telah menyaksikan betapa inovasi muncul dalam berbagai rupa. Banyak dari rupa inovasi yang terjadi telah membantu masyarakat untuk menjalani hidupnya dengan lebih baik. Sebagai contoh, sebut saja transportasi online yang telah dirasakan banyak masyarakat membantu menerjang kemacetan lalu lintas ibu kota dengan lebih efisien. Namun, kita juga tidak boleh menutup mata dengan fakta bahwa masih terdapat dampak tidak terduga yang terkadang membawa efek kurang baik bagi masyarakat. Keadaan ini, misalnya, dapat kita temui pada efek tidak terduga bocornya data pribadi pengguna saat melakukan transaksi melalui layanan teknologi finansial. Dengan berbagai dinamika ini, wajar jika banyak pihak yang mulai bertanya-tanya tentang inovasi dan perubahan-perubahan yang dibawanya. Darimana inovasi-inovasi ini muncul? Apakah kemunculan inovasi selalu dapat bersanding guyub untuk hidup bersama dengan masyarakat? Jika tidak, apakah ini berarti bahwa para inovator telah gagal menciptakan inovasi yang mampu menjawab ekspektasi masyarakat? Ataukah justru keadaan ini menunjukkan betapa gagapnya masyarakat untuk hidup bersama dengan inovasi? Jika memang masyarakat gagap, lalu “kejutan” apalagi yang akan dibawa oleh inovasi inovasi ini? Bagaimana kemudian masyarakat harus bersikap? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut, CIPG melakukan kajian terhadap beberapa inovasi yang selama ini telah “hidup bersama” dengan masyarakat. Secara keseluruhan, kami membahas sembilan studi kasus: 1. Media sosial 2. Coworking space 3. Transportasi dalam jaringan (daring) 4. Revolusi Industri 4.0 5. Teknologi finansial 6. E-dagang 7. Kota pintar 8. Open data, open government 9. Inovasi di bidang linkungan Dengan melakukan studi pustaka, kami melakukan analisis tentang kelahiran inovasi-inovasi tersebut. Seperti yang kita tahu, inovasi tidak secara tiba-tiba “turun dari langit”, banyak faktor yang memengaruhi dinamika kehadiran inovasi di tengah masyarakat. Pada penelitian ini, kami membagi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kelahiran inovasi menjadi empat bagian, yaitu teknologi, ekonomi, politik, dan lingkungan.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This Article explores the potential value of insurance as a substitute for government regulation of safety. Successful regulation of behavior requires information in setting standards, licensing conduct, verifying outcomes, and assessing remedies. In various areas, the private insurance sector has technological advantages in collecting and administering the information relevant to setting standards and could outperform the government in creating incentives for optimal behavior We explore several areas that are regulated more by private insurance than by government. In those areas, the role of the law diminishes to the administration of simple rules of absolute liability or no liability, and affected parties turn to insurers for both risk coverage and safety instructions. This Article examines the methods used in regulation-through-insurance, and then explores the potential regulatory role of insurance in additional, yet unutilized, areas: (1) consumer protection, (2) food safety and (3) financial statements.
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Program, 2015
Pattern mining is a term used in the pattern community to describe the process of identifying or discovering patterns. To identify new patterns, usually an informal or ad hoc process of finding patterns (e.g., in existing software systems) is used. This paper reflects on lessons learned and methods used regarding the integration of software pattern mining with qualitative research methods during our work on a pattern language for process-driven and service-oriented architectures (SOAs). This pattern language aims at closing the conceptual gap between business architecture and software architecture with a focus on process-driven solutions. In this paper we emphasize the notion of understanding patterns as sociological phenomena of problem solving behavior. We further introduce a systematic approach for pattern mining based Glaserian Grounded Theory techniques. This approach has been applied for mining the pattern language for process-driven SOAs. This work may also contribute to a better empirical grounding of software pattern mining. We will illustrate our approach using the pattern language for process-driven SOAs as a pattern mining case study.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Lingkungan Kebumian SATU BUMI, 2024
Los otros zapatismos, 2022
Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2014
International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies (I.J.S.S.M.S.) Peer Reviewed–Refereed Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, Ex - UGC S.N. 5351. ISSN : 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 9, No. – 2, March – 2023, Conference Special Issue English 3rd , 2023
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2005
ΑΕΜΘ 8,, 1994
International centre for collaborative research -Journal of nursing research (ICCR-JNR), 2021
Journal of Health Economics, 2014
Research Management Institute (RMI), 2009
Al-HikmanJournal of Educational. , 2020