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"Le Flambeau", 2016
Une visite à la chapelle Saint-Grat du hameau de Vulmix, village rural de Bourg-Saint-Maurice, en Tarentaise (F), fut l'occasion pour constater directement l'histoire de l'inventio de la relique de la tête de saint Jea-Baptiste, peinte vers 1460 par Giacomino d'Ivrea, mais aussi de voir un curieux reliquaire de la seconde moitié di XIX siècle contenant une relique de Saint-Grat donnée par l'évêque d'Aoste Joseph-Auguste Duc. On reconsidère l'iconographie de Saint-Grat.
Several reasons motivate our choice of a Paul Guimard's novel, often forgotten today; an inportant particularity of the guimardien style is linked to the space-time category, almost all the themes of his writing are generated by the presence of a space apparently common but who eventually justifies its importance in the plot and characters configuration.
Les Cahiers de l'AARS, 2006
Cahiers de la Réserve Naturelle de Sainte-Victoire, 2022
Résumé : Les dinosauriens de la Réserve Naturelle de Sainte-Victoire sont surtout représentés par la découverte de leurs oeufs depuis les années 1940. Cependant, des ossements furent également mis au jour à la fin des années 1980, quelques années avant le classement du territoire en réserve naturelle nationale. Cet article fait le point sur l’histoire des découvertes d’ossements fossilisés sur le territoire avec, notamment, Variraptor mechinorum. Puis, sont présentés les résultats des premières fouilles méthodiques menées par le Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle d’Aix-en-Provence dans les années 2010. L’ensemble des restes osseux collectés est attribué à trois taxons, scientifiquement publiés ou non : Variraptor, Rhabdodon et un titanosaurien indéterminé. Ces dinosauriens sont décrits de manière détaillée et sont comparés aux autres représentants de leurs familles respectives. Ces descriptions anatomiques sont accompagnées d’anecdotes et présentent les implications scientifiques liées à leur découverte vis-à-vis des autres spécimens connus en Provence ou des autres régions fossilifères du Sud de l’Europe. Abstract : Dinosaurs from the Réserve Naturelle de Sainte-Victoire are mainly represented by the discoveries of their eggs since the 1940s. However, fossilized bones were also brougth to light at the end of the 1980s, a few years before the designation of the territory as a national natural reserve. This article reviews the history of the discoveries of fossil bones on the territory of the reserve, including those of Variraptor mechinorum. Then, the results of the first systematic excavations conducted by the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle d’Aix-en-Provence in the 2010s are presented. The whole of the collected remains are attributed to three taxa, scientifically published or not: Variraptor, Rhabdodon and an indeterminate titanosaur. These dinosaurs are described in detail and are compared with other representatives of their respective families. These anatomical descriptions are complemented by anecdotes and present the scientific implications linked to their discovery, with respect to the other specimens known in Provence or the other fossiliferous regions of southern Europe.
The marine erosion of the site “la Pointe du Helleux” in 1997 requires new excavations, which provide a lot of faunal. remains (Vertebrates and Crustaceans) from Suazan Troumassoïd ceramic period. The study of those remains contributes to, a methodological approach in sampling, and also in investigating the human installation in the East part of Grande-Terre. The exhaustiveness, the representation, and the signification of the samples from the refuse area where analysed through several zooarchaeological methods. The specific choices of the population and its exploitation of the fishing or hunting and gathering locations, the management of the territory were deduced from those analyses
Caietele Echinox, 2020
Over the past few decades, cultural studies have embraced concepts and methodologies set forth by the new fields of inquiry brought about by the “spatial turn”. These new disciplines combine knowledge from the domains of geography and literature in an interdisciplinary way. In my paper I propose to go beyond this dialogue between disciplines to the roots of both geographical and literary representations, that is, I aim to discuss the geographical imaginary. Resorting to concepts from the theory of fictional worlds, I will make a distinction between “realistic” or “mimetic” geographies, “symbolic” geographies, “fictional geographies”, and “allegorical” geographies. I am primarily interested in symbolic geographies and the non-empirical criteria which produced, especially during ancient, medieval and early modern times, cartographical and literary representations of the world that might appear to be fantastical nowadays, but that were nonetheless considered adequate in their respectiv...
CAEU Med ALI éditions, SFAX 3027, 2016
L'objectif de cette recherche est : - d'identifier et situer ces hommes dans leur contexte historique, étudier leurs actions religieuses et sociales, analyser leurs récits biographiques et hagiographiques et la vénération dont ils ont fait l'objet. - d'étudier les monuments auxquels ils sont liés (mausolée, mosquée funéraire, zaouïa'...) et de répondre aux nombreuses questions que posent leur identification et leur chronologie par recoupement avec les données architecturales. Nous pensons qu'elle aura contribué à identifier ces saints et les monuments qui abritent leurs sépultures. En outre, elle aura porté un éclairage sur la question de la sainteté et l'image des saints dans les régions rurales entre mythe et réalité ainsi que l'instrumentalisation du religieux et son imbrication au politique à l'époque médiévale en Ifriqiya.
Lot of geolocalizated trajectories are produced a nd available but their exploitation to extract interesting information remains difficul t. The obstacle we address here is the poor quality of some of these data: very irregular sampl ing and poor precision. We propose to transpose them into symbolic representations to per form treatments such as the application of data mining methods: extraction of patterns, associ ation rules, clustering, etc. This transposition should avoid as much as possible to r ely on a priori threshold values so that the same method applies regardless of the nature of mov ing objects. In this paper, we propose to use the SAX method (Symbolic Aggregate approXimatio n) for the symbolic representation of moving objects trajectories. SAX is used to represe nt a series of one-dimensional numerical values by a series of symbolic values automatically determined in relation to the distribution of numerical values. We present two applications of SAX to moving objects ...
Revista Farol, 2017
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Critical Sociology, 2024
Hikuin, 2002
La Cappella di Nostra Signora delle Vigne a Genova, 2018
Journal of Anxiety & Depression, 2019
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014
International Journal of Language Studies, 2013
International Journal of Construction Management, 2020
International Orthopaedics, 2012
caspian journal of environmental sciences, 2018
Brain Research, 1999
Current Research in Medical Sciences, 2022
International Surgery Journal, 2019
Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2009
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2022
Neuro-Oncology, 2014
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2003